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Joined: 09 Aug 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 11:26 am Reply with quote
A Jump from B to a C is not a big difference whatsoever in a game that's already T rated in both Japan and the US, but the outfit making the rating jump, come on Japan, you're becoming soft. Something like Medarot: Girls Mission is a big jump compared to this because of the fact that it's part of a franchise for kids..
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Joined: 23 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 11:40 am Reply with quote
I just can't bring myself to be excited for SO5 after 4, the gameplay stuff sounds cool with lots of character and the various role could be cool if there varied enough, sure beat SO3 almost complete lack of customization (although I'm not sure it beat SO2 skill system). But SO 4 story and character were so aggressively bad that I can't trust anything from the franchise anymore. It always was sorta campy and cliché and I could accept that, but SO4 really felt like they were actively trying to make it terrible. "And then the main character is going to go full emo for most of the game, the player will love it!"
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 11:48 am Reply with quote
Yeah I don't see too many people being all that upset if those 3 games Todd mentioned running potentially running like crap on the standard PS4 but running like butter on the upgraded version.

Also Todd getting a Sega Genesis in 96 Razz I got mine in 93 or so along with the Sega CD.....and Sewer Shark Confused
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Joined: 31 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 1:05 pm Reply with quote
Is it an unusual opinion to love the big twist in 3? I found it quite clever and reasonably well-executed.

Welch was just one of the many annoyances in 4; her inclusion is hardly welcome news. Still, it's odd how much I'm looking forward to I&F after absolutely hating TLH so much that when the cat girl showed up, I gave up.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 1:16 pm Reply with quote
Valkyrie Anatomia: Lenneth being voiced by the overused Miyuki Sawashiro instead of her established actress Yumi Touma? Artwork not by either of the Yoshinaris? I can't say this is looking good. But hey, it's a mobile phone title. What am I really expecting here?

Star Ocean 5: According to what I've heard, there are lot of angry reviews regarding the Japanese version with heaps of low ratings in various areas of gameplay and presentation. I shudder to think what our reaction will be. I imagine, just half-jokingly, that we're either going to say it's equally as bad as/worse than Star Ocean 4 or that they don't know what they're doing with this series anymore. Then some angry fans will probably proceed to go into tirades about how nothing will ever match the "excellency of Star Ocean 2" or something to that effect.

By the way, every Welch is a different, unrelated girl who just happens to have the same name and mannerisms.

What a convenient way of saying, "We don't really have a better way to explain her omnipresence in the series." Seriously though, there are multiple Welchs out there? This is one of the worst ideas ever in fiction period. It's like saying they built a robot army and tried to give them all personalities and identities, but they could only think of the same one for all of them. A lot of people have had theories that Welch is a 4D being from Star Ocean 3 (her manner of outfit is similar, just with different colors) and she happens to like our universe game world as much as Blair does, so she places herself in it to enjoy her time there, while being available to join the party in First Departure and Second Evolution as a kind of easter egg character. Adding to that is the fact she's not classified as an Earthling despite looking and acting human, which further lends evidence to the theory that she indeed could be a 4D being. That sounds far more credible to me than convenient multiple Welchs.

You've still got Hrist.

Yes, we do!

And yet they've made her languish in a vacuum all this time. XD

Gotanda-san actually replied that he thought they could do a lot more within the series' framework. He even has ideas for the story that go beyond the end of Star Ocean 3. That's why we opted to start a new “season,” so-to-speak, of Star Ocean. In my mind, this is the first story of a new Star Ocean “season.” It is a challenge to create stories like this, but it is a way for us to both start anew and expand the Star Ocean universe.

Careful there, Gotanda and Kobayashi. The problem that comes up when anyone tries to "expand a universe" for any series is that they usually end up adding superfluous or silly elements that don't tie into the original games well or really have no place in the series' timeline proper. Star Ocean 4 now fits in oddly because Roddick from the first game has an ancestor who predicted what he will eventually go through in the timeline. Star Ocean 3's infamous plot twist is still one of the dumbest things I've ever seen in a video game though, and is ultimately why I consider it separate from the first two games (despite having one of the best battle systems in an RPG). I hate to be a jerk about it, but First Departure and Second Story/Second Evolution are the only games that fit together as far as the subject of properly connected sequels goes for me.

Star Ocean 4's localization had, quite notoriously, a very weak English dub.

Not like it was the voice actors' fault. The script was just plain horrible. I think they did an admirable job given the quality of what they were forced to say (I must iterate switching to the Japanese audio isn't much better for Star Ocean 4; it's very generic-sounding). I feel annoyed that a lot of ignorant people still blame Matt Mercer and the other dub actors for SO4 sounding so bad when it clearly wasn't their fault.

I think that even if you switch between the Japanese and English audio, the two won't feel much different!

I've watched the dub sample trailers and it sounds pretty good to me, so I don't think he has anything to worry about. Of course there will be those purists who will bitch that the English voices are always inferior and will switch to the "superior Japanese audio". Sometimes I think current JRPG fans are just way too spoiled from watching fansubs.

Last edited by belvadeer on Fri Apr 29, 2016 3:14 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 17 May 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 1:28 pm Reply with quote
*Sees Valkyrie Anatomia visual*

Valkyrie with eyes of Blue? New Seto Kaiba support?

NieR: Everything should remain intact considering they're androids unless someone gets petty.


Star Ocean 5:

That's an amusing anecdote, especially considering there's a bit of a hubbub over changing a character's panties.

Kobayashi: Yeah, Japanese users basically interpreted it the wrong way. We just made the undergarments on Miki a little bit bigger.

But Kobayashi, you said back in March with 4Gamer regarding the change that "Recently, there’s been a lot of flak from overseas countries saying that if you put teens in ‘sexual’ underwear it’s not good. So we increased the amount of clothing." How did Japanese folk interpret it the wrong way?

Kobayashi: *laughs* It doesn't affect the game at all, and nobody's talking about it in Japan anymore, either. I would be happy if players enjoyed the game for other reasons besides the underwear.

If it doesn't affect the game then why consort with foreigners and cave to their demands thus changing your original vision of the design? It's one thing to edit the overseas version, but you screwed over your countrymen by changing the design on their version as well, which lead to this reaction: http://i.imgur.com/6D9UHsm.jpg

Edit: I am not showing that image for all to see. I am giving you the option to view that image at your own discretion.

[Edit]: removed provocative image. Keep it nice, comrades. Errinundra.

Last edited by KH91 on Thu Apr 21, 2016 6:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 1:38 pm Reply with quote
Puyo Puyo Tsu is an engaging puzzle game about blobs, Sonic the Hedgehog is the speedy side-scroller that gave Sega its permanent mascot, Fantasy Zone II, Fantasy Zone II W, and the original Fantasy Zone (included as a bonus to be unlocked) are colorful shooters, and Power Drift is an impressive, cartoony racer that predates Mario Kart by a good stretch.

The screen rotation effects on Power Drift are disorienting even by today's standards. As if to recognise such a feature, I recall that the fighter jet from After Burner was even included as a secret vehicle.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 1:52 pm Reply with quote
If all we do is play FPS and TPSes one wonders where games like The Witcher 3 and Batman Arkham Knight which were both localized for Japan came from?
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Joined: 02 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 2:31 pm Reply with quote
Isn't Mini Mario & Friends also coming to Wii U? It's already announced that it will be free to play.
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Joined: 23 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 2:52 pm Reply with quote
Shout-out to Lost Reavers~ I think the free beta/demo they have up ends this coming Tuesday. Definitely give it a try if you have a WiiU, it's been pretty fun.

I think in the long-term, I'm worried the generally uncooperative and overly-competitive western audience won't take well to Lost Reavers......you live or die by the actions of your team the harder the missions get, but at the same time, it doesn't seem bogged down by micro-transactions and is pretty fun for an action game.

The beta has a pretty good amount of content in it, and so long as it get new areas and costumes after launch, it should be a healthy addition to my WiiU's lineup.
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 3:16 pm Reply with quote
LinkTSwordmaster wrote:
Shout-out to Lost Reavers~ I think the free beta/demo they have up ends this coming Tuesday. Definitely give it a try if you have a WiiU, it's been pretty fun.

I think in the long-term, I'm worried the generally uncooperative and overly-competitive western audience won't take well to Lost Reavers......you live or die by the actions of your team the harder the missions get, but at the same time, it doesn't seem bogged down by micro-transactions and is pretty fun for an action game.

The beta has a pretty good amount of content in it, and so long as it get new areas and costumes after launch, it should be a healthy addition to my WiiU's lineup.

Agreed on all fronts here. Lost Reavers starts off a bit slow (it doesn't really become what it's meant to be until you reach Level 10, which takes about 10 or so runs to reach), & I know some people will just tear apart the visuals (yes, the game is nowhere near a visual feat on the Wii U, let alone the PS3 or 360), but I'm having a ton of fun with it. Once you reach Lv 10 the stages become more difficult, and once you hit Lv 15 the game becomes crazy. Enemies constantly respawn, there are occasional mid-bosses that hit hard & take a ton of hits to kill, and teamwork is key at this point. There are even bosses to tackle for extra rewards & experience once you hit Lv 15, but it's recommended that you are somewhere in the 20s before even trying to tackle the bosses.

It's really best to remember that Lost Reavers was conceived & developed by a staff of young & newbie developers at Bandai Namco, which explains the less-than-stellar production value, but the game they came up with is all sorts of awesome in the end. I am looking forward to the full game.
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Joined: 25 Oct 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 3:48 pm Reply with quote
KH91 wrote:

If it doesn't affect the game then why consort with foreigners and cave to their demands thus changing your original vision of the design? It's one thing to edit the overseas version, but you screwed over your countrymen by changing the design on their version as well.


Really .. this whole Pantygate thing .. don't you think its all a bit silly? You had to try really hard to manipulate the camera to get a glance of her panties before. They made her panties a bit more "sensible" and I doubt very much it was ANYTHING to do with western sensibilities. Maybe they thought she might be feeling a little cold??

Like he mentions in the article alot of games just render a mysterious dark region if you try the same trick. I know that FF XIV does that, although admittedly you can strip your character down to their (rather sensible) undergarments if you want to!!
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 5:06 pm Reply with quote
ScruffyKiwi wrote:
Like he mentions in the article alot of games just render a mysterious dark region if you try the same trick. I know that FF XIV does that, although admittedly you can strip your character down to their (rather sensible) undergarments if you want to!!

I wonder if it works differently for different regions as here in the US, FFXIV definitely does not do that. I don't take panty shots myself, as this is the closest thing I have (the pic is SFW). However, a quick Google image search would provide more than enough evidence. Whether you want to go do that or not, I leave up to you.
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Joined: 25 Oct 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 5:17 pm Reply with quote
varmintx wrote:
ScruffyKiwi wrote:
Like he mentions in the article alot of games just render a mysterious dark region if you try the same trick. I know that FF XIV does that, although admittedly you can strip your character down to their (rather sensible) undergarments if you want to!!

I wonder if it works differently for different regions as here in the US, FFXIV definitely does not do that. I don't take panty shots myself, as this is the closest thing I have (the pic is SFW). However, a quick Google image search would provide more than enough evidence. Whether you want to go do that or not, I leave up to you.

No that looks right. I guess you could say that it looks like they wear black bike shorts rather than panties.
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Joined: 25 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 6:47 pm Reply with quote
Star Ocean 5 looks so good to me and having all of the party members go seamlessly into combat sounds really cool since the battle systems have always been fun in the SO games.

It's been great to see some passion from those that have been working on SO5 and that they want to get the series back in rotation again.

I haven't played it yet but I'm glad he's thinking of balancing in atleast somewhat more cinematic cutscenes in a potential SO6 as while I think what they've done is really interesting (and should stay for some cutscenes) and should make it more playable I do think there are some small/medium scenes that benefit from a more cinematic camera like the big ones do.

Can't wait to play it.
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