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Encyclopedia Suggestion List.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 4:59 pm Reply with quote
A Sticky Thread for suggestions to the encyclopedia. In order to keep this thread organized, posts will be deleted and summarized.

Existing Suggestions & To-do Items

Create Anime Maintainers [Dan and I know what this is]
Re-do Anime Submission format [Ditto]
Re-do Error Reports [Ditto]
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chris keck

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 6:07 pm Reply with quote
I suggest you add the ability to categorize titles by types other than language. By that I mean is a title an official release, a translation, nickname, etc. For example you could have something like,

Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou (Japanse Release)
His and Her Circumstances (U.S. Release)
Boyfriend, Girlfriend Circumstances (Translation)
Kare Kano (Nickname)

I think it's good that you want to list all the titles that an anime is known by, but I also think it's important to specify where the title came from. I'm most concerned that using unofficial translations (especially as the main title) without labeling them as such will cause confusion.

Thanks for your consideration.
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 3:52 pm Reply with quote
I've said this already, but a music section to the Encyclopedia would be awesome.

It doesn't have to be super-fancy. But a soundtrack listing and some track names would be nice. Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 4:03 pm Reply with quote
For my suggestion it would be nice to have the Insert Songs/Central Themes. Also different age ratings would be nice; one for Japan and one of course for the USA.
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Joined: 22 Jan 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 9:35 am Reply with quote
something is bothering me for a while. When I look in the people encyclopedia, and i'm viewing a Japanese profile, without a picture, a don't know if it's a he or a she. So if you could ad that a person is a he or a she, people can see the gender...

(Sorry 4 weak english Rolling Eyes )
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Joined: 08 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 2:40 am Reply with quote
I was just thinking that a personalized release calendar would be kinda nice. Maybe have it set up so someone could go through a list of anime and manga that's currently being released and have it so it'll keep track of when something is supposed to be released. It could be set up so a user could either choose to have just one specific item added to their calendar, or they can have everything related to that title added.

For example, if i wanted to know when the every Trigun and Tenchi Muyo manga will be released, i click on "add entire series to release calendar". After i've done that for those and any other series i could simply pop over to the calendar and see when all of my favorite soon to be released DVDs and mangas will be out.

By the way, i hope i'm not making too many suggestions that will be too hard to put to use. Anime smallmouth + sweatdrop
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PostPosted: Fri May 28, 2004 3:02 am Reply with quote
Samurai CDZ wrote:
Also in a similar vein, is it be possible to allow multiple tankubon counts to be listed for different editions? For example, Nausicaa's first edition has 4 tankubon and it's second edition has 7(I think). And the page counts are different, as well. The only one I recall is YUA and I believe Tempest manually entered that data.

Angel Sanctuary's manga also had this problem. The rerelease in Japan doubled up the tankubon so that there were two of the original volumes in one of the new ones. That made the rerelease only of 10 volumes, when the original release was 20. I tried to explain this as best as I could on the Angel Sanctuary page.
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Encyclopedia Editor

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PostPosted: Mon May 31, 2004 6:56 pm Reply with quote
A problem about entering date of birth. In many occasions only the year (usually in the case of staff members) OR the month/date (younger female cast members in particular, for their agent/company do not release their age) of that person can be found. However, unlike 'Vintage', the system does not allow partial entry for date of birth. Can this be solved?
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Joined: 30 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 1:34 am Reply with quote
Dan42 wrote:
I need to add more formats for manga. Just "Graphic novel" is not enough, but what other formats are there? As for anime, what formats are there other than DVD, VHS and LD? If you say "burned fansubs on CD", I have only one thing to say: "that's not a collection".

For a while there were monthly comics issued so that could be a category. I still have my Ceres comics. Some people keep all their Jump magazines so they have the series but don't have the graphic novels.

Maybe other manga categories could be:
2nd edition
Special edition
Collector's edition
Monthly Comic

Also I second dormcat's idea from last week. Some mangaka do an extremely good job of keeping their birth year unknown. The encyclopedia would benefit from adjustments to accept different formats.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 2:36 pm Reply with quote
Tony K. wrote:
I've said this already, but a music section to the Encyclopedia would be awesome.

It doesn't have to be super-fancy. But a soundtrack listing and some track names would be nice. Rolling Eyes

Agreed, as long as there's some way to seperate out the legal releases (Pony Canyon, Star Child, AnimeTrax, etc) from the bootlegs (Son May, EverAnime, Smile Face, etc).
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Joined: 11 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 8:03 pm Reply with quote
Hmm, helpful bits to add that I've not seen (and first new post since recovery, yay)...

Please add actual links to email/pm for corrections on the release pages, especially the retail links. A lot of people are accidently mixing up similar releases (one has extra goods, or is a rerelease at a lower price, or is on different media). The encyclopedia blocks the same url so if a mistake is made one place, it keeps the actual item from being correctly priced.

Edited since the question was answered in this post.

After getting my answer, here's my suggestions for the release database.

I would like to see the current media field expanded from DVD or DUB into "DVD", "DVD-Dub", "DVD-Sub", "VHS-Dub", and "VHS-Sub". It seems overkill, but with the large number of dub-only and sub-only releases on both media, the simple "DUB" moniker to identify VHS releases is too confusing. Likewise the "DVD" moniker fails to take into account dub- and sub-only DVD releases. A 5-point system would provide instant identification and only push 4 more characters on a title.

I would also like to suggest that an actual field be used for special identifiers to releases. Things like "box set", "limited edition", "w/item", and "rerelease". First it would make it easier to catch with them standardized. Second it would probably be easier to click a checkbox than crib together something in the title. And third organization would be vastly easier (no more parsing the title to list boxsets!).

My next suggestion might be a bit trickier to impliment. I would like to see the release database expand to cover manga and music releases. Okay, so maybe a lot trickier to impliment. From my limited understanding, I know that this would require a new identifying bit for Anime, Manga, or Music. Perhaps the media field could be expanded further to cover "Manga" and "CD"? This would probably require adding an Author/Artist field as well.

*idly wonders if this is all kinda crazy* Laughing
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 11:19 am Reply with quote
New Categories: Short Film and Music Video

Currently everything that falls into either of those gets listed as something else, and it's not very consistent (Egao is listed as a special, but On Your Mark is a movie, She and Her Cat is an OVA while Mt Head is a movie, etc).
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Encyclopedia Editor

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 5:32 pm Reply with quote
dormcat wrote:
Dan42 wrote:
That's correct. Is there a problem with that? The point of having a link is that you can see what else that person worked on. If there is no link, that saves you the trouble of clicking on it only to realize there's nothing to see. Well, that's the idea anyway.

Mmm, how about adding/checking information other than "Cast in", such as personal profile, picture, websites, etc. Without the link, one has to click on "People" and browse through hundreds of names before reaching those information. However if this would cause too much trouble for ANN staffs then just forget it.

I was just wondering about this and about to make a suggestion (luckily I checked through the suggestions already made first) :) There are several one-role or one-staff people in the database that have extra information (besides other anime credits) and the only way to see that information is by having to scroll through to their name in the "People" listings.

Maybe you could have an option in preferences that could turn links for one-credit people on or off (if that's feasible to do), or if possible, find a way for links to appear when information such as picture, non-anime roles, etc. are added to a one-credit person.

dormcat wrote:
A problem about entering date of birth. In many occasions only the year (usually in the case of staff members) OR the month/date (younger female cast members in particular, for their agent/company do not release their age) of that person can be found. However, unlike 'Vintage', the system does not allow partial entry for date of birth. Can this be solved?

This is also something I've come across before. For example, IMDb only has the year in the date of birth for the late Tony Pope, so I wasn't able to add that information in, and they're are several seiyuu I've come across that don't have years listedd.
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Samurai CDZ

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 1:27 am Reply with quote
Two actually:

Is it possible to get a total contribution count? Right at the top of the Encyclopedia and Contributior pages. Or, am I missing it somewhere?

Second, with some of the titles getting really big some people might not like getting all the extra/non-essential data (doesn't really bother me, I like it), maybe it would be possible to add a preference to not display non-primary staff from the JP data, since that is the only one that gets exceedingly large, and possibly bottom level characters and no-role cast.

Anyway, just something I was thinking about, thought I'd offer it up.
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ANN News Staff

Joined: 16 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 9:27 pm Reply with quote
not terribly important, but it would be nice if there was a
second company name entry for the name in Kanji/Kana.
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