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EP. REVIEW: How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift?

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Joined: 29 Apr 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 12:11 pm Reply with quote
Great review.
It was fun to read a review of a hobbie based show that commented to much on the hobbie parts of it, though I guess the blame coudl be also put on the shows, the only show I seem to rememeber that had similar review was the camping one adn even then not to this extent.

I am a fan of the manga but have yet to watch the anime so I can't comment more on this; will wait for furthe rreviews for that, so hopefully I catch up. just a comment is that the manga happens in the same universe as kengan ashura/omega and ( I have been told) we already got a few cameos from there.
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Joined: 18 May 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 12:12 pm Reply with quote
I think the main joke is that she thinks she's trying, but her "efforts" are largely superficial and she's not even aware of all the ways she's retaining obviously counterproductive habits. Much like the joke that Gingrich was a dumb person's idea of what a smart person sounds like, her efforts are a slob's idea of what an active/healthy person acts like. It also reminds me of a lot of people who say they're trying to loose weight, paying for expensive gear, getting a Planet Fatness membership, driving to the Planet Fatness to eat the pizza and maybe look at a treadmill, drive home, drink a milkshake as a reward for the "exercise," have a ranch-drenched steak salad (heavy on the croutons, light on the lettuce) for dinner, and then reward themselves for the "salad" with some cake.
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Joined: 14 Feb 2019
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 12:18 pm Reply with quote
It's a really fun show, couldn't have asked for a better adaption.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 12:23 pm Reply with quote
I didn't get the impression that the show counting calories for Hibiki was intended to be mean-spirited so much as pointing out how easy it is to lose track of how much is coming in if you aren't paying attention. You can usually get away with eating more if you're exercising in a way that matches it, but in the first episode we see Hibiki sticking to "whatever/whenever" diet even though she is still easing into an pretty light workout. I've been exercising pretty much daily for a few years now, and I still struggle with that aspect of it.
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Joined: 25 Jan 2017
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 2:20 pm Reply with quote
"The motivating tone (along with constant on-screen calorie counts and weight measurements) feels mean-spirited enough to be strangely at odds with the rest of the show's surprisingly approachable tone."

This is actually the best part of the show for me. I say this cautiously but most people still don't realize that simply watching what you eat will actually give you results without setting foot in a gym or engaging in more intensive exercise beyond a 10min workout. I dropped 10 pounds faster than I thought by just counting calories and the quality of food I ate for a short period of time. The easiest thing to do is just start with your eating habits.
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Joined: 19 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 6:07 pm Reply with quote
Machio looks like Globo Gym, but sounds like Average Joe's. He's the best. Anime catgrin
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Punch Drunk Marc

Joined: 04 Oct 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 6:39 pm Reply with quote
This was one of the shows I was looking forward to the most this season and Im glad it hasn't disappointed (so far). The dub for the first episode was pretty good as well.

Since this and Kengan Asura apparently take place in the same universe, I wonder if we will see random cameos of those characters in the gym or something.
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Joined: 02 Apr 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2019 11:53 pm Reply with quote
Greed1914 wrote:
I didn't get the impression that the show counting calories for Hibiki was intended to be mean-spirited so much as pointing out how easy it is to lose track of how much is coming in if you aren't paying attention.

I took it more as intended as informative to the audience similar to the exercise explanations. More like 'do you know how many calories are in your snacks?' than really about what she was eating.

Anyway, amusing show, and I'm glad it got picked up for review.
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Joined: 30 May 2015
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 8:06 pm Reply with quote
Especially with how the show actually tackled diets in the 3rd episode, I'm not seeing the calorie intake being seen as judgmental but rather - just like every other part - information. The "protein after workout" thing is new to me, and while I had heard about the whole "have as many light meals as you can instead of big ones" thing before, no one had actually bothered explaining why that was a thing to me, and knowing it has to do with the blood's sugar levels makes it that much more reliable. I do hope the show continues to dole out fun stuff like this, and hopefully some more exercises too.
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Joined: 22 Oct 2015
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2019 11:07 pm Reply with quote
So, don't judge me. I'm a pretty average anime fan, overall. I checked this series because the character designs looked appealing, but over these first few episodes I've had some weird feelings. I'm kind of interested in...exercise?

What dark magic is this. And why does it burn so much?
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Joined: 23 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2019 11:15 pm Reply with quote
steelmirror wrote:
I'm kind of interested in...exercise? What dark magic is this.

You are supposed to say "what kind of sorcery is this!" Cool

And why does it burn so much?

Lactic acid buildup. It is normal, don't worry. My trainer always told me to harden the muscle after exercise for a few seconds to prevent the lactic acid from accumulating inside the muscle.

You don't need to believe me.

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Joined: 22 Oct 2015
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 12:18 pm Reply with quote
mangamuscle wrote:
Lactic acid buildup. It is normal, don't worry. My trainer always told me to harden the muscle after exercise for a few seconds to prevent the lactic acid from accumulating inside the muscle.

You don't need to believe me.

Relevant user name!

I've started biking to work, which isn't as impressive as it sounds considering I work like a mile away from where I live (to be fair there are lots of hills). I also signed up for a gym membership through work that I'm trying out...and yeah, I'm pretty sure everyone there is constantly looking at the tiny weights I use and judging me ceaselessly (I know they aren't). So far my experience has made the starting episodes that much more relatable, and they've also been great motivation for me to keep at it.

Also I've been lied to about stretching my entire life. Since I'm the least flexible person in existence, I find this very gratifying.
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Joined: 26 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 12:21 pm Reply with quote
Just remember the only reason the bodybuilder makes sense is because this is the same universe as Kengan Asura. He runs on fighting anime logic.
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Joined: 30 May 2015
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:56 pm Reply with quote
steelmirror wrote:
I also signed up for a gym membership through work that I'm trying out...and yeah, I'm pretty sure everyone there is constantly looking at the tiny weights I use and judging me ceaselessly (I know they aren't). So far my experience has made the starting episodes that much more relatable, and they've also been great motivation for me to keep at it.

Nice! My first time actually working out was somewhat anime-inspired as well and I relate to that. My tip would be to make friends with either your instructor or just people who look free to spot for you - the gym is a pretty social place too and can be a lot of fun. At my workplace we have a gym thing where you can go to a lot of different gyms all over, and I've got at least 2 friends I regularly exercise with that I showed this anime's OP to (they don't really watch anime) and I'll be damned if I don't get them to air this in the big biking area TV one day
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Joined: 16 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 7:20 pm Reply with quote
Full disclosure: I'm not watching this show for its exercise tips.
It's the comedy.
No it's not.

This show reminds me of a discussion I had on this site years ago about teenage girls and knees. "They never have them, they never show them, they just don't exist." to my position of "Form defines function. Knees are there when knees are called for." Knees are here because they are kneeded.

These are some well designed characters. The girls at least, I'm ok with Machio suddenly bursting with muscle, less ok when he suddenly grows two feet taller.... most of which seems to be neck.
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