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What's wrong with fandom today? Part 2

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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 5:55 am Reply with quote
(Average Otaku) OMG! Anime's in trouble, now that it's mainstream.

(Me *rubbing my temples*) Why?

(Average Otaku) Well first off, look at how they treated CCS, VHD, and the Animatrix! It's so corporate and American that it destroys the artist's vision.

(Me) Well let's start with Card Captor Sakura. Why is it corporate?

(Average Otaku) Because they edited it to appeal to boys and took out the implied lesbianism which is so central to a show about card-collecting!

(Me) But when CLAMP does the same thing with the manga(i.e. re-writing it to appeal to boys), then it's not corporate?

(Average otaku) Why of course not! It's their artistic vision at work!

(Me) And you know that literal and implied lesbian and gay relationships are used to sell more anime and manga to women?

(Average otaku) How dare you say that! You're just homophobic; and you can't appreciate the beauty of two pre-pubscent girls/or guys pledging their love in the face of all odds! You don't know what it's like!

(Me) Do you?

(Average otaku) No, but I wouldn't wanna know, because that stuff is disgusting. But anime and manga make it look soooo kawaii!

(Me *slapping his forehead*) Riiight! Moving along, what's wrong with Vampire Hunter D?

(Average otaku) Well the sequel was dubbed, but had a Japanese track on dvd!

(Me) But the movie was shown in theaters in both countries in English. The director and author even chose it that way.

(Average otaku) But they only chose it cus otherwise they wouldn't get paid! It should be in Japanese, because that's who it was intended for.

(Me) Never mind that vampires aren't a Japanese concept, let alone half-vampires. (Hell, even the VHD novels came after the Blade comics, which almost was called "Bloodlust" in the movie sequel as well.)

(Average otaku) But it's got a Japanese take on the whole mythology, making it that much more sacred.

(Me) I'm sure. I mean it's not like Anne Rice hasn't used the same approach as Kikuchi.

(Average otaku) Who?! I don't read anything which isn't manga, cus it's inferior.

(Me) Never mind! Moving along, what's wrong with the Animatrix?

(Average otaku) Well first let me tell you what's wrong with the Matrix. It ripped off anime like Ghost in the Shell, and therefore it sucks.

(Me) Because artists and animators in Japan who use cyberpunk themes in their work have never heard of Blade Runner and Neuromancer....

(Average otaku) What?! I don't watch movies which aren't anime!

(Me) I can tell...Anyway, so the Wachowskis acknowledging Ghost in the Shell as an influence, giving Oshii an autographed LD of the movie, and paying Japanese animators to work on the prequels is still taking advantage of them?

(Average otaku) Yes, because they have no creative control!

(Me) Despite the fact that many of them are fans of the Matrix, the fact that they were given more time to finish the Animatrix than they would if it was a Japanese production (especially Morimoto, who's not even a success in his own country), and the fact that they got more funding then they would on a Japanese production.

(Average otaku) Well then they're just sell-outs if they're willing to compromise their visions for money. Just look at the live-action crap that's floating around nowadays!

(Me) So Monkey Punch and Akira Toriyama are compromising their respective visions for allowing movie adaptations of anime which are based on literary material which is available in the public domain?

(Average otaku) Well, yeah, but that's different, because Japanese adaptations are unflinching and unique, because of their sex and violence, while Hollywood only cares about selling their movies to the Bible Belt by um...including more sex and violence?! Damnit! Well nonetheless, the Japanese do everything better, and that's that!

(Me) Well they certainly create better recessions than us...

(Average otaku) STFU!
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 8:35 am Reply with quote
you've already got one thread about this. let's keep it at one thread, okay?
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