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The Gallery - Omar Dogan

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Joined: 22 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:37 am Reply with quote
He seems like a cool guy, but I have a love/hate thing for his projects.
SF Legends is perfect for his style. His showcasing of Sakura had me anticipate the next volume every month and I can't wait to get my hands on the Chun-Li series.
However, some of the other projects he's dealt with such as the NDS game by Konami and I'm sure he had heavy influence in the HD artwork, which didn't work for me at all.

And that comment about N.A. comics seems a bit ignorant. I'm not a huge comic book fan, but there are plenty of comics out there that don't even touch on spandex, and even if they do there is a lot of depth to be found in the characters and plot.

But, hey, to each his own and we share the love of The New Yorker cars.
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Unit 03.5-ish

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 5:53 pm Reply with quote
That Sakura pic is in the Street Fighter Tribute art book I got last night. For anyone who's interested, it's a very cool collection of SF-inspired pieces from around the world, with a wide variety of styles and situations within. It rivals even the Japanese-produced art books in terms of quality and content and it's a big mother at 300+ pages! It and the Transformers Genesis art book are two of the best things I've ever come across.

Also, any artist who manages to make Sakura as sexy as she is in that tribute piece is OK in my book. Wink
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 6:09 pm Reply with quote
those Street Fighter illustrations are pretty cool.
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Unit 03.5-ish

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 6:17 pm Reply with quote
v1cious wrote:
those Street Fighter illustrations are pretty cool.

Damn right. Udon's site has some preview pics from the book: http://www.udonentertainment.com/streetfightertribute/

If you fancy those, there's tons more of that goodness in the Tribute.
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Joined: 23 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:19 am Reply with quote
I can't get over how absolutely awesome Omar's stuff is. His art is breathtaking. His Street Fighter work has been phenomenal and I hope he continues to do more. Also, would you guys be interested in possibly talking to either Ben Dunn, Fred Perry or Rod Espinosa from Antarctic Press? It'd be cool to see an interview with any one of those guys on here.
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Joined: 27 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:49 am Reply with quote
I like him.
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Joined: 05 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 2:40 am Reply with quote
He's right, the obsession with superheroes has been the downfall of American comics. And if they happen to not involve spandex, how rarely are they even visually appealing.
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Joined: 21 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 9:19 am Reply with quote
loka wrote:
He's right, the obsession with superheroes has been the downfall of American comics. And if they happen to not involve spandex, how rarely are they even visually appealing.

I would say that the downfall of American comics was all that censorship nonsense with the Comics Code and more recently that ridiculousness with the collectors market. Now they are just taking old superheroes and trying to make them "edgy" so they can get movie deals.

Also, there has always been few women in the business, which goes a long way in explaining the dumb costumes.
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Joined: 02 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 10:43 am Reply with quote
I find so many of the mainstream stories in North American comics have to be about fighting or looking bad-ass, and it's so contrived some times.
I'm not really into American comics, but can't the same thing be said for most "mainstream" manga? Especially for a number of Jump titles, which tend to achieve some level of success internationally.
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Joined: 23 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:11 pm Reply with quote
Dimlos wrote:
I find so many of the mainstream stories in North American comics have to be about fighting or looking bad-ass, and it's so contrived some times.
I'm not really into American comics, but can't the same thing be said for most "mainstream" manga? Especially for a number of Jump titles, which tend to achieve some level of success internationally.

I agree. I'm a big fan of comics in general and have a fairly extensive collection of American comics, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, French, etc. I see the same trends in at least the American, Japanese, Chinese and Korean comics. Superheroes have been such a large part of the American consciousness since the late 1920's. It's only natural that what is going to make the most money is what is going to be the focus of any industry. Simply put, people read superhero comics. Marvel and DC run the roost of the American scene and they're mostly about super-heroes. But, even Marvel and DC put out more than just Superhero comics. Sure, back in the day, there wasn't nearly as diverse of a selection in the American scene. But, now there is such a bigger world of American comics than most people would even begin to know about. Like Manga, we have titles ranging from Horror, Comedy, Superheroes, martial arts, science fiction, fantasy, action, western, drama and many other genres and titles appealing to many different age groups. Sure, what you're going to see most are what sells the most, namely Superheroes. But, it's definitely not the only thing available and not what American comics are ALL about.

If you think about it, Manga is not that much different than the American scene. The majority of Manga are young boys or young girls' comics. Those stories usually involve either the same contrived romantic situations in the girls' comics or the same contrived fighting/action storylines in the boys' comics. That's what makes the most money. But, again, there's a wide breadth and scope of what manga has to offer, it's just not what most people see.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:25 pm Reply with quote
Ah the origin story of an artist, one of my faves :3
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Unit 03.5-ish

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:40 pm Reply with quote
I don't necessarily think spandex-clad heroes are the worst thing, and I don't think the overabundance of them contributed to the decline in US-produced comics' sales.

No, you know what a big thing was/is? Marvel in particular has f*cked up the credibility and good name of its heroes with horribly-done stories like Civil War and One More Day. Now, Civil War's concept was interesting in and of itself -- characters who are supposedly on the same side fighting each other over the age-old cliche of the secret identity -- but the execution was a mess, and it led to that awful Spider-Man story where spoiler[his aunt is dying, nothing can cure her, and Parker has to make a deal with Mephistopheles where she's cured and his identity is secret again, but his marriage to Mary Jane is magically retconned out of existence]. That's sloppy, careless writing at its worst.

Though I enjoy a lot of the super hero movies they've made, the comics themselves are a different story. Now it's not like there isn't the occasional exception to the rule -- Alien and Predator comics have always been an excellent source of gruesome, Gothic horror, and Hellboy is quirky and so offbeat that it breaks up a lot of super hero stereotypes.

Where was I? Oh right, Sakura's hot. Wink
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Joined: 23 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 2:11 pm Reply with quote
Unit 03.5-ish wrote:
I don't necessarily think spandex-clad heroes are the worst thing, and I don't think the overabundance of them contributed to the decline in US-produced comics' sales.

No, you know what a big thing was/is? Marvel in particular has f*cked up the credibility and good name of its heroes with horribly-done stories like Civil War and One More Day. Now, Civil War's concept was interesting in and of itself -- characters who are supposedly on the same side fighting each other over the age-old cliche of the secret identity -- but the execution was a mess, and it led to that awful Spider-Man story where spoiler[his aunt is dying, nothing can cure her, and Parker has to make a deal with Mephistopheles where she's cured and his identity is secret again, but his marriage to Mary Jane is magically retconned out of existence]. That's sloppy, careless writing at its worst.

Though I enjoy a lot of the super hero movies they've made, the comics themselves are a different story. Now it's not like there isn't the occasional exception to the rule -- Alien and Predator comics have always been an excellent source of gruesome, Gothic horror, and Hellboy is quirky and so offbeat that it breaks up a lot of super hero stereotypes.

Where was I? Oh right, Sakura's hot. Wink

I'm gonna totally agree with you on this, my friend. As a long time fan of these characters, it's a shame to see them put through the wringer by folks who don't really give a damn about the integrity of the character. The only thing that these execs (Dan DiDio and Joe Quesada, I'm lookin' at you) care about is the bottom dollar. So, in order to generate sales, they concoct these ridiculously drawn out events that try to shake things up and make them more interesting to the casual reader, all the while alienating the fans who've stuck with them for so long. It's one thing to try and write interesting stories and to keep the characters fresh for modern sensibilities, but it's an entirely different beast to shake things up just for the sales aspect. It's almost to the point where the writers and artists almost don't care anymore because they figure their stories will be retconned later anyway. This is why I've stopped reading main-line Marvel and DC for the most part. I still catch the occasional issue or mini-series here and there, but I stick mostly to the out-of-continuity titles or licensed properties from the big two. Other than that, it's mostly indy titles that have my attention. And of course, I still collect classic Golden Age, Silver Age and Bronze Age comics.
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Unit 03.5-ish

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 2:18 pm Reply with quote
The only comics I've collected as of late are the excellent IDW Transformers collections. With Furman and Su, there's nothing I can complain about. Mainstream comics should take a lesson from how some of these lesser-known publishers handle the stories (spoiler[they had the balls to tear apart Sunstreaker for God's sake!])
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Joined: 23 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:23 am Reply with quote
Unit 03.5-ish wrote:
The only comics I've collected as of late are the excellent IDW Transformers collections. With Furman and Su, there's nothing I can complain about. Mainstream comics should take a lesson from how some of these lesser-known publishers handle the stories (spoiler[they had the balls to tear apart Sunstreaker for God's sake!])

Oh Absolutely! The new Transformers comics have been amazing. I loved how all the little Spotlight issues were tying in to the bigger picture. The storyline was extremely intricate with all sorts of details about goings on between Earth, Cybertron and all the other myriad planets involved in this war. Simon Furman is a genius writer and it pains me that they took him off of the main books to let this new schmuck, Shane McCarthy, handle it with the 12 issue maxi-series "All Hail Megatron". It's not a bad story at all so far but, their reasoning for doing it was retarded and the changes made to the storyline don't make any sense. They'd mentioned that the big two do these shake ups all the time. What they didn't understand was that the storyline had just started whereas Marvel and DC stuff...they've been around for ages! 50-60 years of continuity compared to what...a year tops? There was no confusing mass of continuity to correct with Transformers and, I think Furman kinda got the short end of the stick with that. At least they're letting him finish up the hanging plot threads that "All Hail Megatron" is almost ignoring with the "Maximum Dinobots" series. So far, so good.
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