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smurky turkey
Joined: 30 Jan 2022
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Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2025 12:17 pm
Given episode 4 and seeing how OP said magic sword is I indeed no longer feel bad for Red having used the Zord against the hero. Hell, given how much of a stubborn and treacherous a-hole said hero was this week I regret that he did not smash him up a bit more. They did kind of fight together at the end though and like expected it now seems to be Zord time for the big bad.
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Joined: 03 Aug 2017
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Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2025 12:53 pm
Yah, the depths to which Lowji sank took me by surprise.
It also struck me - specifically when Red was identifying with the rebels who don't want to lose their home - that the deeper the bonds Red forms in this world, the harder it's going to be for him to leave someday.
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 Bargain Hunter
Joined: 07 Mar 2009
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Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2025 5:26 pm
Episode 4
Yep, Lowji certainly put the "Low" in his name this week. Mind you, as usual, it's a chick who's really to blame. Lowji only did what he did because he was worried that Teltina wouldn't be his personal little squeeze weasel any more, if he didn't. I tells ya, ever since the days of Adam and Eve, wimmins have been a bad influence on us poor, innocent men...
Anyhoo, continue to very much enjoy this even with all the evil female shenanigans.
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 Bargain Hunter
Joined: 07 Mar 2009
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Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2025 3:22 pm
Episode 5
This show started strong and has just continued to get better and better, imo. It could have coasted on its wacky premise but it is clearly more ambitious than that. Nobody really commented on the black miasma that sprung up on Red's body near the end of the fight, but anime has taught me that black miasma is never a good thing. I wonder if it's a sign that Red could lose control and run amok? If that happened, he'd have to rely on the healing power of Witchy-Pooh's spectacular bosom to bring him back... or something. It was also fun meeting the Royal Sceptre. Cool show, bro.
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Joined: 03 Aug 2017
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Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2025 4:16 pm
It's true, I myself can't think of a single anime where black miasma was a life affirming or positive development. I also can't think of a single anime where a jester like personage in a muse mask spouting little French bon mots wasn't a completely psychotic evil type, so anybody who wants to consider that a trivia challenge go right ahead.
I also noticed that the blonde and presumably evil usurper of Yidhra's family's position was looking at said black miasma as if eyeing a big bowl of chili fries.
And I'm interested in the bigger picture that is gradually emerging here. I've already got a *Invaders of the Rokujouma* style theory, but I'm going to let it marinate for a bit. I will say that these constant little flashbacks to Big Red's life in his own world are starting to make me wish for an OVA or a prequel or a sequel where Kizuna 5 gets some more screen time. They seem like a fun parody in their own right.
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 Bargain Hunter
Joined: 07 Mar 2009
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Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2025 4:22 pm
Oooo, good catch on the muse mask wearing jester who spouts cheese eating surrender monkey bon mots = evil. Definitely! Also agree on wanting to see more of Red Ranger's time on Earth. I wonder if a lengthy flashback episode is in the cards.
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smurky turkey
Joined: 30 Jan 2022
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Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2025 10:37 am
They have indeed set up enough elements to go past the sentai gimmick and make it feel like a fully fleshed out story. I like that miss Sceptre does not seem to be just a villain even if she is a pain in the neck. All the mages and nobles in the capital being corrupt like in many other anime would have been boring and simplistic.
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Joined: 03 Aug 2017
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Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2025 9:11 pm
At first I groaned when Witchy-Pookums went hurtling out the window with hurt feelings - I thought we were going to have a whole contrived episode built around an easily avoided misunderstanding - but I was relieved to see that they wrapped it up quick and even used it for a little character growth and bonding.
Speaking of which, I wasn't expecting this show to be pushing the bond merging as heavily as they've been pushing it. I wasn't really anticipating much on the romance front at all seeing as how Red is so dewy-eyed and wholesome, but that was two episodes with accidental straddling and differing degrees of nudity ago. Even more significantly than the romantic comedy lucky lecher tropes, Yihdra admitted to herself that she liked him.
And has nobody noticed that the masks and the French court style regalia of the Royal Scepter personnel and that demonic jester are, gee willikers, kind of similar?
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Gina Szanboti
Joined: 03 Aug 2008
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Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 12:37 am
So did they... Bond Merger! ...or not? Also, was it Red's super-serious voice Lowjack heard on the balcony or something else?
Count me as one who was glad they cleared it up right away. But why is it mostly clothed Red who gets the sneezies instead of half-naked Yihdra who was flying through a snow storm before lying on her back in a snow drift while they worked things out? Woman makes me cold just looking at her.
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Joined: 03 Aug 2017
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Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 4:48 am
I was kind of assuming that she was just forgetting what state of dress she was in and that's why they were embarrassed later, unless she was feigning her outrage about not being the kind of woman who would [bond merge] under those circumstances the next morning. But an argument could be made to the contrary.
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 Bargain Hunter
Joined: 07 Mar 2009
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Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 8:15 am
Episode 6
I'm with you, Gina. My least favourite contrivance for two characters we like having a falling out is the ole, "you didn't bother to hang around to hear the rest of what the other person was saying" gambit and its closely allied "you conveniently only heard the part of the conversation that seems damaging out of context" chestnut. So yes, very glad that got cleared up quickly. The Royal Sceptre chick continues to be interesting to me, characterization wise. A lesser show would have made her a straight up villain but this one seems to be going in a somewhat more nuanced, "yeah, she's kind of dickish, but she has a legitimate viewpoint" route. Meanwhile Princess Teltina's older bro clearly seems to be a more straight ahead villain.
But really, the main point of my post is to address Gina's burning question: why was Red more affected by the snow and cold than scantily clad Witchy-Pooh Yihdra? Simple. BEHOLD THE POWER OF OPPAI!!! Damn, the heat generated by those impressive puppies must be enormous...
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 Bargain Hunter
Joined: 07 Mar 2009
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Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2025 11:57 am
Episode 7
Once again I have to doff my cap at the show's creativity and energy in studiously avoiding the "Medieval Generica" isekai trap. We are all familiar with elves protecting their forest sanctuary, but... a cacti forest in the desert? Nice spin on an old trope! And the reveal that the same kind of tech that Red uses has already been introduced in this world (and looks super cool, by the way - Egyptologists every where must be dancing a jig) is fantastic. Yesterday I used the highly scientific term Super Fun to describe Sakamoto Days and it more than applies here. Great stuff and keep it coming!
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smurky turkey
Joined: 30 Jan 2022
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Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2025 1:41 pm
The cacti forest is a fresh setting and the fight with the elves and Amun was exciting. That said, similar to Red I am most interested in the prophet. Given the short flashback that he had about a woman and given her knowledge she has to be someone from the modern world. That makes her either a previous ranger or someone related to them and then there is the whole huge time difference between her and Red arriving in the fantasy world.
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Joined: 03 Aug 2017
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Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2025 5:03 pm
I wonder if there's every going to be an explanation for why one of the elves has a fro and speaks English catchphrases and seems up on Tarzan. If it was the Otherworlder's influence, and they visited a thousand years ago, maybe there's some kind of time travel or weird time discrepancy between dimensions.
I'm also still trying to figure out if Red And Yihdra [bond mergered] last episode. I guess I'm just one of those people who has to put a label on things. Anyhow, I couldn't tell from their behavior though they definitely seem more comfortable with each other.
I enjoyed the Amen scenario too, though I can't find help but think that Lowji can only go so long without a good butt kicking before he starts creating problems for himself and his teammates again. A very problematic ally.
And geez, fighting a guy with sand control powers in what's basically a vast burning sandbox? That's not going to be fun. Well, fun to watch maybe.
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 Bargain Hunter
Joined: 07 Mar 2009
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Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2025 5:34 pm
There is NO WAY Her Royal Fineness let that Red Chump defile her divine personage. This debate is OVER.
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