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Joined: 27 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 3:53 am Reply with quote

5. DBZ: Where sailor moon keeps you going to end DBZ drags on with sagas there never seem to end. Goku spends to much time training and letting everyone else get killed. Fights sometimes just seem like the same except players change at times.

If you had a problem with DBZ,I recommend the revised version Dragon Ball Kai(or what we call it in the states Dragon Ball Z Kai) because it doesn't drag on,none of that animation recycling bull which is found in most 80's & early 90's anime(including Sailor Moon),& about the Goku thing?!Saving to universe is a HUGE reponsiility(which is one of the shows many morals),& he has to be ready because if he just goes out there unprepared,it'd be far worse than letting some people die.
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Spastic Minnow
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 4:36 pm Reply with quote
I thought I'd update the list I posted here back in 2006, and find to my slight surprise- it has barely changed. Oh well, I think I'll update the commentary and tweak it slightly.

Top Ten:

1. Spirited Away (and Miyazaki in general)
Still Number one. It never fails to cheer me up, just such a wonderful story. The world he creates in this film is one that stuns me, the creatures, the varied personalties of the workers, the not so malevolent but certainly not benevolent motives of Yubaba- it all fascinates me. Then there are the separate sequences of the film, each fascinating, captivating and unique. Take any separate part of the film set in the realm of the spirits and you have to ask "what kind of person comes up with something like that?" and my answer is "a genius." The other Miyazaki films rate high with me as well but I'll limit it to the one, other wise half the list would be his stuff.
2. Mellenium Actress (and Satoshi Kon in general)
I love multi-layered stories within stories and this may be the best example of such a story. Do you know the optical illusion where you see a duck if you look at the picture one way and a rabbit another way? It's called a "Perceptual Organization" Optical Illusion and that's this movie's ingenious trick, it messes with your perception, you can see it in different ways depending on how you view it but however you look at it it is a fantastic picture. Once again I am just struck by the tragedy of his passing.
3. Azumanga Daioh
The big mover on this list (used to be at #9). Like a Miyazaki kids movie this show always makes me happy (just thinking of Chiho in a penguin outfit releases instant endorphins of pleasure) . It is a brilliantly executed comedy that you never want to end. I love every character in this show and wish there were real people out there like this that I could befriend.
4. Tenchi Muyo (franchise, particularly the original OVAs)What can I say, I like harem animes and this is my template for them and has never been outshone. Funny, romantic with decent intrigue in its action moments. It was also my real gateway anime, previously I had watched the occasional anime as a diversion, Tenchi was what got me to actively search more out.
What is truly special about this show is how it works so well on a number of levels. First of all it is simply strange in a fascinating experimental way: Guitars are weapons/tools, a Vespa scooter can fly out in space, robots grow out of bumps on the head, there's giant iron in the middle of town that people take for granted as a factory that no one works at. Secondly, from the moment you are introduced to any of the main characters you want to know about them and often really feel for them. Naota is a lonely kid who misses his brother while also suffering an inferiority complex in his shadow, Mamimi the social outcast who feels abandoned, crazy charismatic Haruka with unknown motives, Third, it's simply funny. Fourth, the mystery of the pirate king is intrigueing. And in the end it all comes together into a cohesive whole... with the best rock soundtrack synergy I have ever heard. And while it may take multiple viewings to understand some of it you can enjoy every viewings on a superficial level, unlike other shows of this type whose focus is drowned in how deliberately obtuse the mystery is.
6. Cowboy Bebop
Masterful working of episodic adventures and continuing character drama. The action is extremely dynamic, Each set piece is unique with innovative direction. The character drama is involving, full of past tragedies and heartbreaks. It also has Ed, the perfect foil to these grown-ups with all their grown-up drama and wonderful sense of humor even when it's not about Ed.
7. Haibane Renmei
Usually I get really annoyed with animes that don't explain their world to such an extent but it works here very well. It tells a personal but universal story (well... maybe two or three) about human experience, trusting one another and learning self-worth. Knowing the reasons and history behind everything really would detract from it.
8. Kamichu!
Another in my category of feel-good anime. Yurie is the ultimate in cute moe girls and one you never feel skevy about. She is lazy, she has a crush on the weird boy in class, she is a loyal friend and loves her hometown, the towns people and her classmates are charmed by her innocence and good nature, it just so happens that she has realized that she is a God and doesn't quite know how to handle it.
9. Tamala 2010: A Punk Cat in Space
O.K. This movie is art-house anime. It is slow, especially in that part where the zombie cat/dog(?) is languidly explaining the history of Catty Co. but the tremendous arty wierdness so makes up for it. And if you can make it through the explanation it's a very interesting concept. A swearing, violent, sexual but still very sweet "Hello Kitty" character caught up in an thousands year Illuminati type conspiracy- is she a god, an avatar of an all encompassing corporate entity or just a kitten in her first heat enamored by the artsy, hip, metrosexual cat she meets when her spaceship crashes on the way to Orion. Plus the music is fantastic ambient trip-hop.
10. Toradora!
Akira should probably be here (it's technically rated higher), but I wanted to highlight a romance series in this list. I really likee romantic comedy series but I haven't quite found one I'd qualify as a "masterpiece" yet. So, it was Toradora or Clannad. I get annoyed with the weepy part of After Story, so it's Toradora that gets the special mention.
Taiga is one of my anime crushes, she's a vulnerable ass-kicker, it's a dichotomy I really like. She puts forward the hard exterior but when she melts you really feel for her character. Ryuji is not just your typical bland romantic lead, he's a bit strange, has vulnerabilities of his own and you can see why, when friends discover his manner isn't even close to his harsh visage, that they really rally around him. The themes of running away and returning to tough things out and accepting people faults and all really work for me. And personally I find the ending, that some feel is rushed, to really work, certainly better than drawing it out.

2006 List: 1. Spirited Away 2. Mellenium Actress 3. Tenchi Muyo 4. Excel Saga 5. Akira 6. Tamala 2010 7. FLCL 8. Cowboy Bebop 9. Azumanga Daioh 10. Haibane Renmei
I already mentioned Akira, but why did I drop Excel Saga? It didn't age as well for me, the comedy doesn't quite hit as hard- I still really like it though- it just drops out of the top 10.


5 "worst"
are they really horrible? Not really but I like to pick on them more than others. If something strikes me as bad initially I don't bother watching it. These are mostly older ones as well because I've gotten better at spotting or not continuing stuff.

1. MD Geist
Okay, THIS ONE really is horrible, the only anime I've labeled "worst ever"- Why? Well, fortunately I've been able to forget what it was all about (I probably watched it 8-9 years ago) so I can't really tell you. I remember actually grimacing while watching it, being thankful it was so short and actively hating what I saw, an exercise in tolerance. I don't think there was a story per se, I'm pretty sure the character didn't have a redeeming quality, the animation was cheap looking and the story telling jumped around incoherently. Ah yes, I remember thinking it must have been made by people who thought violence, big guns and gore was cool and who cares about story or anatomy, kind of a Rob Liefeld philosophy

2. Noir Okay, every time there was a fight it seemed super-assassin Mirreile was useless, she got caught, she got shot, she failed... How did she stay alive up to this point?
Some thoughts while watching...Why should we care? Lordy this is slow. How many times you gonna play that stupid pocket watch music? Did someone say this was the best soundtrack they ever heard? What? Oh, Stop with the staring contest and just kill the person!
It was an ordeal to get through the first 11-12 and I was about to give up... then they stopped staring at the watch all the time and introduced Chloe and things looked like it should get interesting... and it was, slightly, especially when they ignored Mirielle. Then it just descends into a mess again and had just about the least fulfilling ending I've ever seen. Why do I hate Noir so much? Because it was only just interesting enough to keep me watching instead of just giving up, repaying my patience with frustration.

3. Soul-Taker
Muddled in every sense. Characters, art, storyline. Simply a mess. Other old Anime Unleashed shows came close to making this bottom list too- Betterman, Gungrave, that otherwise mediocre one with the genetically modified women in space with the insultingly bad non-resoltion and meaninglessly high bodycount...Geneshaft?.

4. Burst Angel
Actually it wasn't all that long ago I watched this, last year I think. Like Noir it was just barely interesting enough to keep watching and like MD Geist at the end it was just an exercise to get to the finish. I think I liked the girls at times but the show rewarded patience with frustration. I didn't like the art, the fanservice was crap not only because it was impractical and obnoxiously shoved in your face but mostly becasue it simply didn't look good. The experience finally convinced me that it's fine to stop a show even if you are 2/3 of a way through it and you don't like it. You have to cut your losses.

5. Cat Shit One
Okay, this has some things going for it but I wanted to highlight a newer anime I didn't like. The computer animation is of high quality and the military scenario was a high tension one, but the use of animals as the characters comes off as a meaningless gimmick or worse, a farce. There seems to be no meaning to it, the use of rabbits as Americans is apparently just a pun (USA GI/Usagi) and others are just sort of plugged in with minimal reasoning. This ain't the allegorical stuff of Maus. It's a gimmick and serves a new and more literal way to dehumanize and make what should be a very serious situation into a "fun" little action tale. And let's face it, if they weren't bunnies and camels than no one would give a damn about such a hollow little tale. If they were humans than you wouldn't care becasue they are given no form of characterization and the scenario is given no wider frame of reference. They're saving hostages, why they're hostages- who the camels are- no reason is given. But the heroes are incredibly cute and fluffy bunnies, blowing sh!t up- so you watch.

2006 Worst: 1. Noir 2. Pilot Candidate 3. DNAngel 4. Soul-Taker 5. Gravitation

In that old list I also gave a special "Neither-here-nor-there" placement for Kare Kano, for it's extremely high potential ruined by a horrible final third (it would possibly be a masterpiece if it had a a good ending). I've softened to it a little though- it's still bad and one of the worst non-endings ever, but having seen so many other non-ending shows since, it doesn't make me as mad anymore.
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Joined: 18 May 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 6:14 am Reply with quote
I don't feel like listing 10 out of the many good ones that I've seen, but here are a few honorary mentions:

1. Legend of the Galactic Heroes: A show that topples even its live-action counterparts in space opera. Superb dialogue, a beliavable cast, amazingly detailed script and a good ending.

2. Mushishi: Harmony of sound and visual art. I'm always taken by it's ability to create an almost philosphical story in every episode it has.

3. SDF Macross: A very fine example of retro shows. There are minor glitches, but the major plotlines all come together to form a timeless story. A very pure blooded anime, without major distractions.

4. Princess Tutu: A show that presents itself as a classic fairy tale, but soon developes an unseen plot of its own. Add some classical music and you've got yourself of masterpiece varying on the boundaries of dreams and nightmares... fairy tale style.

And the not-so-honorary mentions:

1. Dracula - Sovereign of the Damned: It's the worst anime ever made, period. Everything in it is bad. Story, characters, art, voice acting, dialogue... everything. On the other hand it's one of the few so-bad-it's-good anime out there.

2. Chrono Trigger OVA: A tough runner up. It's overwhelming amount of intolerable nonsense is only increased by the fact, that it's based on a critically acclaimed, popular JRPG. It belongs in the so-bad-it's-horrible category.

3. Mars of Destruction: It's a throughoutly hilarious run of incompleteness, spiced with horribly handled 2000s art style and a weird, unfitting choice of music.
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Joined: 30 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 11:30 pm Reply with quote
Spastic Minnow wrote:
2. Noir Okay, every time there was a fight it seemed super-assassin Mirreile was useless, she got caught, she got shot, she failed... How did she stay alive up to this point?
Some thoughts while watching...Why should we care? Lordy this is slow. How many times you gonna play that stupid pocket watch music? Did someone say this was the best soundtrack they ever heard? What? Oh, Stop with the staring contest and just kill the person!
It was an ordeal to get through the first 11-12 and I was about to give up... then they stopped staring at the watch all the time and introduced Chloe and things looked like it should get interesting... and it was, slightly, especially when they ignored Mirielle. Then it just descends into a mess again and had just about the least fulfilling ending I've ever seen. Why do I hate Noir so much? Because it was only just interesting enough to keep me watching instead of just giving up, repaying my patience with frustration.

It makes me happy to know that someone has the exact same feelings as me in regards to this anime. I've been raged at many times when I have said my not so good opinion about the show. I started to think that perhaps I was missing a key element that would make me like it. I am glad I am not the only one who doesn't think this series is so great.
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Joined: 18 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 5:18 pm Reply with quote
Rukiia wrote:
Spastic Minnow wrote:
2. Noir Okay, every time there was a fight it seemed super-assassin Mirreile was useless, she got caught, she got shot, she failed... How did she stay alive up to this point?
Some thoughts while watching...Why should we care? Lordy this is slow. How many times you gonna play that stupid pocket watch music? Did someone say this was the best soundtrack they ever heard? What? Oh, Stop with the staring contest and just kill the person!
It was an ordeal to get through the first 11-12 and I was about to give up... then they stopped staring at the watch all the time and introduced Chloe and things looked like it should get interesting... and it was, slightly, especially when they ignored Mirielle. Then it just descends into a mess again and had just about the least fulfilling ending I've ever seen. Why do I hate Noir so much? Because it was only just interesting enough to keep me watching instead of just giving up, repaying my patience with frustration.

It makes me happy to know that someone has the exact same feelings as me in regards to this anime. I've been raged at many times when I have said my not so good opinion about the show. I started to think that perhaps I was missing a key element that would make me like it. I am glad I am not the only one who doesn't think this series is so great.

I can join in as well... I have seen Noir a few years back, but this is not an excuse for me remembering absolutely nothing about this show beyond the very first episode and some mumbling about being a "true Noir" later on.
To be fair, for me the whole explanation never did the trick. I lost interest somewhere along the way, maybe that's why the conclusion of the show seemed very cloudy, I watched the last episode and thought, what was all the fuss about... It seemed really pretentious to me...
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face in the windowpane

Joined: 03 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 11:11 pm Reply with quote
Hello. First post.

Keep in mind that I don't frequent the fansub community (because of a lack of connections, I suppose - there are lots of shows I really want to see that haven't been localized), so I only watch shows that have had an official U.S. release.

Top 5 Favorite

1) Kanon
I love everything about this show. The mystery, the drama, the clever dialogue, the snowy backdrops, "Uguu," etc. The first half had me rolling with laughter, the second half had me holding back tears. I like the fact that the ending is juuust undefined enough to be open to interpretation (I think the ending is clearly happy, but my friend had a more depressing interpretation, so I guess there's room for debate... even though my friend is wrong). Also, the lead, Yuichi, is very handsome and charming. He has lots of emotional problems that he never lets others see (they're subtle even to the viewer), making him an intriguing character. He's so awesome!

2) Neon Genesis Evangelion
This is the second anime I ever saw, back in the late 90's. There's something brutal and tragic about how the children are treated, but it doesn't go so far as to be unwatchable. What Shinji had to do to kill the second-to-last (or was it the last? it's been over a decade) Angel sent me into a depression for a week. Evangelion is what hooked me on anime. My only complaint is the excessive levels of fanservice. I'm kinda afraid to watch it nowadays, since I'm not sure if it'll hold up to my memories.

3) When They Cry
I'm a horror fan, and this is the only supernatural horror anime I've seen that's worth anything. Not only is it good, it's very good. Too many horror animes watch like action shows with monsters, but When They Cry actually tries to mess with your head. I especially liked the Cotton Drifting/Eye Opening chapter combo, seeing both sides and how Mion's strange behavior in Cotton Drifting suddenly makes sense in Eye Opening.

Funimation needs to release Kai here, NOW!

4) Fruits Basket
Just cute, fluffy fun. It seems targeted at a younger audience, what with the characters learning simple life lessons every episode. But it's so charming and pulled off just right. It's a show all ages can enjoy. Who can not be charmed by seeing a girl hug a crying bunny that looks like Pikachu?

5) Monster
I got the first box set and am watching it now. It might be premature to put it on the list when I haven't finished it yet, but this is building up to something great. During the first ten episodes, I wondered why the show is called Monster when Johan seemed to be a simple killer. Yes, killers are monstrous, but when you're creating a fictional work and you call your show Monster, you kind of have to step up the twistedness a bit. Then in episodes 11-15, I started learning about the orphanage and the Nazi conspiracies... I realized Johan really is deserving of the title of 'monster'. I am hooked.

Can't wait to get the second box set!

Top 5 Worst

1) Elfen Lied
Ugh. Just no. What is wrong with this show? This is the most disturbing thing I've ever watched, and I've watched Salo. The main male character's creepy insistence on not calling the police, while he keeps a handicapped girl alone in his house and gets into questionable situations with her... that is just plain creepy. Not in the "this is really good, disturbing stuff," kind of way, but in the "you have to be a sick person to enjoy this" kind of way. And how the writers try to make Lucy into a sympathetic character... how STUPID do the writers take us for? Lucy is evil, plain and simple. No amount of being cute makes up for that, and the fact that the writers thought they could pull that crap on us speaks to how dumb they think we are.

2) Moon Phase
Lots of underage fanservice. Really lame second half. Daywalker? Really? SERIOUSLY? The first half was a decent comedy, but once it turned into an action/horror all the quality disappeared.

3) Clannad
This isn't actually a horrible show, but it was pretty disappointing.

After watching Kanon, I got really hyped to see more Kyoto Animation stuff. Almost everyone I've seen talking about Clannad online were saying that it's superior to Kanon, so that got me even more excited.

The drama is just... well, it ranges from "I don't really care" to laughably bad. The romance is the annoying harem type that I have trouble tolerating, where the girls are fighting over the main male character. Always annoying, that. The comedy is absolutely great, too bad it mostly goes away in the second half to give way to the mediocre drama.

I have a hard time seeing how anybody could prefer this over Kanon. Intellectually, I understand that the two shows go for different things (Kanon goes for mystery, Clannad the harem romance) and some people are just more interested in what Clannad is going for. But Kanon is just so much better at what it does.

4) Inuyasha
Inuyasha uses a lot of cliches that I find hard to swallow. I especially hate how the title character's name is yelled/screamed/shouted about 30 times per episode (I guess that's why they decided to call it that). I had to endure this show for a while when I was hanging out at this guy's house who was a friend of a friend. Never watched it by myself, but from what I saw, my respect for this show is zilch.

5) Dragon Ball Z
The 30 second stares. The multi-episode battles. The staring while the villain powers up for 2 minutes. I just can't tolerate this crap.

Hope I didn't offend anyone with my first post! Very Happy
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Joined: 20 Jul 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 11:16 pm Reply with quote
face in the windowpane wrote:

1) Elfen Lied
Ugh. Just no. What is wrong with this show? This is the most disturbing thing I've ever watched, and I've watched Salo. The main male character's creepy insistence on not calling the police, while he keeps a handicapped girl alone in his house and gets into questionable situations with her... that is just plain creepy. Not in the "this is really good, disturbing stuff," kind of way, but in the "you have to be a sick person to enjoy this" kind of way. And how the writers try to make Lucy into a sympathetic character... how STUPID do the writers take us for? Lucy is evil, plain and simple. No amount of being cute makes up for that, and the fact that the writers thought they could pull that crap on us speaks to how dumb they think we are.

i always said one of the best things about Elfen Lied is how it can make the audience care for and feel for the Lucy character (or spoiler[mariko]) knowing they are both murdering psychopaths
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face in the windowpane

Joined: 03 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 11:26 pm Reply with quote
hipnox wrote:
i always said one of the best things about Elfen Lied is how it can make the audience care for and feel for the Lucy character (or spoiler[mariko]) knowing they are both murdering psychopaths

It just didn't work on me. Once Lucy tortured and dismembered what's-her-name, who had made it clear that she wasn't really going to hurt Lucy, all potential sympathy for Lucy was lost on me.
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Joined: 14 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:21 am Reply with quote
@face in the window pane:

I am curious about how well you agree -- or disagree -- with this post. I'm just curious; that's all.
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face in the windowpane

Joined: 03 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:58 am Reply with quote
nbahn wrote:
@face in the window pane:

I am curious about how well you agree -- or disagree -- with this post. I'm just curious; that's all.

The poster who called Elfen Lied the most stupid/retarded show ever?

I wouldn't say I agree. It's certainly distasteful, and the motivation given for sympathizing with Lucy is incredibly shallow, but it isn't retarded. Much like The 120 Days of Sodom, any work that can evoke such an extreme reaction of repulsion has to have been done intentionally, and to pull that off takes skill.
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Joined: 10 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 12:09 pm Reply with quote
face in the windowpane wrote:
1) Elfen Lied
Ugh. Just no. What is wrong with this show? This is the most disturbing thing I've ever watched, and I've watched Salo. The main male character's creepy insistence on not calling the police, while he keeps a handicapped girl alone in his house and gets into questionable situations with her... that is just plain creepy. Not in the "this is really good, disturbing stuff," kind of way, but in the "you have to be a sick person to enjoy this" kind of way. And how the writers try to make Lucy into a sympathetic character... how STUPID do the writers take us for? Lucy is evil, plain and simple. No amount of being cute makes up for that, and the fact that the writers thought they could pull that crap on us speaks to how dumb they think we are.

I actually just finished rewatching Elfen Lied and reaffirming that it deserves the #1 spot on my list. Not to beat a dead horse, but I find it truly amazing how different our opinions can be. I thought Kohta's actions were mostly reasonable compared to say, Shirou from Fate/Stay Night. He is only adamant about avoiding the police after they act rather suspiciously (granted, his intuition does seem strange or even convenient at times). I don't believe the intention behind making Lucy into a more sympathetic character is as simple as just converting her to a "good guy." I think it has more to do with opening the possibilities for the viewer, and presenting questions including, obviously, is she good, bad, or some degree of both? The volatility of her character in the story is one of the most intriguing aspects for me.

Anyway, I respect your opinion; I just think it's very interesting that one of us can enjoy it so much while the other despises it, and I wonder why that is.
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face in the windowpane

Joined: 03 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 2:37 am Reply with quote
cashballer wrote:
I thought Kohta's actions were mostly reasonable compared to say, Shirou from Fate/Stay Night.

You have to admit you're not setting the bar very high there, yeah? :p

He is only adamant about avoiding the police after they act rather suspiciously (granted, his intuition does seem strange or even convenient at times).

I believe Yuka says something about calling the police when they first determine that Lucy is mentally handicapped and lost, and Kohta rejects the idea. That's good enough for Yuka, and she leaves it alone... for some reason.

Yuka becomes a little worried when she walks in on that soulwrenchingly awful scene of Kohta changing Lucy's clothes, but for the most part only becomes concerned enough to further her own agenda by moving in with them. Yuka only gets serious about the police with Kohta after the police start coming to them.

I don't mind nonsensical logic in my anime, but when the anime deals with themes as seriously creepy as Elfen Lied, real world common sense is appreciated. I was sexually abused as a kid, so I'm a bit sensitive to these kinds of scenarios. It angers me when characters like Kohta are creepy enough to create this kind of situation, and when characters like Yuka have the opportunity to put an end to it but are too oblivious to.

The volatility of her character in the story is one of the most intriguing aspects for me.

Anyway, I respect your opinion; I just think it's very interesting that one of us can enjoy it so much while the other despises it, and I wonder why that is.

Yeah, I can respect you liking the show. I find it loathsome, but I can't say the creators didn't achieve what they were aiming for.

In regards to Elfen Lied's polarized reception, I think it's just a matter of how much squick you can tolerate. I can tolerate a lot, but only if there's a message in there that I think is important. nbahn linked to a thread that muses over the questions Elfen Lied stirred in some viewers, and while I think it's cool that the show was able to make people think, when I read through that thread there was precious little there that can be applied to the real world without some major stretching of analogies (questions pertaining to anime as a medium excepted, naturally).

I'm not trying to say that thread is bad, btw. I pondered a bit myself after watching I, Robot, on the repercussions of AI becoming self aware, even though I don't believe AI will get to that point in our lifetime (if ever). So I don't frown on asking ethical questions about a fictional world, the answers to which are only relevant to that fictional world. It can be fun, and it works the imagination. But for me personally, Elfen Lied is so vile that I don't see the point.
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Joined: 04 Apr 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 1:01 am Reply with quote
Well, here's my top ten list. Let's see how many haters I create today Anime smile.

10. Ouran High School Host Club
Why would this start off a guys' list? Well, it's because this show is freaking funny. Whether your a fan of semi-yaoi or not, this show brings high class comedy and awesomeness to the table. A true pick up for someone looking for laughs.

9. Sailor Moon
By now you're probably thinking "Oh, come on! You're a guy, WTF is Sailor Moon, the girliest anime EVER doing on your list?". Well, it's because thanks to a website that won't be mentioned due to privacy, Sailor Moon is MUCH more awesome when talked about during the show. It's a show that, along with the dub that's so bad it's good, is just awesome in it's own right. Though it is 5 seasons long (I think), just based on the 1st season alone, it's enough to make me remember it's presence.

8. Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi-Chan
*sigh* Ah, this show. Being SO much better than the original as far as comedy goes, this show takes Haruhi, strangles her, and turns her into something that I thought was never possible. This show.....is just too awesome for words. For being fan-made, it's something that was one of the best things a fan could've made.

7. Ghost Stories
When ADV got the rights to this show, they took the script and buried it under dog turd, wrote a new one and made it one piece of comedic gold. Introducing one of the best dubs in American history, Ghost Stories is a show about four kids taking on old horror tales from Japan, all while making fun of each other and insulting people to the core. While this is NOT a show for children or easily offended viewers, it's one that DEFINITELY worthy of taking a look at.

6. Soul Eater
When I saw this show, I didn't know what to think of it. It was something I had never seen before, but I loved it at the same time. Being a show about soul hunters and solving a conspiracy under the grounds of DWMA, it's a powerful show about friendship *remembers spoiler[ Maka and Chrono becoming friends ]*, Tragedy *remembers Chrono being treated like a dog* and kicking ass *remembers all the ass kicking*.

5. Baka To Test
Why is this anime so good? I'll tell you why. It's because it's 1) original, 2) semi-dependant on anime parodies and 3) just plain epic. With this series going 26 episodes soon in the next year, it's a show that's so amazing, words will not describe what went through your mind after you watch it. A show about high schoolers with the power to battle each other with the help of Avatars, this show goes in and out of storylines, but it's forgiven with making the non-story episodes awesome. PLEASE give this a shot if not already.

4. Shin Chan
Adult Swim put it on their network. I tuned in at 12, not knowing what to expect. I was blown away. What ADV did with Ghost Stories, Funimation sort-of did with Shin Chan. A show about a 5 year old kid with trouble on his mind, it's a show full or toilet humor, pop culture references and sheer epicness. Why, AS? Why did you take a show that was actually getting you ratings off the air? So we could have....Bleach? -_-

3. Code Geass
OMG, this show. Some people call it the mecha DeathNote. I call it one of the best shows 2009 had to offer. With Lelouch vi Brittania, a high school kid on the brink of wanting to drive Area 11 out of Japan and create a new world for his sister and him, this show could not get any better, even if it tried. Even though i'm one of those people that says that there should not be a third season, I would not mind if there was one. As long as we get episodes that end with plottwists and cliffhangers, i'm alright Smile

2. Lucky Star
A show about nothing. That's it. No plot, no cliffhangers, no nothing. Just a show about doing everyday things in everyday life. What makes this show so good is the fact that there is at least one thing that you can relate to this show. It's a show for everyone, and that's what makes this great. Some people don't like it because there is nothing they can relate to it, but that's where they miss out on the fun. (No, I don't like this show because it's from KyoAni and my anime wife Kagami is in it Anime hyper)

1. Azumanga Daioh
If there is one show that should've been on a channel of some sorts and received HUGE amounts of credibility, it is a show about high school girls doing things that many dream about in Azumanga Daioh. A wildcat girl, a girl who gets BIT by cats, an athletic dumbass, A smartass, an Osakan.......Osaka, and a red-haired smart girl make one of the best casts in the whole anime dynasty. How there is a better comedy that takes everyday situations and makes them the most brilliant scenes you've ever seen, I would not know and do not WANT to know. Thank you, Kiyohiko Azuma for bringing this masterpiece.

Thanks to my forgivingness of many animes, I do not have a 5 most hated. You fans can thank me.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2010
Posts: 32
PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 2:40 am Reply with quote
SonicRenegade84 wrote:
10. Ouran High School Host Club
Why would this start off a guys' list? Well, it's because this show is freaking funny. Whether your a fan of semi-yaoi or not, this show brings high class comedy and awesomeness to the table. A true pick up for someone looking for laughs.

I gotta ask, how much male fanservice is in this show? I've been wanting a show with lots of cute guys in it, and if the guys are making out with each other then all the better!

Will this satisfy my needs?
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Joined: 20 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 4:18 am Reply with quote
[EDIT: That's neither a list, nor any kind of explanation. -TK]
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