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REVIEW: Kamigami no Asobi: Ludere deorum Sub.Blu-Ray

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Joined: 18 Mar 2015
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 10:00 am Reply with quote
Kamigami is pretty darn good, as far as otome-anime go. The heroine is actually useful, seeing as she knows how to wield a sword and has a personality, and is the one to reach out to most of the boys instead of them all relentlessly hitting on her for no reason. I also enjoyed that it's her job to save them (even moreso around episode 11ish), she's not the damsel in distress.

It's definitely a fun anime to watch, but definitely agree with the reviewer that if you're a stickler for mythology, you'll probably just want to throw it straight out the window. I actually learned some mythology from it though, since I wasn't familiar with Balder before and then did some research after to see how much of his plot line was actually based on "fact".
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Joined: 28 Aug 2014
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 11:45 am Reply with quote
Neither Anubis nor Melissa add anything.

I think Melissa will be playing a bigger role in the upcoming sequel (or fandisk) game, "Kamigami no Asobi Infinite". If I'm guessing correctly, there will be romance routes for Dionysus, Thor, Amaterasu* and Melissa spoiler[(who's getting a human form! -

*spoiler[Amaterasu only appeared in Tsukuyomi's game route, and is male here.]

The anime also missed out on showcasing Anubis and Thoth's god forms, although it used Dionysus' god form, which originally never made it into the source game.

The manga version of Kamigami adapted more of the game's content, and was more serious than the anime version. The ending was also more bittersweet, but more thematically appropriate. spoiler[Yui is sent back like in the anime, but without her memories of her time in the garden. Although she briefly hears the gods sending her off one last time, she dismisses it as her imagination before walking away from the storehouse.]
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Gina Szanboti

Joined: 03 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 12:17 pm Reply with quote
You're going to want to turn off your knowledge of mythology to enjoy this one, as the series plays fast and loose with Greek and Norse tales, but if you can get past that, this is one of the more entertaining reverse harem shows of recent years.

Gotta disagree here. Comparing the actual mythologies with this was half the fun for me. Same goes for a lot of historical anime, but those can get annoying when they take their subject somewhat seriously (like Sengoku Musou), unlike this series, which was all about having fun playing around with it. I think the title may even be an oblique reference to that.

Kusanagi, is actually the name of another one of the swords from the same myth, once again implying a relationship between her and the Shinto pantheon.

It's my understanding that it's part of the name (Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi (Grass Cutting Sword)) of the same sword. It was renamed to the current Kusanagi by Yamato Takeru (whose name is partially given to Susano-o here) after he used it to save himself from an ambush by cutting and burning a field of grass. Seriously, that sword got around. Smile But it never occurred to me to count her as the third Shinto representative, so thanks for pointing that out.

I don't know of many well-known or “mainstream” religions besides Shintoism which pass leadership down along the family line

I admittedly know little about it, but isn't one of the main points of contention between Shia and Sunni Islam over which family member was the proper successor to Muhammad as Caliph? After that, though I don't know. Smile

Anyway, I think you're being too hard on Anubis! Playing "Where's Anubis?" was one of the treats of each episode, along with anticipating how Thoth would outdo himself in executing his signature trope. Very Happy

Just got my BD in the mail yesterday, so I'm looking forward to watching this again (I think "Balder" is going to bug me though). This is the only otome-game-based anime I've ever bought, but I was ready to give them my money after the school play episode. Very Happy
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Joined: 23 Feb 2015
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 12:52 pm Reply with quote
I put Kamigami no Asobi as my "it's bad but it's GREAT" anime of the season when it came out. There was many parts I probably wasn't supposed to laugh at, but I found the entire thing hilarious.

And yes, having a lead that isn't brainless is a great plus. That alone makes it a much more enjoyable watch. No rapey moments either. Hooray!

So yeah, this is one I cheerfully recommend to my friends who enjoy cheesy fluff and cute boys (and making snarky comments about the mythology-twisting is half the fun.)
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Joined: 20 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:06 pm Reply with quote
So it looks like the Greek pantheon won the War of the Gods. My money was on Odin, oh well.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 6:04 am Reply with quote
I really liked this show too, and for many reasons mentioned.
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Joined: 15 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 2:52 pm Reply with quote
This is by far my favorite otome adaption and it's largely due to Yui not being a doormat. The gods being likable was also a plus. Oh, and spoiler[Thoth's wall slams.]
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