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ANN Past Staff
![]() Posts: 3728 Location: SoCal |
Welcome, welcome, welcome to the Haibane Renmei Book Club discussion thread!
Over the course of four weeks, we’ll be watching and discussing Haibane Renmei together, certainly the gentlest and most overtly ambiguous of ABe’s works. Haibane Renmei is about a young girl, Rakka, who awakens from a previous life into the secluded world of the Haibane, ash-winged young girls with mysterious traditions and simple, pleasant, fleeting lives. It is Rekki, one of the eldest Haibane, who has the most impact on her life as a charcoal-feather, and teaches her about love, loss, and forgiveness despite having darker days behind her she has yet to overcome… Apart from normal forum rules, there will be only two additional rules for the book club threads: 1. Should you feel so compelled, you can skip ahead of schedule, (I wouldn’t advise it as I tried to plan each break around well-defined arcs,) but please don’t discuss episodes ahead of time in this thread. If the week’s schedule says we’ll be talking about episodes 1-4, don’t talk about what happens in episode 5. Don’t even use spoiler tags as an excuse. You can slightly foreshadow if you like, saying, “Remember what happens in that scene, it will be important in episode 5,” but no spoilage. Zip. Zilch. Nada. 2. Don’t be afraid to speak up about anything and everything you notice in the show, so long as you find it interesting or meaningful. I don’t have to worry about people being noobish much on ANN, so I want to address the opposite problem. Your opinion and participation are what will make this thread memorable and hopefully spark new life for old series for a while here on the ANN forums, so speak your mind! Haibane Renmei is especially conducive to multiple interpretations, as well as Kino’s Journey and Lain, so multiple perspectives are greatly appreciated! Again, bring up whatever comes to your mind when watching this series, but here’s some general things I have to note about this show, for better understanding: Do NOT watch this show expecting some direct connection to or absolute metaphor for the world we live in. Given that the Haibane were probably normal girls in a former life, a lot of people end up looking for connections to the real world “outside the walls” or expect the girls’ past lives to be revealed as part of the plot. It’s a waste of time, and it distracts from the story’s real purpose. Think of this show like a mirror of life, rather than an extension of it. There are scads of wonderful metaphors for life, love and loss in this show, but it will stay grounded in fantasy and mystery until the end, so try to take it in with a more distant lens, as many inferences can be taken from the events of the story. The broader strokes of emotion and life stages are present here, not some direct connection to real-world belief systems or events. (*cough, cough, not like FMA, cough, cough*) INDEX July 1st-July 7th discussion July 8th-July 14th discussion July 15th-July 21st discussion July 22nd-July 28th discussion Thoughts on the series as a whole/Random ideas Last edited by JacobC on Tue Jul 15, 2008 2:15 pm; edited 3 times in total |
ANN Past Staff
![]() Posts: 3728 Location: SoCal |
Anyway, HERE’S the schedule of episodes for July 1st-July 7th:
Episode 1—cocoon, dream of falling from the sky, old home Episode 2—town and wall, Toga, Haibane-renmei Yes, that’s only two episodes. There’s enough content there, trust me. I separated the show by arcs and veins of content, and in four weeks, the most we’d watch is four episodes per week anyhoo. This is mostly an intro to the fantasy world of the haibane. POSSIBLE DISCUSSION IDEAS—(Spoiler-free discussion, pleeze, and ruminate on whatever beyond these, although these are good places to start.)
Have fun with this series! I certainly did! ![]() |
Randall Miyashiro
![]() Posts: 2451 Location: A block away from Golden Gate Park |
I do believe that the first two (or even one) episodes will generate more conversation than the next four or even six since this series covers themes that span the entire series more than individual episodes.
This is only the second time for me with this series and I didn't understand why people loved this series when I first saw it, so this thread might help. Maybe part of it is that it is a series that feels heavily targeted towards 18-24 year olds to me. For this reason it might not strike as strong of a chord for those of us who are not in this bracket. I have a feeling that the tradition of a mother combing a daughter's hair is not practiced in the States. As odd as it may be, it wasn't until recently that I discovered that many people in the US don't know about "sneezing when someone is gossiping about you." Either way I find that Reki's grooming of Raka feels very maternal and reminds me of this practice. Interesting phrase to think about when the crow is referred to as a black wing scavenger at the end of episode 2. I'm not sure what Tokoro and Abe's views on classism and socialism are, but I do notice some similarities between this and Niea. There seems to be some glorifying of a simpler low income lifestyle. I'm also under the impression that Haibane are on a lower social rung than the humans. The Toga remind me of the forest people in Samurai Seven and Nausicaa. I think it's the anonymity that the masks provide that they have in common. I'm really glad that Pioneer translates episode specific ED credits for this series since I like to see who directed which episodes. The main director of this series is also the main director for Niea which helps explain the similar pace. It also looks like Abe did the script for both episodes. I can't recall if he actually wrote the entire series himself (doesn't happen often in television series) but wouldn't be surprised since the series feels so consistent. |
![]() Posts: 95 Location: Atlanta |
This is really good timing. I've watched the whole series several times now (and watched disk 4 on its own a lot) and am now re-watching it yet again with a friend who hasn't seen it (disk 2 tonight). So I'll try to chime in while following the spoiler rules above...
LL Kuze DC17
Posts: 22 |
I don't remember too much about this show. I've only seen it once as well as I don't have the DVDs.
I do like the way the show goes. I found the show very eunique as well. I'll check it out again when I get the chance. |
![]() Posts: 1996 |
Yeah, that's definitely a very good way of putting it. This series very closely deals with issues that a lot of people go through during those times, and the very structure of the story and world is very similar to the same kinds of things one faces around those ages as well. Now, even though I'm already over most of them at this point (although I'm still young enough that I have yet to face some of them ![]() ![]() Anyways, I acutally went looking for dubbed versions of episodes today and watched the first and last episodes, so I'm kind of raw from that. Man, I've almost forgotten just how incredibly emotionally powerful this series is. In any case, I already feel like I picked up on a few things I hadn't before, and I really think watching the dub would help out a whole lot with that. I also sort of came to the realization as well that this series really isn't all that hard to follow at all, in fact if anything I moreso had to remember said certain things rather than actually pick up on them. Like in watching the first episode I remembered the same feeling I got from it when I watched it the first time in realizing just how new everything was to Rakka when she first arrived there, so for most of the time at first I got this feeling that it could be very easy to make Rakka feel offended or uncomfortable, like she didn't fit in or she was incompetent or something, and I got a little bit worried about what people would say or do around her, almost to the point where I was paying just that much attention to what everyone else was saying/doing. But I think that really gave me the feeling, seeing it from such a point of view, of relation to how things were for me on, say, my first day of college. I could also see how this would relate to someone experiencing High School or even Jr. High school for the first time as well. I also noticed something else in comparing episode 1 to episode 13, but I really think I should save that for latter. ![]() |
Posts: 1669 Location: Columbus, OH |
The views of class in NieA_7 don't seem to have much crossover with some concepts in Haibane. (If one thing can be said, it's that they share a thought possibly inspired from Buddhism in regards to the material world.) There are very deliberate reasons for the last point, but I won't explain them now due to spoilers.
Yes, he composed the series and also wrote the scripts for all the episodes (a rare case in television series). It's kind of funny that you note the consistency, as -- if my memory isn't shoddy -- aBe has remarked that the work came out as he wrote it. It's more stream of consciousness than a structurally tight narrative. |
![]() Posts: 1537 Location: Michigan, USA |
Even though I just finished a re-watch of this series a short time ago, the chance to watch it with others was too good to pass up, so I am going to be going through it again, especially if it's this nice slow rate so I can still watch whatever else I am watching too. I decided to watch it dubbed this time as I don't think I have ever seen it dubbed, with the sub-titles up anyway, as that is how I almost always watch dubbed anime so I can note any differences.
I love the music in this show, it's pretty and seems to fit perfectly the mood of the show itself. Since this all happened in the first episode, I choose to not spoilerize much, I can't imagine anything needs to be, however I am not sure how unspoilerized this thread will be, which I would prefer it be left able to discuss whatever we are on that week without having to cover everything up, but if I should add some, let me know. I watched only the first episode again tonight, and I recall the first time I saw this how many things seemed so odd to me. I haven't ever read any discussion on this series, so I am looking forward to seeing others thoughts here. The first thing that threw me off was seeing Reki smoking. For whatever reason, seeing an angelic like being smoking seemed like such a jarring thing, it still seems like it to me now watching for a 3rd time as well. Seeing the huge cocoon is certainly odd, but pretty interesting, and when Rakka is "born" and can't recall her name, and gets one from her dream, I find it interesting that she can't recall the bird at all. She held it, talked to it, and it tried to stop her fall, which was kinda interesting, and of course foreshadowing of future events, however that still doesn't explain anything yet. When Rakka's spoiler[wings come in however], I was truly disturbed the first time I saw that. Even now actually, it's such a difficult scene to see in some ways, I always feel for her. As for the feathers being grey, I have no idea why that was choose, I assume to keep the whole "are they good or bad and that's why they are Haibane" thoughts to a minimum. I never understood the halos however, that to me seems simply a design choice, and an odd one. Why would they choose to put one on their heads? Who came up with that idea? It's so odd to me. Maybe there are thoughts on this I am unaware of however. I will watch the next episode tomorrow I think. |
ANN Past Staff
![]() Posts: 3728 Location: SoCal |
Well, most otaku know about the sneeze anyway. It's too common a gag. I had learned about the maternal tradition of combing from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but had never applied it here. I guess it really holds that connotation for its native audience, although Rekki's role to Rakka becomes less and less maternal as she matures...but isn't that always the way it is?
They aren't to speak either. This is rather curious to me. Anyone outside the walls can't speak to anyone inside, for fear of communicating any knowledge of the outside would the Toga be let into the walled city anyway? What makes them so special that they can go in and out? The answer to this question is only revealed through the communicator, since he'll end up talking a lot more in future episodes, but for a while it kept me the most interested in the show.
Well sure, we can all remember times where we had to adjust to new situations where we didn't know anything and everybody seemed above us somehow. Nervous times. But how much worse is it for Rakka having to "adjust" to a place when she has no previous experience with any other existence? She's not even adjusting, she's relearning everything, like a baby, except unlike an infant, she has that ever-nagging fear of having lost SOME connection to something she had before this life...evidence she only has in a half-remembered dream. Now that would be unnerving. It's even more alienating than having amnesia, where you at least would have people comforting you and assuring you of who you once were, rather than a bunch of people telling you that they don't know who you are, but you're GOING TO BE this person...
The dub is really good here. It's as soothing and natural as the Japanese, which is required to carry the mood of the show, and it's probably my favorite thing that Carrie Savage has ever done. She can sound too stereotypically syrupy in a lot of her roles, but the tame sweetness in Rakka really clicks with her performance.
I actually said, "what the f***" when I saw that. (I never "swear" on the forums because I can help it, but I have a swearing problem in real life.) I didn't quite understand what the haibane were or where the story was going, so seeing an angel smoking and lugging storage boxes made me laugh, even if it wasn't supposed to be funny.
I remember being unnerved by that, too. "What gives? What about the bird? Tell them about the crow!" I thought it was interesting that Rakka and Rekki appear to share the tightest bond right off the bat and they both had a lot of hesitance when it came to their dreams, which are apparently of pivotal importance to the haibane. It's so much an identity and comfort thing with them...
Yeah, it's pretty darned gross. It almost felt like a surprise midnight for a woman suddenly going into labor. It had the same tenseness that I wonder isn't felt even more viscerally by girls than guys. (Although guys probably think it's pretty painful-lookin' too. Girls might think more in that vein, at least now that I've made that comparison...) I...really can't comment on the ash-wing idea yet. I want to. But I won't, because I "know too much." I'd rather hear others' thoughts. The halos however, are probably mostly an artistic choice, you're right. They do make the haibane look funnier, less majestic and more childlike. ('Specially the boys. Some of those teens we see later would be studs if not for that dinky donut half a foot above their heads.) Still, they do serve one purpose. They are "a guiding light for the haibane's life." I'll talk about it next week, when we see the halos, well, actually do something. |
![]() Posts: 3544 Location: ::Points to hand:: |
Ok, first thing first. Does anybody actually call this show Aureole Secret Factory? I know both meanings of the word, (I had to convince my girlfriend that this, in Mandalay Bay in Vegas was indeed a restaurant and not a strip club) but I'm sure there have been a few angry people to watch this show expecting hentai
![]() My initial impressions: Watching the intro for the first time reminded me that I have wanted to watch this show for 8 years, since I was a freshman in high school, but I had forgotten that I did. You see, Haibane Renmei was a preview on the very first anime DVD I ever bought (Lupin,) and the image of a smoking angel intrigued me to no end, and it looks like I'm in good company with bonbonsrus and JesuOtaku. And also like you two, I was kind of grossed out by the spoiler[wing emergance ]scene, but did anybody else notice that they were freaking enormous when they came out, but have since shrunk? I've tried to avoid any and all plot summaries, synopses, DVD reviews and general discussion on this show since learning of this thread, and have been successful. So now I have a few ideas of some possible themes that, based on the first two episodes, I think might be extended on. First is the check in/ check out tags. In the two episodes they got at least three shots of screen time, so I'm thinking that they might play some sort of role farther down the line. Possibly they mysteriously dissappear when a haibane "dies" or something. Second, is the possibility of the walled city as a symbol for purgatory? JesuOtaku has said that the halos are just a style choice, but the fact that they have religious connotations (in the west at least) cannot be denied. Third is birds. I didn't come up with this one, but it was pointed out off hand in another thread, and in the intro by JesuOtaku, that birds play some sort of symbolic role. And my last thought is that all the haibane killed themselves in their past lives. It makes sense to me, most of the dreams make it seem like they recently died, two people were falling, one was floating in the water, one was sleeping, Reki is the only one whose dream doesn't conform. The only disconcerting thing, and the thing that makes me doubt my theory, is that there a ton of little wings. |
![]() Posts: 5344 Location: Philly |
I thought that was the name of a production company. The encyclopedia doesn't even list that as an alternate title.
Yes, but I just chalked it up to the perspective we see the emergence from.
I may have a comment on this, but I haven't started rewatching yet, so I don't remember the little wings you mention. |
![]() ![]() Posts: 3994 Location: New York state. |
I had those same thoughts about the Haibane when I first completed the series. The significance of Reki's name being different in comparison to the other Haibane in regards of their dreams will be explored later in the series since going into further detail would be a big spoiler to later events in the series.
Going along with the Haibane's connection to crows, crows are believed in some cultures to be messengers who carry the souls of the recently deceased to the afterlife. If indeed the Haibane are those who killed themselves in their past lives, then the connection to crows could be evidence in support of this theory. |
![]() Posts: 3544 Location: ::Points to hand:: |
Ahh yes. I see now, it is the name of the production company. This is the only show they've ever produced though. I had to download fansubs for the episodes on the first disk because I've been waiting for it to arrive in the mail since June 7th
ANN Past Staff
![]() Posts: 3728 Location: SoCal |
Remember I never said the halos were just there cause they looked cute, I just said that the purpose they served I couldn't really elaborate on 'til next week.
And...well...I never thought somebody would reach that conclusion in the first two episodes, (it took me, like, five) but I agree that that's a solid conclusion to make about what the haibane are. There are many theories you could reach, but that's the one I stick with. I still wouldn't try to peg the town and wall as "purgatory" though. Seems too simple, although it does serve that sort of purpose for the haibane, nobody knows if anything comes after it, exactly. (Well, we're not sure yet. It's iffy later.) The problem with that theory is, as you already mentioned, the young feathers. (Must be a sub/dub difference in the pet name, but wings, feathers, meh, what's the difference?) It's hard to imagine suicide amongst all those multitude of goobers, so my best guess is that they died in infancy, or four years or younger. Besides them, the only other age of haibane is about what appears to be 14-18. That's a key time in life for teen suicide and untimely accidents, and always a time in life where the hundreds of people involved wish desperately that that person could have another opportunity at life. So maybe they do? Which brings us back to the crow. I won't say much because the story will eventually return to that forgotten bird, but since the crows are believed to be the spirits of the dead that go between worlds. (Ghosts, maybe?) I don't think it's any stretch of the imagination to say that Rakka's death probably involved someone else's...but that's all I can really come to. |
![]() Posts: 1469 Location: NE Ohio |
Is it ever stated that the Haibane take the form that they had when they died (assuming they're all suicides)? It's been a while since I watched it (although I plan on rewatching here soon to join in this thread), but I'm pretty sure Reki says something about how even if Rakka were to appear in front of her former friends and family they wouldn't recognize her. They could have been any age when they died; being reborn as children would force them to be more humble and to open up to all of the new concepts being introduced to them more easily. |
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