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NEWS: DBZ Wii Game Drops in Japan

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Joined: 06 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:03 am Reply with quote
Can anyone link to a review for this game? I only know of Famitsu in Japan, but sadly I don't speak Japanese Sad
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Raven Shinobi

PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:51 am Reply with quote
RezSav wrote:
Can anyone link to a review for this game? I only know of Famitsu in Japan, but sadly I don't speak Japanese Sad

There are many DBZ fans hanging around GameFaqs -they even have their own board- You might be able to get something from them or check the site after a while to see if the importers have put something up,

I'm not into fighting games, but I'm thinking of importing this since I heard Trunks pulls some crazy moves in it and I prefer to enjoy a DBZ game with the Japanese voices.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:53 am Reply with quote
I looks pretty cool, almost in a Tenkaichi 2 way, but the same instead of different.
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Joined: 04 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 8:20 am Reply with quote
It's already out in America, heck, as a launch title. As for reviews, Game Rankings.com is a good place to look for a whole listing of them, but here's the kicker. X-Play gave it a 4 out of 5. Razz It is a great fighting game, but it does come with learning crave. Nothing that a couple of minutes in Training can't fix.
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Saviour Atrhun Zala

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 9:51 am Reply with quote
I actually might buy it so I can do something when I'm not on here or watching anime. Doesn't sound to bad
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Joined: 24 May 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:25 am Reply with quote
Yeah X-play seems to be giving the most fair and accurate wii game reviews I have read so far.

Also for them to give a DBZ game a four means the game is great to them since they usally rag on anime or licensed games since well they are often crap.

The game has been out for weeks in the states every wal-mart carries the game as do Targets.

Wii game reviews you are going to have to read a few because there can be quite a wide range on the review from disliking the game to absoletly loving it.

Red Steel is one of those games were European and Japanese reviewers who traditonaly are not fans of FPS loved while most American reviewers proceded to give it mediocre scores.

I played it and the VA work sounded just like real Japanese people that speak english as a second language or just a few sentences sound like. There is a steep learning curve if you are used to fps console or mouse controls. Also if you proceed too fast you have a more harder time.

Btw the Wii seems to be coming the anime console like the DS is becoming the anime portable.

There is an Inuyasha game coming to the DS with an American girl who is Kagome's friend as one of the main characters and the character you start off with apparently. The game is getting an english release since the first screenshots are all in English.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 12:43 pm Reply with quote
Sparking! NEO is just Tenkaichi 2, which we have here on PS2 & Wii. They also had it, but only for the PS2.

If you're looking for reviews, there's a pretty good one on IGN.com.

Raven Shinobi wrote:
'm not into fighting games, but I'm thinking of importing this since I heard Trunks pulls some crazy moves in it and I prefer to enjoy a DBZ game with the Japanese voices.

No need to import it. It was a launch title for the Wii in November and came out on the PS2 as well, so it's already out here, and our version includes the Japanese voices as an option.

Only difference seems to be that the Japanese Wii version has a few extra characters, but they're very obscure ones like Appule and a random Freeza henchman (seriously, he has no name, he's basically called "Freeza Soldier").
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Joined: 24 May 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 2:24 pm Reply with quote
Michi wrote:
Sparking! NEO is just Tenkaichi 2, which we have here on PS2 & Wii. They also had it, but only for the PS2.

If you're looking for reviews, there's a pretty good one on IGN.com.

Raven Shinobi wrote:
'm not into fighting games, but I'm thinking of importing this since I heard Trunks pulls some crazy moves in it and I prefer to enjoy a DBZ game with the Japanese voices.

No need to import it. It was a launch title for the Wii in November and came out on the PS2 as well, so it's already out here, and our version includes the Japanese voices as an option.

Only difference seems to be that the Japanese Wii version has a few extra characters, but they're very obscure ones like Appule and a random Freeza henchman (seriously, he has no name, he's basically called "Freeza Soldier").

The reason the Japanese version got the extra characters is because it was delayed.

The same thing is happening with the Aussie version which is coming out in March there. http://www.atari.com.au/games/newsDetails.do?id=589&newsId=922

Btw you cannot yet import and make Wii games from other regions work due to region coding. Datal or another legit company should come out with a region removing disc like they did with the gamecube in a few months to a year.

Notice disc that just resets the coding temporily and doesn't void the warranty nor is illegal like a mod chip is.
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Joined: 04 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 2:31 pm Reply with quote
Isn't this funny, today is the launch of the latest BT game in Japan for the Wii, and today it was leaked in a Online Gamestop Listing that Dragonball Z Shin Budokai will be making another stand as a aparent sequel on the PSP as Dragonball Z Shin Budokai Another Road set for Launch on March 30,2007.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 3:17 pm Reply with quote
wasn't this the last dbz game?
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Joined: 04 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 6:49 pm Reply with quote
britannicamoore wrote:
wasn't this the last dbz game?

If by last you mean Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi/Sparking! for the PS2? Then no, this is that games sequel in Atari's Long running Dragonball Z Budokai Series of Games developed by Spike, and not Dimps like Dragonball Z Budokai 1 through 3, and Shin Budokai were.
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Joined: 21 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 12:44 am Reply with quote
I'm shocked this made the front page. Why is this particular DBZ game release news on ANN? Is it because of it's Wii release? Even then the game has been out here in the US for a while, so I'm not seeing why it's headline worthy.

Anyway the game itself is FANTASTIC...on PS2. Anyone who is or was a fan of DBZ needs to at least rent it. Took almost 20 years but they finally got the combat of DBZ down. When my friend did a litlte punch/kick flurry followed up by knocking me into a mountain, teleporting behind me to knock me to the ground, and then proceeding to fire a Kamehameha at me while shouting "That's how you combo in DBZ!" I was sold because it's completely true. The game has made my group of friends really miss DBZ, and really until you re-experience it you'll have no idea how much you've missed the franchise.

There is a steep learning curve though, and it's even steeper on the Wii. The functionality is just akward and is both too sensitive and not sensitive enough. I was unintentionally dashing all over the place and it took me forever to figure out how to fire a blast attack, and even then I still pulled it off with irregularity. There's too much you have to do to the point where you literally have to stop and think about doing it. To fire a Kamehameha you have to shake the nunchaku twice (while holding down A and Z I believe), then you have to pull the controller towards you and push it out to simulate doing the move. Sounds neat but really it's a pain in the ass. It also slows down combat. I watched my friend play part of the Janemba scenario (which is pretty far in) and he still had trouble doing the moves. In a fighting game where reflexes and precision are key, the Wii version is lacking which ultimatley makes gameplay slower and hinders the entire experience since dashing as opposed to firing your super when you need to only breeds frustration. PS2 on the other hand, just press 3 buttons simultaniously and you're good to go. Much simpler way of accomplishing the same goal. Maybe it's because I'm not used to the controller but it seemed like too much work. One buddy of mine refuses to play it since the controls on the Wii frustrated him so much.

There's no need to import it since not only has it already been released here but you can switch the voice track to Japanese if you wish (a lovely addition). So unless you really want those few extra characters (I don't know who they are but I imagine they're fairly minor as this game is jampacked with pretty much everyone) just go to a local game store and buy it. It'll definitley suck the time away as the entire game is really drawn out (bang for the buck).

It's got a couple of minor production issues, namely cinematics are particularly weak. They try to re-create scenes from the anime at times but so little effort is put into it that the scenes are very bland and pretty boring. The story itself in the story mode is paper thin just like it is in every other DBZ game since they expect everyone to already know the story. Other issue I noticed (but it's rare) is that the text will not match what's being said. In particular I just finished the Frieza Saga where the text says "Krillin and Dende wished everyone except Goku and Frieza back to Earth" (or something similar) but the narrator says it was King Kai who made the wish. It's very glaring and annoying.

Anyway I personally think it's the ultimate DBZ game, and anyone with even a moderate interest in DBZ should go out and get it as it does not disappoint at all. I would just suggest getting the PS2 version instead of the Wii one. Although there is the nice benefit of being able to use a GameCube controller instead, which probably helps matters a lot.
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Joined: 04 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 1:51 am Reply with quote
Michi wrote:
Only difference seems to be that the Japanese Wii version has a few extra characters, but they're very obscure ones like Appule and a random Freeza henchman (seriously, he has no name, he's basically called "Freeza Soldier").
While the US does get Dragon Ball Goku, Grandpa Gohan, and "General" Tao, they do get Piccolo Daimaō and Emperor Pilaf in the one of the mech suits. I really hope the next one covers all of Dragon Ball as well.
TranceLimit174 wrote:
There is a steep learning curve though, and it's even steeper on the Wii. The functionality is just akward and is both too sensitive and not sensitive enough. I was unintentionally dashing all over the place and it took me forever to figure out how to fire a blast attack, and even then I still pulled it off with irregularity. There's too much you have to do to the point where you literally have to stop and think about doing it. To fire a Kamehameha you have to shake the nunchaku twice (while holding down A and Z I believe), then you have to pull the controller towards you and push it out to simulate doing the move.
For Dash Special moves, you shake the nunchaku twice and thrust forward with the Wiimote. The Kamehameha-ish moves is just pulling the Wiimote back and forward, not the nunchaku like everyone says. Thank god for the "Skill List" for info on how to do the moves. I guess I'm a pretty fast learner, but controls were pretty easy to learn for me.
TranceLimit174 wrote:
So unless you really want those few extra characters (I don't know who they are but I imagine they're fairly minor as this game is jampacked with pretty much everyone) just go to a local game store and buy it. It'll definitley suck the time away as the entire game is really drawn out (bang for the buck).
*L* The hardest fight in the game is Mr. Satan VS 18. You can float outside of ring, but after about 30 seconds, you will fall down.
TranceLimit174 wrote:
Other issue I noticed (but it's rare) is that the text will not match what's being said. In particular I just finished the Frieza Saga where the text says "Krillin and Dende wished everyone except Goku and Frieza back to Earth" (or something similar) but the narrator says it was King Kai who made the wish. It's very glaring and annoying.
I guess to save them the troble of adding Dende in to the game. It is pretty odd that Babidi shows up, while Dende is MIA.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:42 am Reply with quote
I played this game for a few minutes at my aunt and uncle's - it was one of the games my cousins got for their Wii. I liked it, actually - a lot better than any of the other DBZ games I've played. I'm considering getting it, even. It does seem like it would take a long time to master, though.
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Raven Shinobi

PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 11:01 am Reply with quote
Michi wrote:

No need to import it. It was a launch title for the Wii in November and came out on the PS2 as well, so it's already out here, and our version includes the Japanese voices as an option.

Sweet! I mostly play RPGs that don't come with the bilingual setting, so I thought it was the same for fighting games.

I'm currently busy with .hack//G.U. -fun game BTW, it renewed my interest in the .hack game franchise-, but I guess I got to get this game while it's available before it goes out of print.
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