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BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense. (TV)

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 9:18 am Reply with quote

Season 1: BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense. (TV)
Season 2: BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense. (TV 2) (discussion starts here)

Source: Light Novel (ongoing @ 15 Volume, written by Yuumikan, illustrated by Koin)

Demographic: Seinen

Animation Studio: Silver Link

Genres: action, adventure, comedy, fantasy, science fiction

Themes: MMORPG

Plot Summary: Kaede Honjō is invited by her friend Risa Shiramine to play a virtual reality MMO game with her. While Kaede doesn't dislike games, what she really, truly dislikes is being in pain. She creates a character named Maple, and decides to put all her points in VIT to minimize pain.

As a result, she moves slowly, can't use magic, and even a rabbit can get the best of her. But as it turns out, she acquires a skill known as "Absolute Defense" as a result of her pumping points into VIT, as well as a "Counter Skill" that works against special moves. Now, with her ability to nullify all damage, she goes on adventures.

Air Date & Platform:
Season 1
January 8, 2020 (Wednesday)
Available on: Crunchyroll, FUNimation, Hulu

Season 2
January 11, 2023 (Wednesday)
Available on: Crunchyroll

Episode Count / Runtime:
Season 1: 12 episodes
Season 2: 12 episodes

Total: 24 episodes
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Joined: 22 Jun 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 9:36 am Reply with quote
Yeah, it was about as intriguing as expected.
The whole concept of the show is outright annoying, the main girl is horribly unlikable, no cuteness and no soul in this whole trend riding, cheap looking garbage.
And of course we know how she's gonna be OP, because such a special idea, such a special person, etc etc. They even managed to make her outfit unattractive.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 1:54 am Reply with quote
Episode 1

A new Silver Link anime, they can often be pretty standard or turn out to be something I like a lot, and it is looking to be the later. I think it was really cute so far, without certain pretenses of fanservice and humorous enough with its heroine.

Of course I think most of us gamers are aware that putting all your points into a single stat is incredibly ridiculous, and would usually break your character into bein unusable. So I am just going to assume that Maple accidentally stumbled upon a build that plays on secret skills that no one was aware of, because no one would actually do what she has. Like the fact her attack is weak might be made up by that shield attack she thought was not interesting, where it might use her defense instead. Still it hits all my experience to feel the need to tell her that other stats probably need to meet some lower thresholds to not create major weaknesses. Such as intelligence to resist magic, or strength needed to carry larger shields.

Kind of reminds me that a while ago I was trying a heavy build in Dark Souls. That is a game that requires a good understanding of what each stat does. But I liked the sentiment from the preview guide about well respecting the different ways people play.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 9:00 am Reply with quote

Watched this on a whim, since the central conceit is anathema to video gamers who have any experience with role-playing games. However, it's still hilariously entertaining as the absolute greenhorn's single-minded desire to avoid pain gives her the tools to survive in a competitive VMMORPG.

Leaving aside how "lucky" Kaede has to be to stumble upon all of these hidden skills and survive (with a little help from her new friends and those all-important healing potions!), the other facet that's not mentioned is the person/group who designed the game in the first place. A build which focuses completely on defence and endurance wouldn't last at all in today's competitive online gaming, yet the existence of these hidden skills indicates the game designers might be a kindred spirit to the naive protagonist. Considering it's actually possible to eat a boss monster and slowly kill it through bleeding/HP drain shows the designers actually care about making their online game as accessible as possible to the widest possible audience.

Granted, I doubt they expected newbie players to literally fall asleep in the middle of wild areas and allow the lowest level creatures around to attack them for a full hour continuously. But what is considered pointless and boring grinding to serious players is the complete opposite for someone who's never played a game before and is revelling in the online experience (to the point she sleeps late and won't get her homework done). Hopefully the animators will reveal a little more about the personalities behind the game, since it's a toss-up between developers who are casual gamers at heart and are willing to cater to the widest possible audience, or professional developers who never expected their system to be exploited by the most left-field playing mentality.

I wonder how long Kaede's "beginner's luck" (in every sense of the word) is going to last though. Once her pro-gamer friend finishes exams and the gaming moratorium she's under is over, what kind of reaction will she elicit upon hearing what her best friend has been up to for the week?
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 10:35 am Reply with quote
DuskyPredator wrote:
Episode 1
Of course I think most of us gamers are aware that putting all your points into a single stat is incredibly ridiculous, and would usually break your character into bein unusable.

I see someone has never played a Diablo 2 strength only maul wielding Barbarian and I've played Necromancers that were vitality only as well; The New World Online game is based upon the same sort of 4 stat action RPG values as Diablo 2 and they tend to have viable single stat builds. I was nodding along to Maple's tactics in how she'd use her nigh invulnerability and shield attack + poison is certainly viable in many games, usually when your character is a tank or you're overly cautious.

So far, I am loving this show.
1 It's not an isekai show.
2 It's not Rising of the Shield Hero.
3 It's not So I Reincarnated as a Slime.
4 It's... why are there so many of these? That Overly Cautious Hero one.

It borrow bits from them or rather, it takes back what those isakai shows stole from RPG games.

But what sold me on the show is Kaede herself and how single minded she is. She stood still while a rabbit attacked her, she fought some slimes by falling on them shield first, she ate the hydra. In the Slime show, that business as usual but in a VRPG, some programmer added that last one as a game mechanic but what sort of person would think of trying it?
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Spastic Minnow
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 10:46 am Reply with quote
It could be a little like MMO Junkie- except with gameplay and little actual IRL interaction.

BTW, wasn't some of the rapid chatting going on while Maple was logging out about her accomplishments? as in people are noticing that there is a player with outrageous accomplishments in some daily log? I paused some of it and still didn't quite catch was going on. #notagamer
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 10:29 pm Reply with quote
Both of the rapid-fire chats are started by Chrome. The first one he sees her surrounded in the beginner forest by monsters and mentions it to others because he says it's not possible even for Shield Users to survive something like that (he notes she almost certainly invested all her points into VIT since she's snail slow). The reason he says it's interesting is because she could only survive if she has hidden skills (which viewers know she has) so will exchange info provided others keep a lookout for her.

Second chat Chrome introduces himself formally (and he's well known in the community). Says he didn't ask her about hidden skills and summarised what he did when she asked him for places to buy fashionable equipment. By now he knows what kind of build she has since she specifically told him she doesn't like pain. Kaede now has plenty of people looking out for her, but the game community doesn't have some kind of global notification feature, so Kaede's "achievement" of defeating the Hydra alone will only be realised once she returns to town and her new friends ask her where she got the equipment from.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 10:46 am Reply with quote

Sally is good. She didn't win her gaming tournaments by chance; she's got the experience, the talent and the dedication to do well in any game she chooses. Huge contrast between her first solo boss fight and Maple's, no way Maple's playing style would have done the fish in. It's not all down to skill though, she certainly put a lot of thought into the preparation required before the actual battle.

With this episode, I have a clearer idea of what the game developers were thinking. They reward players for just about any action done repeatedly in the game world, much like the Elder Scrolls Series. The developers have even catered for the weirdest player fetishes, such as the desire to eat monsters because of the belief (mistaken or otherwise) that doing so will build up resistance to their attacks. No one in the event audience will have any idea how Maple built up her character because no one has the thought process she has.

As before, most of the laughs in this series come from seeing Maple in action. I wouldn't be surprised if she got some kind of drawing-related skill from her doodling during the event (she's really good by the way, that dragon of hers is spectacular). Because of her unique skill in episode one, every single competitor who faces her falls victim to her temporary vitality boost, hence the comical "Morningstar bouncing off her head" and "Greataxe swing stopped dead by her arm".

Now that Sally has gone for a build which emphasises the invulnerable duo, any competitor who underestimates the "newbie" teaming up with Maple is going to feel it. Payne and the other professional players will probably contend with Maple and Sally further down the series, which should be a fun contrast between two girls playing the game for sheer enjoyment and the pros who see it as an occupation.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 9:22 pm Reply with quote
Harleyquin wrote:

Sally is good. She didn't win her gaming tournaments by chance; she's got the experience, the talent and the dedication to do well in any game she chooses. Huge contrast between her first solo boss fight and Maple's, no way Maple's playing style would have done the fish in. It's not all down to skill though, she certainly put a lot of thought into the preparation required before the actual battle.

Considering Maple's play style, the first thing she would do would be extending her ability to survive underwater. The second thing would be to eat the fish. Third thing... profit. I think Sally did it the hard way by playing the game according to someone else's rules rather than her own. She killed the fish one hard earned cut at a time. All things considered, the moment the fish bit Maple, I think it would have died.

And while Sally is putting points in other stats for equipment and saving some, she's putting the majority into dexterity/agility and that's not too far off from what Maple did... though I disagree with putting zero points into defense/hp. No dodge mechanic is 100%, just what is she thinking?

I liked the first half of episode 2 but I felt that Maple was uncharacteristically passive and disinterested in the second half. Sure, I know it was so that Sally could level in her own way but it shouldn't come as a detriment to the main character's character. Even weirder was that the set up for Maple to take action was there with the timer but what's the point when you have a set up but no follow through? I was expecting Sally to use Maple as a finishing move, to trick the fish into attacking Maple to its own death.

As it was, I just didn't buy the fight. Sally herself said she wasn't building up her damage so why should she be able to kill a boss by herself?
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 16, 2020 5:34 am Reply with quote
Maple is broken, pls fix. Going to assume the devour ability was never meant to be put with that shield, which turned her into a monster which allowed her to simultaneously absorb every opponent she faced, turn them into magic point to make up for her lack of intelligence stat, and then use over powered magic like the hydra.

I might also make a guess of mechanics that the first skills they focus on have a big impact on their build and skills. Maple gave her broken skills of effectively immunity to most attacks, and will also guess that Sally gained a bunch of swimming skills that made her able to use with her skill to solo the fish boss. That was a nicely designed monster, did remind me of one from Shadow of the Colossus that played not too long ago, and some other ones. Also, I am going to make a guess that taking on a boss solo, gives special rewards, why Maple got her armor, and perhaps Sally's drop gave her armor that would convert some of her swimming skills as effective on land.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 16, 2020 5:42 am Reply with quote

0 points in agility and dexterity = Maple cannot swim. Without help from gear, she's completely useless in a fight against underwater bosses. Sally said as much, so asked Maple to give her the 20 minute timer because she expected that to be the limit of her underwater breathing. Fish isn't going to leave the dedicated boss area, so all Maple could do was ping Sally when instructed.

Solo run against the boss probably to see if she could emulate Maple, but doing it the hard way. Everyone else says the preferred combination for a Great Shield is Magic or some kind of long weapon, not a short sword focused on dodging. The pair of best friends won't care though, they're out to have fun and their idea of fun is a duo who nullify all damage. One through unbreachable VIT and the other through skill and lots of AGI and DEX.
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Spastic Minnow
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 16, 2020 4:01 pm Reply with quote
I had the same thought as Animegomaniac. Obviously she can't swim, but the way she gains skills she would have to do something different. LIke eat the fish and gain "immunity to drowning/ gill-breathing" or something. She'd go in the water, sink like a hammer and walk slowly everywhere. The story COULD have her do this- it would make logical sense in the framework of what she has done so far.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 9:15 am Reply with quote
Sink like a hammer and die due to lack of oxygen. Not sure why people are equating super high levels of VIT to immunity, if the game is hardcoded forcing players to only acquire swimming skills with practice and the minimum stat levels to earn those skills then eating won't help Maple in any shape or form.

One thing the developers are on about is a level playing field. Strange playstyles like Maple's are rewarded, but skilled players like Sally are given every opportunity to excel in the game world should they seize it. If eating was all that was required in the game to acquire every available skill, it would be lopsided in favour of Maple-type players.

Not to mention gill breathing would kill her if it was a permanent skill like her poison immunity, fish die outside of water. I don't see mudskippers she can eat.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 9:43 am Reply with quote

Well, well. Looks like Maple's acquisition of skills was more of an accident than game design. Otherwise the developers wouldn't have introduced defence-piercing attacks and a restriction on the Devour skill. Either way the developers would have been criticised had they not done something about Maple's build since it was too effective in the event. It looks like the changes have had an effect; Maple is now susceptible to concussion. So much for eating her way through all obstacles now.

One thing's for sure: the developers can't do anything about Maple's beginner's luck. They were told where to go to find the Speed skill (which is really for Sally's sake) but no clues on how to go about it. Sally's phobia of the occult, plus their coincidental proximity to the quest giver and Maple's instinctive desire to reduce pain bring about the desired reward.

First episode where players see Maple and Sally fight together. The combination works well since the pair are willing to play for each other rather than for individual ego. Maple won't question Sally's instructions, while Sally will do everything she can to cover for Maple while she's out cold. With the upcoming event being a treasure hunt rather than a battle royale, Sally's speed will help with the scavenger hunt while Maple's defence will fend off prospective vultures.

Props to the game developers for the world they have built. Virtual confectionery tastes close enough to the real thing for teenage girls, while high fantasy dining can deliver a culinary experience which cannot be matched in the real world. I get the feeling the desire for the two to do sightseeing in level one rather than grind for level 2 as soon as possible might pay off; Maple's beginner's luck still holds strong and those gems they picked up at the eternal sunset beach might prove useful later on.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2020 6:33 am Reply with quote
OK guys, you talked a lot about game logic, story-telling and it's okay, but what about technic and art !? The action scenes of this TV series are insanes ! It's dynamic, detailled, and for example, the final boss combat of episode 3 is clearly 90% hand made animation ! For a "simple cute TV series", it's just "wow "!
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