Make that "someone who has not seen Berserk HAS had the entire show ruined for them". I was deliberately avoiding information about the series until its U.S. release, but thanks to Mr. Bertschy, I guess I won't have to worry about that anymore.
A little consideration in the future, please. The remark about the show's ending was completely extraneous to the question at hand.
Well, there's a few things that lead to that.
Zac can probably also comment a bit on this, but from my experience:
We didn't like editing users' questions. It's not really 'our' place to change/modify the questions being asked. That's generally been taken care of by Zac, simply not selecting overly spoiler-ridden questions. This one slipped through, and thus kinda entered a tricky area for us.
The only editing we've ever really done for Answerman has been to remove e-mail addresses and overly long signature attachments. I can only recall one question that was edited for length (a guy wanted to know how to start an anime company, and listed like 50 possible titles to acquire... and most of them were already licensed)
We even try to preserve the original format (sans HTML-coloring and stuff, since that's ugly and distracting anyways), like line-spacing, indentation, and sometimes even spelling errors. Sometimes, if a URL points to a dead link, we don't link it (or sometimes correct the dead link), but those edits have been very rare throughout Answerman's run.
The point is, we have *not* had to edit a question for its spoiler content until now. It simply never came up.
When I uploaded the article last night, I had noticed the berserk question. While indeed a spoiler, I didn't think it was important. Obviously, my view of the series and everyone elses' differs a bit. I also thought, since the series *has* been around for a while (in fansub format, anyways) that most people who wanted to know about the series would have already read about the ending to berserk.
Obviously, I was wrong, and for that I apologize.
In the future, if spoilers for series arise, we'll handle them on a case-by-case basis. I can't guarantee that we *won't* include spoilers... but if the series hasn't been in America for a while (how long? dunno.) then we'll see what we can do to edit the question without seriously disrupting what's being asked.