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Best Team/Organization Tournament: Post-Mortem

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Joined: 20 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 2:49 pm Reply with quote
This group had just way too many smashing victories...
But glad Band of the Hawk got through...
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Joined: 08 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 5:21 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
Results are now posted here.

Isn't that just a link to my votes for the round? Shocked

Results are here I think. Razz

[EDIT: This has now been corrected on the original post. - Key]
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:26 pm Reply with quote
Round 1 Group D is now closed.

I do apologize for the additional delay in posting this, as being more than four hours later than I had originally said I would have this up is entirely on me; having to burn more than an hour getting a picture together for the last group I had to do (Basroil Bridge Crew, for which nothing even close to a proper picture existed anywhere on the Internet) was the main problem, as it bumped me into my evening job hours.

I bother to mention this because this is an illustration of exactly why I have gotten testy of late about the Guide entry support. When everything is provided to me – entry which required minimal editing, appropriate pic with the characters ID’d – then putting together a Guide entry takes less than 10 minutes. Sadly, that was the case with only a third or so of these teams. If major editing was needed and/or I had to track down an appropriate picture (or ID characters in a pic that I didn’t know) then that time could easily balloon out to a half-hour or more per entry. If I had to assemble a picture from a cast list or go to DVDs for the pic then I was lucky to get it done in under an hour, and 2+ hours wasn’t unheard-of. Granted, having to get pics of teams instead of individuals complicated matters greatly, but the Guide entry problem was still there above and beyond that in a few cases, and the last group showed that a delinquent Guide entry might have impacted one of the closest contests. (And even though I didn’t put up a reminder that an entry was needed for that one, I’m not going to take the blame for it, since the person who nominated them – who has participated in the voting – or someone else had three weeks to get something turned into me about them.) At least two such possibly-worthy entries in this group could be similarly impacted, and I’m not going to spill any tears if they get unfairly eliminated, either.

Someone suggested that Guide entries should be required at nomination time. I may look into doing some version of that in the future so we don’t have a reoccurrence of the problems seen this time.

Anyway, this group has a few races in it that should be hotly-contested, as there are some power pair-ups here already. Let’s get to business, shall we?

Group D-1
Magical Girl Squad, Tweeny Witches
Dragons of Heaven, X franchise

Winner: Dragons of Heaven
Total: 14-7

Group D-2
Wolf Pack, Wolf’s Rain
Children of Béfort, Fantastic Children

Winner: Children of Befort
Total: 16-5

Group D-3
Warriors of Seiryuu, Fushigi Yuugi
Ham-Hams, Hamtaro

Winner: Warriors of Seiryuu
Total: 11-10

Group D-4
Macross Bridge Crew, Super Dimension Fortress Macross
Imperial Combat Troop – Flower Division, Sakura Wars franchise

Winner: Macross Bridge Crew
Total: 13-8

Group D-5
Phantom Troupe, Hunter x Hunter
Kaleido Stage Crew , Kaleido Star

Winner: Kaleido Stage Crew
Total: 13-8

Group D-6
Science Ninja Team Gatchaman, Gatchaman
Space/Time Administration Bureau, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A’s

Winner: Gatchaman
Total: 14-7

Group D-7
Shuffle Alliance, G-Gundam
Celestial Being, Gundam 00

Winner: Celestial Being
Total: 14-7

Group D-8
Aswad, My-Otome
Order of Magdalene, Chrono Crusade

Winner: Aswad
Total: 12-9

Group D-9
Suzaku Seven Fushigi Yuugi
Debris Section, Planetes

Winner: Debris Section
Total: 15-6

Group D-10
Chor Tempest, Simoun
Evening Primrose, Darker Than BLACK

Winner: Chor Tempest
Total: 11-10

Group D-11
Shitennō, Otogi Zoshi
Mu, Toward The Terra

Winner: Mu
Total: 15-6

Group D-12
Bronze Saints, Saint Seiya
Kisaragi Girls High School Baseball Team, Princess Nine

Winner: Bronze Saints
Total: 18-3

Group D-13
Dai-Gurren Brigade, Gurren Lagann
Basroil Bridge Crew, Banner of the Stars I/II

Winner: Dai-Gurren Brigade
Total: 12-9

Group D-14
Social Welfare Agency, Gunslinger Girl
Attacked Mystification Police, Silent Möbius

Winner: Social Welfare Agency
Total: 13-8

Group D-15
Dead Girls Red Garden
Juppongatana, Ruroni Kenshin

Winner: Dead Girls
Total: 11-10

Group D-16
Millenion, Gungrave
Terrestrial Administration Center (aka TAC), Blue Seed

Winner: TAC
Total: 17-4

Last edited by Key on Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 20 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:50 pm Reply with quote
Group D-1
Magical Girl Squad, Tweeny Witches
Dragons of Heaven, X franchise

Dragons of Heaven

Group D-2
Wolf Pack, Wolf’s Rain
Children of Béfort, Fantastic Children

Wolf Pack

Group D-3
Warriors of Seiryuu, Fushigi Yuugi
Ham-Hams, Hamtaro

Warriors of Seiryuu

Group D-4
Macross Bridge Crew, Super Dimension Fortress Macross
Imperial Combat Troop – Flower Division, Sakura Wars franchise

Macross Bridge Crew

Group D-5
Phantom Troupe, Hunter x Hunter
Kaleido Stage Crew , Kaleido Star

Phantom Troupe

Group D-6
Science Ninja Team Gatchaman, Gatchaman
Space/Time Administration Bureau, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A’s

Space/Time Administration Bureau

Group D-7
Shuffle Alliance, G-Gundam
Celestial Being, Gundam 00

Celestial Being

Group D-8
Aswad, My-Otome
Order of Magdalene, Chrono Crusade

Order of Magdalene

Group D-9
Suzaku Seven Fushigi Yuugi
Debris Section, Planetes

Debris Section

Group D-10
Chor Tempest, Simoun
Evening Primrose, Darker Than BLACK

Evening Primrose

Group D-11
Shitennō, Otogi Zoshi
Mu, Toward The Terra


Group D-12
Bronze Saints, Saint Seiya
Kisaragi Girls High School Baseball Team, Princess Nine

Bronze Saints

Group D-13
Dai-Gurren Brigade, Gurren Lagann
Basroil Bridge Crew, Banner of the Stars I/II

Dai-Gurren Brigade

Group D-14
Social Welfare Agency, Gunslinger Girl
Attacked Mystification Police, Silent Möbius

Social Welfare Agency

Group D-15
Dead Girls Red Garden
Juppongatana, Ruroni Kenshin


Group D-16
Millenion, Gungrave
Terrestrial Administration Center (aka TAC), Blue Seed


This group seems to have more easy to decide match ups.
And damn, all my proposals are there.
As for this group's champion, I'm wagering on Dai-Gurren Brigade!
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 9:07 pm Reply with quote
Group D-1
Magical Girl Squad, Tweeny Witches
Dragons of Heaven, X franchise

Neither one of these seems like a strong competitor. The girls didn't show much of a spirit of teamwork in the few episodes I saw of Tweeny Witches, so I'll (reluctantly) support the Dragons of Heaven here. This match is really just to determine who loses to the winner of D-2 next round, though.

Group D-2
Wolf Pack, Wolf’s Rain
Children of Béfort, Fantastic Children

The first of several potential power match-ups. The Wolf Pack is going to be a sentimental favorite, and they do have popularity on their side, but there are good reasons why the Children of Befort had double-digit nominations. They have an issue or two which will probably keep them from winning this entire group, but a team whose members repeatedly reincarnate and always come together to continue their search over several centuries should power through a few rounds and definitely tops the wolves here.

Group D-3
Warriors of Seiryuu, Fushigi Yuugi
Ham-Hams, Hamtaro

Enh. The Ham-Hams seem more like a collection of friends than an actual team, so I'll go with the Warriors of Seiryuu here.

Group D-4
Macross Bridge Crew, Super Dimension Fortress Macross
Imperial Combat Troop – Flower Division, Sakura Wars franchise

No contest here. The Macross Crew can certainly be efficient as a team, but Flower Division is the decisively better choice. Among other factors, they spend nearly half of the series perfecting a single coordinated mecha formation, achieving wonderful results in the end.

Group D-5
Phantom Troupe, Hunter x Hunter
Kaleido Stage Crew , Kaleido Star

Not much familiar with either, so this one is a proverbial coin toss for me. I'll give Phantom Troupe the slight edge based on their Guide entry.

Group D-6
Science Ninja Team Gatchaman, Gatchaman
Space/Time Administration Bureau, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A’s

Ah, here's one of my pet projects for this round. the Nanoha team may have its merits, but they are utterly and totally outclassed here. Science Ninja Team Gatachaman was almost criminally under-supported in the nominations phase, so here's time for them to get their much-deserved support. No other team in anime history even comes close to having the impact and influence that Gatchaman does, and few others can equal their degree of teamwork on missions and in fights.

The shouldn't win because they're "a classic;" they should win because they are teamwork in anime. They should be one of the tournament's top contenders.

Group D-7
Shuffle Alliance, G-Gundam
Celestial Being, Gundam 00

So which is the better Gundam team? I have no idea. Convince me, Gundam fans, and I'll probably go along with what any Gundam expert says. For now, I'll choose Celestial Being because they're first in alphabetical order.

Group D-8
Aswad, My-Otome
Order of Magdalene, Chrono Crusade

It's quite simple: the Aswad cyborgs are a tightly-knit team fiercely loyal to each other, while the Order of Magdalene does not give off such a united feel. Besides, only occasionally do they show extensive coordination.

Group D-9
Suzaku Seven Fushigi Yuugi
Debris Section, Planetes

Debris Section was quite popular in the nominations phase but I don't really see them as a top contender. Nonetheless, I think their firm group identity, and the coordination that they must use on the job, is enough for the win here.

Group D-10
Chor Tempest, Simoun
Evening Primrose, Darker Than BLACK

This one's probably going to be close but shouldn't be. Although EP does have its fierce loyalties, it simply does not have the level of united spirit and coordination that the young ladies of Chor Tempest do; if you need a tiebreaker, consider the exacting coordination they must use to generate their most powerful effects. They are a special group who deserves to go farther than EP does.

Group D-11
Shitennō, Otogi Zoshi
Mu, Toward The Terra

This one's a toughie for me, since I'm well familiar with both. Although the Mu show a lot of coordination to accomplish what they do, I regard them more as a race than a true organization and thus not representative of what this tournament is supposed to accomplish. For that reason I'm going with the Shitenno, even though I don't consider them a serious contender.

Group D-12
Bronze Saints, Saint Seiya
Kisaragi Girls High School Baseball Team, Princess Nine

No Guide entry for the other one = win for Bronze Saints.

Group D-13
Dai-Gurren Brigade, Gurren Lagann
Basroil Bridge Crew, Banner of the Stars I/II

Now this is the uber-tough one for me this round and I'd guess will be one of the fiercest battles of the round. Both have strong merits to deserve at least third-round berths, if not later. Dai-Gurren more fully embodies the "great" aspect, while the Basroil crew more embodies the "team" aspect. For that reason I will give a very slight edge to Basroil Bridge Crew even though I expect Dai-Gurren to win this one.

Group D-14
Social Welfare Agency, Gunslinger Girl
Attacked Mystification Police, Silent Möbius

Two so-so competitors, based on the Guide entries. I will give Social Welfare Agency the benefit of the doubt for now.

Group D-15
Dead Girls Red Garden
Juppongatana, Ruroni Kenshin

Tough match-up again! I will take the Dead Girls because of the emotional support they provide for one another through their crisis, something that the members of Juppongatana cannot match.

Group D-16
Millenion, Gungrave
Terrestrial Administration Center (aka TAC), Blue Seed

This one could go either way. Millenion sounds a little more impressive than what I remember about TAC, so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.
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Joined: 28 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 9:50 pm Reply with quote
Group D-1

Dragons of Heaven, X franchise

Group D-2

Children of Béfort, Fantastic Children

Group D-3

Ham-Hams - My intial preferance would have been for Fushigi Yugi characters but with a bit of thought, I changed my mind, even though I have never seen Hamtaro. The Warriors of Seriyuu never really worked as a team. They were cannon fodder for Nakago to maniuplate. Nakago, as their leader, didn't give a damn one way or another if they survived or not, as long as he got what HE wanted.

Group D-4

Imperial Combat Troop – Flower Division, Sakura Wars franchise

Group D-5

Kaleido Stage Crew , Kaleido Star

Group D-6

Space/Time Administration Bureau, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A’s

Group D-7

Celestial Being, Gundam 00

Group D-8

Aswad, My-Otome

Group D-9

Suzaku Seven Fushigi Yuugi

Group D-10

Chor Tempest, Simoun

Group D-11

Shitennō, Otogi Zoshi

Group D-12

Kisaragi Girls High School Baseball Team, Princess Nine

Group D-13

Basroil Bridge Crew, Banner of the Stars I/II

Group D-14

Attacked Mystification Police, Silent Möbius

Group D-15

Dead Girls Red Garden

Group D-16

Terrestrial Administration Center (aka TAC), Blue Seed
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Joined: 18 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:38 pm Reply with quote
Group D-1
Voting for: Dragons of Heaven, X franchise

These seven may often work alone but they are generally very focused on their goal and strong bonds develop between them as they come together for the end.

Group D-2
Voting for: Wolf Pack, Wolf’s Rain

I have to support the group I nominated!

Group D-3
Voting for: Ham-Hams, Hamtaro

I am mostly voting against the Seiryuu Seven because they never really felt like a team to me. They all pretty much end up being Nakago's pawns and spoiler[then die and stuff].

Plus the picture of the Ham-Hams is too cute NOT to vote for it.

Group D-4
Voting for: Macross Bridge Crew, Super Dimension Fortress Macross

Group D-5
Voting for: Phantom Troupe, Hunter x Hunter

Group D-6
Voting for: Science Ninja Team Gatchaman, Gatchaman

Group D-7
Voting for: Celestial Being, Gundam 00

Group D-8
Voting for: Order of Magdalene, Chrono Crusade

Group D-9
Voting for: Suzaku Seven Fushigi Yuugi

I would have nominated this team if it hadn't already been done. Unlike the Seiryuu group, these warriors DO work together and do a damn good job of it...spoiler[even if they all sort of mostly die too]. Watase Yuu likes to do that.

Group D-10
Voting for: Evening Primrose, Darker Than BLACK

Group D-11
Voting for: Shitennō, Otogi Zoshi

Group D-12
Voting for: Bronze Saints, Saint Seiya

Group D-13
Voting for: Basroil Bridge Crew, Banner of the Stars I/II

Group D-14
Voting for: Social Welfare Agency, Gunslinger Girl

While some of the fratello end up with pretty creepy bonds, their teamwork is very solid. spoiler[Except for Elsa but well...I think the others make up for it in this case.]

Group D-15
Voting for: Dead Girls Red Garden

Group D-16
Voting for: Terrestrial Administration Center (aka TAC), Blue Seed
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:45 pm Reply with quote
Where am I? Have I still got a fever? I'm open to most changes in this round because I am half dazed and just constantly exhausted from a mix of cold and being on meds to help the cold. Except for the ones I picked before I got the cold last week, those I won't budge on.

D-1: Magical Girl Squad
D-2: Children of Befort
They're pretty tight and their situation makes them need to be tighter and that they are. Yeah, issues will pop up later.

D-3: Ham-Hams
They seem equal parts group of friends and legit team always being there for each other, like when they helped Stan (or was it Sandy?) find each other, that was sweet, they were doing things for a member of the team so selflessly and they do that all the time. And throw hamster parties! I think that's Cappy, stupid pot on his head hiding if he's wearing a cap on his head, process of elimination I guess?

D-4: Macross Bridge Crew
D-5: Kaleido Stage crew
D-6: G-Force
D-7: Shuffle Alliance
D-8: Aswad
D-9: Debris Section
D-10: Evening Primrose
D-11: Mu
D-12: Bronze Saints
D-13: Dai-Gurren Brigade
Errrr, god what was I thinking? Stupid cold....well, this team does a lot to help their world, they're so awesome at doing it that they inspire others to join them. Basriol is a good team too, but I don't think they've quite got the inspiring power and sheer selflessness that a lot of the Dai-Gurren crew displays. Also, I don't think spoiler[Viral] is pictured either. Or Boota.

D-14: Attacked Mystification Police
D-15: Dead Girls
D-16: TAC
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Generic #757858

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 2:22 am Reply with quote
Most of my votes this round are based on either coin flips or familiarity (or other such bias), so good arguments could turn several of these around.

Group D-1
Magical Girl Squad, Tweeny Witches
Dragons of Heaven, X franchise

Magical Girl Squad

Group D-2
Wolf Pack, Wolf’s Rain
Children of Béfort, Fantastic Children

Children of Béfort

Group D-3
Warriors of Seiryuu, Fushigi Yuugi
Ham-Hams, Hamtaro


Group D-4
Macross Bridge Crew, Super Dimension Fortress Macross
Imperial Combat Troop – Flower Division, Sakura Wars franchise

Macross Bridge Crew

Group D-5
Phantom Troupe, Hunter x Hunter
Kaleido Stage Crew , Kaleido Star

Kaleido Stage Crew

Group D-6
Science Ninja Team Gatchaman, Gatchaman
Space/Time Administration Bureau, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A’s

Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

Group D-7
Shuffle Alliance, G-Gundam
Celestial Being, Gundam 00

Celestial Being

Group D-8
Aswad, My-Otome
Order of Magdalene, Chrono Crusade


Group D-9
Suzaku Seven Fushigi Yuugi
Debris Section, Planetes

Debris Section

Group D-10
Chor Tempest, Simoun
Evening Primrose, Darker Than BLACK

Chor Tempest

Group D-11
Shitennō, Otogi Zoshi
Mu, Toward The Terra


Group D-12
Bronze Saints, Saint Seiya
Kisaragi Girls High School Baseball Team, Princess Nine

Bronze Saints

Group D-13
Dai-Gurren Brigade, Gurren Lagann
Basroil Bridge Crew, Banner of the Stars I/II

Dai-Gurren Brigade. Both are great teams, but I have to give them the edge because of their accomplishments.

Group D-14
Social Welfare Agency, Gunslinger Girl
Attacked Mystification Police, Silent Möbius

Social Welfare Agency

Group D-15
Dead Girls Red Garden
Juppongatana, Ruroni Kenshin

Dead Girls

Group D-16
Millenion, Gungrave
Terrestrial Administration Center (aka TAC), Blue Seed

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Old Regular

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 4:18 am Reply with quote
Group D-1
Magical Girl Squad, Tweeny Witches
Dragons of Heaven, X franchise

My vote goes to the Magical Girl Squad.

Group D-2
Wolf Pack, Wolf’s Rain
Children of Béfort, Fantastic Children

No question at all: Children of Béfort.

Group D-3
Warriors of Seiryuu, Fushigi Yuugi
Ham-Hams, Hamtaro

Voting Ham-Hams.

Group D-4
Macross Bridge Crew, Super Dimension Fortress Macross
Imperial Combat Troop – Flower Division, Sakura Wars franchise

No real favourite here, ummm..... Flower Division.

Group D-5
Phantom Troupe, Hunter x Hunter
Kaleido Stage Crew , Kaleido Star

Voting Phantom Troupe.

Group D-6
Science Ninja Team Gatchaman, Gatchaman
Space/Time Administration Bureau, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A’s

Voting Space Time Administration Bureau, but basically indifferent.

Group D-7
Shuffle Alliance, G-Gundam
Celestial Being, Gundam 00

Not a gundamite, so MEH. Still, I have to vote, so: Celestial Being.

Group D-8
Aswad, My-Otome
Order of Magdalene, Chrono Crusade

Now, this one is hard. I want them both to go on, but if I have to choose, Aswad gets my vote.

Group D-9
Suzaku Seven Fushigi Yuugi
Debris Section, Planetes

Voting Debris Section.

Group D-10
Chor Tempest, Simoun
Evening Primrose, Darker Than BLACK

Voting Chor Tempest.

Group D-11
Shitennō, Otogi Zoshi
Mu, Toward The Terra


Group D-12
Bronze Saints, Saint Seiya
Kisaragi Girls High School Baseball Team, Princess Nine

Totally indifferent, but... umm... Bronze Saints rah rah rah!

Group D-13
Dai-Gurren Brigade, Gurren Lagann
Basroil Bridge Crew, Banner of the Stars I/II

Oh, the agony. Still, the Basroil Bridge Crew has to come out second, and my vote goes to Dai-Gurren Brigade,

Group D-14
Social Welfare Agency, Gunslinger Girl
Attacked Mystification Police, Silent Möbius

Good ones both, but I have to pick one: Attacked Mystification Police.

Group D-15
Dead Girls Red Garden
Juppongatana, Ruroni Kenshin

I like the Dead Girls, yes I do. It's a great anime, Red Garden, yes it is. But they're simply not coherent enough as a team, and I have to give my vote to the Juppongatana.

Group D-16
Millenion, Gungrave
Terrestrial Administration Center (aka TAC), Blue Seed

Voting TAC, greatly influenced by the Guide, for once.

- abunai
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:13 am Reply with quote
Match D-1: Dragons of Heaven (X)

Match D-2: Children of Befort (Fantastic Children)

Match D-3: Ham Hams (Hamtaro)

Match D-4: Imperial Flower Brigade (Sakura Wars)

Match D-5: Kaleido Stage crew (Kaleido Star)

Match D-6: Gatchaman/ G Force (Gatchaman/ Battle of the Planets)

Match D-7: Shuffle Alliance (G Gundam)

Match D-8: Aswad (My-Otome)

Match D-9: Warriors of Suzaku (Fushigi Yuugi)

Match D-10: Evening Primrose (Darker than Black)

Match D-11: Shitenno (Otogi Zoshi)

Match D-12: Saints (Bronze) (Saint Seiya)

Match D-13: Dai-Gurren Brigade (Gurren Lagann)

Match D-14: Social Welfare Agency (Gunslinger Girl)

Match D-15: Dead Girls (Red Garden)

Match D-16: Millenion (Gungrave)

Um, Key. The one in the center for the photo of Millenion is Harry McDowell, not Big Daddy.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 2:26 pm Reply with quote
Minigame results.

Key remains in first place with 41 points, and Olliff is still just behind at 40. Marie slips back a point to third, while mow and Ggultra pull up into a tie for fourth at 37 points (Ggultra with the high score this round of 15). Aylinn and animnafets remain tied, now in 6th, and guet is just one point behind them with 35. Then we have a 5-way tie at 34, and the last 5 participants finish out with scores ranging from 32 to 29.

Accuracy this round was on the low end of the range for a first round, at 71%. The overestimation of the Feather Seekers, the ES Force, and the Yuki Fan Club mainly account for that.
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The King of Harts

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 6:10 pm Reply with quote
Oh boy, I only scored 9 the last round and now I'm worried. Maybe since I did so well the first two rounds, they'll my mistakes last round and hopefully this one as well. Just found out I'm only 6 points behind the lead. Yay. Stupid lack of knowledge.

Group D-1
Magical Girl Squad, Tweeny Witches
Dragons of Heaven, X franchise

Dragons of Heaven

Group D-2
Wolf Pack, Wolf’s Rain
Children of Béfort, Fantastic Children

Wolf Pack

Group D-3
Warriors of Seiryuu, Fushigi Yuugi
Ham-Hams, Hamtaro

Ham Hams

Group D-4
Macross Bridge Crew, Super Dimension Fortress Macross
Imperial Combat Troop – Flower Division, Sakura Wars franchise

Macross Bridge Crew

Group D-5
Phantom Troupe, Hunter x Hunter
Kaleido Stage Crew , Kaleido Star

Phantom Troupe

Group D-6
Science Ninja Team Gatchaman, Gatchaman
Space/Time Administration Bureau, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A’s

Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

Group D-7
Shuffle Alliance, G-Gundam
Celestial Being, Gundam 00

Shuffle Alliance. That was a coin flip based on the write ups. That Shuffle Alliance one is very well done and convincing, so I went with that one.

Group D-8
Aswad, My-Otome
Order of Magdalene, Chrono Crusade

Order of Magdalene

Group D-9
Suzaku Seven Fushigi Yuugi
Debris Section, Planetes

Suzaku Seven

Group D-10
Chor Tempest, Simoun
Evening Primrose, Darker Than BLACK

Evening Primrose

Group D-11
Shitennō, Otogi Zoshi
Mu, Toward The Terra


Group D-12
Bronze Saints, Saint Seiya
Kisaragi Girls High School Baseball Team, Princess Nine

Kisargi Girls High School Baseball Team

Group D-13
Dai-Gurren Brigade, Gurren Lagann
Basroil Bridge Crew, Banner of the Stars I/II

Dai-Gurren Brigade

Group D-14
Social Welfare Agency, Gunslinger Girl
Attacked Mystification Police, Silent Möbius

Child Social Welfare

Group D-15
Dead Girls Red Garden
Juppongatana, Ruroni Kenshin


Group D-16
Millenion, Gungrave
Terrestrial Administration Center (aka TAC), Blue Seed

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 11:18 am Reply with quote
Voting base on guide unless otherwise stated.

Group D-1
Magical Girl Squad, Tweeny Witches
Dragons of Heaven, X franchise

Voting for: Dragons of Heaven, X

Group D-2
Wolf Pack, Wolf’s Rain
Children of Béfort, Fantastic Children

Voting for Children of Befort, Fantastic Children.

Group D-3
Warriors of Seiryuu, Fushigi Yuugi
Ham-Hams, Hamtaro

Voting for Warriors of Seiryuu

Group D-4
Macross Bridge Crew, Super Dimension Fortress Macross
Imperial Combat Troop – Flower Division, Sakura Wars franchise

Voting for Macross Bridge Crew

Group D-5
Phantom Troupe, Hunter x Hunter
Kaleido Stage Crew , Kaleido Star

Voting for Phantom Troupe

Group D-6
Science Ninja Team Gatchaman, Gatchaman
Space/Time Administration Bureau, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A’s

Voting for Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

Group D-7
Shuffle Alliance, G-Gundam
Celestial Being, Gundam 00

Voting for Shuffle Alliance.

Group D-8
Aswad, My-Otome
Order of Magdalene, Chrono Crusade

Voting for Order of Magdalene

Group D-9
Suzaku Seven Fushigi Yuugi
Debris Section, Planetes

Voting for Debris Section

Group D-10
Chor Tempest, Simoun
Evening Primrose, Darker Than BLACK

Voting for Chor Tempest

Group D-11
Shitennō, Otogi Zoshi
Mu, Toward The Terra

Voting for Mu.

Group D-12
Bronze Saints, Saint Seiya
Kisaragi Girls High School Baseball Team, Princess Nine

Voting for Bronze Saints.

Group D-13
Dai-Gurren Brigade, Gurren Lagann
Basroil Bridge Crew, Banner of the Stars I/II

Voting for Basroil Bridge Crew

Group D-14
Social Welfare Agency, Gunslinger Girl
Attacked Mystification Police, Silent Möbius

Voting for Social Welfare Agency.

Group D-15
Dead Girls Red Garden
Juppongatana, Ruroni Kenshin

Voting for Dead Girls

Group D-16
Millenion, Gungrave
Terrestrial Administration Center (aka TAC), Blue Seed

Voting for TAC, Blue Seed
Allow me to throw a few rocks at Millenion first, because the crime syndicate is marked by huge internal conflicts. Harry MacDowell comes to power by climbing the corpses of Millenion members he kills. Harry is good at what he does for the mob, and is extremely ruthless. He thinks nothing of murdering his fellow members -- especially if they're members of rival factions -- to get ahead. Harry's victims also include Big Daddy and Brandon Heat, Harry's childhood friend, best friend and the one person Harry had hoped to lead the syndicate with him. Even during the final arc of the story, set 10 or 15 years after Brandon's death, a faction of Millenion still opposes "Bloody Harry." This faction is large enough and well organized enough to immediately capitalize on the chaos Beyond the Grave brings. In short, Millenion is a crime organization held together by fear of Harry, who has gained so much power none dare oppose him. When that power base erodes, Harry's enemies waste no time wresting control from him.

The TAC of Blue Seed, on the other hand, is a team unified in goal and purpose. Despite personality conflicts and outside interference, this group works together to fight aragami and protect Momiji. TAC members' teamwork and unity completely outclasses Millenion, in my opinion. The TAC isn't final four material, but it does deserve a victory here.
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Joined: 20 Jun 2008
Posts: 7762
PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 3:04 pm Reply with quote
Aren't you forgetting what Millenion did while Big Daddy was still alive, they went from nothing to a huge organisation with ten thousand members who actually cared about each other at that time. They certainly were a great organisation while Daddy was still in command.
How an organisation ends isn't everything in this tournament, let's not repeat the same thing everytime we discuss which organisation is better.
Still not enough examples on what TAC did to actually change my mind.
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