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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 5:45 am Reply with quote
Heheh, Japan sees nothing wrong with emphasizing girls' assets. Laughing
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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 5:59 am Reply with quote
Speaking of figures, my figma Konota came in yesterday. One of her accessories is a shopping bag she carries. I put it on her. Now, she's standing next to Kagami, both without any chest or crotch enhancements.

I'm very picky about my figures entering my collection. Some of the aspects described in the strip are actually turn-offs for me. I want the figure to retain as much as possible to the original.

Unfortunately, a trade-off is necessary. For example, the 1/4 scale Freeing model of Haruhi in a bunny suit. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Haruhi around a "B" cup? Yeah, not so much with the figure, as her chest is definitely endowed with another cup size.

Given the rarity of this figure, and of course the style capturing her in a bunny suit, the trade-off was worth it. She's freakin' cute.

Now, it's time to save up for those 4 Freeing 1/4 scale figures of the girls from Lucky Star. Finding Konota's going to be a bitch without paying an arm and a resin leg. The good news: none of the figures are endowed or highlighted.
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Joined: 22 May 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 7:34 am Reply with quote
PetrifiedJello wrote:

I'm very picky about my figures entering my collection. Some of the aspects described in the strip are actually turn-offs for me. I want the figure to retain as much as possible to the original.

I'm completely with you on that, I prefer my figures to be a 3-D representation of the original 2-D that I fell in love with. (not literally)

The draw is so undeniable too. You see it there in the store, in that brightly colored box and it's a character that you really like and before you know it you walking out of that store with a heavy bag and a lighter wallet. Wink
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Joined: 12 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 8:30 am Reply with quote
All my figures are fanservice-free (actually, the one showing the most skin is my Luffy PVC Laughing ), though I will buy a Yoko figure eventually, but I can tolerate that because it's her primary outfit in the series (and it's not portrayed that trashy, compared to fanservice series or anything).

I also find it unacceptable when figures are generally only available in swimsuit or other fanservice outfits. For example, I don't remember the Azumanga Daioh characters being in swimsuits for the majority of the show.

Regarding Haruhi, I was lucky and found at a convention a figure of her playing the guitar (the school-uniform version, though I wouldn't mind having the black dress version as well, it's modest enough). I also have Yuki Nagato in her witch outfit. Mikuru will probably be the hardest to get in a modest version, but since she's my least favorite, I'll probably hunt down the Kyon and Itsuki Figmas, and maybe even a good Tsuruya PVC first.
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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 9:19 am Reply with quote
doctordoom85 wrote:
I also find it unacceptable when figures are generally only available in swimsuit or other fanservice outfits.

Agreed. Worse, these damn things are growing. Imagine my stunned look to see Fate (Nanoha), 1/4 scale, in a freakin' bikini. I've not see the third season, but rest assured she doesn't appear like this in the first two. Should I mention she's in the third grade? *vomits*

Regarding Haruhi, I was lucky and found at a convention a figure of her playing the guitar.

Not sure how you feel about the posing figures out now, but Revoltech has a figure of Haruhi in a bunny suit and it comes with a ton of accessories, including the guitar. Here's a picture if you want to see it, next to the other bunny suit Haruhi, no less.

Finding them as scaled figures is beyond difficult. It seems these things sold out long before any retailer could carry them. Damn Japanese. Need to learn to share. By the time (if) they reach our shores, prices escalate 10 fold. Evil or Very Mad
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Joined: 22 May 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 10:23 am Reply with quote
PetrifiedJello wrote:
doctordoom85 wrote:
I also find it unacceptable when figures are generally only available in swimsuit or other fanservice outfits.

Agreed. Worse, these damn things are growing. Imagine my stunned look to see Fate (Nanoha), 1/4 scale, in a freakin' bikini. I've not see the third season, but rest assured she doesn't appear like this in the first two. Should I mention she's in the third grade? *vomits*

In Season 3 Nanoha and Fate are 19 years old. I did a quick search and found that the figure you are talking about is her in the third season. At least if this is what you are talking about http://dwtoyspot.blogspot.com/2009/06/gsc-magical-girl-lyrical-nanoha-stikers.html
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Joined: 18 Nov 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:16 am Reply with quote
Robin wrote:
"I have a female friend (I won't name names) who says that if someone saw her shelves full of sexy anime statues, they'd think she had major issues with women. "

(Zap Brannigan from Futurama): "Yes! Major SEXY issues with women. Roar!"

Is it just me or does that last panel's title scream out: The Anime Walk of Shame? LOL!

Utlimate Mop Daisuke... That's just brilliant! LOL!

Robin wrote:
but I think it's healthy to be able to criticize and analyze things that you love.

Agreed, 100 percent.

Robin wrote:
Anime has such loveable bad ass female characters that...

*Dreamy Sigh* Yes... They do...


RE: Figure Collecting

I just can't do it. My personality is too obsessive; the lure and addiction would be too great, so I don't collect.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:18 am Reply with quote
Thanks for clarifying, Robin. I didn't understand the last panel before I read your explanation.

I still don't understand why you would want to pay money for such rude depictions of women, but *shrug* to each their own, as long as it doesn't carry over into real life.
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Joined: 22 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:52 am Reply with quote
I'm amazed that I somehow missed this one when it was first posted, I thought I'd been reading it every week...

But, yeah, awesome comic. I have a few borderline creepy figures. I'm no longer into the show (or anything ecchi in general), but I'm a compulsive buyer of He is My Master figures.

Worst I have:


I've got a total 7 + 1 plushie >_>
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Teriyaki Terrier

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 12:15 pm Reply with quote
Kimiko_0 wrote:
Thanks for clarifying, Robin. I didn't understand the last panel before I read your explanation.

I still don't understand why you would want to pay money for such rude depictions of women, but *shrug* to each their own, as long as it doesn't carry over into real life.

I can probably guess the reasons, but I am not sure they should be said.

The way I see it with figures like that, ultimately since it's no one business what one purchases, it's not a big deal. If the figure offends you, don't look at it. Pretty simple as that.
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Joined: 14 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 12:44 pm Reply with quote
I don't know if it's because I primarily buy shadow-box trading figures, as opposed to statuettes, but pretty much all of my figures (male and female) are fairly accurate to the original designs. Yeah, I have a few swimsuit figurines (Fate/stay night's Rin, Sakura, Shinji, and koGil, Zoids/0's Rinon, and Xenosaga's KOS-MOS and Shion), but the former are chibi figures (and therefore the girls are practically flat), and the middle is still beautifully sculpted to proportion, so I don't mind. Even my two statuettes are well done (I have the Monsieur Bome KOS-MOS, and Shining Tears' Blanc Neige. Ironically, Shining Tears' character designs were done by a hentai artist, and the cover of the artbook even has Neige naked [of course, there's also a statuette of that image], but my statuette is very modest).

My Xenosaga figurines are probably the most fanservicey, but they're still accurate to the games. Well, except for the fact that the 3 sets consist of T-Elos, Shion (ep. 3 version and swimsuit), MOMO (ep. 3 version), and every possible iteration of KOS-MOS (vers. 1-4, Missing Year, ep. 2 and 3 swimsuits, and the Xenosaga Freaks version). And that's where my figurine problem comes in: Where are the guys? Some sets have all of the figures (like Tales of the Abyss, all 6 main party members, plus Ion), but then there are sets which have barrels of female characters, and none of the males. C'mon, I would love chaos figures. Especially with his skin-tight clothing, showing off his slender-yet-muscular build. His ep. 3 sketch image is the perfect pose, too.
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Joined: 13 May 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 12:58 pm Reply with quote
Dessa wrote:

My Xenosaga figurines are probably the most fanservicey, but they're still accurate to the games. Well, except for the fact that the 3 sets consist of T-Elos, Shion (ep. 3 version and swimsuit), MOMO (ep. 3 version), and every possible iteration of KOS-MOS (vers. 1-4, Missing Year, ep. 2 and 3 swimsuits, and the Xenosaga Freaks version). And that's where my figurine problem comes in: Where are the guys? Some sets have all of the figures (like Tales of the Abyss, all 6 main party members, plus Ion), but then there are sets which have barrels of female characters, and none of the males. C'mon, I would love chaos figures. Especially with his skin-tight clothing, showing off his slender-yet-muscular build. His ep. 3 sketch image is the perfect pose, too.

This is the problem I've had with figures since I can remember. Where the heck are the guys? And then when they finally do make some figures of some males, they never really look that great. Especially when you're someone incredibly picky like me, I've never seen a male figurine worth buying.
It was actually only just a few days ago that I found out that my favorite Figurine company is finally making what I believe to be only their second male figurine, Yuri from Tales of Vesperia and my gosh I would love to have that.

Also, I am entirely with you on a chaos figurine. If I ever saw that anywhere, I'd pretty much freak out.
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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 1:27 pm Reply with quote
Dessa wrote:
My Xenosaga figurines are probably the most fanservicey...

Yeah, that line totally blew. I would have killed if they released this version of MOMO but they never did. Anime cry

There were others in the same line, but finding photos of them now is difficult.

Instead, all we get is KOS-MOS. In a swimsuit, even. Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:14 pm Reply with quote
Kimiko_0 wrote:
such rude depictions of women, but *shrug* to each their own, as long as it doesn't carry over into real life.

Carry over? It's a reflection of real life! Laughing
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:17 pm Reply with quote
Speaking of Tales figures, I saw a ton of them on display at Expo:

1. The entire Phantasia crew, including Dhaos
2. Lilith from Destiny
3. Kyle, Reala and Judas from Destiny 2 (bought them all!)
4. The entire Abyss cast

Sure wish I could have gotten them all. Some Rebirth figures would be nice, especially one of Eugene. And that Yuri figure looks badass, just like him Very Happy
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