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Most Clever/Intelligent Character Tourney Post-Mortem

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 2:47 pm Reply with quote
Dorcas_Aurelia wrote:
It seems to me that a lot of people are voting for Gendo because he knows what's going on and uses that knowledge to manipulate people. That seems to be less intelligence and more a default advantage of being around at the start of things and when newcomers arrived they were not given the full information of the situation.

Yes. But he spent HOW many years getting himself to a position where he'd be in control? Just because he's on top to start with in the story doesn't mean we don't get some flashbacks to cover why he's there and what he's working so hard for in the first place. There's a lot of work that goes into shutting people out of something THAT big and groundbreaking for THAT long. I mean, look at the way he treats his son in exchange for protecting his interests. I don't think it's because he doesn't like him or doesn't care about him, I think it's because he's trained himself to be extremely closed-off and stick to the plan to accomplish his goals.

I know that's a little ambiguous but A)Gendo is an ambiguous guy and B)When I say "goals," I mean untold amounts of spoilers, so I'll just have to leave it at that unless I want to write paragraphs and paragraphs, and I don't.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 2:49 pm Reply with quote
I've changed my C-12 vote from Inez to Gowa.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 10:23 pm Reply with quote
With less than 25 hours left we're looking at a lot less close races but one of the heaviest rounds of vote-changes I can ever recall.

With 4-6 more votes still expected and lots of vote changes going around, there's still a handful potentially up for grabs, but the list of winners is clearly close to being set.

Last edited by Key on Mon Oct 20, 2008 3:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 12:13 am Reply with quote
I have changed my C-12 vote from Inez to Gowa.
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Joined: 21 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 12:22 am Reply with quote
Wow, guess I'm getting owned on Match C-12. Shocked
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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 1:03 am Reply with quote
Dorcas_Aurelia wrote:
It seems to me that a lot of people are voting for Gendo because he knows what's going on and uses that knowledge to manipulate people. That seems to be less intelligence and more a default advantage of being around at the start of things and when newcomers arrived they were not given the full information of the situation.

I think though that it is his epic assholiness that garners him votes Wink The guy spoiler[hasn't seen his son in years and the first thing he does to him when he sees him is expose him to more torture than he could ever imagine. ]That's the first thing I would think.
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ANN Past Staff

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 1:11 am Reply with quote
fighterholic wrote:
Dorcas_Aurelia wrote:
It seems to me that a lot of people are voting for Gendo because he knows what's going on and uses that knowledge to manipulate people. That seems to be less intelligence and more a default advantage of being around at the start of things and when newcomers arrived they were not given the full information of the situation.

I think though that it is his epic assholiness that garners him votes Wink The guy spoiler[hasn't seen his son in years and the first thing he does to him when he sees him is expose him to more torture than he could ever imagine. ]That's the first thing I would think.

He's not his son, he's an asset. Wink

Gendo is the epitome of mastermindedness. I think he deserves to take the round, jerkface or no jerkface.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 7:29 am Reply with quote
Ggultra2764 wrote:

You and me both.

Of course, I want Kazukiyo Gowa to win this matchup, but I never thought in my wildest dreams that there would be at least five vote changes in his favour. I suppose that this campaign's "October Surprise" has finally eventuated.

Anyone care to give us an update? I lost track of all the changes and whatnot, and don't have the time* to go through and check.

Oh fine, I've got the time, I'm simply too lazy to do it. There. Happy now?
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Joined: 19 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:47 am Reply with quote
Group C-1
Lelouch Lamperouge, Code Geass vs.
Kisuke Urahara, Bleach
Voting For: Lelouch
Reason: ::Cuts and pastes everybody else's arguments::

Group C-2
Reinhard, Legend of the Galactic Heroes vs.
Loki, Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok
Voting For: Reinhard

Group C-3
Nabiki Tendo, Ranma 1/2 vs.
Szilard Quates, Baccano!
Voting For: Nabiki
Reason: The way Key reacted when he realized nobody had nominated her, and the speed in which she was seconded.

Group C-4
Ken, Digimon Adventure 02 vs.
Count D, Pet Shop of Horrors
Voting For: Ken
Reason: Forum support.

Group C-5
Mayuri Kurotsuchi, Bleach vs.
Ginko, Mushishi
Voting For: Ginko
Reason: Voting patterns.

Group C-6
Lupin, Lupin the 3rd vs.
Ichiro "Icchan" Mihara, Angelic Layer
Voting For: Lupin
Reason: DerekTheRed's argument.

Group C-7
Juzawa Benika, Kurenai vs.
Gendo Ikari, Neon Genesis Evangelion
Voting For: Benika
Reason: abunai.

Group C-8
Griffith, Berserk vs.
Schneizel El Britannia, Code Geass
Voting For: Griffith

Reason: Voting patterns.

Group C-9
Lumiere, Kiddy Grade vs.
Hajime Saito, Ruroni Kenshin
Voting For: Hajime Saito
Reason: I really didn't see any clever in Lumiere. She was good at using her ability, but nothing she did stood out as clever to me (after 12ish episodes, when I dropped the series.)

Group C-10
Teresa Tesstarossa, Full Metal Panic franchise vs.
Kansaki Csica, Starship Operators
Voting For: Tesstarossa
Reason: She certainly is intelligent, I'll give her that. But I didn't really want to vote for her... (but she does have whiteish hair and greyish eyes, so she must be smart. Right?)

Group C-11
Kiichi Goto, Patlabor franchise vs.
Twenty Faces, Daughter of Twenty Faces
Voting For: Kiichi Goto
Reason: Forum posts and abunai.

Group C-12
Inez Fressange, Martian Succesor Nadesico vs.
Kazukiyo Gowa, Gasaraki
Voting For: Gowa
Reason: When Inez was winning in a land slide, I was going to let my inner fanboy come out, and hop on the band wagon. Now that it is very close, I'm going with the better choice, according to the masses.

The last four are just me following said masses.

Group C-13
Voting For: Yuki

Group C-14
Voting For: Nico Robin

Group C-15
Voting For: Nagi Kirima

Group C-16
Voting For: Johan
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Joined: 23 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 12:49 pm Reply with quote
dtm42 wrote:
Anyone care to give us an update? I lost track of all the changes and whatnot, and don't have the time* to go through and check.

Oh fine, I've got the time, I'm simply too lazy to do it. There. Happy now?

Update: The only match that's within 8 votes is Benika vs. Gendo, with Gendo leading 12-9.

After the landslide shift from Inez to Gowa, there's not likely going to be any other close matches or reversals (that one is now 14-7 Gowa).
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Joined: 21 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 10:34 pm Reply with quote
Less than a half-hour to go. Still shocked with the heavy switching in votes in the Inez-Gowa match. Shocked
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Forums Superstar

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:01 pm Reply with quote
quick superfast vote

Group C-1
Lelouche Lamperouge, Code Geass vs.
Kisuke Urahara, Bleach
Voting For: Lelouch
Reason: Urahara never showed any signs of really nailing it in the intelligence category. He's kinda mysterious and sorta strong, but nowhere near Lelouch's elaborate plots.
Possibility of Change:

Group C-2
Reinhard, Legend of the Galactic Heroes vs.
Loki, Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok
Voting For: Loki
Reason: Guide and picture.
Possibility of Change:

Group C-3
Nabiki Tendo, Ranma 1/2 vs.
Szilard Quates, Baccano!
Voting For: Quates.
Reason: Neither are compelling, but Nabiki didn't occur to me to have done anything, while Quates was smart enough to keep himself alive in close-call situations.
Possibility of Change:

Group C-4
Ken, Digimon Adventure 02 vs.
Count D, Pet Shop of Horrors
Voting For: Count D
Reason: Guide, and the fact that any Digimon characters probably should be questioned.
Possibility of Change:

Group C-5
Mayuri Kurotsuchi, Bleach vs.
Ginko, Mushishi
Voting For: Ginko
Reason: Ginko's smart in a sort of reflective maybe philosophical way. Kurotsuchi doesn't strike me as that intelligent, just super evil and devious and stuff.
Possibility of Change:

Group C-6
Lupin, Lupin the 3rd vs.
Ichiro "Icchan" Mihara, Angelic Layer
Voting For: Icchan
Reason: I think Icchan's a pretty smart guy and I've never seen Lupin
Possibility of Change:

Group C-7
Juzawa Benika, Kurenai vs.
Gendo Ikari, Neon Genesis Evangelion
Voting For: Benika
Reason: I'm biased toward kure-nai after witnessing what a smart show it is, and Benika's right in the center of it.
Possibility of Change:

Group C-8
Griffith, Berserk vs.
Schneizel El Britannia, Code Geass
Voting For: Schneizel
Reason: Griffith didn't do anything that'd strike me as intelligent. He was a good leader but Schneizel was almost up to Lelouch's level in terms of intelligence, and that's pretty darned good.
Possibility of Change:

Group C-9
Lumiere, Kiddy Grade vs.
Hajime Saito, Ruroni Kenshin
Voting For: Saito
Reason: Lumiere never did anything that struck me as worthy, while Saito has really good battle strategy and common sense.
Possibility of Change:

Group C-10
Teresa Tesstarossa, Full Metal Panic franchise vs.
Kansaki Csica, Starship Operators
Voting For: Tessa
Reason: I've never seen Starship Operators. Despite being 16 though, Tessa is definitely not stupid and knows what she's doing as captain.
Possibility of Change:

Group C-11
Kiichi Goto, Patlabor franchise vs.
Twenty Faces, Daughter of Twenty Faces
Voting For: Kiichi Goto
Reason: Guide and picture, haven't seen either
Possibility of Change:

Group C-12
Inez Fressange, Martian Succesor Nadesico vs.
Kazukiyo Gowa, Gasaraki
Voting For: Kazukiyo
Reason: Guide and picture
Possibility of Change:

Group C-13
Yuki Nagato, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya vs.
Amsehl, Blood+
Voting For: Yuki
Reason: I'm really biased toward Yuki, and I'm on the camp that believe she's really as smart as she appears to be. How else can she hack through almost anything?
Possibility of Change:

Group C-14
Nico Robin, One Piece vs.
Kazuya Shibuya, Ghost Hunt
Voting For: Kazuya
Reason: Haven't watched Ghost Hunt but actually Robin hardly strikes me as intelligent at all so this is kind of a vote against her.
Possibility of Change:

Group C-15
Hotaru Imai, Gakuen Alice vs.
Nagi Kirima, Boogiepop Phantom
Voting For: Nagi
Reason: Guide
Possibility of Change:

Group C-16
Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi, Digimon Adventure 02 vs.
Johan Liebert, Monster
Voting For: Johan
Reason: He's pretty smart to have pulled the strings on everyone like that.
Possibility of Change:
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:26 pm Reply with quote
Round 1 Group C is now closed.

frentymon's votes were technically a couple of minutes late, but they didn't affect any of the matches so I decided to count them anyway. That still leaves us with only a slightly disappointing 22 votes for the round, though.

Anyway, final results can be found here. Unlike last group, this one saw only one close match but also a stunning reversal of fortune for Inez Fressange, the scientist from Martian Successor Nadesico who started strong but lost so many votes to switches that she ended up losing 15-7.

Next round should be posted by the time you read this.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:27 pm Reply with quote
Round 1 Group D is now closed.

And so we wrap up the first round with the last set of 32.

NOTE #1: I do not have a picture for Rental Guy from Nerima Daikon Brothers. I will post one up if someone can deliver on that.
NOTE #2: The Guide lacks a proper entry for Sakujun Sa from Story of Saiunkoku because nobody ever bothered to contribute one despite it being on my need list! This will also be rectified if someone can post one.

Guide: Group D Guide

Group D-1
Light Yagami, Death Note
Sakujun Sa, The Story of Saiunkoku

Winner: Light
Total: 16-5

Group D-2
Daedalus Yumeno, Ergo Proxy
Satoshi Shirase, Battle Programmer Shirase

Winner: Daedalus Yumeno
Total: 15-6

Group D-3
Radical Edward, Cowboy Bebop
Taichi Hiraga-Keaton, Master Keaton

Winner: Taichi Hiraga-Keaton
Total: 15-6

Group D-4
Roger Smith, Big O
Katsuhiko Jinnai, El Hazard franchise

Winner: Katsuhiko Jinnai
Total: 11-10

Group D-5
Dr. Tenma, Astro Boy
Washu Hakubi, Tenchi Muyo! franchise

Winner: Washu
Total: 16-5

Group D-6
Kanone Hilbert, Spiral
Kururu, Sgt. Frog

Winner: Kanone Hilbert
Total: 13-8

Group D-7
Joker, Read or Die
Daisuke Aurora, Heat Guy J

Winner: Joker
Total: 13-8

Group D-8
Nami, One Piece
Alexander Howell, Ceres, Celestial Legend

Winner: Nami
Total: 17-4

Group D-9
Yugo Beppo, Yugo The Negotiator
Medicine Seller, Mononoke

Winner: Medicine Seller
Total: 13-8

Group D-10
Michael Lee, Witch Hunter Robin
Maximilien Robespierre, Le Chevalier d'Eon

Winner: Robespierre
Total: 14-7

Group D-11
Hildegrad von Mariendorf, Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Balalaika, Black Lagoon

Winner: Balalaika
Total: 15-6

Group D-12
Integra Wingate Hellsing, Hellsing
Kugen Tenko, Wagaya no Oinarisama

Winner: Kugen Tenko
Total: 13-8

Group D-13
Shimei Yuuki, Starship Operators
Chikaru Minamoto, Strawberry Panic!

Winner: Shimei Yuuki
Total: 18-3

Group D-14
Rental Guy, Nerima Daikon Brothers
Shi Ryuuki, Story of Saiunkoku

Winner: Shi Ryuuki
Total: 19-2

Group D-15
Kintaro Oe, Golden Boy
Hakuoro, Utawarerumono

Winner: Hakuoro
Total: 18-3

Group D-16
Satoshi Himawari/Hikari, DNAngel
Aramaki Daisuke, Ghost in the Shell franchise

Winner: Aramaki
Total: 20-1

Last edited by Key on Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 23 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:43 pm Reply with quote
I've got the minigame scores done and double-checked already, and I'll send the info to ccdx right after making this post.

Marie remains in the lead with 41 points, but both Key and dtm have caught up to make it a three-way tie. Close behind are Bonbons, velocet, and cow_boy-be_bop at 39; then mow and olliff at 38.


Group D-1
Light Yagami, Death Note vs.
Sakujun Sa, The Story of Saiunkoku
Voting For:
Possibility of Change:

Group D-2
Daedalus Yumeno, Ergo Proxy vs.
Satoshi Shirase, Battle Programmer Shirase
Voting For:
Possibility of Change:

Group D-3
Ed, Cowboy Bebop vs.
Taichi Hiraga-Keaton, Master Keaton
Voting For:
Possibility of Change:

Group D-4
Roger Smith, Big O vs.
Katsuhiko Jinnai, El Hazard franchise
Voting For:
Possibility of Change:

Group D-5
Dr. Tenma, Astro Boy vs.
Washu Hakubi, Tenchi Muyo franchise
Voting For:
Possibility of Change:

Group D-6
Kanone Hilbert, Spiral vs.
Kururu, Sgt. Frog
Voting For:
Possibility of Change:

Group D-7
Joker, Read or Die vs.
Daisuke Aurora, Heat Guy J
Voting For:
Possibility of Change:

Group D-8
Nami, One Piece vs.
Alexander Howell, Ceres, Celestial Legend
Voting For:
Possibility of Change:

Group D-9
Yugo Beppo, Yugo the Negotiator vs.
Medicine Seller, Mononoke
Voting For:
Possibility of Change:

Group D-10
Michael Lee, Witch Hunter Robin vs.
Maximillien Robespierre, Le Chevalier d'Eon
Voting For:
Possibility of Change:

Group D-11
Hildegard von Mariendorf, Legend of the Galactic Heroes vs.
Balalaika, Black Lagoon
Voting For:
Possibility of Change:

Group D-12
Integra Wingate Hellsing, Hellsing vs.
Kugen Tenko, Wagaya no Oinarisama
Voting For:
Possibility of Change:

Group D-13
Shimei Yuuki, Starship Operators vs.
Chikaru Minamoto, Strawberry Panic!
Voting For:
Possibility of Change:

Group D-14
Rental Guy, Nerima Daikon Brothers vs.
Shi Ryuuki, Story of Saiunkoku
Voting For:
Possibility of Change:

Group D-15
Kintaro Oe, Golden Boy vs.
Hakuoro, Utawarerumono
Voting For:
Possibility of Change:

Group D-16
Satoshi Himawari/Hikari, DNAngel vs.
Aramaki Daisuke, Ghost in the Shell franchise
Voting For:
Possibility of Change:
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