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Joined: 06 May 2006
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PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 1:14 am Reply with quote
I went back and updated my list. I was going to just post a new one because it's been some time since I posted the list back in July of 06, but with the nifty index on page one I decided it'd just be best to go back and edit my original post and save time for the person doing the indexing. For anyone interested it can be found using the index, of course. Razz
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Joined: 26 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 8:47 am Reply with quote
[Edit: Please do not just list titles, as has been stated. Plenty of time was provided to correct this and it was left untouched. Please provide explanations behind why you selected the titles you did next time. Thanks. - Keonyn]
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 1:35 pm Reply with quote
Care to tell us why these are your favo(u)rites and least favorites, Zahnfee89?
Teh Rules wrote:
3) Discussions should carry some measure of intelligence to them. Consider if what you are writing is relevant or important to others. If it does not contribute to the discussion, do not post it. Please post detailed answers to questions; lists and one-liners do not contribute.
Otherwise I'll be forced to delete or edit away your post. It doesn't have to be in review-length essays -- just take a look at some other posts in this thread to see the average amount people write.
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Joined: 07 May 2008
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PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 4:09 am Reply with quote
well lets see

shuffle was awsome i loved it, the chars were good and the storyline was a bit odd but entertaining all the same. had its humourous moments but got teary at the end D:'

KGNE (Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien)
i have always like a romantic drama and there is none better than KGNE. gripping and sad right from the start nearly, could not stop watching it Anime hyper3>_>)

The blood maker vampire, it has its serious and humourous moments, but it is my fav vampire show ever

Mahorabra Heartfelt days
a simple show that was good for some laughs.

Tsukuyomi Moon Phase
another vampire show. it was funny but had a deep storyline. was had to get into but once into a few eps it was very good and addictive.

((( other awsome ones i have watched would have to include: Futakoi, Azumanga Daioh, Elfen Lied and crest of the stars. )))
Now my worst shows i have watched

Ergo Proxy
Like what the hell it has a good start the DIES the episodes dont even seem to join through some episodes and some of them just made no sense whatso ever.

>_> no comment

Rizel Mine
its just mess up... not much of a story... and really kinda mierd...

dragon ball Z
never liked it all that much

and a few other ones
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Joined: 01 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 9:31 pm Reply with quote
10. Noir. Really surprised me in a lot of the subtlety. Most interesting was the relationship between the two protagonists. I don't think I've seen anything like it in anything else, no just anime.

9. Samurai Champloo. The art and fight scenes in this one are the best I've ever seen. I had so much fun watching this one through.

8. Samurai X: Trust & Betrayal. The first real anime I ever saw. This is responsible for my continued interest. Really solid on all accounts: romance, action, background, and characterization.

7. Princess Mononoke. I really don't know what I can say about this one. Just blew me away, one of my early anime experiences.

5. Cowboy Bebop. This show is just rediculously fun and good. Music is outstanding.

4. RahXephon. I really hate when people compare this to Neon Genesis. After getting into it you'd see how very different it is, but the basic simularities are the conceptual fullfillments and both are amazing in the areas they cover. This one is probably the most emotionally diverse, though not as draining as NG. I always think back to this one a lot. Great story telling.

3. Ghost In The Shell: SAC. This series was just unspeakably good. Goes so far beyond any anime in its philosophical, technological, political complexities that I've ever seen. Really subtle characterizations, but somehow it's a drama that just works. I'm a cyberpunk junkie anyway.

2. FLCL. Short, absurd, and stylistic. I love this anime so much. In a very round about metaphorical way I connected really well. The dialogue has me smiling all the way through. Just the way this breaks convention makes me so happy. I don't think you need to understand the external plot in its entirety, but the internal ones are pretty obvious and what is really important.

1. Neon Genesis Evangelion. Super hard descision, but this one was my first real anime experience I had and it basically caught onto every interest of mine from the characterizations to the theology. Though it leaves me drained everytime I get through it. I have a weird love/hate relationship with it. Took me a while to get both endings.

Other mentions: Eureka Seven. Just finished, and loved it, but don't know how to feel about the ending. Too clean? That band-of-comrads dynamic was the best I think I've ever seen. It'd prob be number 11.

Watching Ergo Proxy now and damn. Gun Grave really surprised me. Here and There, Now and Then also is another one I don't really know how to feel about, though its obviously amazing. Wolf Rain. Elfen Lied, I really liked too.

One that had a good rep, but I really didn't like was Escaflowne--what the hell?
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Joined: 11 May 2008
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PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2008 9:45 pm Reply with quote
This is my criteria for my top 10. The anime must be a Series or OVA must be complete and can't be a movie. This is in no particular order:

Cowboy Bebop- This anime has everything great character designs, action, storytelling,fluid animation, and (gasp) character development. This is a series that has great replay value and you can jump in and watch the series relatively in any episode. The best part of this anime is it makes you care about the characters and you want to see what happens to them.

Blue Submarine #6-Remember the movie water world with Kevin Costner well this is the anime version but a lot better. Mutant sea creatures attacking humans who are trying to live on a planet where land and resources are scarce. This was the first anime that I saw blend 2-D & 3-D animation on a level that never saw before. It is a must have for any anime junkie.

Moblie Suit Gundam 8th MS Team-Out of all the Gundam series this is one the best (if not the best). It shows the bonding of comrades through the trenches of war. It shows how much a war can take its toll on ones psyche on both sides. In this series the majority of the action takes place on Earth which allows for very cool an creative use of the terrain. I love the ending, one in which I have no complaints.

Full Metal Alchemist-This series will be on many peoples list for good reason. Memorable characters, great animation...etc. But what really got me hooked was how the voices really fit each character both in Japanese & English. It is unpredictable in the fact that characters actually die and don't comeback which is a relief. Great ending it actually brings some closure to the series( the movie sucked by way).

Basilisk-You throw Ninja Scroll and Romeo & Juliet and of course a lot blood into a blender and this is what you get Basilisk. You get two rival ninja clans that been at war for decades to an uneasy truce for it only to undermined by the government. This is the spiritual successor to the movie Ninja Scroll. The character designs would this series strong point.

Death Note-As you can see from this list most of the anime are action oriented which is my preference. This story is by far the best one on my list. What is right and what is wrong with what "L" (main protagonist) is trying to do, he just wants to create a crime free world by killing off every criminal. Well this where your morality comes in, it will go back and forth as he kills his victims. This had me anticipating every episode and was very surprised on how it ended but satisfied.

Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya-It will be hard to compare the actual quality of the animation in this series cause it is that good. The unpredictability is what is gonna have saying "damn I didn't think that was gonna happen". The comedy is not forced which a lot of other anime try to do, it just flows in this series. I don't know if there is gonna be a season 2, but if their is its gotta come off my list temporarily.

Neon Genesis Evagelion-This show broke the mold of a giant robot anime's. It is confusing don't get me wrong but that's what makes so great. Teen angst at its best, government conspiracies & cover ups, and a dad the you want choke out yourself. A roller coaster of emotions for whoever views it. It shows the good and ugly side of humanity. A show far of head of its time.

Samurai Champloo- This most entertaining samurai anime out there. An unlikely trio who are always fighting with each other yet still travel together. Fun to watch over and over again just to watch interaction between the trio, and how they always stumble into trouble.

Macross/Robotech the 1st series-This by far the oldest one on my list but the quality still stands the test of time. It blew my mind when I saw jets transform in mid-air I was glued to the to tv like many others were. It was one of many wonders in this show that will have asking how did they did that during the eighties. The story has it all love, death, fame, and closure.

Now for my crap list. There no criteria for crap it just is crap.

pokemon-a show where the main character never evolves and you know how each episode is gonna end.Bland character designs, repetitive stories. Do I have to say anymore

yu-gi-oh-horrible, horrible dub wow just brutal. Catching on to the anime card craze leaves this show with no substance. animation just plain sucks everything is so stiff.

One Piece-now before you go on and try to kill me. I have only seen the the crap that 4kids put out (vomit/vomit). The character designs don't do it for either. I guess cause it is aimed for a much younger audience but what I saw and heard was crap.

Apple seed(the original)-the story was all over the place I just couldn't follow it. Animation was not fluid at all. It seemed like it trying to do much and lost itself in the process.

Final Fantasy Unlimited-hey it had good character designs,but that is about it I can't think of anime that failed so epically at trying to blend 2-d/3-d animation. Everything was poorly executed and let a lot of final fantasy fans down. I just hope that they make another anime so they can redeem the final fantasy brand in anime
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Joined: 13 May 2008
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PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 6:12 am Reply with quote
Decided to redo the list and give better explanations Not in any order.

Lucky Star. One of the funniest shows that I have ever watched in my life. I feel in love with the series the minute I saw it.

Azumanga Daioh - Another very funny show that I enjoyed over the course of time. I think it was a co worker that convinced me to get it. I thank him for that.

School Rumble - One of my top favorite animes as the humor was just too good at times. I couldn't stop laughing most of the time at what I was watching.

SuperGALS (1st Season) - While the show may be for girls I really took a liking to it when I first saw it. The humor was good and the character development in most of the characters is great.

Boys Be... - It's nice to see relationships from guys point of view for once. While I don't mind seeing how relationships are from what a female would see, it's nice to see something I can watch and say, wow I know how that feels or, that happened to me before.

GTO - I loved the character development in the series and really got a kick out of it. Didn't like how it ended though, too many loose ends.

Zeta Gundam - Enjoyed the character development and the action scenes. I also loved the dark tone of the series, it really makes it more enjoyable and sets the tone for the war that is going on.

Mobile Suit Gundam (Original) - One of the first animes that I watched. It took me a few episodes to get into it but once I did, I got hooked instantly.

Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS team - Great love story during the war. The fighting was a bit more realistic in my opinion than some of the other ones.

Comic Party - I got a lot of laughs out of this series. Didn't care for the English dub that much due to some of the changes that were made. I'm not going to list them just read the reviews on the site and you will know why.

ToHeart - It was a nice heart warming story that I liked a lot. The character development was good but I think some of the characters could have spent more time in the development department spoiler[Lemmy and Hiroyuki and good examples of this]

Ones I like but not my overall favorites -

SuperGALS (Season 2) - I liked it but I though there wasn't enough character development and some loose ends where never taken care of.

Girls High - I loved the manga a lot, the anime was alright, however I felt that it could have been better in some ways mainly with character development and pacing.

Double Zeta Gundam - I didn't like the first half of the series way too comical for it's own good. Got better in the second half of the series but that couldn't save it completely.

ToHeart: Remember my memories - While I enjoyed the show I felt there were some problems that I didn't enjoy. The first thing I didn't like the shift of the art style. It didn't work for me that bunch. I also didn't like some of the plot developments spoiler[ Like how most of the girls end up wanting Hiroyuki ].

Worst (Not in any order):

Green Green: I tried, I really tried to get into the story but I couldn't. When I have to hear a guy talk about spoiler[ giving himself pleasure several times in a few seconds ] it was lost to me.

Dragonball Z - Used to like it, but now I don't. There is not enough focus on character development and too much on fighting alone. I mean do we really to spend 10 episodes on fighting?

Last edited by asimpson2006 on Wed Jul 30, 2008 7:14 am; edited 3 times in total
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Joined: 10 May 2008
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PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 4:32 pm Reply with quote

1. Grave Of The Fireflies: This is not only the greatest anime film ever made, it is the greatests anti-war film ever made and it touches me completely.

2. Now and Then here and there: Not only does this anime move in a perfect fashion, but it talks about subjects that even most live action productions wont even go into. It also has, in my opinion, the greatest villian in anime history.

3. My Neighbor Totoro: Gather the kids around and enjoy an anime that not only they can enjoy, but you can enjoy also. Cute in nearly every way, My Neighbor Totoro is a winner in every way, and is Miyazaki's best film. Heck, Totoro is even used as studio Ghibli's mascot. Nuff said...

4. Berserk: An anime that shows the TRUE side of medievel Europe. Not the Knight in shining armor garbage we have been spoon fed with since we were kids.

5. The Girl who leapt through time: I only recently saw this film once, and after seeing it only ONCE, I fell instantly in love and I can honestly say that I think it is one of the greatest anime films of all time! nearly perfect in every way.

6. Neon Genesis Evangelion: Despite being a total mind messing series, Evangelion is by far the best psychological thriller and mech anime series out there.

7. Nadia secret of the blue water: Before Evangelion, Hideaki Anno created Nadia, and despite the fact that it is one of his less talked of works, it is one of his best. The perfect adventure story.

8. Princess Mononoke: Miyazaki's most adult anime feature film, and also one of his most powerful and stunning features. Great messages about enviornmental issues and full of war scenes that are thought provoking.

9. Cowboy Bebop movie: As much as I love the series, I love the movie even more. It was like the series, but pump full of trans fats (Hypothetically speaking) that make this anime even tastier than the already engrossingly tasty anime series.

10. Full Metal Panic The second raid: Such a perfect sequal to an already good series. If you want to know how to create a sequal, than watch the second raid. It awesome!

Of course my list of favorite anime is MUCH longer than this...

Worst (I hate these anime with the heat of a thousand suns):

1. Bounty Dog: This anime is a lesser known series; for a good reason too because it's beyond horrible. I would rather get beaten by skinheads than watch that garbage agian!

2. Yugi Oh: The worst anime ever! I hated it as a kid when it was popular and I hate it now. DIE! DIE!

3. La Blue Girl: I have met Toshio Maeda and he was an "interesting guy" to say the least... but this anime which he wrote the script for is so bad it funny, especially in english. Why is this on the worst list then? because it shows everything that is wrong with anime.

4. Pokemon (Current series): Pokemon was what got me into anime in the first place, and for the first four seasons, it was good clean anime fun. But now its a hunk of crap ruminating on a hot block of pavement. It was good when it first started, but now it is mind numbingly repetative.

5. Tekken the motion picture: The fact that it exists is an abomination itself. Its hard to even play Tekken anymore because of this bad anime! jeez!
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Joined: 20 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2008 12:08 pm Reply with quote
Oh man, I'm excited to do this!!

Note: 10 is my least favorite of the best, 1 is the MOST awesome experience ever.

And for worst, 1 is the absolute worst and 5 is the relative best.

10 Best
10. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Quite frankly, it makes me laugh, a lot. It is observant to a certain extent, but there is just something about the way that it undercuts all of your expectations about stereotypes that makes me love it.

9. Bleach
Shonen, shonen, shonen. This has style, it has a decent plot and fun characters, but at the same time it is just so huge that there is something in there for you...for me I find a lot here.

8. Only Yesterday
This movie is damn cute. It's a little bittersweet, and it definetely is more a part of Japanese culture than a particularly international culture, but it was still a good movie to watch.

7. Paranoia Agent
From the opening sequence, I knew this was going to be an experience. And it was! This show is so strange yet so brilliant, and I love Satoshi Kon's sense of style and storytelling.

6. Fullmetal Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist is a shonen show with a lot of heart and a lot from shojo, I think, in terms of the depth of relationships. Really. And that is why I like it--because it is comfortable not being completely cookie cutter.

5. Whisper of the Heart
Awwww cutest movie ever. I cried at the end. Definetely my favorite non-Miyazaki anime movie Smile. The love story was just so utterly pure in this movie.

4. Spirited Away
The environment itself makes this one of my favorites. Its more of an exercise in building this world than anything else (a lot of Miyazaki's movies are like that, but it works), but the amount of feeling in these characters is pretty sublime.

3. Samurai Champloo
Anachronisms, hip-hop, and feudal Japan! It's kinda like Naruto done right a little (in terms of the anachronistic elements), but more than that it is an interesting fusion of genres that works much better than it should have.

2. X TV
Okay, so I have a huge bias towards this series. I love the plot, I love the fact that they manage to support a big cast and develop them all, and that there is not one piece of filler in any way. It's all necessary, its all there, and it rocks.

1. Princess Mononoke
The best anime movie that I've ever seen. Interesting characters, a fascinating world, and a plot that seems kinda preachy but yet you manage to sort of push that aside to experience Miyazaki's work before it seemed like he was only out to push an agenda. Of course, this movie may have been that turning point. But then again, the music is amazing, the production values are amazing (especially considering that it is 10 years old), and there is something about it that affected me deeply the very first time I watched it.

5 Worst
5. Tsubasa Chronicle
Now, why is this here, in the 5 worst experiences that I have had. Quite simply, this anime was half-arsed. It is ugly, they mess with the plot right off the bat, and they somehow managed to make a decent manga boring! They just had no idea how to pace this series.

4. Strawberry Marshmallow
Augh, its hypocritical that Strawberry Marshmallow is down here and Haruhi Suzumiya is number 10 on my best. I just feel weird when I watch this series. It tries to be Azumanga Daioh but it just...isn't. So it just doesn't quite work for me.

3. Fushigi Yuugi
Augh! I never thought I'd be bored by sappy shojo. Turns out I was wrong. Fushigi Yugi just takes too long to get where it wants to, and I just can't deal with. Also Miaka is an awful main character. I hope they decide to animate Genbu Kaiden...that was a better series.

2. Saiyuki Reload
Argh! The manga was okay, actually, it had some decent pathos and some interesting plot for a bishonen-fest. But while the production values on Reload increased from Saiyuki (GOD was Saiyuki ugly) it also is about fifty percent filler, and it is only like 26 episodes or something?? Maybe 36?? But the point is, there is not excuse for filler in a series that short. Also I'm pretty sure they were just trying to milk a cash cow that had already been dry for a while.

1. Death Note
Now, why is this anime the very worst of my experiences? I can't complain that they don't follow the manga, because they follow it painfully closely. I think the problem that I have with this series is that it really takes itself too seriously. What I like about most shonen is that the Shonen Jump stuff doesn't take itself to be some sort of lesson. I feel like Death Note can sometimes really drag, for one, and there has always been something that drove me up a wall when I was watching. It seemed...exploitative. It's a wildly popular shonen show about a serial killer. It just seems bizarre, and like it feeds too much on our fears as human beings.
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Joined: 19 May 2008
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PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2008 8:26 pm Reply with quote
My top 10 Anime Series or OVA.

1.) Angel Cop
My very first anime series when i was about 13 or 14 years old, it maybe crude but i enjoyed it.

2.) Shadow Skills TV
I like martial arts anime and this has full of it.

3.) Yugo the Negotiator TV
I like how this anime has some good dialoge and good story and plot and the character is awesomely done.

4.) Get Backers
Character and storyline is good and the action is not to bad as well.

5.) Black Lagoon
Very realistic and good character interaction even though it has lots of swearing.

6.) Naruto
Good storyline and good character developments.

7.) Pumpkin Scissors
Good series with excellent character growth.

8.) Giant Robo
Need i say more.

9.) Shura No Toki
Good action sequence and the 3 story arcs are good.

10.) 801 T.T.S Airbats
Love the comedy of the series.

Worst Anime's
Any excessive fan service anime.
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Joined: 11 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2008 11:09 pm Reply with quote
Updated 4th time
Note: My list could change

1. Monster

Not only is it a thrilling, dark, and often horrific mystery; Monster explores the human psyche and emotions. It shows how we struggle to suppress the horrors of the past and change who we are, whether successfully or not. Tenma's battle with morality and his growth and ultimate conclusion of who he is is fascinating to watch. I found myself wishing that he would finally kill Johan, but wondering if he would be able to do it. Supporting characters such as Eva and Dieter were also given time to develop and reach rocky conclusions about their lives. Everything from music to art to direction only enhanced the execution of the show without distracting from the story itself, and the final revelation is chilling and eerie.

2. Rurouni Kenshin

One of the most recognized and classic shounen series of all time, I grew up withRurouni Kenshin on Toonami, watching season 1 over and over again and crying when Kenshin left Kaoru on the night of the fireflies to go meet his destiny. The plotline is linear with Kenshin's battle stakes getting higher and higher, and while that in itself is an adrenaline rush, it's the characters and their struggles that make the show. Loyal, loud-mouthed Yahiko's desire to prove himself, and Sousuke's wish to become stronger as he carries his past on his back are strongly felt, though none as compelling as Kenshin's battle within himself. Kenshin's haunted past and dual personality make him a romantic character; his personal struggle with his oath not to kill is full of suspense. RuroKen balances action and romance and is infused with an idealism that the child in me loves.

3. Samurai Champloo

This show was a complete turn-around for me. I thought that the characters had no feelings for each other and that made watching pointless. But the hints were subtle and by the end their feelings were glaringly obvious. It grew on me until I found myself crying at the final episode. It was crazy, the episodes didn’t make a whole lot of sense, but at the end you had a compelling tale of one girl’s search to put her feelings to rest, and two men who were so guarded against others finally learning what it meant to, if not completely trust another person, at least to be friends with them. I liked the imperfectness of their relationships; spoiler[ at the end, they were all able to go their separate ways, still better people because of the others, and Fuu’s ending with her father can hardly be called a happy one]. It was about a short snapshot in time that can change people, and I like that each character, Mugen, Jin, and Fuu, had to separately deal with their own pasts. It was insane, but it was beautiful, and the way I reacted was a total shock to me. I also love the art and the character designs are some of my favorites; the music is off-beat and fun.

4. Code Geass

Much like its lead character Lelouch, Code Geass walks a fine line. A wealth of characters and plots provide so many opportunities for the writers it leaves me drooling. So much is jammed into each episode, and it is so unpredictable and delicious that I can’t wait to see the show in its entirety. The battle is ominous and fatalistic where "evil" is opportunistic, greedy, cruel, but still sane. And "good" seems to have been a mishap during season 1 as Lelouch uses the front of liberating Japan, a noble cause, to scheme for revenge. And the characters are full of surprises and side-switching, while not abundant, has become more common.
This is a plot-twisting, gut-wrenching ride of a show as we follow Lelouch’s failures, triumphs, falls into darkness, redemptions, love interests, burning vengeance, genius plotting, manipulation, aspirations, egoism, and, above all, character: for will Lelouch emerge from this ordeal as a hero, or as a villain?

5. Last Exile

This is an all-around phenomenal show, from characterization to the detail of the setting. Part mystery, part action, part coming-of-age, there's really nothing else I could ask from a story as grand, sweeping, and creative as this, with awesome production values to boot.

6. LoveCom

Finally, a love story with a happy ending. This does not have high re-watch potential, as part of the joy of the series is going through Risa’s anguish with her, and nothing packs a punch like the first time. But it was so cute and sweet and funny that I wouldn’t trade that first experience with any other slice of life series. Risa’s fairly open and oft-joked about conquest for Atsushi’s heart is to us entertaining, to him amusing and embarrassing. It's imperfect romance but provides hope and the message that giving up after one try is ludicrous. There are tears, there is laughter, and there is plenty of love for a sap like me.

7. Welcome to the NHK

It’s said to be adult, edgy, and controversial, but mostly it’s a slice-of-life about the isolation of one man because of today’s society. While I found most of the humor to be hit-or-miss, it was the sadness of Satou’s situation that really got me, and how all human beings have the potential to become like him. And the show looks like it's going to be a typical girl saving a guy from the edge of a precipice, until it is revealed that perhaps Satou’s “savior” is not quite as angelic as she seems, and that he may not be the only one with deep scars. In fact, there is a point when they are able to do nothing for one another to the point of the situation being sad and pathetic. The question, the answer to which I will not reveal, is whether or not they are redeemable. Nothing is at it seems in this often crazy, sometimes saddening, always poignant slice-of-life that reflects a piece of us all.

8. Planetes

This heart-warming tale of love and friendship sports a much darker exploration of mankind's relationship with space. If you think that man and the sea has been explored, try man and space-space is billions of times more vast than oceans, and infinitely more frightening. We got likable characters who underwent significant development, and a plot that was driven forward by life's everyday events (with a couple of exceptions); yet it succeeded surprisingly well. It's also sci-fi and psychology at their respective bests. My favorite part, however, is the ending-thank you Planetes creators.

9. Toradora!
This is a slice-of-life masterwork, detailing with humor and attention the trials and tribulations of teenage life. At first glance it looks like a harem comedy with every trope imaginable--the tsundere, the crazy off-the-wall girl, and the seductress, all lined up for an indecisive lead. With hilarity and true warmth, Toradora! smashes all the stereotypes and proves that it is a show about love, both romantic and friendly. It's also a show about intense need, the need that all humans harbor for other humans, and the show brilliantly develops its characters with sensitivity and whimsy. It doesn't just catalog the paths of those destined for success, but also of those who fail; however, we're still left with an overwhelming sense that heart-brokenness now doesn't mean a bright future isn't possible.

10. Gantz

Gantz is sexual and violent with a purpose, and brings to life the gritty world that dissolute Kei is brought into. Not only is it about survival and testing the limits human beings have regarding one another, it's the genuine evolution of a character into his almost "meant-to-be" self--and the question at the end of the series is if all of that is for nothing. Many people despised Kei as a protagonist, but I found him interesting and believable and easily the most convincing self-involved person I've ever seen be the main focus of a series. The action is intense and bloody, and contains some truly disturbing, gut-wrenching scenes. But nothing beats the feeling I get every time I watch the third mission. If you ever want to experience what true emptiness is, the end of this mission accomplishes it, with spoiler[Kei walking out into the rain utterly alone after changing his heart so completely.] It creates a literal ache in the heart. The show is also daring on several other levels, with the inclusion of spoiler[two major character deaths with still 7 or 8 episodes to go, as well as a host of other deaths.] And the OP is kick-ass.

Last edited by rainbowcourage on Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:34 pm; edited 7 times in total
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Joined: 10 May 2008
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PostPosted: Sun May 25, 2008 4:43 pm Reply with quote
Such a tough decision.

10 Best

Kare Kano is my favourite anime. It's certainly not perfect, far from it... But for me, it's beautifully flawed. It's got far too much recap, a false ending and a dip in animation quality. But it's also probably the most definitive character study of two people in love I have EVER seen, anime or not. It's so human, and real, I couldn't help but be affected by it. So intelligent it's untrue.

Kemonozume was my first exposure to the Madhouse/Masaaki Yuasa tagteam and it blew my mind. The animation style is fantastic. It's certainly not for everyone but I love things that try to break the mold somewhat, and this succeeds admirably. Great action scenes, a touching love story and a brilliantly demented plots that winds down into apocalyptic frenzy. Very, very cool.

Cowboy Bebop was the anime that got me hooked. Before it, I'd had the cookie cutter exposure to anime (Akira et al), but hadn't really seen a full season of one show. One drawback to starting with Bebop was that my expectations were set high from the start, and I'm probably an overly harsh anime critic as a result. This remains probably the most stylish, slick anime I've seen.

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya was a breath of fresh air. I think the show can be summarised in four words: A Ton of Fun. Kyon makes the show for me, a wonderful down-to-earth companion to Haruhi's off-the-wall schemes. It was my first KyoAni show too, if I recall, and the animation was stunning. And still is, of course!

Excel Saga is THE funniest anime I've seen thus far. Anyone watching this one dubbed is missing out, Kotono Mitsuishi became my favourite seiyuu for her performance as Excel. Parodies, slapstick, social commentary and afros are just a few of the elements in the mix here. If you don't like ecchi or fanservice you'll want to give episode 26 a miss, but know this: That episode was made especially for people like you Twisted Evil

FLCL was all too brief. The music is brilliant. The animation is brilliant, the story is crazy, and the characters are crazier. I defy anyone to watch this OVA and not have fun.

Clannad was a recent one, but one that went straight into my favourites. I think the key to it for me (no pun intended) was the fact that the romance, whilst clearly being the main plot device, was done in a subtle way. We're able to see how the characters change each other, their motivations and pasts, and it's presented beautifully, at a pace anyone can handle. It doesn't peak too early, spoiler[and the scene where Tomoya confesses to Nagisa was beautiful]. Of course, being another KyoAni, it looks amazing too. The humour is spot-on, because sometimes zany humour can ruin stories for me.

Elfen Lied was a revelation... Never has an anime sent shivers down my spine within 5 minutes of the first episode. That opening is just mind-blowing, and I was immediately engrossed. I can understand the point of view that this is merely an exercise in gore and nudity (something Mnemosyne is criticised for, also), and if the story were a bad one I'd possibly agree... But the story is involving and interesting. Some of the background drawing on this series is spectacular too. Brutal and uncompromising with a soulful story. Not many anime can pull that off.

GTO makes me feel good every time I watch it. Onizuka himself is the reason I rewatch it so often... He's stupid, a bit of a perv, plus he's loud and obnoxious. But damn, he cares about those kids.

Mind Game is my second Madhouse/Masaaki Yuasa entry, and probably my favourite anime movie. In a similar fashion to Kemonozume, it takes a relatively simple bunch of ideas and runs with them til the whole thing spirals out of control in glorious technicolor. The title is so very apt.

Gungrave surprised me. I was instantly turned off it by the first episode, I thought it was a Hellsing imitator. Then the flashback narrative of the following episodes started to annoy, and I was about to drop it when... The story became so engrossing I couldn't. The comraderie between Brandon and Harry kept me glued to the screen, and I'm so glad I stuck it out til the end, because this anime as a whole is a rewarding experience. It also contains one of my favourite scenes in any anime.. spoiler[Episode 14 (a wonderful episode in it's entirety) has the scene where Brandon is shot by Harry in the lift. Not only is the act itself a very powerful action, just before he shoots, we see the lift from a side view... On one side, bathed in shadow, is Harry... On the other, stood next to the window and illuminated by the sunlight, is Brandon. As the lift ascends and passes each floor, shadow seems to radiate from Harry toward Brandon. I think there's about 20 seconds of this, and it seems wholly unremarkable but the undertones are IMMENSE. That simple scene left me speechless.]

aaand the stinkers:

To Love-RU - Dropped it like a hot potato yesterday after trying to get through it. This has NO merit as an anime. I don't care how good the manga is. The anime sucks, big time.

Tokyo Underground - Tries to be something it isn't cut out to be. A completely throwaway series, wholly unremarkable.

Afro Samurai - Proves that style does not an anime maketh. I will concede that it LOOKS great, and Gonzo have done really well. But it's boring. So very, very boring.



- I got through ALL of Naruto and about 119 episodes of Bleach. Naruto has the most annoying protagonist anywhere, ever, and has more filler than a wall cavity. I got 9 episodes into the Shipuuden before I stopped caring. Overrated, overhyped, blah. Bleach was a step up in some respects, but again there's filler, and again, Ichigo is annoying.

Is it coincidence that both protagonists are bright haired, rely on brute strength, are generally loud and angry, have limited techniques (repeated ad infinitum) and have a demon lurking inside them? Methinketh not.

Here's the obligatory disclaimer to say that everything is subject to change on the list. New anime are released often, and I'm always watching stuff new to me.
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Fake Alias

Joined: 02 Jan 2008
Posts: 25
PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 5:34 pm Reply with quote
Favorite anime: (From absolute favorite and down)

1. Death Note (TV), Light's development from a normal highschool student to a sinister and manipulative criminal mastermind seems very plausible and is depicted very well. Also an intelligent and well animated series, and the storyline has you switching between loving and hating L and Light.

2. Elfen Lied (TV), this story is so simple and sad. I especially like how the split personality of Lucy/Myuu is used in the story, I dont recall it being used for comedy on a single occation. Made me cry.

3. History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi (TV), this anime kept up a great humor for 50 episodes straight and it's got a very nice storyline. It also has a very nice selection of characters with great and likeable personalities.

4. Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid (TV), fantastic character design and it has the greatest loli of them all, Teresa Testarossa. Also the social misfit Sagera Souske is always good for a laugh. And the series made me cry on several occations.

5. Claymore (TV), gotta love the mood that this anime sets. I love how the heroines are constantly fighting against their demonic side. I do regret never really figuring out what kind of relationship the two maincharacters have, though.

6. Chobits (TV), this series made me cry. It's embarising, but it made me weep like a 5 year old with a scraped knee. Even took me a few days to get over, wonder if i just watched it at a bad (read: good) time.

7. Naruto - Naruto Shippūden (TV), the huge range of characters in this series always make it enjoyable to watch. Somehow I feel drawn into a distinctly different world when watching Naruto, a feeling achived through a gradual buildup of insight into the world of Naruto. Also Naroto is such a likeable blockhead. ~dattebayo!

8. Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi (TV), because Louise takes being tsundre to a whole new psycothic level, and it makes me laugh. Also the last episode made me cry.

9. Basilisk (TV), because alle the ninja powers are so diverse and unique, making all the fights exciting. On top of the it has amazing animation and a storyline that chained me to my couch.

10. Ghost in the Shell (TV) / (Movie), the world of Ghost in the Shell is very intelligent and exciting. I especially like how much work have been put into making the people, devices and the society seem plausible.

Least favorite: (From absolutely worst i've seen and up)

1. Demonbane (OAV), I rarely regret watching anime, but after watching this I felt like throwing things. (The story in this OVA (which is hardly related to the actual series at all) is about spoiler[a female photographer trying to get a picture of a fabled MEGA ROBOT (Demonbane) which is ~TWICE as tall as the buildings in town and appears on what seems like a DAILY basis in town, yet noone have ever taken a picture of it...)] (Though there is little to nothing to spoil.)

2. Speed Grapper, I don't know if this gets better after a few episodes, cause frankly I stopped watching.. I just didn't buy the "my-kamera-makes-stuff-explode" super power on ANY level.

3. Samurai Deeper Kyo, slowpaced, boring and uninspiring.

4. Heat Guy J, it takes SO long to get on track with an actual storyline and doesn't have the comedy to live on fillers. Also Daisuke is just wrong, they try to present him as a badboy, but he just looks so... feminine, I keep on expecting him to start humping J's leg.

5. Pokemon. I guess it's intended for another age-group, so I feel kinda bad putting it here, but it's just so.... easy to hate. Wink

Personal first post btw. ^^

Last edited by Fake Alias on Fri Jun 06, 2008 6:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 6:37 pm Reply with quote
How do we get indexed? Or is it done on a regular basis?
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Joined: 25 May 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 9:51 pm Reply with quote
Basically it's just something that has to be manually done by the post creator or a moderator. I'm honestly not sure how regularly it's being done. I would consider updating it myself, but I'm not certain to what point it has been updated.
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