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Adventures in Voice Acting discussions anyone?

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Cross Ward

Joined: 10 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 8:55 pm Reply with quote
Ever since the day that the English voice production Bang Zoom! Entertainment released the DVD documentary Adventures in Voice Acting Volume 1 which is about the anime stuff, I learned lots of stuff. In fact, I am thinking that many anime fans who are so eager to give English voice acting a try may learn more by purchasing this documentary DVD. Trust me on this because I am a true genius of what it takes to learn these stuff from the documentary DVD.

In fact, I learned that not all these voice actors are into animes. Kirk Thornton sure as hell not into it, but always be happy to support the English voices regardless. Karen Strassman on the other hand never heard about anime before when she started anime voicework. And finally, Stephanie Sheh is into anime, but however, she does not personally have the time to get into it due to scheduling conflicts. Even if she had time off, she doesn't even have the energy to get herself back into checking more anime out. It's like you desperately wanted to see that anime, but your work schedule of voice acting intereferes with it. It can be a pain, but we people need to realize that this is life. Life sometimes sucks. Doesn't it? Idea
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:03 pm Reply with quote
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Cross Ward

Joined: 10 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:13 pm Reply with quote
marie-antoinette wrote:

Hey, marie-antoinette. How did you access that link of this forum? I have tried to find that link somewhere on this site and it's not there. Where could have I gone next time if I need to talk about these topics of that nature? Question
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:45 pm Reply with quote
If you search "Adventures in Voice Acting" in the site search bar on the top right (not the forum search), you'll find that the first link you see is a review of the first volume. All articles on this site, reviews included, have talkback threads, and that was the thread you were directed to.

I think this thread should stay though because that one's a month old and also mainly pertinent only to the first volume and the review at hand.
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ANN Past Staff

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 10:59 pm Reply with quote
I don't see how VAs not being "into" anime is tragic at all. I would find it a bit sad if they didn't have any attachment to the shows they worked on and thought anime was stupid in general. But as for the majority of VAs, it seems, who have a good appreciation for anime and love the roles they played, but don't just sit around and watch other anime...

That seems normal to me. If I were a professional working actress and only got into anime when it became an acting opportunity, I think I would only watch the stuff I was in and some work done my friends in the field. I wouldn't just waste my free time on a lot of subs as a fan (unless I was trying to cast in one), not if that was what I did for a living. I'd be more interested in acting and reversioning rather than knowing about all the coolest and newest shows.

Heck, I think this is true even for fans that became VAs (like Crispin Freeman.) If I were to become a voice actress (very tiny possibility, but entirely possible considering I may do work in New York after graduation) I don't think I'd watch anime in my free time anymore unless it was something I or a compatriot were involved in. To me that just makes complete sense.

Hey, just the fact that a lot of VAs still attend conventions, remember a lot of their lines and the show's events, and recommend random stuff they have seen in the recent past is enough for me to consider them fans. (They're not all Greg Ayres', no, but I think they could be called anime fans in a very true sense. They bring English goodness to a medium we love so we won't have to read the bottom of the screen all the time and can show the series to our families comfortably. And it's really a treat when a reversion can one-up the Japanese. Don't deny it. It happens.)
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 11:29 pm Reply with quote
frentymon wrote:
I think this thread should stay though because that one's a month old and also mainly pertinent only to the first volume and the review at hand.

I agree, we allow series discussion threads in this forum outside of their talkback threads for related articles, there's no reason this should be treated any different.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:07 pm Reply with quote
I haven't checked out this documentary yet, mainly because the review made it sound like a recorded version of convention "Voice Actor Q&A" panels, and I've been to enough of those to the point where they're all pretty much the same. It's not too surprising that these VAs aren't necessarily diehard fans. According to their answers to "how do I become a VA" questions, they were actors first before they were known as "anime voice actors." And I think Chris Ayres said it best -- when you're working with anime for however many hours per day, you want your free-time hobbies to be something different.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:37 pm Reply with quote
Zalis116 wrote:
And I think Chris Ayres said it best -- when you're working with anime for however many hours per day, you want your free-time hobbies to be something different.

I think that is so true, that is said best. That makes a lot of sense. However, there isn't a clear cut example in another field of this. For example, football players probably like to watch football and like things having to do with football. Whereas someone like .... a ... Telemarker, probably doesn't in their freetime, like to call people in the way they do on the job, or shop for telephones or build telephones in their freetime. So once again it does just pertain to anime... (ususaly i like to give an exmaple of how else it is true... my piont in this paragraph is to show that it doesn't work well with this one).

Regarding the subject at hand though... i think it makes a lot of sense that VAs don't haave to be into anime. They don't get their talent, ( Rolling Eyes Wink Laughing ) through watching anime, it's a talent that they jsut have. So watching anime really is a whole seperate thing if you look at it from a literal perspective. But whether or not anime tickles there interests, well... that's a whole 'nother kettle of fish.

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