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Best Hero/Heroine Tournament: Finished!

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:38 pm Reply with quote
Vote Change.
Gewürtztraminer wrote:
Group B-27
Shurei Kou/Hong, The Story of Saiunkoku
Utena Tenjou, Revolutionary Girl Utena

I have seen the Utena Movie, have not seen the series for either of these, they are in my list of stuff to watch (Utena) and then possibly buy (Saiunkoku). The clips for both do not help me a lot, and the guide entries leave them pretty even in my view. I do have the sneaking suspicion that after watching both, I will come down in favor of Shurei.

Sure enough, the more I thought about it, and read other's comments, I had to change my vote to Shurei.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:07 pm Reply with quote
With about three hours left and as many as five regular voters still unaccounted-for, that leaves B-27 still very much in play. The other three are already decided barring a shocking flurry of unlikely vote changes.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 11:20 pm Reply with quote
Round 3 Group B is now closed.

Final results can be found here. In summary, Utena barely held on to win over a determined Shurei, while Balsa and Vash posted easy victories. Onizuka had to work more to take out Ed but he still won cleanly.

Disappointingly, we had only 25 votes this time, as a handful of regulars never got around to voting.

Being the stats freak that I am, I did a rundown on who has voted (or not) in which rounds. We have had 46 different participants so far over the course of 10 rounds, who break down as follows:

13 have voted every round;
6 have missed only once;
2 have missed twice;
3 have voted seven times;
2 have voted six times;
5 have voted half the time;
3 have voted four times;
2 have voted three times;
3 have only successfully voted twice; and
7 have only voted once.

Some people have come into the game over time, while others have clearly stopped following it. Where do you stand, hmmm?

Anyway, it'll be a little while yet on the next round, as I carelessly forgot to set up the video clips in the Guide files.
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Joined: 23 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 12:03 am Reply with quote
In the mini-game, Key (128) pulls away from Mad_Scientist, although Olliff (127) is still only one point behind. Mad_Scientist (125) holds onto third three points back, with mow and abunai (120) now tied for fourth only 5 points further back. Farichada (113) pulls up a spot into sixth, while DerekTheRed (108) pulls up an impressive 6 places this round into seventh.
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Joined: 08 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 12:18 am Reply with quote
Dorcas_Aurelia wrote:
In the mini-game, Key (128) pulls away from Mad_Scientist, although Olliff (127) is still only one point behind. Mad_Scientist (125) holds onto third three points back, with mow and abunai (120) now tied for fourth only 5 points further back. Farichada (113) pulls up a spot into sixth, while DerekTheRed (108) pulls up an impressive 6 places this round into seventh.

Arg, I figured Key would take the lead with me only getting 3/4 right this round. Ah well, I still have time to retake the lead, muahahahaa!
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 12:56 am Reply with quote
Round 3 Group C is now closed.

This group seems to have gone to the ladies, which outnumber the guys 6-2 amongst the survivors. Will any guys be left after this round? Let's find out!

As before, the first Video Clip for each entrant, complete with context, can be found on their respective Guide pages.

Group C-25
Nausicaa, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Ichigo Kurasaki, Bleach

Winner: Nausicaa
Total: 20-5

Group C-26
Kurau Amami, Kurau Phantom Memory
Lady Oscar, The Rose of Versailles

Winner: Kurau
Total: 18-7

Group C-27
Ai Tanabe, Planetes
Monkey D. Luffy, One Piece

Winner: Luffy
Total: 15-10

Group C-28
Duck/Princess Tutu, Princess Tutu
Alice L. Malvin, Pumpkin Scissors

Winner: Duck
Total: 24-1

Last edited by Key on Mon Jun 08, 2009 11:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 28 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:16 am Reply with quote
Group C-25
Nausicaa, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Ichigo Kurasaki, Bleach

Ichigo any hero can risk their life but to imperil one's soul as well? That's a step up.

Group C-26
Kurau Amami, Kurau Phantom Memory
Lady Oscar, The Rose of Versailles

I have not see either of these but I'm going to go with Lady Oscar because of the guide and previous comments.

Group C-27
Ai Tanabe, Planetes
Monkey D. Luffy, One Piece

I'm not impressed with Monkey so I'm going to have to go for Ai

Group C-28
Duck/Princess Tutu, Princess Tutu
Alice L. Malvin, Pumpkin Scissors

Sticking with my dear Duck. I just think that she's just one of the most incredible heroines that's come along in a long time.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:31 am Reply with quote
Mad Scientist wrote:
Arg, I figured Key would take the lead with me only getting 3/4 right this round. Ah well, I still have time to retake the lead, muahahahaa!

Unlikely to happen in this group or Group D, as I'll be very surprised if any of my third-round calls in either are wrong.

Now, next round I'm not so completely confident about, and I'm pretty sure I picked at least one, if not two, of the Final Four wrong. That will be the opportunity for people to catch me.

Anyway, now for my voting.

Group C-25
Nausicaa, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Ichigo Kurasaki, Bleach

Interesting match-up. Both heroes tend to be a bit reckless in their actions (but isn't that practically inherent in heroism?), though I think this is more of an issue for Ichigo than it is for Nausicaa. Ichigo certainly has a healthy share of boldly heroic scenes, but since we have to start nitpicking at this point his occasional silliness and tiresomely repetitive cycle of having doubts and then overcoming them play against him here. Nausicaa is a consistently formidable young woman throughout, one who never wavers in her spirit or determination, and that makes the difference here.

Group C-26
Kurau Amami, Kurau Phantom Memory
Lady Oscar, The Rose of Versailles

An impressive clip for Oscar, but I've heard too many whispers of Oscar showing too much weakness of character later in the series. Kurau doesn't; if anything, she gets more heroic as the series progresses.

Group C-27
Ai Tanabe, Planetes
Monkey D. Luffy, One Piece

Ai does have her moments - and this first clip is certainly one of them - but I always thought she was the weakest of the top nominees. Besides, I liked the spirit I saw in Luffy in his clip, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt one more time.

Group C-28
Duck/Princess Tutu, Princess Tutu
Alice L. Malvin, Pumpkin Scissors

Alice absolutely deserves to be here, and honestly I'd probably pick her over almost anyone else left in this group except maybe Nausicaa. She pursues a worthy goal (war relief for common citizens) with the tenacity of a lioness, the devotion of a monk, and the nobility of a classical knight. She does whatever is required to further an assignment seen as a joke by some, whether that means taking bold physical action or doing something as humble as operating a soup kitchen. In the process she inspires many.

At this level, though, she is hurt having to share the limelight and heroism with Randel Oland, and her series not wrapping up her story doesn't help, either. Besides, for all of Alice's merits, Duck is still a better choice. The scope of what Duck must contend with is so much greater than with Alice, and Duck poignantly and triumphantly manages to finish the task.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 5:04 am Reply with quote
Key wrote:

An impressive clip for Oscar, but I've heard too many whispers of Oscar showing too much weakness of character later in the series. Kurau doesn't; if anything, she gets more heroic as the series progresses.

The problem some people have is that Oscar wanted to become a perfect wife for Andre. It didn't affect her heroism. On the contrary, she showed that she had the guts to be with someone who did not belong to her social class.
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Joined: 18 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 6:14 am Reply with quote
Key wrote:
Some people have come into the game over time, while others have clearly stopped following it. Where do you stand, hmmm?

Pretty sure I'm one of the 13 who has been voting every round.

I am sad to see Shurei gone, though at least it was to another strong competitor (Utena definitely is my next anime to watch, when I finish Princess Tutu which will be soon).

This is another round where I come in pretty much knowing who I was going to vote for, based on arguments made in other rounds and character reputation.

Group C-25
Voting for: Ichigo Kurasaki, Bleach

Reasons: Every now and then I read something about Bleach and it actually sounds interesting. If it wasn't so long, I'd probably actually think about reading/watching it. This, along with arguments, make me think that Ichigo is definitely the stronger competitor here, plus I remember being underwhelmed by Nausicaa when I read about her before.

Group C-26
Voting for: Lady Oscar, The Rose of Versailles

Reasons: Still going to go with the classic character here because she has actual heroism to back up her status as iconic, which makes her stand out when compared to the characters who have similar reputations.

Also, I do agree that the problems Oscar has with the whole "perfect wife" thing do not take away from her heroism, they just show a different side of her that, quite frankly, sort of sucks. But she is still heroic when she needs to be (which is a good thing, what with the whole French Revolution and all).

Group C-27
Voting for: Monkey D. Luffy, One Piece

Reasons: While there may only be two guys left in this group, I seem to be voting for both of them based off reputation. The reasoning here is pretty close to the reasoning for Ichigo, though I am even less likely to watch this show because overall it appeals to me less.

Group C-28
Voting for: Duck/Princess Tutu, Princess Tutu

Reasons: Having now seen her in action and read some very compelling arguments for her, this vote is pretty much a no-brainer now. She definitely is one of the stronger competitors in the competition and could very well win this group (I actually now sort of expect her to).
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Joined: 30 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 6:57 am Reply with quote
Group C-25
Nausicaa, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Ichigo Kurasaki, Bleach

Vote-Nausicaa: Again, I have to go with Nausicaa here, although it’s a lot harder for me in this round. I’m not overly familiar with Bleach or Ichigo, but everything I’ve seen has him being a relatively normal shonen style hero, which means he has his ups and downs. Nausicaa is that type of heroine who’s strong throughout and has more depth to her character. This may be a bit of bias, but I’ve simply got to vote for Nausicaa for this one.

Group C-26
Kurau Amami, Kurau Phantom Memory
Lady Oscar, The Rose of Versailles

Vote-Kurau: This one is tough for me because I’m not really all that familiar with either, although I’ve recently started watching Kurau, so I’m more familiar with her at this point. What I’ve read definitely shows Oscar to be a strong heroine. The flip-side is that I’ve seen even early on the depth of Kurau’s heroics, as she’s willing to put her own safety and personal security on the line to save lives she doesn’t know, even if it costs her having to abandon her entire life. In the end, I have to vote for Kurau, although I have to say that both are strong candidates at this point in my view.

Group C-27
Ai Tanabe, Planetes
Monkey D. Luffy, One Piece

Vote-Luffy: I have to say how much this is killing a portion of my soul, as I have an abject hatred for Luffy and all things One Piece, probably due to my limited exposure to the awful kiddy dub of that show. However, I have to say that in this matchup, he’s the more heroic of the two characters, so he gets my begrudging vote, and that’s a testament to him.

Group C-28
Duck/Princess Tutu, Princess Tutu
Alice L. Malvin, Pumpkin Scissors

Vote-Duck: Alice is the type of heroine I love to root for, as she embodies many of the ideal’s that I think we should all strive for. But as others have said, she shares a lot of her heroics with her cast, and in the end, I think Duck just has to overcome more and continues to show great character throughout her show and thus gets my vote.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:10 am Reply with quote
Group C-25
Nausicaa, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Ichigo Kurasaki, Bleach

Okay, Ichigo is a genuine hero. He stands up for his friends, doesn't back down in the face of overwhelming danger, and keeps going despite all odds. Sure, he's a hero, no question. But Nausicaa is on an entirely different level. Her actions are driven by an overwhelming compassion for everyone, friend or foe. Her personality manages to impress even her staunchest foes, and she is, quite literally, the stuff of legends. She gets my vote.

Group C-26
Kurau Amami, Kurau Phantom Memory
Lady Oscar, The Rose of Versailles

This one isn't really a challenge to vote on. I feel that Kurau's heroism, ultimately, outweighs anything that Lady Oscar can bring to the table. Kurau's courage and self-sacrifice is perfect heroism.

Group C-27
Ai Tanabe, Planetes
Monkey D. Luffy, One Piece

I don't really know about this one... I like Tanabe, she's a wonderful person and a true heroine. But Luffy is filled with courage and devotion to his friends. I can't help but vote for him.

Group C-28
Duck/Princess Tutu, Princess Tutu
Alice L. Malvin, Pumpkin Scissors

No question, Duck. I think she's going to sweep this one, easily. The moving and passionate story of her determination and courage will captivate anyone who sees the anime.

- abunai
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:25 am Reply with quote
abunai wrote:
Group C-28
Duck/Princess Tutu, Princess Tutu
Alice L. Malvin, Pumpkin Scissors

No question, Duck. I think she's going to sweep this one, easily. The moving and passionate story of her determination and courage will captivate anyone who sees the anime.

I don't know about a sweep (we haven't had one yet), but I felt so confident that she will win overwhelmingly that I've already submitted her video clip for next round. All I'll say about that scene choice is that Luffy is unlikely to come up with a good enough clip to match that. Wink

Really, though, I am still sad to see Alice go. I feel she's a far stronger heroic character than most people give her credit for.

And I was sorry to see Shurei go last round, too, though I honestly didn't expect her to beat Utena. I'm glad she at least made it very close.
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Joined: 17 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:32 am Reply with quote
Group C-25
Nausicaa, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Ichigo Kurasaki, Bleach

Voting for: Nausicaa

Reason: Ichigo's a very strong choice early in his series, but Nausicaa has a slight edge here because later in the series I feel Ichigo loses some of his heroism along with the lackluster plot development.

Group C-26
Kurau Amami, Kurau Phantom Memory
Lady Oscar, The Rose of Versailles

Voting for: Karau

Reason: Her willingness to sacrifice in order to help two different species.

Group C-27
Ai Tanabe, Planetes
Monkey D. Luffy, One Piece

Voting for: Luffy

Reason: He may act like a fool, but this guy's got the stuff. The lengths he is willing to go to for his friends, and even strangers is impressive to say the least. I'll save my arguments for his case until next round, where I think he's going to need all the help he can get.

Group C-28
Duck/Princess Tutu, Princess Tutu
Alice L. Malvin, Pumpkin Scissors

Voting for: Duck

Reason: I still don't get it, but I'll vote this way because of the overwhelming support Duck is recieving.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 12:45 pm Reply with quote
Group C-25
Nausicaa, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Ichigo Kurasaki, Bleach

It seems she is the better choice. Plus, Ichigo has never impressed me, nor does he come across as a great hero.

Group C-26
Kurau Amami, Kurau Phantom Memory
Lady Oscar, The Rose of Versailles

Oscar has a strong sense of what is right. Once she learnt the miserable conditions of lower class, she was willing to fight against her own social class and her close friend, Marie Antoinette. She proved to be a tough woman when she resigned from her privileged post of the commander of Royal Guards and took up a post as a commander of an ordinary regiment which gave her a hard time, for they didn't want to be under woman's orders. However, she eventually won their loyalty.

Group C-27
Ai Tanabe, Planetes
Monkey D. Luffy, One Piece

Monkey D. Luffy
I’m totally unfamiliar with both series, so my vote is based on others’ comments.

Group C-28
Duck/Princess Tutu, Princess Tutu
Alice L. Malvin, Pumpkin Scissors

because Ahiru is such a great heroine Very Happy that works hard to return Mytho's heart.

Last edited by Aylinn on Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:57 pm; edited 3 times in total
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