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Re:Zero -Starting Life in Another World- (TV).

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Joined: 14 Nov 2018
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 04, 2024 6:22 pm Reply with quote
Edjwald wrote:
Oh, and BTW, do you think Suburu picked up some purifying or cleansing magic at some point? That track suit must be getting a little rank.

It's really only been around 13 months since he got isekai'd. All my tracksuits are older than that and I work out daily and do martial arts, so they never sit long in the closet, tough the pants sometimes need a stitch here and there. Despite appearances, Subaru doesn't actually wear it every single day and he's mentioned that he's fairly capable of mending clothes, so he's probably prolonging it's life that way.

That said, if you dont mind a little spoiler: spoiler[after this arc it will indeed be time to retire the old black and orange. ]
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2024 9:00 am Reply with quote
Nah, I don't mind a leetle spoiler. In fact, I'll even thank you for it Wink
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 09, 2024 4:04 pm Reply with quote
Yikes. While the sin bishop of Wrath didn't seem as formidable as Petelgeuse in a 1 on 1 fight, that ability to spoiler[psychically connect with watching people and turn them into life-synced hostages ] is pretty nasty.

In any case, I thought watching Suburu go though the old defeat and repeat routine was pretty compelling. It does look like I'm going to have to get used to cliffhanger endings if I don't want to hold off and wait to binge this series at the end of the season.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 12, 2024 7:57 am Reply with quote
Because of the long run time I was waiting for a point that I had the time to get through the first episode in one sitting, and put full attention to it, now being able to watch the theatrical length first episode and the second. I would say it is not the worst that it wanted to fit all the before stuff before reaching the threat situation, although I was feeling it when they introduced the Greed guy, which I was pretty certain was an archbishop even at the time.

Sirius, the archbishop of Wrath, was intimidating much like Petelgeuse. When we saw the side of her head, it seemed pretty clear that she is an elf, but her going berserk over Emilia that made it more confusing, but also personal. It has been a hot minute since the flashback arc, but could Sirius be one of the elves from then, most likely Emilia's aunt? It just seemed like the case that she might be likely to be mistaking Emilia for her mother in calling her a homewrecker, and/or may be upset over the death of Petelgeuse as the mentioned grave of a husband. Although it might just be that there are not too many elves.
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 12, 2024 8:17 am Reply with quote
DuskyPredator wrote:
I was feeling it when they introduced the Greed guy, which I was pretty certain was an archbishop even at the time.

He was wreaking havoc in the last season though. I remember thinking Last Exile's Guild had an outpost in this world too.

I really enjoyed seeing Betty and Subaru getting along at the start of the episode. They've always had a fun chemistry, but it's so much better now.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 12, 2024 8:23 am Reply with quote
DuskyPredator wrote:
It just seemed like the case that she might be likely to be mistaking Emilia for her mother in calling her a homewrecker, and/or may be upset over the death of Petelgeuse as the mentioned grave of a husband. Although it might just be that there are not too many elves.

Could it be that Sirius has the hots for the Greed dude, and she knows about his romantic intentions towards Emilia?
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2024 4:25 am Reply with quote
Welp, it looks like Sirius definitely doesn't have the hots for Regulus (Greedy).

And was that long haired dwarf with fangs at the end another Sin Archbishop? Did she get an intro and I forgot it or missed it? We only have Gluttony, Envy, and Pride left among the seven deadly sins, right? I wonder what's up with the fire sale going on.

So if I were part of a strategy meeting, some of the things I'd be trying to figure out are

(1) is it possible to get Wrathful and Greedy together in a crowdless place and let them fight each other? It makes sense that trying to get Sin Archbishops to cooperate would be like herding wolverines.

(2) What's up with this siesta hour where Sin Archbishops stop fighting? It's apparently the opposite of a free period.

(3) Who's powerful enough to give these raving psychotics marching orders? Is there a Sin Pope?
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2024 6:13 am Reply with quote
Edjwald wrote:
Welp, it looks like Sirius definitely doesn't have the hots for Regulus (Greedy).

Also confirmation of a focus on Petelgeus as an object of desire, although not actually as close as she might say. Did we have confirmation of whether or how much he recalled of his previous life?

Edjwald wrote:
And was that long haired dwarf with fangs at the end another Sin Archbishop? Did she get an intro and I forgot it or missed it? We only have Gluttony, Envy, and Pride left among the seven deadly sins, right? I wonder what's up with the fire sale going on.

I presumed their talking about kitchens and sharp teeth, that they must be the archbishop of Gluttony. Regarding the last two, I remember Petelgeuse said that they were unaware. Didn't he think Subaru may have been them? And considering that the Witch of Envy was kind of separate from the rest, do we have confirmation that there is an archbishop of Envy?
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Joined: 03 Aug 2017
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2024 5:04 am Reply with quote
DuskyPredator wrote:
I remember Petelgeuse said that they were unaware. Didn't he think Subaru may have been them?

You remember the past episodes a lot better than I do. I've got to say, the idea that people walking around not realizing that they're magical ticking time bombs is a scary thought. If I were Subaru and Petelgeuse had said that to me, I'd be a lot more wary of using those black magic arms.

DuskyPredator wrote:
And considering that the Witch of Envy was kind of separate from the rest, do we have confirmation that there is an archbishop of Envy?

That's a good point. I guess there's no rule that they have to correspond to the seven deadly sins either, though having names like Sloth instead of Laziness or Wrath instead of Rage tends to suggest it. Kind of weird to think of archbishops of Neglect or Narcissism running around.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2024 5:52 am Reply with quote
Edjwald wrote:
You remember the past episodes a lot better than I do. I've got to say, the idea that people walking around not realizing that they're magical ticking time bombs is a scary thought. If I were Subaru and Petelgeuse had said that to me, I'd be a lot more wary of using those black magic arms.

I got into the mystery back when, with this being a series that I have enjoyed the putting things together.

But I also mistyped. I meant to say that Petelgeuse said they were unaware where the archbishop of Pride was, and he thought that Subaru having the miasma of the witch may have meant he was Pride. But that doesn't mean there isn't a pride.

Edjwald wrote:
That's a good point. I guess there's no rule that they have to correspond to the seven deadly sins either, though having names like Sloth instead of Laziness or Wrath instead of Rage tends to suggest it. Kind of weird to think of archbishops of Neglect or Narcissism running around.

My memory seems to think the Archbishops may have siphoned off power from the 6 witches that were killed by the Witch of Envy. Such that Petelgeuse's invisible hands were a power taken from the Witch of Sloth.

But I also think that the Witch of Wrath's whole power was that her she was physically incapable of causing damage to a person, she healed Subaru by punching him. Maybe there is the connection there to Sirius making everyone share damage.

The other witches I remember was Lust has a passive ability of warping perception that Subaru saw her as someone else. Gluttony had Subaru filled with so much hunger he ate his own hands, and created the whale and rabbits as a food source. I think Pride was impervious and did damage based on one's inner guilt. And I actually don't remember much about Greed, despite her being the one that started the whole tea party thing... she had connections to Betty and Roswaal, maybe it was collection knowledge in Betty's library?
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Joined: 03 Aug 2017
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2024 6:58 am Reply with quote
That all sounds pretty convincing. I'm going to have to go back and rewatch the Tea Party episodes. I remember liking them a lot, but they're a bit blurry..
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 23, 2024 6:05 pm Reply with quote
Welp, I haven't gone back and rewatched the Tea Party episodes yet, but I am still enjoying the current run of Re:Zero.

I remembered who the Sin Archbishop of Gluttony was after I saw that flashback of Rem. Now I'm sincerely hoping that Subaru will gain some insight on how to wake her up from this confrontation.

I'm also hoping Emilia will tell the Sin Archbishop of Wrath that she's a playa next week. It seems a better alternative than, "Why yes, I do qualify for whatever sacrifice or evil ritual you have planned."

Can't say I was too surprised to see Scum-sama Papa working with the witches.
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Joined: 14 Nov 2018
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 23, 2024 7:47 pm Reply with quote
I'll answer some random questions in this thread, at least the ones that dont require spoilers or heavy speculation.

Edjwald wrote:

(3) Who's powerful enough to give these raving psychotics marching orders? Is there a Sin Pope?

Last season we saw the Witch of Vainglory, Pandora, literally yeet Regulus back home when he decided to get uppity with her, simply by saying he had always been there. I think it's safe to say nobody so much as breathes in the Cult without Pandora allowing it, I mean she can literally say someone doesn't need breathing because theye dead - and dead they become.

DuskyPredator wrote:
And considering that the Witch of Envy was kind of separate from the rest, do we have confirmation that there is an archbishop of Envy?

Archbishops are created by ingesting the Witch Factor, which is created from the body of a deceased Witch, much like we saw Petelguese do in S2. Satella is very much alive, just sealed (Tough she certainly found more than enough ways to affect the world beyond her seal), therefore no Archbishop of Envy.

DuskyPredator wrote:
And I actually don't remember much about Greed, despite her being the one that started the whole tea party thing... she had connections to Betty and Roswaal, maybe it was collection knowledge in Betty's library?

Her authority plays a suprisingly small role because Echidna's... Doesn't like to use it, and it basically went barely mentioned in the anime. If you search her official Light Novel design, she's depicted with a book - that's the Book of Wisdom and the focus of her authority. It allows her to simply knows things, both past, present and future. That said she dislikes using it as the information is "downloaded" into her brain, but she enjoys the learning process. That said, she used her authority to create Betty and Roswaals gospels, the real ones, rather than the replicas of dubious function that the cult uses - tough of course, since Echidna is a sociopath, she rigged Roswaal's to tell him the future as long as instructions to some unclear goal and Betty's to show absolutely nothing, just to see what would happen.
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Joined: 03 Aug 2017
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 24, 2024 4:08 am Reply with quote
Thanks, OrdepNM Smile I am definitely going to have to rewatch Season 2 because apparently my memory of it isn't just a bit blurry, it's badly in need of bifocals.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2024 5:24 am Reply with quote
OrdepNM wrote:
Archbishops are created by ingesting the Witch Factor, which is created from the body of a deceased Witch, much like we saw Petelguese do in S2. Satella is very much alive, just sealed (Tough she certainly found more than enough ways to affect the world beyond her seal), therefore no Archbishop of Envy.

I guess that follows that in the recent episode my assumption is that the witch under the city is most likely the Witch of Pride, since they would need it to create a new archbishop. Possibly only doing it because Subaru took Sloth off the table.

Edjwald wrote:
I'm also hoping Emilia will tell the Sin Archbishop of Wrath that she's a playa next week. It seems a better alternative than, "Why yes, I do qualify for whatever sacrifice or evil ritual you have planned."

You mean Greed? His entire thing seems to be greedy. Which I thought was pointing he specifically is not doing the whole sacrifice thing, but just wants to greedily make her his, and could have nothing to with what Petelgeuse what the Sins are supposed to be after her for. He just wants her to be a virgin so that he can have her only be his, kind of like how Petelgeuse was a reflection of Subaru's toxic ideas of love.
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