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(The) Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses (TV).

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Tony K.

Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 7:53 pm Reply with quote

(The) Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses (TV)

Source: Manga (ongoing @ 10 volumes, by Koume Fujichika)

Demographic: Shounen

Animation Studio: GoHands

Genres: comedy, romance

Themes: school

Plot Summary: Komura-kun, a slightly shy middle school boy, has a crush on his bespectacled classmate, Mie-san, who sits next to him. He goes about his life, unable to bring himself to talk to this strangely charming girl.

Three days into a new seating arrangement, Mie-san has forgotten her glasses again. Komura-kun tries his best to help her, but when she gets up close to him to try to see, his heart starts racing uncontrollably.

Air Date & Platform:
July 4, 2023 (Tuesday)
Available on: Crunchyroll

Episode Count / Runtime: 13 episodes

Last edited by Tony K. on Tue Mar 26, 2024 4:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Spastic Minnow
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2023 1:29 pm Reply with quote
GoHands, forever focused on what they CAN do, without ever considering what they SHOULD do. It's a dirt-simple rom-com with the attempted flourishes of a Michael Bay CG battle. Its just wrong and distracting.

This is the type of show I "always" watch- no matter how paper-thin the scenario or characters are, but the weakness of the story combined with the confounding overproduction has me dropping this one.
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Joined: 03 Aug 2019
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2023 11:36 pm Reply with quote

This may be a hot take: I actually find the production values... obnoxious.

To clarify, the production values are wonderful. Spectacular. Right from the onset. It's on par with the likes of the best shows by PA Works and such. But... they're grating on my nerves. All the weird camera angles and distortions that seem out of place, making me wonder "they look cool, but why though?".

Take them all away, and what do I actually get? Just a boy walking to school, and internally fanboying over some girl and living in his head.


Meanwhile, me: "I know. You already said that. What else?"

And that's the problem: Nothing happens.

Komura keeps speaking in circles, and repeating the same thing over and over again, sounding like a broken recorder:


See, I'm just wondering: are the production values a distraction to compensate what the show is lacking i.e. a compelling story? All I'm seeing is a boy who behaves as though he's never spoken to a girl before, and an eccentric girl who can't see anything. Their interactions, from sharing a textbook to messing with their shoes... it's all nothing!

What am I watching? A pretty show where nothing seems to be happening? Can I last the whole season of this? I don't know. I feel like this show is taking the SHAFT approach and get loose vibes of Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko, but there's just no substance at all to what's happening. I mean, can this show put in more effort in telling a good story than in Mie's magnificent hair that seems to have a life of its own? There has to be more to this!
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smurky turkey

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2023 1:12 pm Reply with quote
So, I have read the manga of this and am currently up to date with it. It is nothing amazing, it is cute and has some fun character interactions. Because of this I started watching the first episode expecting about the same in anime form.....I did not get that.

First there is the animation. It is easy to forget, but besides quality you can also rate animation on how easy it is to take in what you are shown and how pleasant the whole thing is to look at. This anime fails miserable in both regards. I genuinely found it unpleasant to look at and while the camera calms down a bit later on it still remains uncomfortable. The way things are both 3D and 2D and god knows what else also makes it hard to take things in. The first three minutes with all the glitter and other effects were maddening. Overall, it was enough to give me a slight headache and anime never does that to me normally.

Funky animation and camera angles aside, they did not do the story and characters any justice. Instead of slightly shy boy we now have a full on creep and instead of a cute girl who has trouble seeing without her glasses we now have a blind bat who might also be brain dead. There are some cute moments, but those are ruined by the animation/camera and the writing.

Given how simple of a romance comedy the manga is one should not have expected the anime to be a masterpiece, what we have now though is just vile.
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smurky turkey

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 12:22 pm Reply with quote
So, after seeing the second episode I have some positive and negative additions to my previous post. The positive is that the the second episode is far more watchable than the first one. Sure, there are still some wonky camera angles and weird 2D/3D combinations, but it is tolerable and the majority of the animation is pleasant to watch. No more glitter either.

The negative addition is that it is still very much a very basic romance anime with a creepy mc and a blind as a bat fmc. There are some cute moments here and there, but that is kind of all there is. The whole forgetting glasses gimmick is not enough reason to recommend this one over the many other/better romance anime out there.

Maybe this will be my first drop of the season.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 11:16 pm Reply with quote

You know, it's great that the show has toned down on the weird camera angles and animation porn. But if Mie forgetting her glasses and Komura living in his head are basically the only running gags of the show, then I'm going to get tired very quickly. In fact, I am tired of them already.

Gonna have to drop this one.
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smurky turkey

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 1:00 pm Reply with quote
Hmm, I am also on the verge of dropping it after episode 3. Besides Azuma turning out to be a pretty cool dude the episode felt very tedious and repetitive, so much so that I caught myself skipping ahead multiple times. The gimmick of Mie forgetting her glasses and because of that acting cute or very comfortable towards Komura is fun, but it is basically all the series is doing. Episode 3 has like 6 sections and all of them except the last one pretty much tell the very same tale. I suppose that works fine in a weekly manga format with short chapters, translated to an anime it does not work though.
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smurky turkey

Joined: 30 Jan 2022
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 4:18 am Reply with quote
My last post here since I decided to pull the drop cord this week. It is not an awful anime, the animation has settled down a lot since episode 1, but the series does not have much to offer.
Like I said in my previous post, the show is basically 95% short sections on Mie forgetting her glasses and thus getting close to Komura and acting cute. They sometimes deviate a little from the formula, though never by much. Anyone interested in watching this will need to enjoy that concept since that is all there is.
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