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![]() Posts: 23 Location: In a very cloudy ditch. |
Here I go, my top 10.
1.Neon Gensis Evangelion- It was hard to pick my favorite but then I thought "Which one had tha greatest impact on me?" Eva, of corse. I think I might be one of the only people in the world who liked its ending. spoiler[Instead of just a huge fight there was a huge fight and phycological aspects. I liked how they were all thinking "Notice me. Love me." at the end.] The plot was great. The character growth physically and emotionally was something to die for. The music was awesome (mostly refering to the theme song). I stumbled into this series at my schools book fair, I'd never guess it was so popular. Overall, I would not miss it. 2.Fullmetal Alchemist- My spanish teacher recomended it to me. At first I thought "Oh is this a show like bleach where there is a bunch of pointless fighting, no character growth emotionally and is repetitive after 30 episodes?" the answer would be, no (clearly because its on my top 10). It has lots of action, comedy and my favorite emotional character growth. They grow so much on the inside. Like the author said "They should grow emotionally seince their phical strength is already at level 100." I'd defentally watch it when your sad. 3.Elfen Lied- This was on everyones top 10 list so I had to check it out. I think the reason why is the begining really draws you in within 5 seconds, unlike in some shows where the action starts around episode 8. In my opinion it defentally walks that thin, thin line between too gory and explict and is about to fall into that side of the abyss rather then the good, clean side. The plot is great, characters are geniusspoiler[Like, how Nyuu and Lucy are tecnically one person.] Just overall addicting. 4.The melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya- Very, very different. This anime tries a little too hard to be different. I randomly picked this off the shelf and gave it a try(Tip: Don't watch ep.00 first). The plot is genius but they loose the plot in Haruhis antics sometimes. Kyon is the best narrorator ever. he's sarcastic and halairious and this anime wouldn't be this anime without him. If your not into odd sometimes random anime I wouldn't look away, just try and get through those scenes. 5.Code Geass (R2 included)- I think this is one of the best mecha animes out there. Great plot, supurb animation, and Lelouchs whole 'I am evil spoiler[not!]' to top it off. 6.Cowboy Bebop Im not fond of the music but, everything else was awesome. This is probally the most suspense filled anime I have watched. The action scenes are well animated and characters are awesome. I don't know why I couldn't put it higher on my list but, #6 isn't that bad. 7.FLCL- Random and wacky but so worth it. The way this anime is so out there and odd just makes this anime great. For only 6 episodes the characters had as much personality as if it were a 26 episode anime. You should just take that 2 1/2 hours off to watch this. 8.Ouran High School Host Club- Being a girl I dont like girly animes that much, this would be called an exception. It's so funny and probally the only anime that made me laugh out loud that hard for that long. Other then the american voice actors sounding drunk in the recordings this was the best shojo anime I have ever watched. 9.Death Note- Lost me a bit at the ending, but a great psycological anime. 10.R.O.D.- Let's just face it, books are awesome. Nuf' said. 5 worst. 1..hack- I love MMORPGs but, seriously whats the point of watching fictional people playing fictional things doing fictional stuff? 2.Bleach- first 30 eps. were great then it got repetitive. 3.Wolfs' Rain- What happened? Started out great but, lost me. 4.Vampire Knight- What was the plot again? 5.Fruits Basket- Okay, the manga was great the anime not so much. |
![]() Posts: 7272 Location: Vancouver |
Honorable Mention:
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed (TV) - There were some issues such as reused animation and identical looking characters, but that aside I think this is the best full length series in the gundam franchise. If you can get over the minor flaws, its a great series. Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory (OAV) - I didn't really see it as standing out as a masterpiece. However it was all around very very good. I have absolutely no complaints. Interesting characters, interesting story, cool battles, all that. Just an all around great mecha anime. RahXephon (TV) - I don't think can talk about this without comparing it to Eva. It was after all kinda Eva done right. All the good, a deep story with complex characters. But none of the bad. Not so many questions upon questions that it was tough to follow and more importantly, the questions were for the most part resolved. The musical symbolism was far preferable too. Ghost in the Shell: SAC (TV) - It's a very good balance between excellent action sequences, police drama, and a little psychological/philosophical discussion. That last one probably isn't as well intertwined as it could be though. The plot was still fairly well paced, bringing up the Laughing Man frequently enough that you didn't just seem like a sub-plot but at the same time it still worked as a episodic anime so the many unrelated episodes didn't feel like filler. In fact, those episodes were actually often better than the earlier laughing man ones. Of course it also looks just amazing. Probably the best looking TV series I've ever seen. The character designs are great. They've got a very detailed and realistic look but that the same time in a somewhat stylized way. #10 Samurai Champloo (TV) - Fun, likable characters. Not really much of a story, but cool modern concepts kept it interesting. Lots of great Samurai action. The ending was one of my favorite endings ever. It accomplished something Anime or anything for that matter rarely does and actually made me believe that spoiler[they might kill one or both of the main characters. It really adds to the drama when you're honestly not sure who will live or die. Then when they didn't kill either of em, I was actually glad because it would have been awfully sad if they did. I still got the fun of thinking they might.] #9 Blood: The Last Vampire (Movie) - Without a doubt, Blood is the best 50 minute movie I have ever seen. The Art, Animation, beautiful. The main character manages to pull off the "super powerful young girl", a characterization I normally rarely find believable. (see Blood+) She is so intense and tough, that you honestly can believe she is who she is supposed to be. The pace here is excellent too. It gets going immediately, only slows to establish whats going on, and then dives right back into things until the end. I loved the realistic touch of mixing Japanese and English. Going back to my original statement though, Blood is the best 50 minute movie I have ever seen. It's a movie and its not even 50 minutes long. What the hell? That in itself is really weird. Obviously this meant none of the questions were really ever answered. Saya comes in, kills the bad guys, the end. Why? dunno. I even didn't mind this so much since It helped maintain feeling of the nurses perspective. They show up, and then just disappear. You'll never know who or what they were. Also the content fit the length perfectly. It felt neither stretched, nor condensed. I guess that comes with making a movie what ever length suits you though. It did irk me though that they include little details that were left unexplained. Whats the significance of her being the last "original" or more specifically, why are they just acting like they think she's the last original? Also whats with her reaction to any mention of god/religion? If you want to have an inconclusive plot, fine. It seems stupid to add little detail questions then though. It's too bad. Blood could easily be the first half of the best anime movie ever. That said, while it lasted it was still one of the best anime I've ever seen. #8 Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade (movie) - For starters, this is a beautiful looking movie. The art and animation are absolutely top notch. I love the more conservative, realistic art style so commonly found in movies Oshii is involved in. The action sequences are brutally intense. However, they really aren't the focus. What drives this movie is it's extremely well developed characters and intriguing plot. It's extremely compelling. My only complaint is that it drags slightly in the early-middle. For the most part this section did develop the characters, but I feel like it could have been condensed a little to less disrupt the suspense of the movie. #7 Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team (OAV) - I would probably say this is my favorite Gundam series. It took a much more realistic look at the franchise. (Yeah, I know that's a bit of an oxymoron with Gundam.) It wasn't so much an issue of actually being realistic but rather, applying the fun of Gundam to the more small scale and mundane aspects of real warfare. Instead of huge conflicts affecting the entire world, it was just one smallground amidst an entire war. If felt more like a military drama instead of a big mecha melodrama. Not only was that a refreshing change, it was a heck of a enjoyable anime. #6 Ghost in the Shell: SAC 2nd GIG (TV) - Ah, its watching this that I remember why I got into anime in the first place. The first half or so is excellent as it is but once it hits the half way point it really takes it to the masterpiece level. There is a heavier focus on the central plot and that plot is a little less abstract compared to the first season and while it was still highly enjoyable, this makes the second season feel much more powerful. The music is a huge boost and overall, the series creates a great atmosphere. It's also great to see the setting and state of the world developed as well as some of the secondary members of section 9. #5 Hellsing (TV) I just loved the characters. Alucard is so creepy and incredibly cool too. Seras was probably my favorite character though. She wasn't nearly so cute that she was annoying as is he case so much. She was just really quirky and likable. (British accents are awesome.) All this contrasted great with her transformation into a vampire. Of course it's just immensely cool as well. What really sets it apart is it's unrivaled style and atmosphere. I can't quite explain what it was. There was just something about it that I haven't found anywhere else including Ultimate and the manga. I would have rated this a masterpiece if not for the poor ending. The problem was the combination of Incognito's genericness and the lack of resolution. One or the other would have been at least decent. If there had found the ones responsible for this all and defeated their generic vampire, or if they didn't find the ones responsible but did fight someone more interesting or descriptive. Incognito was just some generic bad guy who wants to destroy the world. It's a shame. It seems vampire anime are doomed to fall short of their potential. #4 Berserk (TV) - It had so much great bloody action and at the same time, such depth in its story and characters. They are all incredibly complex and developed. It is absolutely brutal but not in a lame, gore for the sake of gore, exploitative way. If you've got the stomach for it, I would absolutely recommend it to anyone. Although to be honest, you'd probably be better off to read the manga. I think the anime does a reasonably decent job of adapting it, but with the relatively weak art of the anime and the amazing art of the manga, you don't really gain much by watching the anime and the manga does go more in depth and of course covers the whole story. That said, even for what it is, the anime is still brilliant. #3 Trigun (TV) - I should preface this by saying that I am a Trigun fanboy. What can I say? I just love it. I love westerns and I love Sci-Fi. I hadn't even really considered the concept of putting them together before this. More importantly though, Trigun is just so incredibly fun to watch. It does an amazing job of drawing you in and introducing you to its characters in a very casual way and slowly dropping details that develop them and explain the back-story. #2 Ghost in the Shell (Movie) - Beautiful art, character designs, settings and animation. The whole thing just looked great. It's probably the single most beautifully presented anime I've ever seen. It raises some very interesting questions regarding technology and humanity. What truly made it great was the presentation and execution though. A lot anime with philosophical themes take things too far and resort to beating you over the head with it. *glares malevolently at ergo proxy* In fact, in general they tend too often to feel fractured. Random bits of meaningless action mixed aimlessly with random bits of philosophical discussion. However, here it is so very well integrated. Both those aspects felt deliberate in their execution. That's what makes Ghost in the Shell a masterpiece. #1 Cowboy Bebop (TV) - The characters are unforgettable and so well developed. The action is beautiful and stylish. The music is great. It's just absolutely brilliant. This is what anime should aspire to be. Wow, that took longer that I expected. Crap I hate to follow later. Sleep now. |
![]() Posts: 6 |
Kanon: Harem, love-romance, school-life, drama, little bit of fantasy.
Beautiful animation, a superb OP which fits the anime, and a strong cast. Story revolves around a male lead who seems to have forgotten his past, which slowly unravels via heartrending events. Emotions convey really strongly in this anime, and is one of the best love-romance-drama I've seen to date. Lots of tears. Neon Genesis(Shin Seiki) Evangelion mecha, action Pioneer(possibly?) of mecha anime which has set the standards for several mecha series to date. Story is about a boy who was unwillingly made by his father to a pilot an EVA, a biological-mechanical entity, developed by NERV to combat Angels, biological beings prophesized to destroy Mankind. Story takes a turn for the queer when Gainax(team that did evangelion) faced budget constraints and the story became more psychological than originally intended. An anime that's fused with psychological, symbolic, and Christian influences, will leave the majority of viewers befuddled. Clannad TV Harem, love-romance, school-life, drama, little bit of fantasy. It's similar to Kanon in nature and design, partly because it was produced by the same team/director. It's a hilarious mix of school-life, a tiny bit of fantasy, and an emotional finale. It involves a delinquent, Okazaki tomoya, who befriends an introvert, Nagisa, and ends up helping her reform the theater club. On the way they encounter several girls of interesting character, and while befriending them, learns of their problems and often troubled pasts, and solves them, together. Full Metal Panic!(Fumoffu, The Second Raid) Mech, Love-romance, action, comedy, a little bit of school-life. This anime has everything most people look for in an anime, from comedy, to slick, strategic, well-animated battles. It involves SGT Sargara Sousuke, an over-paranoid army boor with absolutely no communicational skills, who is sent to protect Chidori Kaname, a rather loudmouthed yet lovable tsundere , who possesses dark technology, knowledge of technology far beyond current times. An unknown organization is targetting the "whispered" ones, and Mithril, Sargara's organization, which has been assuming the role as the "Hand of Justice", has been trying to protect the last of these Whispered ones. The love-hate relationship between the lead and Chidori, as well as Sargara's ineptitude at leading a high-schoolers life is a barrel of laughs, while the mech scenes will satisfy most mech afficionados. Mai-HiME Action, drama, love-romance, school-life (mech?) Story revolves around Tokiha Mai, a rather well-endowed, cheerful girl whose life is partially dedicated to taking care of his sickly brother. She is a HiME, and is thrown unwillingly into conflict. HiME, battle maidens who have been marked by the HiME Star, have gathered at Fuka Academy, to participate in a rite of passage that has been performed at various intervals since time immemorial. A HiME is capable of summoning a "Child", monstrous entities that a HiME can call forth and manipulate at will, to do battle, but with a heavy price; the life of the person the HiME holds dearest. Story takes a dark turn where the girls are forced to participate in a deathmatch against each other, with the person they treasure most on the line. An emotional ride, with good animation and splendid coloring, powered by awe-inspiring, music courtesy of Yuki Kajiura. (.hack//SIGN, noir, madlax) Noir action, yuri, mystery A seemingly dark thriller of 2 assassins, digging into their obscure past, only to unravel a myriad of conspiracies. The more they dig, the more they are being targetted, as they find out that they are "selected" to be the successors of the pillars of the largest underground organization in the world, the heirs to the name "Noir", which has instilled fear in the underworld for generations. A gunfight-type thriller which is more psychological at times than action, infused with amazing orchestrated choir-type melodies(Kajiura Yuki), with an old-english-cathedral type setting at certain points, sets up for a melancholic mystery-type thriller that will keep you at the edge of your seat. |
![]() Posts: 7361 |
I thought some stuff over and updated my list (to include a bottom 5th entry and a reworked and slightly reworded top 10) Sorry, I'm not too keen on how to put words there and not the URL, but this'll do. |
![]() Posts: 16 |
10 favourites, no particular order.
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya My most favourite anime. Ever. Not only does this take the tired school genre and twist it into something new but it also has great characters and quite a few shock moments, especially spoiler[Ryoko cheerfully trying to kill Kyon in episode 4/10]. One Piece As someone who does automatically dismisses everything from Shonen Jump as pretentious crap I was quite surprised with how good this was. When they're not endlessly fighting and shouting attack names (I always find that so awkward) it's quite an entertaining and deep series. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni/Kai An intriguing "moe corruption" anime with cute girls going on kill-crazy rampages. But underneath the gore and torture (which there is a LOT of) there's an intelligent mystery that never quite gets solved and requires multiple watches of both the original and Kai to understand. Re: Cutie Honey One of those anime you just cannot understand at first. The three OVA episodes all have their unique style, with the first taking a garish FLCL/Dead Leaves styling, the second having a more down-to-earth retro-drama-action template and the final episode going out with a blast with explosive high-speed battles. Gurren Lagann Yep, it had to be here. The energetic resurrection of the transforming mecha genre is truly a modern classic and the strong character development only contributes to the sheer fun. It also made me all teary-eyed when they spoiler[killed off the main character in episode 8, with the weaker sidekick leading the way in the remaining... 19 episodes]. Karin Ah, the daily fanservicy life of the reverse-vampire Karin is always amusing. Most characters are well-explored and developed and it's one of those few anime to actually have a completely happy ending that wraps up the story. Excel Saga A brain-melting parody of parodies and anime clichés. I really can't explain the sheer lunacy in words. You'll have to watch it yourself. Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu This FMP! sidestory takes the original series, removes all traces of seriousness and improves the animation quality x100. Fumoffu also has surprisingly well done parody elements as well as some sorta-kinda-although-not-really romantic elements. Puni Puni Poemy Pretty much exactly like Excel Saga but with magical girl elements thrown in along with more lunacy. Lucky Star The complete lack of plot makes this the perfect anime to turn off your brain and watch instantly. And now, my top 5 worst anime in no particular order Naruto/Shippuden A slow-paced, filler-infested exercise in nonexistent character development and terrible plot points, Naruto deserves nothing but total obscurity as soon as possible! Eiken There is such a thing as too much fanservice. The makers of this animated atrocity obviously didn't know that. Bleach After the incredibly strong start it just started getting worse and worse and worse. Shame. I'll add more to it later. I'm so lazy. |
![]() Posts: 6905 Location: Kazune City |
(Note: If you absolutely want to avoid spoilers, don't mouse over or click that link.) |
![]() Posts: 49 Location: Washington DC |
I'm pretty sure I already posted a list but I can't find it and mine has changed a lot since then
1. Code Geass the whole series was just amazing, the fights amazing, the characters not perfect, the main character not always ending up getting what he wants, and the very last episode was the most amazing episode i've ever seen, it really made me love Lelouch. 2. Nausicaa my very favorite movie ever. Also by the best director of all time by my opinion. The animation was beautiful and the story was imaginative and showed the fails of man kind. 3. Fullmetal Alchemist even though I like the manga better than the anime, the anime does a perfect job of making a different storyline but still making it seem like that's something Arakawa-dono would write. 4. Princess Mononoke once again directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The animation in this movie is the best anime i've ever seen. His way of storytelling is apparent starting from the very start. 5. Melencholy of Haruhi Sazumiya randomness paired with comedy makes me laugh every episode. Unlike most people, I like the first episode that had nothing to do with the series, it was funny and was amazingly random. 5. Lucky Star very much like MHS only a lot more random, It reminds me of Azumanga Daioh only a lot more funny and random. 6. Naruto Shippuden love it a lot more than the regular series, Naruto is less annoying, lot's more akatsuki and Gaara, and most importantly, more reasons to hate Sasuke. 7. My Neighbor Totoro I watch this movie about 52 times a year (that's once a week). it cheers me up and causes me to have good dreams. 8. Lain a classic that does thriller/horror very well. I like watching the graphics because they have this really cool vibe that I can't explain. 9. Ouran High School Host Club funny and annoying, but in a good way. It's the only shoujo I like currently. 10. Saint Seiya a real classic that makes me feel like i'm old. the fights are imaginative and I like the inclusion of Roman and Greek myths |
Posts: 20 |
I have updated my list. I changed the order around of my favorites around (let's just say, E7 shot up a few notches on my favorites list), and I dropped what was in my number 10 spot. My 10th favorite anime was Trinity Blood, but it's been replaced. By what, though? You'll just have to see for yourself, here: I still like TB, though.
Posts: 1 |
Top 10 Favorite Anime In No Particular Order.
A warning up a front most of the anime that I chosen for my top 10 best strong on the comedic side in short they are funny. You know there are wonderful and me after like Neon Genesis Evangelion, Record of the Lodos War, Death Note, Gravitation (which made my top 10 list) are all wonderfully serious anime with great story arcs etc. but I'm a fan of comedy and thusly my top 10 consists of a lot more comedies. 1. Ranma 1/2 (TV & OAV's) this was my first comedic anime ever saw. It is still my favorite comedic anime, all seven seasons and three movies. Unique characters, unique premise and doesn't try to to be anything other than a comedy. This anime is definitely tounge firmly planted in cheek poke at the fighting genre anime. This particular series you want to watch in the original Japanese with English subtitles. Some of the nuance is of the voices and some of the humor is lost in the English dubs. 2. Project A-ko This was my first foray into comedic action anime. This is another anime, with tongue firmly planted in cheek, poking fun at giant robots, superpowered girls(A-K0), annoying little girls (C-Ko), and rich spoiled girls (B-Ko). This is another anime that you want to see in Japanese with the English subtitles, nuances of the character's expressions are lost in the English dub. 3. Gravitation This unique animated soap opera dealing with the Japanese Rock scene.I caught on Anime Network on Demand. I originally watched it because I didn't know what it was, but I liked it and the storyline and the characters. 4. Starblazers/Space Cruiser Yamato. For those of us who were kids in the late 70s. This was for most of us are first introduction to an epic scale story. Until Star Blazers came out, most Americans in exposure to anime were shows like Speed Racer, Marine Boy, and then the hack job they did on Science Ninja Team Gatchaman (Battle for the Planet (original US release), G-Force(Cartoon Network's release title),Saban's Eagle Riders(syndicated release by Saban), in short, nobody really had a clue about what a good story line and story arc could be with anime . Starblazers changed that particular perception of anime. 5. Robotech I am not going to make any apologies for this one. Robotech was one of the best English dubbed jobs of anime of its time that ever happened prior to its release. Yes, it is three different series sewn together but it was sewn together well, and Carl Macek/Harmony Gold did their level best to give us an interesting and wonderful story arc. 6. All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku The heart-warming story of a Boy and his Cat... ...And a major Military Equipment Manufacturer. I had just bought Gunsmith Cats and when I started playing it. The first trailer on the videotape was for All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku and it piqued my interest. After seeing the trailer for All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku, I decided that I needed to get it started off as a rental, and then ended up owning it on DVD. 7. Galaxy Express 999 This was my first non-Disney, full length animated feature I had ever seen at a theater, it was showing with of all films, Popeye. This was my first introduction to the Captain Harlock universe. Since this was the English dubbed one always thought was rather interesting that they had dubbed the voice of Captain Harlock to sound something like John Wayne. 8. Trigun I originally saw this one on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, then started renting from Netflix to see what had been cut out of the Cartoon Network version. This anime had terrific art work and a really engaging storyline. I give high kudos to cartoon network for airing the show with minimal editing. 9. Dirty Pair (TV, OVA) Scantily clad women with big guns. The tales of the 3WA's most notorious troubleshooters "Lovely Angels", Yuri and Kei a.k.a. "The Dirty Pair". While the art work of the television shows and OVA came nowhere close to matching the art work of the original manga, it is still a fun romp, where some of the collateral damage is measured not in thousands or hundreds of thousands but in entire planetary populations. 10. Samurai Girl Real Bout High School (TV) This one is just my guilty pleasure. My 5 least liked anime's 1. Cromartie High School Okay. Will somebody please tell me what this one is about, not only is it confusing, it is the most bizarre piece of anime I have ever seen in my life. I never thought I'd say this but is more confusing and bizarre than F.L.C.L. and that's saying a lot. 2. All DragonBall titles. If there was ever a anime series, movie, OVA etc. I wish would die and go away, it would be the Dragonball series. The artwork is so so. The storyline nonexistent. The characters names are bad jokes and puns. And the stories are basically the same thing fight, more fighting, more fight and complete fight sequences can literally take up to seven episodes little redundant. How this became popular in Japan, much less here in America I have no clue I know it appeals to the eight-year-olds, but it is one of the, to me at least, one of the most irritating series around. 3. Hamtaro Developed for five-year-olds has no redeeming values both the Japanese and English versions guaranteed to annoy anyone over the age of five and has no other redeeming values. 4. Akira Okay, I am going to catch some flack on this one. Yes, it is beautifully rendered and has excellent artwork. But to be totally honest, the story is hard to follow, you never quite know what's really going on, the back story is never fully explained and can get somewhat confusing. Just becasue it visually stunning, in no way makes up for, what I believe to be, a weak story. 5. Legend of the Overfiend Tentacle sex hentai at its worst. I was given this particular anime on laserdisc, about 10 years ago before DVD became the preferred medium of choice. My brother-in-law had bought it, not realizing what it was then gave it to me. I didn't know what it was until I popped into my laserdisc and was shocked to my core. This is definitely the past even the X rating. Violent hentai at its absolute worst. |
![]() Posts: 5344 Location: Philly |
Yeah, I think that's what they were going for. It's about this guy who transfers into a school full of delinquents, and then weird shit happens. A lot. Also, they talk about trivial stuff. There is quite a bit of talk about fighting with other schools, but very little actual fighting. And the one guy looks like Freddie Mercury from Queen. |
![]() Posts: 1216 Location: what is commonly known as "hell week" |
I updated my list on page 75. Gantz now holds spot #10.
![]() Posts: 3151 Location: USA |
I'm too lazy to update mine so I'm going to start a new list. Note, this does not include shows that I haven't seen all of so shows like Lucky Star and some of the others shows that I'm working though will not be listed until I get them finished.
10. Comic Party The humor was good and I liked some of the character development but I felt there could have been more development for the secondary characters so as they don't come off as 2-d characters. 9. SuperGALS! - The humor in this show was great. It's one of my guilty pleasure shows out there. The first season I felt was a tad better in way than season 2 but both were still really good to watch. 8. Tenchi in Tokyo - Out of Tenchi Muyo, Tenchi Universe, and Tenchi in Tokyo this is the weakest of the three but I did like how some of the girls had to adapt to doing things on Earth like spoiler[The girls having to get jobs. Truly classic.] Tie 7. Tenchi Muyo and Tenchi Universe I tie them both at number 7. Though TU was better in ways than TM, TM had a certain charm to it that I felt Tenchi Universe lacked in a way. 6. Ninja Nonsense - The overall appeal of this show was what gripped me into it. The humor was great and while the character development was not always there, this is the kind of show that could not have any character development and still be great. 5 Grave of the fireflies. - Overall one of my favorite anime movies out there. It's also one of the more touching films I have ever watched. This is one of the only films that I have come to tears watch. 4. Great Teacher Onizuka - No matter how bad I feel, this show could cheer me up. The overall humor of the show is great. The art shift was annoying at times, but I still loved how the show went. The whole process of how the characters change over the course of the series is great too. Tie 3. Full Metal Painc: the Second Raid and Full Metal Panic Fumoffu Both shows are great. The humor in Fumoffu had me rolling on the floor laughing most of the time. The Second raid really gave spoiler[Sousuke ] more development and made him a well rounded character as a whole. Fumoffu while didn't have too much of a connecting story the overall tone and pace was stellar. Tie 2 Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, Macross - It was a tough choice between these two as I loved both of them equally on terms of overall quality. If going by just quality Zeta Gundam would be ahead, but I felt that Macross didn't seem to drag out as much as Zeta did at times. The episodes that were just plot and character development episodes went along at a great pace to be excellent. Tie 1 Azumanga Daioh and Cowboy Bebop - Truly one of the best slice of life shows around. The pacing at times was not always great at times, and some characters could have been given more screen and development time, but overall nothing much else could be changed to make this masterpiece the best show around. I also put Cowboy Bebop up there too because it become an instant love for me when I watched it the first time on TV. I feel that it really is one of the best shows around in anime. Honorable mentions (Other shows I like but not top ten worthy): To Heart - I enjoyed To Heart as a show. It could have been longer for it's own good and would have been an excellent show. It would have also been nice if spoiler[ Hiroyuki got more development instead of just being the same all the time.] Ai Yori Aoshi - Ai Yori Aoshi Enishi - Out of the harem shows that I have seen I felt this was one of the better ones. I didn't feel that the show used all of it's potential which could have made it a much better show as a whole. Love Hina Just like your typical harem anime it was alright as a show. I didn't care for the English dub due to the changing of some of the voices but overall still a decent show to care about. More or less a guilty pleasure of mine. Full Metal Panic - Fumoffu and TSR were much better than Full Metal Panic. While the action in FMP is there, the pacing is what brings the show down and that some character development that is never done also brought the show down as well. The pacing just makes a simple thing take FOREVER to get to. Comic Party Revolution - Not as funny as Comic Party at times which is what made the show not as great IMO. It was good to see some of the characters get more development and become more well rounded, but the fact that some characters stay the same as before is disturbing. Boys Be... Great character development and great animation style, but too short for it's own good. I didn't feel that the show put a lot of effort into showing the relationships more between characters with the exception of the spoiler[ main male and main female lead characters] which is fine however, spoiler[ there are other characters on the show who are in a relationship besides those two. I mean it's nice to see the other characters end up in relationships with other people, but we never find out how it goes for them. I mean we don't need to see it go from start to finish but at least have some development to see if the relationship gets better or gets worse. ] Suzuka A show that wasted some potential overall. It copied a lot from the manga which I feel is good at times, but if it would have branched out and have some original stories with it. A few episodes that were not based of the manga I felt would have helped push the series to be much better, but it is still enjoyable to watch. Girls High - The manga is far better, but I still got a lot of great laughs out of it. The show could have been longer to work out a lot of the stories that I liked in the manga but overall still a decent series. Excel Saga - While I felt that Excel Saga was a very funny show I felt that towards the end it was way too over the top. Could have been shorter and still been a great show overall. Shows I don't care for: Robotech - I tried to watch it, but when the main character spoiler[ goes from being Japanese to being American], that crosses the line for me. I felt it was dumbed down way too much. Dragon Ball Z I mean do you need to spend almost a handful of episodes fighting the same person. I mean even Yu Yu Hakusho didn't spend so much time with as single fight. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - I tried to watch the first episode but it I just couldn't get into it. I didn't find the first episode funny at all and I didn't get it. Pokemon (The newer shows - While I don't enjoy Pokemon anymore, the original series is bad but I can find some enjoyment out of it since I used to like it a long time ago. It's doesn't appear to me anymore I guess mainly because I am too old for it. EDIT: Not thinking too straight last night I changed some of my list along with reasons. Last edited by asimpson2006 on Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:30 pm; edited 2 times in total |
![]() Posts: 6905 Location: Kazune City |
![]() Posts: 3151 Location: USA |
No I wasn't thinking too straight last night. I edited my previous post for staying why I didn't like it. I just couldn't get into it at all. Nothing clicked for me and nothing in my mind said that I wanted to keep watching it. |
Old Regular
![]() Posts: 5463 Location: 露命 |
Fail for not understanding Zalis' question, and thereby revealing that Zalis was spot on in his assessment of your reasons. You have only seen the first episode, and you have somehow managed to avoid learning (nice job) that the first episode of TMoHS/SHnY is deliberately "bad", intended to evoke a homebrew super-sentai film produced by high-schoolers, and is in no way indicative of the rest of the series. Supplementary fail: You have failed to impress me. I'm sure you will sleep well at night, despite this. - abunai |
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