That scene where a crook (ugly as hell) demanded to see Vash naked as a condition for sparing the girl that Vash was living with. Vash could lacerate that guy with his eyelashes, but he chose to get naked, dance like a dog, and take a bullet, all because he didn't want to hurt anyone if there was another solution.
A scene where Guts pretty much lives up to his name. While fighting demons at the end, he gets his arm bitten by one demon. IIRC, he was trying to get to Griffith and end the nightmare. To free himself of the demon, he cut off his arm. But it didn't come off immediately, so he pounded it with his sword (I think it was damaged by that time, too) until it snapped. Even considering what was at stake, even though he was snapping his tail to save his own life (among others), the eagerness with which he pounded his own stubborn flesh, thinking only of stopping Griffith, was unbelievable.
This scene gave me quite a number of emotions, which allowed me to determine that a. there is evil, and there is unspeakable evil; b. there are violent shows, and there are shows that can traumatize anyone at any age; and that c. Berserk rocks.
Your turn.