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Joined: 29 May 2014
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 10:15 pm Reply with quote

Season 01: High Card (TV)
Season 02: High Card (TV 2)

Source: Multimedia Franchise (created by Homura Kawamoto, Hikaru Muno, and TMS Entertainment)

Demographic: Shounen

Animation Studio: Studio Hibari

Genres: action, comedy, drama, fantasy

Themes: conspiracy, crime, espionage, gambling, police, orphans, secret organizations, superpowers

Plot Summary: After discovering that his orphanage was on the brink of closing due to financial stress, Finn, who was living freely on the streets, set out for a casino with the aim of making a fortune. However, nothing could have prepared Finn for the nightmare that was awaiting him. The world order can be controlled by a set of 52 X-Playing cards with the power to bestow different superhuman powers and abilities to the ones that possess them.

With these cards, people can access the hidden power of the “buddy” that can be found within themselves. There is a secret group of players called High Card, who have been directly ordered by the king of Fourland to collect the cards that have been scattered throughout the kingdom, while moonlighting as employees of the luxury car maker Pinochle.

Air Date & Platform:
Season 01: January 9, 2023 (Monday)
Available on: Crunchyroll

Season 02: January 8, 2024 (Monday)
Available on: Crunchyroll

Episode Count / Runtime:
Season 01: 12 episodes
Season 02: 12 episodes

Total: 24 episodes
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Joined: 29 May 2014
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 10:25 pm Reply with quote

I'm going into this with zero expectations. Only thing I've heard about this is it's completely original (a rarity in this day and age when most shows are adaptation of existing print franchises) and that it's inspired by the Kingsman series of movies. I've not watched those, so I completely clueless going into this.

After watching the pilot episode, I conclude anyone sticking with this series will need to be happy with the action sequences which the series promises a lot of. The premise is based on the 52 playing cards of a standard card deck; one kingdom has a briefcase full of these which when properly wielded bestow a myriad of powerful abilities to the card's owner ("Player" to use the shows terminology). Now that the cards have been spread far and wide after an attempted robbery went awry, there are a lot of card owners and quite a few organizations working towards reassembling the deck into one place once again.

To be fair, the action sequences emphasize the style. It's not enough for the card players to simply fight each other, they have to look good doing it. The ED animation carries this further as all of the main characters in this show have flash outfits to match their over-the-top abilities.

I'm not expecting the plot to bowl me over, since it's all about assembling the magic playing cards by the different factions. The series protagonist is a street kid with a good heart, keen observations skills and fast hands. He'll need the latter two attributes to stay alive as the game he's found himself in is much higher stakes than just saving the orphanage which brought him up. For the rest of the main cast featured in the ED, I suppose viewers will have to keep watching and in the meantime look up the official webpage to see biographies of the cast before they are formally introduced in the show.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2023 12:38 pm Reply with quote
Interesting to hear that this original show was inspired by the Kingsman movies which I have seen. Based on the first episode, I don't really see the connection, but it may come. I tend to like original series if for no other reason that Original Source consumers can't swoop down and lord over us with their advance knowledge.

Anyway, so far it's okay if not earth-shattering. It will be interesting to see what the various card powers are. Haven't committed to seeing this to the end, but interested enough to watch more.
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Joined: 29 May 2014
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 9:13 pm Reply with quote

It's shaping up to be a stylish action piece after the pace set in the first episode. Again, there's a lot of emphasis on making the action sequences as stylish as possible. The setting tries its best to complement the action; I've never heard of luxury car showrooms being used as a cover for a secret extralegal special forces squad.

The OP animation is from last week's ED, so this week's ED animation and song are new. It's not a bad one; the High Card Five are singing along with the lyrics and it's a pleasant listen.

So far, High Card consists of the Two of Spades and the Five of Hearts. If the chairman is giving a hint, the administrator Bernard has to convert his cards into a winning hand. That would presumably be Poker, so the only combinations I can think of that make up a valid five card hand are Pair, Three of a Kind, Straight and Full House. We do not know what cards Vijay and Wendy hold, along with the unidentified hot-dog eater in the ED.

Vijay seems to have control over vines, as indicated by his brief usage in this episode. Wendy has a sword based on her OP, while the ED hints she has a split personality when her Card is active.

So it's 52 playing cards with unique powers bound to a specific user. No multiple powers, so depending on an individual's luck they can either have a strong card or cannot wield its powers at all even if found. If the Two of Spades is a low card (as expected from a standard playing deck), what would the "face" cards be like in this series? Five of Hearts bestows immortality at the cost of increased metabolism, while Two of Spades allows for pistol shots with a perfectly straight trajectory and infinite bullets when required.

The Klondike family were the ones who stole the briefcase with all 52 cards last week, but they didn't succeed and ended up spreading the cards throughout the lands. Now viewers know more about who they are, and it looks like Marble Man isn't going to give up on Finn Oldman now that he knows he has one of the X-playing cards. Both High Card and the Klondikes know each other, so there'll be more run-ins between the two for the remainder of the series.

It's entertainment and with absolutely no stress on the brain each week. Should be perfect as weekly escapism for as long as it lasts.

Last edited by Harleyquin on Tue Jan 31, 2023 9:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 9:32 pm Reply with quote
The influence of the Kingsman movie franchise was definitely more obvious this week. But instead of the cover business being an upscale tailor shop, it's an upscale car dealership. There is the same emphasis on sartorial splendour. Anyway, fun show.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 8:42 am Reply with quote

Viewers already know there are five members in High Card, yet only four of them were properly introduced thus far for viewers. This episode introduces the manager of Finn's shop, and the wielder of the 7 of Diamonds. Because of the card, there's no way the five members have a poker hand of any value beyond a pair or three of a kind, but that's probably not how the system works for this series.

As expected for someone who has lived an entire life of luxury yet devoid of compassion, Leo Pinochle looks down on anyone who isn't his social equal. That includes his subordinates, although he does appreciate little gestures of kindness like hot dogs and subway rides. Finn is going to have to be on his toes since his new manager can get him sacked at any moment, whether by Pinochle senior's orders or his son's.

Having a pistol with a perfect firing trajectory and infinite bullets really doesn't count for much in this series, especially when this week's recovered card generates flames at will. The manager's card really fits his personality and his background, but it's a big weakness requiring cash in hand before it can be utilised. So long as there's currency around, he's good to go provided his imagination and the exchange rate are in sync. Even half-burnt notes which in real life wouldn't be worth anything can be converted into something cheap yet useful for the task at hand.

The sword lady is up next, so more explanation as to why she wields a sword and has a split personality should be forthcoming.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2023 8:15 am Reply with quote

So Wendy wields the Ace of Spades. I'm assuming it's not the card at face value, but the highest card in a standard deck. It's certainly strong, but the price for drawing Love and Peace is too high so it's literally a double-edged sword. Still, it helps Finn has the Two of Spades, which in some card games actually beats the Ace. Perhaps this is intentional, although Ace of Spades means the High Card do not have a valid Poker Hand in their arsenal.

The alter-ego is completely insane, and she gains a few body enhancements to boot. Chris's card helps hold her in place for a while, hence "Endless Meat". But they need to disarm her or hold her in place before the Katana can be taken off her hands.

Finn might have lost his first customer with that unfortunate amnesia, but if he wasn't at hand there would have been far more collateral damage. Although High Card successfully retrieved yet another of the X-cards, this pattern can't continue further and it looks like next week might see the main story get a move on.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2023 8:57 pm Reply with quote

No cards changing hands this week, instead we find out a little more about the ensemble cast. We already know the Klondikes were responsible for the attempted robbery of the briefcase of cards but it failed and the cards were scattered. Apparently the cards are like the royal heirlooms, so losing them means there can be no coronation as there's no royal mandate. That's why the royal family wants them back, since the sheer mayhem the powerful cards can cause in the wrong hands are already being played out in the streets.

The Klondikes are a stereotypical mafia organization so powerful it rivals the state in its own right. The head is either a player, or his confidante is with the ability to literally twist necks to get his way. They have a lot of cards of their own besides Mr. Marbles, the unnamed lady has telekinesis and has no problem manipulating objects within her line of sight; even other cards like Finn's.

The other focus is on the police department. The young detective Sugar is also a stereotypical idealist, in contrast to the cynical and well-connected police captain Young. The latter knows both Pinochle's head and the Klondike's Patriarch, so it appears all three of them were once friends but went their separate ways. Perhaps that's why Young says he has to watch the balance, especially when his previous acquaintances occupy opposing sides of the scales and lend significant weight to each side.

If next episode is any indication, it looks like the Klondikes will attempt to seize the card they so recently lost. Whether or not Pinochle can withstand this onslaught remains to be seen, as the cards they can actively wield look to be slightly outmatched against the Klondikes because of Finn's inexperience and his "low-value" card.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2023 8:52 pm Reply with quote

The backstory for the 52 cards is cliched, but it does do the job of explaining why a monarchy has a pack of enchanted playing cards as a royal heirloom. It's probably a fabrication as well, but we might not know this until the end of the series, assuming the animators think it's worth pulling another twist.

Turns out Klondike and Pinochle aren't the only ones interested in collecting cards. Who's Who is a rival car dealership with an egomaniac of a CEO. He's loaded and has two subordinates who are also Players, so that's why Leo took such drastic measures to seize the card through subterfuge. The plan itself actually went quite smoothly until the delay with obtaining the security card. We know Wendy is a bad drunk, so not having her to respond to the unexpected emergency actually cost them since Finn wasn't expected to do much in combat with his terrible seasickness. To be fair to Finn, it takes a lot of skill to pull off a pickpocket while genuinely seasick. Other than that, he didn't really do all that much but get in the way when he was really needed.

The episode title makes a lot of sense after the denouement is unveiled. This week is the Five of Diamonds at stake, with the Klondikes claiming the card. I don't think the Blist electrical card was clearly stated, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was also one of the Five cards (likely Spades or Trumps). Blist himself having a school-going child is a surprise; one would think all of the operatives out to hunt cards were career-focused Singles like Wendy.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2023 9:09 pm Reply with quote

This story has a twist in it. At first glance it looks like the usual card of the week episode like the early parts of this series, turns out viewers get something very different. It gives up one week for moving the main story forward, in exchange we find out more about Chris and to a lesser extent Finn.

This is the first time viewers have seen Finn mess up pickpocketing. They've completely underestimated Chelsea and pay the price for most of the episode. She's like Finn, so his tricks don't work on her even if he had taken her seriously. As comical as it is to see the two of them tied up for most of the episode, it also shows the limits of the cards with a face value of two. This is probably the only card even worse than Finn's Two of Spades since it has zero combat value, but it is an absolute nuisance if it's allowed to work.

The second half of the episode turns the episode on its head. One of the great ironies of this series; a card which makes the Player effectively immortal, yet he would love nothing more than for someone else to use the card in his stead. Another contradiction in terms is his personality: Chelsea is right about him yet he's completely honest about it. Psychologically it's one way of coping, even though many like Chelsea would disagree with the long-term viability of such an approach.

The final part of this peculiar episode is the card itself. She still keeps it, but so long as the other factions don't know about her High Card effectively has possession over it. Also, she looks like she might be a recurring character which is a first for the card of the week guests. How she'll help the High Card Five is up for debate, but she's one to watch.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2023 11:51 am Reply with quote
Personally, I think that *I* am Chelsea's soul mate. But I'd have to convince her that those tats had to go. I'm not a huge fan of the "sick imouto" trope because it inevitably tugs at my heart-strings (even though I don't have a sister irl) but... what ya gonna do? It's here and all I can hope is that this storyline doesn't run to a terminal conclusion before the end of the cours. I agree that Chelsea has a whiff of a recurring character to her which is totally fine by me. This show is a bit too much of a sausagefest for my liking.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 8:53 pm Reply with quote

Focus returns to Finn in this episode. As much as he treasures his foster family at Sun Fields, it seems the dream he's been having was something else entirely. Despite losing the orphanage during the battle with Marbles, he did remember what was the true cause of his family's demise and his backstory might have a connection with the overarching plot centred on the playing deck. My interpretation of the Dream is that the burning house is from his memories, but not the Black Knight. That might be brought on by possession of the card, but we'll need to watch more before the full picture is revealed.

One of the surprises hidden away in this episode is Mr. Apple being a Player himself. We do not know what card he wields, nor if he's affiliated with any of the major factions searching for the cards. It's highly likely he's going to be involved in the card hunt eventually.

It's a surprise the Klondikes sent two of their members to finish off Marbles, even though he's technically not disobeying orders if he kills Finn and reclaims the Two of Spades. Perhaps it's because the head Klondike felt slighted he wasn't in attendance at the meal and felt he needed to send a signal to everyone else that no matter what position of the hierarchy they occupied they had to play by the Family's rules or be expelled permanently.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 9:51 pm Reply with quote
I'm not entirely sure that Mr. Apple is a player. We clearly saw a Player glove in his car but I got the sense that somebody else - the wearer of the glove - was driving the car. Mr. Apple seems like he is getting into the car and sitting down (we don't actually see this, just hear the door open and note that the car jostles as if somebody just got in) as the gloved hand puts the car in gear. I'd say there is a good chance the Player is an employee of his.

I was surprised that Lindsey survived the episode given the number of death flags that seemed to be thrown around for him.

I suspect that Marbles' death had more to do with the boss losing trust in him after he lost to Finn, but yes, missing a family meal seems like it probably wasn't a great idea.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2023 9:06 pm Reply with quote

The series doesn't waste time; after Finn's background is explored it's straight back to the main arc. The Klondikes have opted to escalate the shadow war into the open and the understaffed High Card have no choice but to claim the unaffiliated cards by any means necessary before the Klondikes can claim them. As it stands, there are far more Players in the Klondike family and it's a tall order for the Pinochle organization to even stand up to them. Finn only returning to action and with his low-value card doesn't help much, but there's a stroke of luck coming their way as I expect Finn's saviour to be involved with the Cards somehow.

The Klondike pair after Finn and Chris are stereotypical villains, but they certainly know how to use their Cards and Chris on his own can't really handle them. Although Finn has been put out of harm's way for now, the trailer indicates Alexander managed to track Finn down so somehow or another the pair of them have to beat the Klondikes sent after them and claim their cards. It's clear the series endgame has begun, but how it's going to finish from here is anyone's guess.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 7:53 pm Reply with quote

This is a surprise, it appears Chris Redgrave has much more to him than the empty mask persona he's been projecting. I think I know why he performed that act in the last part of the episode, since his father did the same years ago and he intends to repeat the feat for his sister. Won't know until next week though.

Interesting that High Card is now in its second generation (minimum). For whatever reason Theodore left the Jack of Clubs roam free throughout the lands for over a decade, knowing that it wasn't going to be misused and it could be reclaimed at any time provided a bit of work was put in. Although Finn was lucky enough to both survive and claim the card he was sent out to collect, it's uncertain if he's still alive after this latest incident. If he is, will he process what happened and go after Chris? For whatever reason, Chris is no longer using the power of his designated playing card so he can be killed if the situation calls for it.

Even if the animators do resolve the Chris-Finn angle, they only have two episodes maximum to conjure up a finale. It's been entertaining; the latest twist adds more plot than was originally anticipated. Is it all going to resolve satisfactorily though?
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