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Joined: 03 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 4:24 pm Reply with quote
Let see.

Did you notice the print on her underwear? I did, namely because the fanservice looked so surreal, with the staples getting more and more screen time along with the scissors' directions and the papercuts on the walls, while Hitagi has been crushing Araragi's ego from a distance. Given the fact she is actually a victim spoiler[of sexual assault at a very young age, betrayed by an insane parent (a mother)], this first part seemed to reflect a possible aspect of a trauma, then being there just for the shit and giggles. It pokes the eyes long enough to make a point there's something more to it. Actually, it reminds me of the chick in Ef-A Tale of Melodies, spoiler[who used to draw self-portraits naked in school. Or Dokuro-chan's printed skull on her pants Smile Or Rin's talking half-naked while speaking on the phone with her lover]. Certainly, people would enjoy the exposure, but I also don't think it automatically equals fanservice. In my opinion, Hitagi's is a severe case of exercising her mind and securing her control. Not surprisingly, spoiler[Araragi's weight went from 0 to 100 kg in a second] Very Happy

Phew, the series is damn good.
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Joined: 28 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:59 pm Reply with quote
dtm42 wrote:
tarheel91 wrote:
I don't really feel like starting a debate at 2 in the morning, so I'll try to limit what I say. All scenes with underwear aren't necessarily just for fan service. Not being able to make that distinction is almost as bad as obsessing over it (fan service, that is).

I wonder if you have actually seen the episode (and therefore scenes) in question. I mean, we see her in the shower from several shots. Then she wanders out of the shower in the nude (not even a towel), casually walks over and starts getting dressed, and makes it to wearing her bra and panties. Then she puts on a blouse, realises she hasn't dried her hair, and undresses back to her underwear. Once her hair is done she starts putting on more clothes, until finally she is ready. All the time she's making jokes and insinuating that Araragi is a creep, a pervert and a moron, and much of the time the camera is focusing on her. Well, I mean the various parts of her that are of particular interest to a heterosexual male. I don't know how long this all went on for (I'm not at the same computer that the episode is on), but it felt like half the episode.

While I agree with you in that not all scenes with females in their undergarments were intended solely as fanservice, the overwhelmingly vast majority of such scenes are there to titillate.

Also, I think you missed LeanGreen's point in that it wasn't just the fanservice that was the problem, but the gratuitousness and sheer length. It simply didn't need to run so long, and it didn't need to have Hitagi continually putting on and taking off clothes. And many of the camera angles were there purely for fanservice reasons, that much is clear.

By your post, I think it is you who needs to re-evaluate when a scene exists either for fanservice or mostly for fanservice, and when a scene simply has - for whatever reason - a scantily-clad female.

Maybe I've misunderstood the definition of fanservice, but I assumed it was something who's explicit purpose was to, as you said, titillate the viewer. That did not seem to be the main point of that scene to me. As others have pointed out, there were several reasons that scene was done the way it was. spoiler[We have Hitagi's lack of emotion (embarrassment/awkwardness in this case at being naked/barely clothed in front of a male) emphasized, along with how she's seemingly unaffected by being almost raped earlier in her life (she's very comfortable in front of a male like that). It also demonstrates her complete domination of Araragi. This goes beyond simply verbally assaulting him. She is able to push every button on him at will. This sexual control is something much more basic and powerful than that back-and-forth stuff we'd seen before. The uncomfortableness with clothes (perhaps the "forgetting" to dry her hair) reminds us of her abnormality. How do you convey that someone's weightless? It's hard; it doesn't change the way she looks, and it certainly doesn't change the way she sounds. Instead, you do something like this. The idea that clothing could be that heavy is something so alien and foreign to us that it really shows how strange and uncomfortable her state is.]

The scene, to me, had much more importance that "lawl BOOBIES," and I honestly don't feel that it would have had as powerful an effect had it not gone the way it did. Yes, Hitagi's attractive; yes, she's naked/in underwear for the scene. Yes, that is arousing for most male viewers, but, no, that's not the point of the scene.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 7:25 am Reply with quote
Well it is not like SHAFT put fanservice into their anime for no reason, like Mariya does ito his own Maide in Maria Holic, or Jun repetedly changing in Natsu no Arashi or that you can garuntee to see a panty shot in an episode of Sayonara Zetsubou sensei. Well I kind of thought in a way that Hitagi being in her underwear was kind of a way that she was revealing herself, such as that she was revealing to him who she realy is to this guy. Also think about it, it could also be the idea, lets have their private awkward conversation in an awkward private situation. I think it not only showed that she was obviously trying to get a reaction from him but also the fact that he was not totaly drooling all over her. I personaly was more interested in noticing angles, animation and dialouge to realy think "wow boobies", it is not like it was done in an awefull show too much way. I am liking what they are doing so far and I am interested to see where they are taking it still.
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Joined: 10 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 4:40 pm Reply with quote
tarheel91 wrote:
As others have pointed out, there were several reasons that scene was done the way it was. spoiler[We have Hitagi's lack of emotion (embarrassment/awkwardness in this case at being naked/barely clothed in front of a male) emphasized, along with how she's seemingly unaffected by being almost raped earlier in her life (she's very comfortable in front of a male like that). ]

While I can understand if the creators were going for this angle, and if they were I applaud them for trying to add more depth and understanding to Hitagi's character, I still can't shake my idea that the length was really unnecessary. If the scene had lasted for three or five minutes I probably would have barely mentioned it. The awkwardness of the scene did penetrate to the viewer, and although it may be impressive to get emotions across easily in this situation I just felt embarrassed watching Hitagi and Araragi's conversation. You might say that they were trying to make you feel this way, but for me it didn't make for pleasant viewing. So I'm not really trying to insult the show, just criticize it, and sorry if I came across that way.
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Joined: 26 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 7:08 pm Reply with quote
The scene felt more like "Agaragi-service" than fanservice, just because she was obviously doing it because it annoyed Agaragi. And the more he disliked it, the more she did.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 9:12 pm Reply with quote
I do think she did it to get to Agaragi, and that was what the intention was, but pleasing the viewership at the same time was also there. I don't know, I guess more and more I've gone from being annoyed at this stuff like some here are to actually enjoying it. I think watching anime has nearly thoroughly warped me after all this time. I remember a time when I probably would have thought 10% of what I watch now is cringe-worthy.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 12:24 am Reply with quote
I thought it seemed appropriate. It struck me as insight into Hitagi's character more than titillation. The point that she was so relaxed about it made it disarming more than scintillating for me.
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Joined: 03 Oct 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 3:20 am Reply with quote
LeanGreen wrote:
tarheel91 wrote:
As others have pointed out, there were several reasons that scene was done the way it was. spoiler[We have Hitagi's lack of emotion (embarrassment/awkwardness in this case at being naked/barely clothed in front of a male) emphasized, along with how she's seemingly unaffected by being almost raped earlier in her life (she's very comfortable in front of a male like that). ]

While I can understand if the creators were going for this angle, and if they were I applaud them for trying to add more depth and understanding to Hitagi's character, I still can't shake my idea that the length was really unnecessary. If the scene had lasted for three or five minutes I probably would have barely mentioned it.

According to novel readers they actually cut out a lot of dialogue between Agaragi and Hitagi during that scene compared to the light novels.
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Joined: 28 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 5:19 am Reply with quote
I'm liking this series. Granted there's hints of action/violence to come and much more storyline to explore, so things are bound to "deviate" from the first two eps, but it all starts from a very good base. It's "psychological" but it feels...well..."light" at the same time (pun kinda intended). Mix it up with cleverness, nicely-paced humor, a healthy dose of information about all _four_ of the notable characters so far (I'm not a big fan of "hide the ball" tactics), and at least one VA who's pretty awesome, and you've got what I think is one of the strongest anime openings in quite some time. It might not necessarily be an "epic" kind of show, we'll have to wait and see, but it sure is fun.

Hitagi's VA is a great match for the role. I found it amusing that she acts very much like a certain Toradora! character, although she apparently wasn't the VA for that character.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 11:42 am Reply with quote
Episode Three

It's late, so I'll be briefer than usual. But not brief; that's just not me.

Put simply, this episode was a lot like episode two; a lot of talk and teasing, then something happens. This time more than half the episode was spent with Araragi and Hitagi hanging out and riding tiny trains in one of the coolest playgrounds I've seen animated. Indeed, according to my subs the little girl appeared at 15:48. With no full OP (unsure if it was omitted in the broadcast or if it was just the fansubbers' work), that leaves a huge amount of time for, well talk, and closeups of eyeballs. The focus on Araragi's lone strand of unkempt hair, which tends to match his moods (and libido), well that was kind of funny.

I realise that Bakemonogatari is not your average show, and that it isn't just going to be a "problem of the week" affair. And what Hitagi and Araragi were talking about was interesting; the only problem was that there was too much of it. I wanted to take the show aside and just quietly whisper "Okay, alright, we get it. Now can we get on with the action?" And you know, the action, in the form of the feisty Mayoi, was quite good. The image of her flat on her back unconscious was plain hilarious; look out for it in the Character Guessing Game thread, if I ever get a turn. Also nice to see a "realistic" fight, in that the diminutive girl didn't wipe the floor with a teenage boy twice her size.

All in all an episode that leads me to expect that we will not get a traditional storyline with traditional allocations of time to various scenes. This is a series that isn't afraid to devote huge amounts of screentime to just let its two main characters interact with one another, with little else happening on screen. What other series would do this? Well, Haruhi would (and did), and that series should be a lesson. It is a very thin line between being artistically brilliant, and just being plain pretentious and dull. I hope that Bakemonogatari is mindful of this fact, and is therefore careful. Being a maverick is great and all, but the story and action should never play second fiddle.

Once again, I cannot write a short post for this series.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 12:03 pm Reply with quote
Yeah this show is different, it felt like pretty much most of episode three was Hitagi teasing Araragi, with her makeing him think they might have a relationship then saying the opposite. Though I guess it was done in an artistic way, almost like one of those paintings that might require a bit observation or insight to decypher. But the introduction of the new character who kind of gives off a vampire vibe was interesting. Plus they also whent for what might be considered contrivertial scene when she was left on the ground. What I do wonder though is one of Araragi's conversations with Hitagi mentioned his sister, but it sounded like most of the time they were talking about only one of the sisters, kind of put me off a little bit.
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Joined: 10 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 1:55 pm Reply with quote
For most of the third episode I was pondering the strange use of chibi faces. Other than that the setting was incredibly bizarre. I realize that they were at a playground, but what a strange place. I wonder if the light novels have any mention of the such a setting or if it was changed during the transition from book to show.

The comedy of the show so far just seems a bit off for me. The characters are talking about such strange things in such strange manners that I can't tell if someone just cracked a joke, or if the whole conversation is a joke.

I liked Mayoi's character design, especially the backpack, though her personality seems a bit bland. I hope her story is interesting, but I really would be disappointed if Araragi ends up developing a harem with Mayoi, Senjogahara, and most likely the student council president.

DuskyPredator wrote:
Plus they also whent for what might be considered contrivertial scene when she was left on the ground.

I wouldn't really say that scene was controversial, assuming you are talking about Senjogahara's reaction to the scene or the fact that Mayoi's skirt was flipped up. More like it was there for pure comedy.
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Joined: 23 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 4:09 pm Reply with quote
Middle-school girl panties aren't that controversial.

I'm really enjoying this series. It's got a pretty constant dry sense of humor, and that seems to take more prominence than the slice-of-life-ish monster problem stories. The deformed faces this episode seemed a little out of place to me, but otherwise it was a good episode. Loved Araragi's delayed reaction to spoiler[realizing he got serious, beat up a little girl, and was happy about his victory.]
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Joined: 28 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 7:16 pm Reply with quote
I thought ep 3 was great. I wasn't expecting anywhere near that much dialogue between Araragi and Hitagi, and it worked out well.

The show is still "out there" at points, and intentionally "psychological", but it's still accessible. They didn't hesitate to take extra time developing the Araragi-Hitagi relationship, which is obviously a major one in this show, and with so many anime series taking 20+ episodes to deal with something that should take, well, not nearly that long, I find this extremely refreshing. It's also nice that even though Hitagi spoiler[is clearly the superior conversationalist/master of put-downs/whatever,]Araragi, at least in my opinion, still got in spoiler[a couple of counterattacks (one of which really got to Hitagi it seemed, though I doubt there's any long-term damage).]

Also liked Araragi showing he's not always Mr. Nice Guy, even if it means spoiler[picking some highly questionable fights] Anime hyper. An unexpected result for sure, spoiler[with Hachikuji seeming a lot more "cooperative" now -- or did she undergo a "reset" of some kind?]

I think this show already showed it can more the story forward quite efficiently, so I doubt there's gonna be a 15-minute conversation next episode.
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Joined: 03 Oct 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:55 am Reply with quote
I think the length of conversation in episode 3 should give you an idea how long the "fanservice" scene in episode 2 was in the novels probably...

dtm42 wrote:
Episode Three

Indeed, according to my subs the little girl appeared at 15:48. With no full OP (unsure if it was omitted in the broadcast or if it was just the fansubbers' work)

Limited by broadcast time, same reason for the rushed ED in episode 2. Seems SHAFT are finding it hard to faithfully adapt Bakemonogatari into one cour.. heck they already increased the episode count from 12 to 15 with the last 3 being streamed online. New OP's playing during a CM for this arc on the website already btw.

Bakemonogatari is massive in page length for light novels... Andrew said this to me on AOD when I asked about this being conclusive back when the anime was announced.

[quote='Andrew Cunningham']Fairly conclusive, yeah. He could write more, but he isn't going to, basically. We are talking two 500 page volumes, and five actual stories, most of which are at least novella length.[/quote]

Of course now we have a prequel book as well as two sequels with two more books on the way lol. Nisioisin keeps himself busy... his next anime series in Katanagatari he released 12 light novels each month over the course of a year. WHITE FOX (Tears to Tiara) will be releasing 50 minute OVAs for Katangatari every month during 2010 to mimic that release schedule. I've also really enjoying his first manga in WSJ which is Medaka Box. (he's just the author)
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