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(The) Do-Over Damsel Conquers the Dragon Emperor (TV).

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Tony K.

Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 03, 2024 5:50 pm Reply with quote

(The) Do-Over Damsel Conquers the Dragon Emperor (TV)

Source: Light Novel (ongoing @ 6 volumes, written by Sarasa Nagase, illustrated by Mitsuya Fuji)

Demographic: Shoujo

Animation Studio: J.C. Staff

Genres: adventure, comedy, fantasy, romance

Themes: aristocracy, medieval, royalty, sorcery, time travel

Plot Summary: Jill is sentenced to death by the crown prince, her fiancé. But just before she dies, she's sent back in time six years to the party where their engagement had been decided. To avoid this route of ruin, Jill immediately proposes to the person standing behind her…but it's the man who was her greatest enemy, Emperor Hadis.

Jill knows all about his future descent into evil. She quickly retracts the proposal, but the delighted Hadis takes her back to his castle and makes her a meal. Completely won over by the food, Jill makes a life-changing decision.

Air Date & Platform:
October 9, 2024 (Wednesday)
Available on: Crunchyroll

Episode Count / Runtime: 12 episodes

Last edited by Tony K. on Sun Dec 29, 2024 7:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Hiroki not Takuya

Joined: 17 Apr 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2024 12:54 am Reply with quote
James Beckett wrote:
The Do-Over Damsel Conquers the Dragon Emperor has plenty of charms ...that I'm sure will appeal to plenty of folks out there for totally non-prurient reasons
I'm here to say you should read Mr. Beckett's review because I am one of the aforementioned and he sums up the show's quality quite well, which I totally agree with. Enjoying the smart writing, great artwork and interesting premise i.e. Prince Charming turned out to be a bastard, but "The Bastard" starts out charming so maybe he doesn't have to turn out that way.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2021
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 30, 2024 3:20 pm Reply with quote
This thread seems kind of dead, but just in case: can anyone familiar with the series explain to me what's up with Jill's power level? We're shown her being imprisoned by ordinary guards and her skilled but otherwise unremarkable-looking husband, but then we learn that at the age of ten, she could already spoiler[pick up and throw ships, break iron manacles, and smash through stone walls with her bare hands]. How did anybody ever keep this woman prisoner when she had that plus a conditioned body and military experience? Also, how was she being treated as an ordinary high-ranking noble girl instead of a stunning prodigy?

(And if she was an ordinary high-ranking noble girl even with that kind of power, how did Kratos ever lose the war?)
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Piglet the Grate

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 30, 2024 10:16 pm Reply with quote
For all the fuss when this came out about age difference inappropriate relationships, it is turning out to be quite wholesome - the Emperor and 16 going on 10-year old bride spend time together in bed in a completely platonic manner.
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Hiroki not Takuya

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 30, 2024 11:25 pm Reply with quote
Velorien wrote:
This thread seems kind of dead, but just in case: can anyone familiar with the series explain to me what's up with Jill's power level?

Well, let's liven it up shall we, they can't get all of us right...? With the Ep1 comments by the review staff I purposely said as little as possible because it seemed clear punishment would likely come to anyone who said anything positive about this title. TWIA was (surprisingly) allowed but equal treatment has never been the norm here.

That said, as an "anime only" I have been reviewing and believe there are several things to "unpack" about your questions. In the original timeline Jill was apparently unaware of her latent power at age 10 and grew into her combat abilities as she trained to be her husband's "right-hand". Like real life, battles aren't decided by one or two individuals, no matter how strong or talented so we are left to assume the Dragon Emperor had better trained soldiers. Also, it seems his power was on another level from hers so no one could oppose him effectively either. We do see her able to get away from a group of guards without a lot of effort so she can only be captured by King Gerald and the source of his power, the Goddess' Sword.

So I will say I am thoroughly enjoying this show and it's delightfully original twist, very good production values and how the Dragon Emperor swings from dorky fanboy to stone-cold ruler trying to keep from being so. I think it's one of the best and most enjoyable this season just like Lucas....

Last edited by Hiroki not Takuya on Tue Nov 12, 2024 1:34 am; edited 1 time in total
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Hiroki not Takuya

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2024 12:52 am Reply with quote
Ep5-We finally have the reason for the Dragon Consort having to be under 14 years old and it's not to purve on her. spoiler[There is a vengeful spirit (Goddess) who cursed the Emperor and can inhabit women 14 years old or older]. Unfortunately, since Emperor Hadis can't seem to let his "soft side" moderate his cold pragmatism in handling affairs of state, Jill may have to do something extreme to keep him from becoming the monster he became before.
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Hiroki not Takuya

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2024 2:29 am Reply with quote
Ep6- If anyone is interested in this show, this episode is the one to check out before watching further! This show is shaping up to be one which epitomizes "show, don't tell" and "think when watching". A few days ago I rewatched from the beginning and had put together that spoiler[Jill had been transported back in time by the Spear Goddess Kratos] (not sure why though) and an off-hand remark by Rave Ep4 revealed Emperor Hadis was spoiler[the reincarnated Dragon God] and was the reason the Goddess was after him. Also the reason she was after Jill too and any young woman who might be Hadis' wife like Sophia (subtitled Lady Sphere for some reason). But how Rave figures into the mix with the legends was a real left-field reveal this episode.

In fact, Ep6 ties up so many mysteries, it seems more like a season closer and I wonder at the pacing choices with six episodes to go. I guess they have a lot of story to go (?). Very interested to see what happens from here. Also, having a hard time relating to the interpersonal dynamics of Jill and Hadis, she seems so much a tsundere that what prompts her anger at him is difficult to piece together or predict.
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Joined: 24 Jan 2024
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2024 6:05 pm Reply with quote
Velorien wrote:
This thread seems kind of dead, but just in case: can anyone familiar with the series explain to me what's up with Jill's power level? We're shown her being imprisoned by ordinary guards and her skilled but otherwise unremarkable-looking husband, but then we learn that at the age of ten, she could already spoiler[pick up and throw ships, break iron manacles, and smash through stone walls with her bare hands]. How did anybody ever keep this woman prisoner when she had that plus a conditioned body and military experience? Also, how was she being treated as an ordinary high-ranking noble girl instead of a stunning prodigy?

(And if she was an ordinary high-ranking noble girl even with that kind of power, how did Kratos ever lose the war?)

My read is that she let that happen, she knew raising a fuss outside would leave her uninformed and unprepared. Waiting until she figured out the scenario and knew who was at fault she could resolve the situation much better.

As for how they could lose the war like that, she clearly isn't all powerful. She was struggling to invade the castle at the beginning as an adult, maybe using too much power puts her closer to normal strength or maybe despite her immense power she only has her reflexes for defense. Maybe with enough prep there can be anti-magic weapons that make it not quite as unstoppable in warfare as it is against an unsuspecting enemy. She also is implied to be very special in her power, she led a ton of forces and was prized for being so strong. If she is close to the highest the kingdom can offer, I'm not sure if she would have been ready to stand up to the emperor in that flash back where he let the people leave.
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Hiroki not Takuya

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 21, 2024 12:42 am Reply with quote
Ep11- Between this and the last episode, we have a lot of reveals and plot advancement! For those interested, we are seeing more of the Royal Family intrigues and since Ep6 it has been increasingly clear that Hadis is so overpowered but such a sensitive person that any hope for a future is to keep him from being depressed by the forces arrayed against him (without legit reason). All he wants is a happy life and family but his half-siblings (?) and Uncle seem to be intent on bringing him down at any cost. Jill has to keep him from flipping everyone the big middle-finger by showing him friendship, tenderness and loyalty (=love??).

This also equates to taking on most of the Royals and even a Black Dragon, the latter becoming a powerful ally. However, the last scene shows Hadis with an evil smile after breaking out of the supposed anti-magic cage, has he turned to being the monster of Jill's future or will her efforts change history? I'm really interested to see... Smile
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Joined: 05 Nov 2016
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 25, 2024 9:02 am Reply with quote
Sometimes anime in the same season do have a similar feel, and this series does have a similar vibe to Nina The Starry Bride, okay the main heroine is not torn between two men. This one has reincarnation time travel, so there are differences.

But the finale of Nina was very depressing, let's see if this finale is more hopeful.
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Hiroki not Takuya

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 25, 2024 2:17 pm Reply with quote
Ep12- For once in a great while I can't think of a more satisfying conclusion to a well-thought-out story executed well while including an organic and logical sequel hook. What a great Christmas present! If Lucas is true to his word, I expect we will see a series review of this show ere long and I believe it will extol the virtues of this un-perverted love story and I can't wait to see an S2 announced. The author obviously has more to tell of this tale but for now, Jill has spoiler[succeeded in breaking through his anger and kept the Dragon Emperor from lashing out at those who hurt him while giving him a vision and plan for a happy future that he hoped for but dared not expect. She has changed her and everyone's future for the better]. I wouldn't be surprised if dubbing is announced soon as well given what I see here at ANN of it's rising popularity...
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Joined: 05 Nov 2016
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 25, 2024 4:22 pm Reply with quote
So yeah a little more hopeful ending than Nina. Still the last scene you have to remind us of Jill's age. WTF Japan.

So knowing what we know now, can we justify Prince Gerald incest life style a little bit more, spoiler[She is not completely his sister. In body yes, but really in soul it is some goddess, so if you are someone who is power hungry, would you look past that?

Maybe I am not interpreting thing right, but the impression I got is the real Princess Ferris is long gone, if she was ever there to begin with (maybe the goddess took over from birth) maybe not dead, but soul is completely toking over by the goddess. ]
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Hiroki not Takuya

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 1:05 am Reply with quote
One last comment on this, there were some commentators claiming DoD (Do over Damsel) was a dumbed-down 7th Time Loop which I never saw because it didn't seem like the sort of show I would like. But for completeness, I just got through watching and can say these shows aren't that much alike aside from the instigating circumstances. 7th-TL has a more involved story owing to lessons learned in the six other loops being used to resolve issues that come up, but the focus is how Rishe learns to navigate palace life and comes to passively understand her betrothed Prince Arnold and falls in love. The war he starts which leads to her demise is more of a background issue that is largely ignored until the last couple of episodes when Riche attempts to intervene. Artwork is much better than DoD IMO.

The story of DoD by contrast is "laser focused" as they say on Jill working from the beginning to prevent Hadis from destroying both kingdoms and her with them. To accomplish this, she works to understand him and alter his behavior and outlook on life by actively intervening in situations which include fighting the manipulative goddess Kratos, hostile Prince Gerard of Kratos and Uncle on his behalf. She uses every opportunity to show Hadis he has an unwavering ally and partner in her and that he has options that lead to a good future. In the process, she falls in love with Hadis almost despite herself. Interestingly, both series were published on Naro, with DoD predating 7th-TL by a few months.
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