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Top Gun
Joined: 28 Sep 2007
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Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 1:50 am
As a fan of the series, I fully understand the concept and lack of reality of a Death Note. I still find it friggin' scary that kids are pulling stunts like this, and I'd imagine I'd feel so that much more if it was my kid whose name was in that book. Yes, we've all had the occasional "God, I wish that person would just drop dead" thought go shooting through our heads, but the mentally healthy among us dismiss it immediately afterwards as so much mental angst venting itself. We don't sit there and ponder a specific cause of death for the person, or write it in a book emblazoned with "DEATH NOTE" across the cover whose sole fictional purpose is to end the lives of its contents. Bottom line: any kid who'd take the time to write out names and causes of death in a toy Death Note needs immediate help, and I consider any response along those lines to be fully prudent and justifiable.
Oh, and those of you spewing the "words can never hurt anyone/she chose to commit suicide" lines: that's a load of bull****. Ever hear of a little thing called depression? Do you have any understanding of what it does to the brain, to one's psyche, how it impacts one's capacity for rational thought? No, I didn't think so.
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Joined: 29 Sep 2006
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Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 5:58 am
Top Gun wrote: |
Oh, and those of you spewing the "words can never hurt anyone/she chose to commit suicide" lines: that's a load of bull****. Ever hear of a little thing called depression? Do you have any understanding of what it does to the brain, to one's psyche, how it impacts one's capacity for rational thought? No, I didn't think so. |
Everyone's heard of depression, and like everyone else had said, she was already in a mental state, and taking drugs for it. Still goes all the way to the fact that she ended up doing it out of her own free will, rational or not. No one is that stupid to not understand what you're saying, but everyone's attitude about it is completely different. There is no right or wrong answer at this point.
Yes, we've heard of internet bullying, but that's not really what happened with that girl. Anyway, flying off topic... >.>;
ikillchicken, I'm sure everyone understood that as well. I'm not worried about the "words" itself, I understand why there was action taken on it, but like I said before, the news can twist a lot of stories, and I guess on a personal note, I'm not satisfied with it.
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 8:38 am
Prodigiosus wrote: | You know, the days of the TV babysitter are WAY over. I certainly had my share of days/nights when the TV put me to bed, but the worst thing that came on was LA Law or M.A.S.H (I'm totally dating myself here.) There was nothing worth watching at 12:30. Hell, most of the stations went to the colored bars at midnight! These kids also could have TiVoed it without having to stay up that late... Actually, now that I think about it, they don't need TV at all. Adult Swim shows episodes of Death Note on their website. Or they could have seen it on youtube or some other website like that. The kids could have watched it at a friends house or at the library! Parents can't control every single thing their kid watches anymore. It's too easy to access everything without a TV. |
Not in our house it isn't, which proves it's all down to proper diligent parenting and a good security programme.
On another point, words said on a social networking site can cause just as much injury as if they were shouted out in the playground, or school hall. They embarrass, and humiliate just as badly. If words don't hurt, why are there libel and slander suits being fought over in courts? It's called "Mental Cruellty" and it wins cases for abuse and devorce in those courts.
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Joined: 05 Dec 2005
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Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 11:08 am
we shall, go in reverse
Top Gun- yes i've heard of depression, and I take medication for massive depression. Over the years i've learned a simple thing to dealing with lifes bad apples. Buck up.
So what if someone says something to you. Thats their opinion. If someone writes something negative to me I hit delete. If it bugs me I call my thearpist.
I deal more with myself than anyone esle.
All this girl had to do was talk to someone. Even when i get my worse I call someone or talk to my parents. If you commit suicide its a choice.
Just because you're depressed you still have rational thought. Are you saying, If she suffered from depression she didn't rational thought? Thats is a load of bull. If this girl was so bad, then her doctor who said she had a depssive disorder should have put her in the hospital.
Anyway, this is off topic as, its unrelated.
8JF- actually I didn't have to make a joke about a bomb in the airport lines. The security guard that pulled me aside because my belt buckle went off did. And it was a joke, I said no and he waved the wand over my belt and said i think you do. it was quite halirous.
.....and then he asked me for my number.
The next time I rode an airplane they were too busy taking the Arab guy off because he was Arab. (i had keft the hotel with him, he didn't have any problems in security.) He later sued the airline.
There are so many problems wrong with the story fighterholic, she's 13. Is that old enough to be mysapce? no. And her parents let her make one anyway? I don't care if thats what everyone was doing, she wasn't old enough to be there in teh first place.
I didn't get to read the second page, but i'm losing the sympathy I had for her slowly.
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Joined: 31 May 2007
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Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 1:44 pm
A parent can't control their child that easily, try and control them and they're just as likely to rebel and actually do something worse. The best thing a parent can do is to just be honest with a kid, anyway I never got the attraction of Myspace, it's boring.
I think Verbal Bullying is 10X worse than Physical Bullying, I got into 1 or 2 fights as a kid, frankly once you finish the fight the dispute tends to go away, with verbal bullying it just keeps festering, and often it's exceedingly difficult to resolve the dispute, plus it's a hell of a lot harder to catch, sometimes it can get so bad that a kid ends out being excluded. It's not like going to teachers always helps anyway.
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Gundam Junkie
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Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 6:23 pm
Tch, this just proves what I always say: Humans are stupid creatures!
I don't see why people get so worked up over this Death Note lark, its just fiction.
We hear the same with PC and console games... stupid people doing stupid things, supposedly because they play certain games or watch certain stuff on the tele.
With all the porn, violence and disgusting language we get shoved in our faces every day, a little thing like Death Note (which only a small percentage of the western population may actually watch) isn't going to do much damage.
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Joined: 29 Sep 2006
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Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 7:47 pm
Bringing it to school was a dumb idea, but kids are kids...
I'm slightly curious to know how that book was able to be purchased, if they had it at a local anime store, or probably online, I didn't even know that Viz made an official edition yet.
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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:01 am
russ869 wrote: | Again, words only have the power you give them. In essence what are words? They're a collection of sounds or a series of character symbols. They can only have meaning when we give them meaning, and they only have power when we choose to give them power over us. It is impossible to offend someone with words, they choose whether or not to be offended. And the same goes for that suicide, it is impossible to kill with words. You choose whether or not they affect you. |
Okay, so if that were the case, then if you posted your social security number, your bank account number, your street address, and whatever else that might be important to you on the internet wouldn't matter then, since they are just words and numbers. Also, have you ever told your mother that you loved her?
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Joined: 17 Sep 2006
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Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 6:07 am
Just another proof that the U.S. have turned into a police state.
You're all guilty until proven innocent.
God bless America, Land of the Free.
P.S: I don't really want to kill everyone named Bill
Proud to be Canadian
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Joined: 27 Nov 2007
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Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 1:27 pm
otaku117 wrote: | Just another proof that the U.S. have turned into a police state.
You're all guilty until proven innocent.
God bless America, Land of the Free.
P.S: I don't really want to kill everyone named Bill
Proud to be Canadian |
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 2:18 pm
DonQuigleone wrote: | A parent can't control their child that easily, try and control them and they're just as likely to rebel and actually do something worse. The best thing a parent can do is to just be honest with a kid, |
You obviously aren't a parent then if you believe that. Yes be honest but also keep them on the right course and away from danger. A child may rebell, that is expected, but they must be reminded it is for their own good. It's the child that doesn't listen that usually ends in tragic tears. In short, they end up learning the hard way, which could be the final way. It's the parents responsibility to keep a child safe and teach them what is good, what is bad, and what could cost them their life. What a child learns, or doesn't learn in childhood carries on into their adulthood, and then it is passed on, or not passed on to their children, and so on, and so on... Knowledge is power, and power determines how you live your life. I know all this from experience.
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Joined: 27 Aug 2007
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Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 3:55 pm
I don't think either of you are absolutely wrong on that topic, I think it entirely depends on the kid. Some kids require more guidance and some require less. You can't really know which is which unless you are somewhat involved, so I'll always agree with that. However, I don't think all kids have to be governed tightly or strictly, some are pretty good at learning after one time or having a simple explanation given to them.
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Joined: 12 Feb 2007
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Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 9:56 pm
otaku117 wrote: | Just another proof that the U.S. have turned into a police state.
You're all guilty until proven innocent.
God bless America, Land of the Free.
P.S: I don't really want to kill everyone named Bill
Proud to be Canadian |
Hi everyone! I'm ikillchicken and I'm Canadian. I just want to let you all know that this man does not represent Canada as a whole. Your average Canadian is actually perfectly rational, reasonable and intelligent person.
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Joined: 27 Nov 2007
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Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:08 am
ikillchicken wrote: |
Hi everyone! I'm ikillchicken and I'm Canadian. I just want to let you all know that this man does not represent Canada as a whole. Your average Canadian is actually perfectly rational, reasonable and intelligent person. |
It's cool. We all know about dealing with idiots we have to share our communities with...
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Mindless Watcher
Joined: 17 Oct 2006
Posts: 68
Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 5:34 am
Did the book at least work?
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