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The Legend Of Kuntai! Turn this chapter into an episode! [original story].

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Joined: 26 Jul 2023
Posts: 3
PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 9:10 pm Reply with quote
Title: The Legend Of Kuntai

Chapter/Episode 1: Sword Training

In the land of Tornsell, A big Village, Zakia was walking down the city. As he was walking, his stomach felt kinda empty and he is wanting to get something to eat but yet he spotted a Bar/Casino he can lay low in while he can get stuffed. Zoketo, I will never forget such a moment like that happening! I will eat first, and then become a great swordsmaster. Zakia said now going to the Casino Bar.

Briefly stepping in as he was welcomed by the manager with a plate of Sushi, a delicacy in Japan. Quite a surprising visitor, huh? A girl said from behind Zakia, as he turned around he was met with a Girl with Black Hair, a sword, and what appears to be a black assassin uniform. You think you are going to sneak on me like that! Zakia said a little angry, and shocked from her appearance. I mean no harm to you, my name is Melina. The Girl now known as Melina said with a smile and a joyful expression. So, nice to meet you then. My name is Zakia, willing to become a Great Swordsmaster! Zakia said now enjoying his Sushi and geting into his little conversation. So you want to become a Swordsmaster, well I am a ninja girl mixed assassin as well.

So you also depend in tough challenges too huh? That is perfect, I am going to become the powerfullest person ali- Well, looks like we have a "Guest Boy" trying to become a swordsmaster huh? Hehehe! A smart business guy appeared with a Tuxedo and interupted their conversation. Well, yes sir. I wanted to become a swordsmaster. You boys surely dosen't know how to pick around with swords yet! Well, Haha. I can introduce you to somebody who can teach you how to use a sword. The guy now said with a chuckle. Look around you big boy? Melina said getting up from the table. I don't think you wanna mess with a boy who is just starting to train for a sword fight, so it is best if you leave and back off.

Melina said now getting furious towards the man. Easy now cheesecake, I am not a man to tolerate any specifics, so please don't get into a fight with me! I don't think you should call me a cheesecake. I am on Zakia's side, and not on no one who messes with us's side! That's the spirit Melina, keep it up! Look, all I wanted to do was to send in a fighter to help the boy train for sword fighting, not any of your business! The man said now smirking the girl out of his way. I am Johnny, but you may call me John! John said with a happy smile and ready for Zakia's attention! Alright, John! What is your business today? Like I said Zakia, time itself holds against the tough boys ahead of our journey, but us together?

We need to get you pumped for action like this risky adventure you are going to take! Ok, bring on a tough opponent, I will train with it, and then I will show off my skills! Zakia said now ready for the first fight of his life. Well let's bring it to the big guy to teach you! Suddenly, the Door near the training area bursted open as a Big Buff Man showed up walking to Zakia, John, and Melina. Each footstep he took was a loud stump echoing the whole area, he had tattoos marked Warrior of Tornsell all over him, and had an eyepatch on his left eye. Man, he surely looks tough! Watch him come in at ease! Finally, after five seconds of absolute silence, the big guy finally spoke up. Sup Buddy. The man said with a tweenish like tone. After two seconds of silence, the whole casino started laughing and throwing salmon, sushi and soda at the man. Hey, quit laughin' I ain't playing around here.

You must be that boy named Zakia huh? The man said throwing the food back on their plates. Indeed, I am Zakia, willing to become a gre- We've already heard it all Big Guy! So how "exactly" are you gonna teach Zakia into becoming a swordsmaster? You will see to the very skills and tricks I might pull off, hey Zakia, you ready to see what I can really do? The Big Guy said now pulling out his sword from behind his back. Oh, come on. You are proven to be stronger than me? Zakia said now picking up a Katana from the soft casino carpet. I am more than ready for a challenge! I fear this may not go well, but I'm in for it too!

Melina said joining Zakia. Perfect, now we are going to teach you the basics of how to attack an enemy! First, you will use a sword to hit the Target Guy. Zakia starts their challenge by running up to the dummy and chopping the thing to pieces. Melina threw a Ninja Star by pulling one from her pocket jabbing the dummy in the eye. Now that is what I call a Perfect Combo you guys! Now, on to the next challenge. You will now pass a physical obstacle course that contains knights and skeletons! OK! Leave it to Zakia, the Great Swordsmaster. Both Zakia and Melina does the practice and gets through it with no sweat breaking from their bodies. two trials complete, and now what is the last one? Zakia said with no fear, but the Buff Guy smilled and ready to say what the third and last one could potentially be. I don't think this one's gonna be good! I've never seen anyone make it to this one.

Without any further determination, your final trial is to defeat me in a sword battling competition! Chills and Dark Vibes filled the air to everyone in the casino after the Master of Tornsell Village just said that to the two competitors. Well... This is much worse than I thought! I don't think you can do this Zakia, trust me. It is going to be a tough fight! Zakia then turned around towards Melina with no fear. Don't worry Melina, I am just learning to become powerful as it is! Let it happen Big Guy! As you want it to be, now let's start the sword fight! At the very start of the battle, Zakia has done a secret attack and the Big Guy pulled a surprise attack leaving Zakia to dodge and flip jump around the boy. Woah, that was a close call, better know how to use that better! Woah, that was unexpected.

That was a very deadly move. He swung his sword very far from behind him and showing no mercy! Dang it. How about I show you a lesson! Not if it's only going to affect your personal outcomes. The Big Guy swung at a Very Fast Speed lounging it at Zakia but he jumped up in the air and done a air-flip and marking the guy's head with his Katana. You didn't see that coming huh? WHAT A SURPRISE!!! It looks like Zakia was absolutely the first to leave a mark on this dude! You twisted little buffoon! I will make the paper on this status tray. The guy now flanged his sword very fast nearly chopping Zakia into pieces. But Zakia got back up from the ground and made a special star kick that knocked the man to the ground!

When was Zakia this powerful? I thought he was just a beginner! I am just built different that's all! Zakia then turned back to the man and thrashed his sword upon the opponent causing him to stumble back to the ground. Zakia, you really took impact on me... You won training! And looks like we have a winner... Zakia, The Great Swordsmaster! John said now cheering for Zakia and the rest. I never knew Zakia really learned how to train using a sword, man isn't he powerful? That should leave an exclamation on anyone's face, especially messin' around with me. People really think they can step around with me. I am a swordsmaster now that will soon become a superior swordsma-

Suddenly, Host John took Zakia's Sword from him and gave him a knife. You might've qualified for sword training, but for now, you may only use this knife for now, Smarty Pants! John then walked off chuckling. Who does this man think he is stealing a great prized sword like that? It means you might be wielding a sword by someone else one day. Who knows what could happen anyway? Melina said mysteriously wondering what is next. We can probably find things out with ease. You know I am a swordsmaster right? And the toughest masters never give up! Zakia said with a brave smile. As the coversation continues, Zakia and Melina eat their sushi and finish what they need to do before heading out of the Casino. Leaving Tornsell Village and the unexpected to show up in their very next adventures.
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Tony K.

Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 10:24 pm Reply with quote
I moved your thread from the Anime to Novel sub-forum, then added the [original story] descriptor in the title. I also added paragraph breaks to what was a giant wall of text to make things easier to read for everyone else.

Good luck with the rest of the story!
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Joined: 26 Jul 2023
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 11:16 pm Reply with quote
Anime Title: The Legend Of Kuntai

Chapter/Episode 2: The Police Raid

Zakia and Melina was walking down the busy streets of Tornsell Village, and so Zakia explains to Melina about the troubling time and about Kirendor, where Zakia was found. Melina? Yes? I've been wanting to tell you a tale that happened a while back. What is it, Zakia? I was born and raised by Zoketo in the realm of Kirendor. As few years back, I was once in Kirendor. It was a far distance from this very village. Ever since I was little there, Zekula was a man who was telling someone named Zomeroku to eliminate someone named Zoketo! I didn't know why but I heard about the guy telling a young boy to kill your father. Tell me more about these two named Zekula and Zomeroku! I found out that this boy wields two powerful swords. And therefore, he was the one who sabotaged him. ZOMEROKU!!! If I found out you were the one who killed my father, I WILL DESTROY YOU FOR LIFE!!! Zakia screamed so loud, that the whole city heard it.

My oh my? Some little boy with a knife holding a girl hostage on his back threatening the young boy leader. Somebody call the Cops!!! INTRUDER ALERT!!!! INTRUDER ALERT!!! The cops were than called by the old lady and now it looks like a swarm of them are riding on the road chasing down Zakia and Melina. Great, it's that Johnny guy's fault for switching out my weapon for a knife, now they think I'm holding you hostage! We will have to do this the hard way, because I think that is the only way! Alright then, hey officers!!! You are mistaken to come after me, but if you think a line of defense will help, then bring it on! Zakia said as he stops running and bravely shouts on the highway and all cop patrols stops their cars and helicopters to surrender the two who was at the Tornsell Casino.

This is the Tornsell Village Police Department! (TVPD) And we are going to spot you up a fine, and get you possibly shot down and tooken to jail! We will not hold a grudge on anyone who has broken the laws. So put your hands up high in the sky and hit the ground! You guys are just lowsy enforcement agents, you cannot outstand me! We will see about that! HEY UNCLE BOB, GET YOUR FAT ASS UP AND STOP SNOOZIN'! Uncle Bob appears to be sleeping in the back of a unit car holding a gun with a donut halfway in his mouth. H..hey w..what is going on here, how dare you wake me up officer!!! A tired fat boy who possibly cannot do nothing to us. Let me introduce ourselves! Zakia said readying out the Knife he was holding ready to strike at any moment while Melina gets ready to strike with her sword as well.

We are Swordsmasters, and we really know how to use our weapons. So if you are here to fight? I am more than happy to! I ain't gonna fall down to no lowsy police officers who is just gonna sit there and eat Krispy Kreme at the time for crime! Oi, I can tell this guy is a Poderoso (Powerful) Boy if you ask me Mate! We shall bring dowm anyone who dosen't want us to know their businesses! Fine, let's show these psycotics who they're dealing with! Zakia said now running towards the firing man taking him down with ease, another one tries encountering him with a 9mm but Zakia backflipped and kick that guy right in the nose, a third one trying to blaze a SMG towards his area but Zakia monkey-dodged all of the bullets leaving him his chance to cut the guy's head off. Melina counters her first guard firing at her but she smoke bombs him and Kicks him from the other side, her second guard comes in and tries to semi auto her ass but she also slices the gun out his hand, gets grip, and shoots her guard down, and her third one came with quite a surprise but he was also smashed to the ground with a star kick.

Oi, who is this Boy made of? I have zero answers for that, and one answer for you! Zakia charges at the last man and kicked him down off the highway. That's it, I'm the only one standing? *Loads gun* I will fire you down with my last bit of bullets! Uncle Bob starts firing all of his last remaining bullets at Zakia only to miss every single bullet and now he is out of ammo! Oh, no. GUARDS!!! INTRUDER ALERT!!!! INTRUDER ALERT!!!! More guards came in surrounding the entire highway. As Zakia jumped off the highway with Melina, the cops were coming after them. Zakia took a slice to the cop and continue running until they could find somewhere to lay low!

They encounter a tall windmill with a shelter to lay low at. Melina, go inside the shelter and cover yourself, I will do this all by myself! Zakia waited for an army to come towards the Windmill area. Zakia took a chance to slay a big guy with his knife and cops came in for surprise but yet Zakia being the two brains took the people down with slick tricks, cover fire, and with only one knife. Are you okay out there Zakia? I am more than OK! I will bring on the whole empire of Policemen! As Zakia was clashing with the police, a Boy who appeared to have white hair appeared in a helicopter. Time to show them what true powers I have, hehehe. Suddenly, the windmill started blowing faster and spinning uncontrollably, causing it to collapse on the remaining cops and forces. With that notice, a rope was then hung down from the Helicopter causing Zakia and Melina to hold tightly to the hanging rope. As they were pulled up, they saw a Boy with White Hair, Wind Cloak, and smooth white appearance.

Hey you all, I've been looking for you all for a while now. The Kid said with a Soft and heart warming child's voice. Who the hell are you meant to be? Yeah, I am not looking for any more goons to fight at this moment! As they both told the soft wind boy who he was, He smilled with a Fair Soft wink as well following for light winds to blow from outside the helicopter. You can call me Wind Boy! I am a special character that can guide you with the whistling winds and the strong storms. As the boy said saying who he was, the wind started to pick up and an intense feeling of protection filled the helicopter as a new successor now wielding wind powers now joining Zakia and Melina's side.
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