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INTEREST: Bloody Monday Manga Creators Draw Inception Film Poster

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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:03 pm Reply with quote
I've been hearing people from here to there saying Paprika and Inception are alike and now it's been confirmed. Though Nolan goes in a WAY different direction than Kon did.

Still, brilliant movie, definitely the best of the summer, maybe the best of the year (at least thus far). This is going to get Oscar noms.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:08 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, it irks me that he's only indirectly acknowledged Paprika, especially after those Youtube mash-ups and reviewers who noted the similarities. [So how do you like your crow served, Keonyn? Rolling Eyes ] But then I knew he was an anime fan when I noticed similarities between the rail and car scenes in Batman Begins and the rail and car scenes in the Bebop and Utena movies.
Plus, I totally think he's seen Kon's other work, 'cus I felt like I was watching a bit of Paranoia Agent, too. So I just hope Nolan will have the decency to acknowledge Kon if he wins Best Director like Marty did with Andy Lau.

Up until then, every Nolan-tard[No offense to Answerman.] was
claiming it was just a coincidence, or that that Japtoon couldn't possibly have as much depth and style as something coming from Nolan. Moving on, I heard Madhouse is having some financial problems, so I hope this boosts much-needed sales for the Paprika DVD/BDs.

Anyway, funny that you also didn't mention co-star Levitt, since he was suggested as Tetsuo for Akira. Also, Leo was originally considered as the dub for Ashitaka in Princess Mononoke.

P.S. That comic uses scenes from City on Fire. And on a related note, that poster totally looks like a scene from Gantz. I've tweeted the Gantz guy about it, and now I'm just waiting for Kon to catch Inception and update his blog about it. Oh, and thanks for crediting me on the Nolan thing.

Last edited by GATSU on Tue Jul 20, 2010 8:19 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Joined: 02 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:15 pm Reply with quote
Heh, that's pretty cool.
I really want to see Inception soon when I get the chance.
I've heard nothing but praise about it.

Isn't Paprika going to be made into a live-action movie too? I don't remember...
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:23 pm Reply with quote
BunnyCupCakes wrote:
Heh, that's pretty cool.
I really want to see Inception soon when I get the chance.
I've heard nothing but praise about it.

Isn't Paprika going to be made into a live-action movie too? I don't remember...

It's definitely worth checking out, though pay attention as it is pretty cerebral and twisty.

And yes, the director of Das Boot and The Neverending Story is trying to make a live action Paprika.


Not sure how that'll work out
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Joined: 17 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:58 pm Reply with quote
Aha! I knew Cristopher Nolan had to have been inspired by Kon's works when he made Inception. My suspicions have been validated now.
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Joined: 08 Nov 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 8:13 pm Reply with quote
Cool. I watched Inception on Friday and watched Paprika yesterday after hearing it was similar. They're both interesting and imaginative, but they definitely take different directions as far as the plot goes.

I can see how Nolan might got inspiration from Paprika though since they both seem to examine similar concepts surrounding dreams.
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Joined: 01 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 8:18 pm Reply with quote
Not to sound pessimistic on this aspect, not that I wouldn't like to see a live action Paprika, but I can see it now, people who have never heard of it will call it an Inception knockoff to which those who use their heads will say it ripped off Paprika, not starting anything just calling it now, lol (Most of Nolan's fan base that I've been around remind me alot of the Apple fan base no offense) I'm actually surprised Inception is sitting on number 3 of all time on troll-ridden IMDB, that aside, They did a great job with the poster and as for the mentioned Akira and Ninja Scroll, It would be almost impossible to screw up Ninja scroll live action wise, now Akira on the other hand...lets just say the minute I see certain work-arounds for the sake of keeping the pg13 rating and I will call BS, my 2 cents
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 8:43 pm Reply with quote
It would be almost impossible to screw up Ninja scroll live action wise,

If the Wachowskis can screw up that other ninja movie, I don't have that much hope for NS.
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Joined: 02 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:23 pm Reply with quote
"Christopher Nolan cites [Paprika] as one of the principal influences and was inspired by its main character to flesh out his character played by Ellen Page, a 'spirit architect' named Ariadne."
Ah, that explains 2 similarities I noticed. Both Ariadne and Paprika reach out their hands and shatter a mirror of sorts in their dreams (symbolic?).

But more importantly, both Ariadne and Paprika ride with the main character on an elevator with memories at each floor -- with one floor that's 'off limits'.

That said, I agree that both movies are quite different and uniquely entertaining.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:02 pm Reply with quote
Sure, when it's a manga/anime latching onto the popularity of a Hollywood movie, nobody has a problem with it - but when it's the reverse.... Laughing
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Joined: 22 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:57 pm Reply with quote
jwood wrote:

That said, I agree that both movies are quite different and uniquely entertaining.

Agreed. Even though it was influenced by Paprika it's very much a different movie.

I feel weird being a "Nolan fanboy" because I've seen the attitudes of a few and I think I'm from a different category. I think his Batman stuff is his weakest with Memento and The Prestige being his best films... (I'd rank Inception very slimly behind The Prestige)

Not to mention I don't worship him and think every idea he has is uniquely his and totally coincidental that someone else has used it before. (I personally think it's cool that he's influenced by my favorite anime director.)
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Ian K

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:18 am Reply with quote
I can imagine Chrisopher Nolan nervously going to see Paprika, and then giving a big sigh of relief when the credits roll, thinking "At least they had a completely different take than I did". Because the movies are very different; Paprika is about the surrealness of dreams invading reality, while Inception is about making dreams as realistic as possible (Perhaps part of the reason Inception focuses on dreams that seem "realistic" is to avoiding hewing too close to ground that Paprika already tread). The only significant parallel I see is that in both films the line between dreams and reality becomes blurred.

I feel weird being a "Nolan fanboy" because I've seen the attitudes of a few and I think I'm from a different category. I think his Batman stuff is his weakest with Memento and The Prestige being his best films... (I'd rank Inception very slimly behind The Prestige)

The Dark Knight hits a sweet spot for me in how it balances spectacle with emotional engagement and intellect. All of Nolan's other movies are very good, but Inception (intentionally) doesn't have the same level of emotional involvement, while Memento and Prestige don't have the same action element and Batman Begins ideas aren't as fully formed, etc.

. . .

Got a little off topic.

Yeah, I don't really care for that poster very much.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:23 am Reply with quote
Interestingly enough, I felt like there was a lot of similarities between Satoshi Kon's work and David Cronenberg's Videodrome...

I've seen Kon's work first, but I was immensely surprised at how many of Paranoia Agent's ideas were in that movie (which was made like 27 years ago)...

That being said, I haven't seen Inception yet, but I like Christopher Nolan enough.
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Joined: 12 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 6:02 am Reply with quote
GATSU wrote:
Yeah, it irks me that he's only indirectly acknowledged Paprika, especially after those Youtube mash-ups and reviewers who noted the similarities.

Have you actually seen Paprika? Because generally, a bunch of images from Paprika with a voice over from Inception describing a bunch of stuff...not actually in Paprika at all is a pretty poor way to prove whatever crazy point you're trying to make.

Not that I'm claiming Paprika didn't influence Inception. Apparently it did. Being that until now there was no real hard evidence it did and pretty plausible explanations for the superficial similarities between the two, I took the rational course of action and assumed it didn't. That's why I'm perfectly comfortable admitting that it turned out to be true. Because I (and people like me) never turned this into a big deal like you did.

That's the joke of all this. The guy admits that Paprika was one of the influences and still you complain. Apparently it wasn't clear enough or he should have done it sooner or afterward he should have committed ritual seppuku. It never even occurs to you that maybe, the reason he merely mentioned offhand that Paprika influenced parts of Inception is because...not everyone is a anime nerd who spends all their time desperately waging war against the forces of anything American to combat their silly insecurity. He's not making some huge and shocking revelation. The 99.999% of people who aren't like you really don't give a flying fudge if he was inspired in part by Paprika. When they hear it is, they being normal, non crazy human beings go 'Oh, yeah, I can see the resemblance' and go on with their day. They do this because at most when they originally heard about Inception, they though 'Hmm, that sounds a bit like Paprika, I wonder if it's the inspiration at all? That seems like a possibility' They did this because, simply put, it does not matter. A movie that borrows a basic concept or premise from another work. That makes Inception just like most other movies from both Hollywood and Japan. So of course, sane people don't make a big thing of it. Unlike you. You immediately assume as a matter of undeniable fact that once again, the evil Hollywood was 'stealing' from anime and took to the internet with another little nerd jihad.

So yeah, congratulations. You were right. You've shown us all that if you talk about your ass long enough, you may eventually happen to be right. Kudos.
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Joined: 07 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 8:53 am Reply with quote
What's wrong with only acknowledging it indirectly? I came out of Inception reminded a bit of Coraline and of Paprika, both of which were excellent films and both of which put a lot of ideas onto the table. Nolan decided to make a film about dreams, and went at it in a different way than Satoshi Kon did - things like that happen all the time. It's not like any of it was jacked directly from the film.
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