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Arifureta - From Commonplace to World's Strongest (TV).

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Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 7:04 am Reply with quote

Season 01: Arifureta - From Commonplace to World's Strongest (TV)
Season 02: Arifureta - From Commonplace to Worlds Strongest (TV 2)
Season 03: Arifureta - From Commonplace to World's Strongest (TV 3)

Source: Light Novel (completed @ 13 volumes, written by Ryo Shirakome, illustrated by Takayaki)

Demographic: Shounen

Animation Studio:
Season 01: asread, White Fox
Season 02: asread, Studio Mother
Season 03: asread

Genres: action, adventure, comedy, drama, fantasy, romance, psychological

Themes: demi-humans, demons, dragons, harem, isekai, monsters, religion, superpowers, technology, vampires

Plot Summary: Hajime Nagumo and his entire high school class are transported to another world to be heroes in a war against other races, and all but Hajime are instantly gifted with special abilities and ridiculous strength. Hajime, on the other hand, is totally average, and as such the bullying he endured on Earth simply continues. Hajime has to struggle to survive in the depths of a deadly dungeon and learn to become a superhero without the gift of superpowers.

Air Date & Platform:
Season 01: Pending
Available on: Crunchyroll, Hulu

Season 02: Pending
Available on: Crunchyroll

Season 03: October 14, 2024 (Monday)
Available on: Crunchyroll

Episode Count / Runtime:
Season 01: 13 episodes
Season 02: 12 episodes
Season 03: 16 episodes

Total: 31 episodes

[EDIT: Fancy opener stuff added. -TK]
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 5:07 am Reply with quote
Episode 1

An isekai anime that has the protagonist making a gun as a cheat weapon in the first episode, kind of feels like a red flag. Although him also having a history of being the weak one and having to go through a twisted transformation that seems to have poisoned his mind a bit in anger, does seem better and a bit Shield Hero like.

Anyway, I am interested to see where this goes, if his softer side still exists in him, or he is just a hardened isekai protagonist now.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 3:32 am Reply with quote
Episode 12

Wow, the CGI monsters in this episode were god awful. I can be a bit patient with that sort of thing, but what happened in this episode with CGI was kind of super embarrassing. It was even worse than the ones in Overlord, and I think thought that it could hide that fact by making them super dark.

Either way, a total positive in that the series finally reached what I had wanted for so long, Hajime to meet his other, hero, classmates. Even if most of the episode was kind of confusing how timeline was working as being flashbacks or meanwhile. In terms of the "demon" girl, the show seems to want to play a bit more complexity, whether they can solve things by talking.

I have been enjoying the show, not that it hasn't been a bit try hard in being edgy, and the harem thing. A daughter character introduced just last episode, who he probably should not be pulling into super dangerous situations.
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Joined: 29 May 2018
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 4:17 am Reply with quote
It was both dark and funny, if you ask me. Throwing in a lot of sexy Girls was both good and bad, because the last 2 or 3 where added to fast ^^. I personally would stopped after Bunny and made an Love Triangle Thing; with Dark Hero, Vampire Loli and her^^
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2019 1:06 am Reply with quote
Episode 13 (finale)

Oh, that is the end? Guess I was wrong in thinking this might have two cours. It finished with Nagumo having a vampire girlfriend, a bunny girl that seemed accepted as a mistress, a dragon masochist, merfolk daughter, and an ex classmate that seem to have thrown herself in like she has any chance. That is quite the cast, and kind of feels like it pull away from the fact he already has chosen Yue, and implied that they may already be intimate. They are totally having sex, right? Maybe notable that Nagumo straight up killed the demon girl, where noramally she could have gotten away to be recurring, or be forgiven. Even the Hero character yelled at him for doing it. As overly angsty as that is, I am left wondering about the morality of it.

Anyway, a rating. I kind of found it one of the more interesting out of the isekai of its season, with each kind of having a noticeable flaw, and this one being that it trying way too hard to be serious and dark. And, that does not bother me as much as it might others. I certainly feel like bringing up the bad CGI, which may have had problems in areas, but the last couple episodes was so much more noticeable. Whatever they are using, they need to work on it a bit. I don't mind most of the 2D art, except you can notice some shortcuts more than other series in places, but as a general rule the characters look interesting and can look good.

I give a rating of Good (7/10), probably mostly me as I can have a weak spot for these sorts of edgy stuff, and I would like to see a continuation, with some improvements.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2019
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2019 5:53 am Reply with quote
What boggles me is that it got its second cour automatically. I assume contracts where already signed because I would never have given over extra money for the series based on its first season. I really hope the source material was much better written. The whole season came over as a shallow infantile wish fulfilment. Yue was the best written of the accompanying harem and she got less character development then Shinobu from Love Hina (old anime reference) (1 episode). My most enjoyment from this series has been from seeing how outrageous it will be from episode to episode.

Now I dont want to be too negative since it seems to have been abridged heavily as we discussed before. There are hints of interesting developments around. But they are so undercooked and smothered in random lusting females.

*edit* My personal rating will be: An ironic watch out of Weak competition
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2022 4:54 am Reply with quote
Season 2, Episode 12 (finale)

Looks like he is back working with some of his class, as annoying as they are. Why would he do anything the hero guy says? I would think that every time he says something bullshit to just withdraw any help until he can learn to keep his feelings to himself, seeing as he takes no responsibility for the parts he plays.

Things did get rather serious towards the end of the season, the necromancer classmate going full psycho in wanting to turn everyone into zombies. And for some reason they just let her go, despite the main character having a magic gun means he should be able to kill almost in not letting them escape. How many times this season did he let the dragon demon guy just get away? Pretending that the character could even have the image of some sort of high ground.

I actually started the season with very low opinions, I really saw it as being edgy to the point of being rather cringey. Like this is some idea of being cool, but it did start to sell me more on it as the season went on. Except the mermaid daughter arc, that one was still pure cringe, she just had to keep calling him papa or something. The rabbit character is still pretty cringey too, bar maybe one kind of cool action scene.

My rating is going to be Decent (6/10), I at least didn't lose my time watching this season.
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smurky turkey

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 15, 2024 8:13 am Reply with quote
The edgelord is back in action. The first episode of the third season was quick to get back into the story and had quite a few fun moments. These moments include the mc's edgelord status being mocked, the killer rabbits returning and the whole gang traveling in a huge airship.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 22, 2024 5:32 pm Reply with quote
This show is such glorious trash.

I think it's taking it self even less seriously this season, which is probably a good thing because it's unambiguously stupid (and I love it).

It'd be nice if it looked a little better, rather than inhabiting a permanent "just about serviceable" aesthetic, but it's better than S1 so I'll take it.

Episode 3 is Arifureta doing a lot of the things it does best. We've got some juvenile jokes, Hajime pretending he's a heartless bastard and then helping out anyway, Hajime trolling his classmates with the masks (and then Amanokawa turning up in his entirely distinctive hero armor but nobody seeming to notice) and Shea getting her tail tweaked. It's a lot of stupid fun.
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smurky turkey

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 28, 2024 3:21 pm Reply with quote
Episode 4 added another series classic to the mix: a rapist. Said scum was thankfully dealt with quickly but it is not the first time one of those was used to induce shock. Otherwise the episode was a build up one with both sides preparing their plans for the upcoming conflict. I can honestly not see the gang losing but maybe I am underestimating the empire a bit.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 28, 2024 4:52 pm Reply with quote
I'm always critical of the cheap use of sexual violence as some sort of shortcut to telegraph "bad guy" (or "heroic" for the guy who stops it) in other shows, so it's only fair that I say the same things here on a show I otherwise enjoy a lot.

It's neither necessary nor especially relevant. We don't know or really care very much about the prince, so his only character trait at this point is "rapey", and he exists in the narrative only to reinforce the idea that the imperial family are bad people who we shouldn't feel especially sorry for when the Haulia turn up later. And to show once again that for all of Hajime's cold brushing off of everyone else, he does step in to protect those around him, and to highlight the difference between his pragmatic (ha!) and practical approach to problems and Amanokawa's impotent idealism. It's cheap and stupid and there are better ways of achieving the same narrative aims. (And yes, sexual violence exists in the world, and yes it's perfectly valid for fiction to address that and the way it impacts the lives it touches... but Arifureta is very much not that show). At least it's very brief, and and fairly non-graphic.

I liked Hajime's little duel of wits with the Emperor, and Liliana's internal screaming in her own meeting that preceded it much better. We may not think much of the Emperor's politics, but he's no idiot.

Also, formal permission from the Wife Primus to make the harem official. At least as far as Shea is concerned. Hajime isn't totally on board with the idea just yet though. He's got some sort of moral code that says flirting with retenue of girls who live with you on your airship (sub/humvee/etc) and who all want in your bed is fine, but actually acting on it is crossing a line. Poor Kaori.
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smurky turkey

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2024 1:39 pm Reply with quote
In the end the rapey prince died before we got to know anything more about him other than being scum... oh well. The wedding itself was a nice bloody event and the Haulia tribe succeeded in getting their way, the only one that could stand in their way somewhat was the emperor, the rest of the soldiers folded quickly.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2024 7:29 pm Reply with quote

Hurrah, the bad prince is dead. He won't be missed because he contributed precisely nothing to this narrative. I guess he's effectively the instigator for the dance scene between Hajime and Liliana which was kinda sweet. Though, let's be honest, none of the women really need a reason to fall over themselves around our favourite edgelord, and Liliana has been slow walking that path for a little while already. Her getting the jump on the regular crew to dance with Hajime is pretty funny. (Even if he does have to be told to do it by the ever dependable Yue).

I think if anything, the anime tones down the Haulia here... it's been a while since I read this bit, but I feel like they were more... something. Brutal I guess. In the LN.

So, that's institutionalised racism and and an economy built on slavery solved in one evening Red Rondo of Death style! On to the next labyrinth!
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smurky turkey

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2024 12:14 pm Reply with quote
I really am liking the third season thus far. I liked the first season for what it was but quality wise it was not great at all (some of the animation was horrible). The second season was a significant improvement and the third feels like another step up from that (so far). The show now looks good, it makes fun of itself for being edgy and it can actually have emotional moments as was shown this week in episode 5.
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Joined: 25 Mar 2022
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2024 4:55 pm Reply with quote

Featuring: Hajime being his usual edgelord self for most of the runtime. Kaori acquires herself another Goddess title (the last time was when she worked to purify the water and cure the sick at the desert Kingdom I think). The Haulia, and Cam especially, remain slightly insane avatars of butch, and we get the briefest introduction to perhaps the biggest weirdo of them all: Altina. (More on her in future episodes perhaps.). The winner today though, is Shea Haulia. (excluding Hajime of course, him winning constantly is hard-coded into the rules of the universe so it hardly counts).

This episode marks some major steps forward in Shea's quest to be upgraded from being just another member of the "cloud of girls" rank of the harem to the "with benefits" section currently occupied only be Yue. She's included alongside Yue in the "I have all I need in my arms" rebuttal to the emperor, and of course the conversation at her mother's grave is the most explicit he's been about the affection he has for Shea. Arifureta is not the show you come to for deep emotional complexity or profound moments that really tug on the heartstrings... but this is sweet. It's Hajime in a rare moment of emotional honesty. He's usually tightly locked down behind the chuuni edgelord persona he built to protect himself way back in that first dungeon, and it's still working overtime to protect him from the cruelties and absurdities of this world. For him to offer Shea such a moment of raw honesty (and therefore vulnerability) says far more than all the lap pillows in the world might.

And as the post-credits scene hints... next week: Psychodrama!
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