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Inuyasha: The Final Act (TV).

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Joined: 29 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 8:48 am Reply with quote

InuYasha (TV)
Inuyasha: The Final Act (TV)

Genres: action, drama, fantasy, romance
Themes: demons, historical, time travel, youkai

Plot Summary: Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, Sango, Shippou and their nekomata friend Kirara, are now in the final leg of their quest to put an end to the elusive demon, Naraku and all of the chaos and evil he has caused, and to ultimately undo the unfortunate karma of the Jewel of Four Souls. Their journey, however, will not be easy as their remaining enemies put out all the stops to make sure that they do not accomplish their goal.

There wasn't already a thread for this? Weird.

Well, I just finished the first episode and I actually liked it a lot more than most of the episodes from the first series, mainly because of the quick pacing. I don't even read the manga and I could tell they were flying by material. In most cases I'd complain, but seeing as how the first Inuyasha series was so redundant I'm glad that they're handling it like this.

I was lost on the whole Genryomaru(sp?)/something-maru thing. Why was he in prison? And how come all of a sudden Kagome's friends are okay with Inuyasha showing up at school? I don't really remember anything related to those two thing beings explained before. A short recap would have been nice, since it's been a long time since the first series ended.

I'm looking forward to the next episode, but I'll probably skip the previews from now on, since they showedspoiler[ Kagura's death] in the preview.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 8:54 am Reply with quote
Kagome's friends have met Inu Yasha before, at least on one occasion. They just think he's her weird, delinquent boyfriend (mostly because of how she described his behavior prior to them meeting him), which is why they were so surprised at how nice he was to her in this episode.
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Joined: 20 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 9:31 am Reply with quote
I'm just going to say, I had a bit of a "Whats going on? who's that guy? ok I know who those guys are, but what side are they on again?" type moment with the first episode.

Recaps would be nice but, you have to think the series is not bring new fans in, it's just for the large fan base already out. They know the story by now so it would be unneeded.

But I have to say, the pacing on the first episode = best pacing for the series yet. It went straight to the plot where the anime left off and went rolling down.
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Joined: 19 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 7:44 pm Reply with quote
This was an awesome episode! I loved Inuyasha but the pacing was horrible, I am glad they fixed that although I still think 26 eps isn't enough to cover everything..
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 8:41 pm Reply with quote
Wow man, you sure got used to InuYasha's pacing if you actually believe that 26 episodes ain't enough to end this anime.

Episode 1 was great, for an Inuyasha episode. Explained and refreshed my memory on what was going on, got rid of a few characters so the plot could move faster and focus on Naraku.
So far, so good.
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BES Null Core

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 8:55 pm Reply with quote
Inuyasha has 56 volumes. The original TV series covered volumes 1-36 in 160 or so episodes. There is roughly half of the covered material left, which would amount to around 80 episodes with the same pacing. As bad as the anime is with pacing, the anime original material did not amount to double the manga material. Unless the new series drops significant content, 26 episodes will not be enough.

That said, it is a good thing that the anime drops material from the manga, which was riddled with fillers even in the last 10 volumes, the most egregious of which being Shippou's kitsune exams. Too much of the manga consists of filler, which led to a pacing just as horrible as that of the anime.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 8:58 pm Reply with quote
That's exactly what I meant by "used to Inuyasha's pacing", BES Null Core.
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Joined: 29 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 3:48 pm Reply with quote
I'm kinda surprised that there hasn't even been a page of discussion for this series yet. Heh.

That said, episode 3 was garbage. Absolute garbage. I've watched some mediocre stuff in the past few months, but nothing was as bad as this episode. Not even freakin' Dragonaut gave me a headache like this one. I had half a mind to drop this series right after I finished it. Everything was going so fast, even faster than in the previous 2 episodes, that it became almost comical. The clincher was the whole Mujina thing. We see this girl spoiler[and 30 seconds later Shippo's so hurt because she betrayed him.] Um, what?

Here's hoping that the next episode makes more sense.

Oh, and I also like that Viz left that episode title untranslated. I like it when companies who are in the business of translating stuff into English leave phrases intact in Japanese.
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Joined: 08 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 8:58 am Reply with quote
I used to be a HUGE InuYasha fan. Now, there's this bitter hole in my heart where my love for it used to dwell. That's mainly because of the anime and manga endings. I didn't care for either. Either way, I'm still watching the Final Act.

I'm glad there aren't recaps. I'm so sick of their recaps from the FIRST part of the series. *grumbles* (see? told you I was bitter about it)

I also like that they're moving along quickly. I, personally, would have liked to have seen them sum this series up in a few OVAs but the 26 episode thing is prolly for the best. Anyone who wants more after watching that first stretch is out of their minds.

Glad to see the original cast is back even though I think Kappai has lost his excitement for InuYasha. And I'm glad that the musical score sounds a little more updated. Although, I am disappointed that the animation quality looks about the same as the previous season from way back when. It's also nice to see Kouga in action again instead of just running around.

As for stuff being confusing . . . all those "maru" names in the series were so annoying and they made it confusing. I, too, forget why he was in a cage. But, I've kinda stopped caring. This series really is for fans only - esp with the fast pace. And, for the Shippo thing you mentioned . . . that was a MUCH longer arc in the manga (I remember skipping some pages) and Shippo should get depressed because he's always getting tricked by girls. Also, Rumiko Takahashi tends to use super depressed looking art for comedic purposes from time to time, so . . . I think it was supposed to be funny, but I'm not really sure considering I've lost all faith in this artist's ability to write a decent plot and develop characters.

About the previews . . . I never watch previews until I've already seen the whole anime through. Then, if I decide to rewatch, I let the disc run in its entirety. I know that sounds weird, but with the whole spoiler[Kagura death sequence] that was spoiled for many fans, you can probably understand why I have a rule for this.

I'm just hoping that they actually have a kiss at the end of the anime. It's overdue.
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Joined: 20 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 8:09 pm Reply with quote
It's still episode 3 and they already gave us a filler. Damn, I've underestimated Inuyasha.
Episode 2 was... bah. Forced melodramatic scene over that woman's spoiler[death]. Inuyasha's brother seemed to have spoiler[loved] her, which also felt kinda forced.
Episode 3... oh, hello filler. That was when I started preparing to head to work and left the file playing meanwhile. Well, I'm already disappointed, I thought they'd do this seriously, but it looks like I was wrong.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 10:43 am Reply with quote
lol - yeah, ep 3 did bother me a bit. That arc bothered me A LOT MORE in the manga.

In the manga, I felt like Sesshy's love theme with Kagura wasn't so much of "love" as it was respect because she was trying to go her own way. I think Kagura was actually in love with him though. I kinda expected them to pull the "character episodes" though. They always did that and even one shot series usually have designated episodes for specific characters. Like when each character gets introduced in a harem series and then each one has some kind of "special moment" episode with the main male. I mean, it's happened in other series too. Shugo Chara definitely is doing that kind of stuff.

The next character they highlight will probably be Miroku and then Sango and then prolly Kikyou just for good measure before allowing Kagome and InuYasha to have some kind of fake character development. Honestly, I'm expecting it from this series.
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Joined: 08 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:55 am Reply with quote
So I just finished ep 5 the other day.

Another power up. I think I had completely blocked this chapter from my mind, but when I saw the chains on the sword it suddenly all returned and started praying to my computer that this power up fest wouldn't run longer than one episode.

Why can't they just end it like now? I mean, there's not much more to do, is there? Confused
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Joined: 29 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 8:58 pm Reply with quote
Just an FYI here: I haven't added an index to this thread due to the low turnout. I mean, it's been five episodes and there isn't even a page of discussion. It's just not worth it.

Haven't watched ep. 5, but after watching ep. 4 I have to say that my only reason for watching this show is just to watch the ending. The intial feeling of "yay, it's faster" as to turned "I'm watching the SparkNotes version of Inuyasha." Inuyasha wasn't mind-blowing stuff to begin with, but now that it's super condensed, it's like watching one long recap episode.

The writers should have just taken the main plot points from the manga and at least written a new take on it instead of rushing through the manga. There hasn't even been a new piece of music in this show. It's all so half-hearted.
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Mister V

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 7:43 pm Reply with quote
Bento-Box wrote:
I used to be a HUGE InuYasha fan. Now, there's this bitter hole in my heart where my love for it used to dwell. That's mainly because of the anime and manga endings. I didn't care for either. Either way, I'm still watching the Final Act.

Eh, didn't the manga have a happy ending? I've read that in Wikipedia anyway.

Call me weird, but I prefer the original's pacing. At least it was watchable. If something's boring you, you can skip through it. If it's too fast, you can't add anything you might've wanted to. I've watched two or three episodes up to now, and, well... if someone decided to write a history book about a very long time period, but wanted to include every known historical fact in a limited volume, it would just be an enumeration of those facts, same happens here.

I don't know what happened. They could've taken the main plot only, cut some corners and adapt it into something watchable.
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Joined: 11 May 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:01 am Reply with quote
So has it been confirmed that there will only be 26 episodes to finish up the series? I don't think that's enough to finish up the manga without pacing it too fast (which they might be doing).
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