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The Haruhi Suzumiya Series

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Joined: 02 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:02 pm Reply with quote
An English Light Novel Best Seller List has been created, and it shows Haruhi doing quite well in sales in the US!


Hopefully this means the beginning of a turn around for the Light Novel industry, ne? Smile
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 10:06 am Reply with quote
My copy of Sighs, which I pretty much forgot I pre-ordered (it was back when I was having problems getting the first volume as it was listed as unavailable on Amazon UK depite not actually having been released at the time) arrived the other day. Was not expecting a hardcover as the first volume was paperback (or was there a hardcover version of the first volume also?)
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Joined: 31 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 8:42 am Reply with quote
Has Boredom been announced yet?
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 1:21 am Reply with quote
Shiroi Hane wrote:
My copy of Sighs, which I pretty much forgot I pre-ordered (it was back when I was having problems getting the first volume as it was listed as unavailable on Amazon UK depite not actually having been released at the time) arrived the other day. Was not expecting a hardcover as the first volume was paperback (or was there a hardcover version of the first volume also?)

There was a paperback and a hardcover version in the US, so there might have been a hardback one for the UK for the first one.

Small question: Is the series a continuation type or can it be stand alone?
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 1:20 pm Reply with quote
Parts of the series are short story style some are continuation plots, or in the case of Sighs, Melancholy, Vanishment and Scheme, along with Dissociation and soon to be a 10th book. They all have one novel plot that have 3 to 7 chapters which tie in to the short stories.

The short stories that are one chapter each are mostly in Boredom, Rashness , Disturbance and Anger. There each set with in the time line of a different season. (Spring summer, fall or winter) and go before or after the books with the plot.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 10:41 am Reply with quote
Thank you for the information.
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Richard J.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:18 pm Reply with quote
I'd like to add to what ninjapet posted. While some of the novels have an ongoing plot, I think it is completely possible to buy, read and totally enjoy the individual books. The stories tie together but they are standalone in many ways too. Haterater, I hope you'll get into this series, it's a lot of fun! (And sometimes rather deep with some of the metaphysical philosophy that gets used here and there.)

Just finished The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya last night (hardcover) and it was great! I absolutely loved reading about the filiming of the movie, learning where all the little jokes in the movie episode of the series came from and Yuki Nagato continues to be one of my absolute favorite characters. After Mikuru and Koizumi both spoiler[indicated that the other could be lying/mistaken about their beliefs toward Haruhi, Yuki appears to be the one certain to be honest character. Then she throws Kyon the curveball that she could be lying too for all he knows!]

Facinating to see in this volume how the group is still coming together and also to get a better grasp of the side characters' personalities. Taniguchi and Kunikida as well as Tsuruya get some much needed fleshing out in this book if you ask me. It's just a little but it helps to know that Taniguchi spoiler[secretly wants to be part of the SOS Brigade's fun and that Tsuruya is from a freaking rich family.]

I am really looking forward to the next book. I'm glad to see that Haruhi is doing better sales for Yen. I think they've got the right marketing ideas and I hope that they will stick with the novels for a long time. (I want to see them publish all the Haruhi novels and the Spice and Wolf novels that are coming soon.)
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Joined: 20 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 6:34 am Reply with quote
How is the art for the hardcover?

Both novels I have been stuck buying the paperback because the bookstore near me didn't carry the hardcover. (it's no big lost for me, I mean hardcover would get ruined the way I carry around / reread the books)

I have no idea what the sales numbers are for Yen, but I buy both the novels and manga when they get released. (the manga for color pages >.>)
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Andrew Cunningham

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 5:38 pm Reply with quote
Haterater wrote:

Small question: Is the series a continuation type or can it be stand alone?

I would disagree with some of the other readers; I think you do have to start with the first book. Possibly you could watch the anime and then go read the later books only, but all of the later books are based on things revealed in the first novel.
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Richard J.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 5:47 pm Reply with quote
ninjapet wrote:
How is the art for the hardcover?

Here's a pic of both hardcovers (and Saber's lion from Fate/Stay Night but that's just a bonus.) The back covers are just plot synopsis. Haruhi cover is the first novel, Mikuru is the second.

Andrew Cunningham wrote:
I would disagree with some of the other readers; I think you do have to start with the first book. Possibly you could watch the anime and then go read the later books only, but all of the later books are based on things revealed in the first novel.
Yeah but Kyon tends to explain the situation repeatedly, if only because he himself really can't believe it. I've only read the official translations so far but if the books generally go the way Sigh does, with Kyon explaining that spoiler[Haruhi's a goddess/reality warper and the others are an esper, a time traveler and a psuedo-alien], then the events of the first book are unnecessary to enjoy the individual stories. (And really, everything I just spoiler-tagged is basically open-secrets right? I applaud anyone who actually stays remotely spoiler free with this series.)

*EDIT: Just left out some bolding.
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Joined: 20 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 3:02 pm Reply with quote
I like the hardcover designs, this makes me think when my paperback copys end up getting beat up to the point where rereading would just be not possible. That buying the hardcovers would be a good idea.

I mean I'm starting to hate the bright colors on the paperback. Way way to many people keep bugging me about what I'm reading due to the bright, red or yellow covers.
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Richard J.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:47 pm Reply with quote
ninjapet wrote:
Way way to many people keep bugging me about what I'm reading due to the bright, red or yellow covers.
I hope you take the time to tell them how good the books are and to suggest they read them. It's one of my deeper regrets that I didn't do this earlier in my life when people asked me about books I was reading.

Ooh, brain flash! Make the paperbacks lender copies if you are thinking about getting the hardbacks! That way, once you've read them, you can lend them to people who've asked you about them without having to worry about the condition they come back in. You might create another Haruhi fan (always a plus), possibly gain a new friend and if nothing else you have a useful way to dispose of the paperback.

Think of it as readable recycling!
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Joined: 20 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 4:48 pm Reply with quote
I tell them the basic plot. then they find out it's a translation of a novel from Japan. They get put off by that one fact.

I have two friends who like book series and they like school life stuff. But there not fans of anime / manga. (one of them likes manga a little bit other then that they tend to stay away from it)
When they see the drawings on the inside they get turned off by the whole thing, Which is sad because the novels are nice to read, and the fact is they could just skip the drawings and just read the text.

If I do buy the hardcovers the paperbacks are going to the library by my house. They carry manga/anime so it maybe nice if they show the copys in the teens area or near the manga shelfs
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Richard J.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:55 pm Reply with quote
ninjapet wrote:
I tell them the basic plot. then they find out it's a translation of a novel from Japan. They get put off by that one fact.
The closed-mindedness of people never ceases to both astonish and depress me. It's one thing to not be interested in the plot but if they are and then the mere fact that it's a translation or there are drawings of an unfamiliar style in it turns them off, then they really need to broaden their minds a little.

Are you aware of anything else they like that would also qualify as a translation or adaption of a foreign work? Showing them how some of their favorites are already borrowed might help them to get interested.

Also, have you tried telling them about the story without mentioning anything that would allude to a foreign culture? Haruhi's not exactly rife with deeply plot-integrated Japanese cultural references.

I'd also suggest just randomly quoting some of the really funny, witty or whatever parts and seeing if they want to know the source.
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Joined: 20 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 1:54 pm Reply with quote
I told one of them about how Kyon gets dragged around, plus I showed them part of the closed space chapter and they got interested.

They just think it's not a real book cause of the drawings plus there thinking it's just a toned down copy of a manga or something. Thats mostly on my part I think because I carry around some manga series with me at school to read in my free time when I'm not reading normal books.
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