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The X Button - Children of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus

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Joined: 09 Aug 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 10:42 am Reply with quote
I can't wait for that card to be released, so I don't have to risk damage to my small collection of Saturn titles (especially Cotton 2 and Boomerang) and I don't want to pay the astronomical prices for Radiant Silvergun either.
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Joined: 23 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 11:55 am Reply with quote
I still consider shadow of the colossus to be the closest thing to a perfect game (few gameplay issue, one bad boss, some framerate problem), it really follow the excellent idea that something is finish not when there are no more pieces to add, but when there are no more to remove.
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Joined: 26 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 12:52 pm Reply with quote
meiam wrote:
it really follow the excellent idea that something is finish not when there are no more pieces to add, but when there are no more to remove.

"A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 12:57 pm Reply with quote
Naruto Online: Well I guess it was bound to happen. Naruto's popularity has finally led to an MMO. Surprised it took this long. XD

Nintendo 64DD and Sega Saturn: Finding a U.S. version of the canceled N64DD and cracking the complex internal build of the Saturn? Impressive. :0

I Am Setsuna: Another reason to get that PS4, though I've had a few importers tell me the game really isn't that phenomenal overall and that it merely uses the "evokes Chrono Trigger" tagline as a way to sucker people into buying it. I really hope this isn't the case and that these complaints are limited to a small portion of folks.
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Joined: 06 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 2:50 pm Reply with quote
You can watch the video explanation here, but the short of it is that Saturn games may soon be much easier to play and cheaper to enjoy.

Well, emulation of the platform has certainly been a troubled affair thus far. To a greater extent than the N64, I should add.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2016
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 3:00 pm Reply with quote
I still go back and play Bug on my Saturn regularly. The Saturn was the first ever console that I had that was actually mine and not a hand-me-down so I'm pretty attached to it. I also like playing Clockwork Knight still and Panzer Dragoon. I would still play Croc but it only works maybe 5% of the time.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 7:37 pm Reply with quote
If there existed one more blatantly Ico-inspired game for every gore-streaked shooter or chatterbox cinematic RPG, this industry would be better off.

Only if you don't mind engaging in double standards though like most of the people who whine about the current industry being overrun with shooters and annual sports titles (this coming fromthe same people) who grew up back in the 80's and 90's when most of the games coming out were similar feeling/looking platformers, beat'em ups, RPG's, & fighters trying to ape either Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat.
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leafy sea dragon

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 3:39 am Reply with quote
belvadeer wrote:
I Am Setsuna: Another reason to get that PS4, though I've had a few importers tell me the game really isn't that phenomenal overall and that it merely uses the "evokes Chrono Trigger" tagline as a way to sucker people into buying it. I really hope this isn't the case and that these complaints are limited to a small portion of folks.

Startup companies' first projects tend not to be that impressive (except where crowdfunded, and many other things can go wrong if crowdfunded), so I wouldn't be surprised. It's the second project when the company hits its stride, the team learns from mistakes, and they make a much more successful and solid project. A good example is Niantic with Pokémon Go. Sometimes, it's the third project they make, or if they last that long, even later. Of course, more often than not, a company will never produce a smash hit.

But it's rarest, based on my observations, for a company's first release to be very well-received, regardless of what they make.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 2:50 am Reply with quote
leafy sea dragon wrote:
It's the second project when the company hits its stride, the team learns from mistakes, and they make a much more successful and solid project,

Or their third even. I'm not expecting Setsuna to be a masterpiece of perfection, but I want to take a chance on this new IP.
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Joined: 17 Apr 2015
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 3:03 am Reply with quote
BadNewsBlues wrote:
Only if you don't mind engaging in double standards though like most of the people who whine about the current industry being overrun with shooters and annual sports titles (this coming fromthe same people) who grew up back in the 80's and 90's when most of the games coming out were similar feeling/looking platformers, beat'em ups, RPG's, & fighters trying to ape either Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat.

We still complained about the sports titles back then, too. Laughing
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