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I May Be a Guild Receptionist
Episode 3

by Grant Jones,

How would you rate episode 3 of
I May Be a Guild Receptionist ?
Community score: 3.9


Episode 3 of May Be a Guild Receptionist, but I'll Solo Any Boss to Clock Out on Time significantly ups its complexity.

This week's entry adds many new elements to the world's rapid-fire. Alina gets in deeper with the Silver Sword and learns more about their inner workings, we get a bird's eye view of the magic skill system, a new dungeon is folded into the mix, and an enemy is introduced who almost immediately breaks the magic system we just learned about, and Alina's tragic history with adventurers and hopes is revealed. While no individual element is terribly complicated in a vacuum, there is certainly a lot to process.

Thankfully, it all moves at a pretty brisk pace. This episode could easily become a snooze-fest of exposition, but the creative team manages to avoid that pitfall. Episode 3 has at least three major fights in addition to all the new concepts being flung at us and the interpersonal character interactions. That's no small feat, and it certainly keeps the proceedings from feeling rote or boring.

I do wish the execution had a bit more impact though. I think the speed is something of a detriment here. In my humble opinion, one of the benefits of having a magic system with clear rules is that it not only provides some limitations for your characters, but also serves to offer shock and surprise down the line. You want your audience to get nice and comfy with the rules, feel safe that they understand how things work, and then have the rules break dramatically for a big shocking impact. Sadly, the distance between learning about the magic system and the villain Silha breaking the rules makes little impact. It's a similar problem with the betrayal of the other adventurer - we don't know him as an audience, so his betrayal doesn't mean much to us (nor does his almost immediate death as Silha betrays him). The big reveals here would have benefited from more time for us to get to grips with the norms beforehand.


I May Be a Guild Receptionist is currently streaming on Crunchyroll on Fridays..

Disclosure: Kadokawa World Entertainment (KWE), a wholly owned subsidiary of Kadokawa Corporation, is the majority owner of Anime News Network, LLC. One or more of the companies mentioned in this article are part of the Kadokawa Group of Companies.

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