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Joined: 07 May 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2025 6:17 pm Reply with quote
I was certainly not expecting that the cute intern, Mai, to secretly be a badass that rides a motorcycle and practices aikido! It definitely made me laugh when she effortlessly took down arsonist guy!
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Joined: 09 Jun 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2025 8:01 pm Reply with quote
I wonder if the suspicious bike guy scratching his chest watching us just before the bomb went off is at all related to the suspicious bike guy scratching his chest watching just after another bomb goes off and/or the suspicious bike helmet guy who handed the threatening letter aimed at the victim of that bomb just before it went off? We'd better think about this long enough for him to get away from all the emergency personnel he was surrounded by at the time.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2025 9:13 pm Reply with quote
Episode 5

I enjoyed this even though there was an almost criminal lack of Takao in it. I'm letting it slide because I was entertained, but let's not make this a habit, shall we? I really like Flunky Boy's fun colleague, Little Miss Motorcycle Kick Your Ass. She certainly sees what the rest of us do: of course Flunky Boy is in love with Takao, he's just not being honest with himself. Anyway, I'm proud to say I have cracked the current mystery concerning spontaneous human combustion: see, there's this curse that makes you spontaneously explode if you violate the tomb of that dude. I'm kind of surprised the rest of you haven't figured it out yet, but then again I am pretty brilliant.
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2025 3:21 am Reply with quote
Sitting in a store room with invaluable ancient artifacts and scrolls, and the guy just drops his match and then the lit cigarette on the floor. smh I might be even more sensitive to that after the recent Conan episode at the Edogawa Ranpo museum where they hammered on the NO OPEN FLAMES in the library rule, as well as the don't open the windows rule. Smile

Flunky boy sure is slow on the uptake, huh. "See anyone suspicious at the funeral?" "Hmmm... [thinks...thinks...thinks...thinks...] Oh yeah, I guess there was that one guy."
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2025 5:31 am Reply with quote
I am almost certain that there are matches to a medical mystery I watched/listened to. I just cannot recall exactly what the detail on that was to spontaneous combustion case. One I do remember was a woman that had rashes on her body that was dying suddenly started making nurses collapse and created a hazard situation. While never technically solved, I think the leading theory was rashes pointed to overusing a home remedy that theoretically with defibrillator and recently pumped oxygen could have created a chemical reaction of toxic fumes.

I was super into things like spontaneous combustion as a kid, and the books I read then said most cases of only burning the body and little else was mystery. But things I watched more recently explained that they can actually be surprisingly mundane in explanation like habits that would make the body more flammable. I liked that theory that the lady last week may have had oxygen pumped in and was ignited by a cigarette.

For the funeral, there was probably some chemical put in the body to be flammable. My running theory is the guy with the rash is that out of paranoia went to the family to get something to ward off the curse, and was given something that after use caused health problems, and the electric blankets they put on him started to cause chemical reaction in his body leading up to combustion. A little confused why he was brought in by the fire department, unless there is something I don't know about Tokyo.

But also, starting to look like a silly pattern of the main characters doing unnecessarily dangerous things.

Okay, wildest theory that totally won't be true and is mostly me doubling down on something I said last week. The unseen grandmother is behind most things, such that she manipulated her grandson with the same thing she did to the others paranoid of a curse.
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Joined: 30 May 2015
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2025 9:15 am Reply with quote
Gina Szanboti wrote:
Flunky boy sure is slow on the uptake, huh. "See anyone suspicious at the funeral?" "Hmmm... [thinks...thinks...thinks...thinks...] Oh yeah, I guess there was that one guy."

Yeah the first like 80% of this episode were just frustrating. It takes them so many things to finally assemble the pieces that the audience has been able to figure out about 5 minutes in, and even then the actual reveal is just disappointing. I don't even know if the car exploding scene was supposed to be dramatic or comedic, and having a detective show up to tell a medic that trying to ambush an arsonist isn't exactly safe was the only redeeming part of that all. The actual medical mystery seems interesting but we only got two glimpses of it unfortunately.
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smurky turkey

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 2025 2:47 pm Reply with quote
So, first of all, after seeing episode 6 I have to thank mr fire for patiently waiting until after everyone was done with their speech before burning for realsies. I know that the moment was meant to be dramatic but them all calmly talking in the middle of a fire fed with lots of gasoline was special.

I also have to say rest in peace to the dearly departed vehicles. It seems like Mai and Yuu are both taking the train from now on.

Case wise I suspected it was a mix of accident/medical issues and murder but I was rather wrong on how it all went down. It really was a messy case due to there being both accident, murder and the mold issue.

Finally, seems like there will be no new episode next week, so another break.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 2025 3:24 pm Reply with quote
Yeah the mystery aspect of it all was actually fine this time around, I liked the twists and turns it took, but damn the execution of everyone just staring while Takao finishes her speech has been grinding the immersion gears. It's not just the characters, even the environment waits for her now
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Joined: 03 Aug 2017
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 2025 5:22 pm Reply with quote
Just from a storytelling continuity/consistency perspective, it might be more logical to assume there really was a curse causing all of those strange fire related accidents than to try to figure out the probability of that many freak accidents occurring in tandem.

And who said Kotori was going to be taking a bus? Dear God no! He's apparently under a curse that causes every vehicle he rides to wind up bursting into flames. Just let him use some cheap roller skates for a while.

The super power to cause all activity to stop while monologuing....I have to say, it would explain hundreds upon hundreds of shonen anime battle scenes I've seen.,,
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 2025 7:39 pm Reply with quote
Episode 6

I am loathe to criticize my darling Takao because she is perfect and flawless, BUT I do have an issue with her risking her delicate personage just to save Flunky Boy. I mean flunkies come and flunkies go, but what if something had happened to her??? Fortunately, the show's writers aren't that venal and she walked away without a scratch, the same of which could not be said of Mai's baby... the motorcycle. At least Takao correctly let Flunky Boy know that he was on the hook to replace it, as is proper. I liked all the twists and turns and accidents and coincidences that comprised this arc's mystery. It was all satisfyingly farfetched. One thing I do miss is the glimpses of attempted romance between Takao and Kotori that I thought at the beginning of the series was going to be a thing. Remember Takao's proposed "study session" that was just a poorly disguised attempt to watch a movie with Flunky? I'd love to see more of that, even though he doesn't deserve her.
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 2025 9:17 pm Reply with quote
After a puzzled Columbo asks, "Weren't they just hospitalized for a few broken bones and bruises at various hospitals?" we hardly needed more explanation of why she felt she had to do something about it herself. And he's supposed to be one of the good cops. I disagree with Takao though. The key word there is not "various" but "a few broken bones." Obviously no one would've thought anything was up even if they'd gone to the same hospital every time. Even with the incidents he'd gathered laid out all in one place, Columbo still didn't see a problem.

I'm kinda glad she burned the place down. This family did not deserve to be the caretakers of such priceless relics if they were stupid enough to store highly unstable matches in a room full of old papers, delicate cloths, wood, and other flammable materials and yet have no fire suppression system.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2025 5:46 am Reply with quote
My reaction was a mix of angry that the mystery went down as it did, followed by laughing my head off when they are just standing around while the whole place is on fire. It was straight up the 'this is fine' meme. I bet they could have just gone and picked the motorcycle up from the burning building For a show that must like to think it has medical stuff down, there wasn't anything like the characters needing to be looked over after inhaling a whole lot of petrol induced smoke?

The cops were pretty useless. They couldn't maybe force the suspects away from the building covered in petrol. Kind of use some force while the medical doctor was monologuing about some actually pretty flimsy case without any evidence, which they would really need to get people away from immediately.

Maybe this is just me, but I think the mystery has kind of been pretty bad, regardless of how good characters are. This was on my probably should drop list, but I felt a little generous to give it a go that maybe it could become interesting. I am wondering now if I should just cut my losses.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2025 6:59 am Reply with quote
@ DuskyPredator - if you actually care about the mysteries than you should probably drop it. The show has been pretty upfront right from the start that these weren't going to be realistically grounded mysteries that you the viewer could solve yourself if you cleverly followed the clues. I certainly don't give a shit about them, other than hoping they continue to be weird and hilariously improbable.
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smurky turkey

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2025 7:54 am Reply with quote
I understand people feeling like the show is hard to take even remotely serious.
I am sticking around due to some fun characters and liking the absurd mysteries but boy does the show sometimes make it really hard to stay immersed. That goes particularly for the last two episodes with the absurd highlight being the (supposedly) deadly fire with people just calmy standing in it and yacking away.
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Joined: 16 Apr 2024
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2025 9:49 am Reply with quote
Personally, I far prefer a silly mystery I can't solve in 30 seconds of its introduction. So this is one of the better mystery episodes for me for this show; not, admittedly, a strong statement. OTT is much better than 20 minutes to tell me what I knew in minute 1, so I'll stick around; but if it wasn't episodic I'd already be gone.

The last 5 minutes were, however, a lot. I know its a slightly camp show but you can really take things too far. I presume its marginally less silly on the page when you can more easily shift the focus away from everything being on fire; here its just plainly ridiculous. But narm is somewhat better than dull.
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