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Call of the Night (TV).

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Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 11:27 am Reply with quote

Call of the Night (TV)

Genres: romance, supernatural
Theme: vampires

Plot Summary: Nanakusa is a vampire. That's okay with human Ko. He wants to be one too. But transformation doesn't come that easily. When Nazuna invites Ko to spend the night at her place in an abandoned building, he awakens to kisses on his neck with a little too much bite to them. Then, when a cute girl from Yamori's past shows up and competes for his attention, his budding relationship with the undead is put to the test.

July 7, 2022 (Thursdays; HIDIVE)
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Joined: 03 Aug 2019
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 11:11 pm Reply with quote

Very... interesting...

What's going on here? Many things about this show feel different. The dead air is deafening. The art style is eccentric. The narrative is deliberately slow yet perfectly paced. The two main characters have very weird names ("Nanakusa Nazuna"? "Yamori Kou"?). Their dialogues are lengthy and witty. Their chemistry is so awkward that it's intriguing. Just who made this show? SHAFT?

Oh wait... it *is* SHAFT! The director did a lot of the Monogatari series. No wonder the show feels awfully familiar. Everything makes sense now!

I'm very intrigued. Kou's descent to the allure of vampirism is interesting to watch: his gradual disinterest with girls, his inability to sleep at night, and eventually his boredom with mundane life gradually leads to his attraction to the night life, and ultimately, to Nazuna. It's the classic tale of turning to the "dark side".

noitaminA series are always something to look forward to, especially with their darker themes and subjects. This is yet another example, and this one has the special SHAFT treatment. The first episode didn't blew me away like Made In Abyss S2's first episode did, but the intrigue crept up to me. I'm staying put.
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Joined: 16 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2022 7:01 am Reply with quote
I was blown away but I'm a natural insomniac so I found I could relate to the allure of the night. The places you go, the people you meet, it's so different you may as well be on another planet.
I knew it as SHAFT once I saw the multicolored intersection; Only SHAFT would so much effort into something so banal. Oh those skies, oh those colors.

And then she threw him off the roof. And then caught him.... this time. The opposite of the manic pixie dream girl. She will kill him one day, figuratively and literally, but he will not turn away.

The part that I don't get is that he has to fall in love with her to turn; It's too tailor made to his disinterested personality
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 1:40 am Reply with quote
Episode 2

This series is really odd to me. such as in some ways I am not super into it as a big fan of vampire fiction. The whole love things seems really arbitrary to something like needing to consume the blood of the vampire, or something about dying. Not that I am either really into the fiction that says everyone bit by a vampire in turn becomes one. Those little details can go a way for what sort of metaphors being a vampire involve.

On the other, there is something really compelling about its atmosphere, something I don't notice at first, but worms its way in. With the mention of SHAFT, my mind before learning of that went onto Tsukuyomi Moon Phase, a series that was directed by Shinbo who also did some Monogatari. And is peculiar that it goes to that instead of the Monogatari stuff that also follows a human boy and a vampire girl. There is just something... that feels kind of retro there. Such as better than what Vlad Love was trying to do, which that one felt so up its own ass by being creative, and perhaps a bit embarrassed by its own sexuality it put at its front.

Call of the Night, might not be sharing away from its sexuality, in fact I thought that it was some of the more interesting moments, such be when Nanakusa pretty much called Ko a slut when he was being rather forward at giving blood. And also when he became jealous by her claims that she could get it from any rando.
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Joined: 03 Aug 2019
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 6:21 am Reply with quote

This is SHAFT. It's not produced by SHAFT, I know, but I know a SHAFT when I see one. The one-two conversation between Nazuna and Kou, which almost feels like a manzai, is one of the unique traits of SHAFT, and this show thrives on it.

Interesting: sucking blood is basically bonking. What's strange about it is that blood-sucking has become ingrained as "sex" among vampires (who I assume were once humans themselves) that it would strike as odd for us humans. Maybe she's old: from the cellphone talk, we could tell she's from ages ago.

The one thing I still can't quite put my finger on is, why does Kou want to be a vampire so much? We knew that he lost interest in people (and humans, in general), but to simply want to become a vampire is a leap in logic. Just because nighttime feels a lot more fun than daytime doesn't quite add up to "let's be a vampire", either. Is it simply because he has been converted by Nazuna after getting bitten by her? That would also explain why he seems so fixated on her. The timing of him getting bitten seems too impeccable for me to conclude this. After all, vampire victims quickly change attitude after being bitten because they're under the vampire's influence by then.

I'm still interested in this show. Clearly, it's going for "Vampire: A Modern Teenage Love Story" angle, and it has its own style and mood. It's obviously unique, and it's keeping me interested so far.
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Joined: 07 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 11:43 pm Reply with quote
I wasn’t originally going to watch this, but seeing that the original manga was made by the same mangaka as Dagashi Kashi, which I really enjoyed, I’ll give it a watch.
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Panino Manino

Joined: 28 Jan 2018
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2022 6:22 pm Reply with quote
The end of the second episode disappoints me a bit.
I would be perfectly satisfied if the whole series was just the two mains wandering around at night and chatting.
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Joined: 16 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2022 6:32 am Reply with quote
Panino Manino wrote:
The end of the second episode disappoints me a bit.
I would be perfectly satisfied if the whole series was just the two mains wandering around at night and chatting.

I'm the opposite as I loved the moment when the "real world" replaced the over saturated night. If it's all special then none of it... is... Oh, that thing again.

Ok, I'm restarting; If the show's about the Call of the Night, it needs an opposing force with its own allure otherwise it may as well just be The Night. The day beckons and with it is hope for tomorrow and that tomorrow will be different while the night's allure is that while it's crazy different, it's the same every night in how it's different.

A problem the show deftly avoided with the "introduction" of a kindred spirit. Stalker, forgotten neighbor? Yet another vampire but one that is a Daywalker?

Whoever it is, it's enough to shake Ko from his memories of the previous night or the expectations of the upcoming night.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2022 3:19 pm Reply with quote
Panino Manino wrote:
The end of the second episode disappoints me a bit.
I would be perfectly satisfied if the whole series was just the two mains wandering around at night and chatting.

Whereas I cannot wait to meet the other people of this show. I'm digging it but the world is definitely feeling a little small to me.
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Joined: 03 Aug 2019
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2022 4:28 am Reply with quote

"At what point do you become friends with someone?". The old chestnut.

Actually, I find it curious: I have this impression that in Japanese context, people try to make it clear that someone has become their friend. So, they always wonder when they have "crossed the line" and established their friendship (one-sided or not). In most other contexts, I notice that the question is more of whether one's a friend or not. You don't wonder when the friendship came about; you just ask yourself if that one person is a friend or just someone you know. Don't know this is necessarily true, but it's curious.

Funny that Ko was so afraid of letting Nazuna know about Akira, thinking that he's seeing someone else (let's just say it: cheating). Funny, because Nazuna clearly told him that she has gone "physical" with other people with her blood-sucking too (which, in her own words, is also "copulation"). I know Ko is socially inept, but I wonder if that thought ever crossed his mind.

Nazuna getting ticked off by Ko's hesitation at Akira's plea to come back to school, especially after Ko has declared that school life is over for him. In other words, a sense of betrayal, since by saying he's not going to school, he has essentially joined Nazuna and "joined the dark side". But I wonder: Nazuna kept iterating that her relationship with Ko is purely physical (she makes it sound like prostitution ngl), but is she saying to Akira or herself? If their relationship is just "business", why would she be ticked off with what Ko wants to do (going back to school or not)? Clearly, it's more than just transactional, especially if she felt a sense of betrayal on Ko's part at first. Their relationship is developing, and now I wonder how Ko is going to deal with Akira, especially when she's his only friend (aka his sole emotional investment for his human side).

SHAFT material has always focused a lot on female characters. In just one episode, Akira has established herself as an "interesting character" (Nazuna pointed out exactly what I thought). I want to see more of her.
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Joined: 03 Aug 2019
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2022 5:47 am Reply with quote

Is it me, or is three drunk guys waiting to see a couple smooch... weird?

You know what, I enjoyed this episode. A lot. Like, it's probably the best episode so far (I know, it's only been four episodes). What makes this episode amazing is how the sheer mundaneness of the interaction among Nazuna, Ko and Akira. And the contrast between that and the ridiculousness of Nazuna and Ko, especially from Akira's POV. And with that being said, the star of the episode is clearly Akira.

See, Akira isn't an amazing character per se; if anything, she's the most normal friend you'd expect to have. She is incredibly supportive, and her relationship with Ko has been platonic (so far). Contrast that with Ko's relationship with Nazuna, which they keep telling everyone (including themselves) that it's purely transactional, but add the fact that Ko wants to fall in love with Nazuna to become a vampire. Yes, "want to fall in love". So yes, the ridiculousness of their relationship.

The awkwardness of the conversation among the three is what makes the episode, and I can't help but like Akira's character a lot. Non-judgmental and incredibly supportive, she's the kind of friend everyone would love to have, even take for granted.

And yes, the reference to Doki Doki Literature Club was priceless. Only those who have worked for SHAFT would break the fourth wall like that.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 11:43 pm Reply with quote

If there should be an alternate title for this episode, it would be "#Relatable".

Nazuna having a listless day/night before meeting up with Kou. Who hasn't had a listless day/night. Tfw you have nothing to do so you end up making stuff up just to stay preoccupied, like doing "tings" in preparation for... some-"ting". Or Kou letting Nazuna suck his blood because he wants to clear up his head and not get caught up with the moment or get swept away by strong emotions.

It's a reference to how get distracted in life because well, we want distractions in life. Otherwise, life is full of boring moments. But boredom is an aspect of life, and there's nothing about it per se. Nazuna likes being distracted—she's all for excitement—whereas Kou, although appreciates excitement (of the night life), wants to be un-distracted for once. Kinda shows you how different their personalities are.

And thus, Kou realizes the conundrum he is in rn: "wanting" to be in love with Nazuna, and the reluctance of overcoming the obviousness of their current relationship: friendship. Overcoming the "friendzone"? More like Kou trying to kid himself into believing that he will fall in love with Nazuna just to become a vampire.

Absolutely nobody:

Of course, Nazuna being Nazuna, she just wants Kou to be in the moment and just "keep being yourself". "Whatever". What starts off with a somewhat ridiculous may end up with an expected ending: Kou wants to fall in love, and does fall in love with Nazuna.

Just a side thought: seeing as how the show makes subtle references to RL, and breaking the fourth wall sometimes too, I can't help but feel that the main premise is simply about a virgin boy dating a romantically awkward promiscuous girl (but for the sake of the show, she's a vampire). Seeing as how the show clearly spelled out that blood sucking = having sex, I can't help but to come to this conclusion.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2022 6:52 am Reply with quote
So we are at the end of episode 5 and we still have not met a lot of the characters that appear in the OP. I'm getting impatient. What, are we waiting until the last episode for this??? This world is too small for me - open it up!
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Joined: 03 Aug 2019
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 11:22 pm Reply with quote

Shirakawa's plight is something all working adults can relate to. 100 percent. Perhaps more pronounced in the Japanese context. And indeed, what is considered "obligation" may actually seem crazy. Even illogical.

Some people become workacholics and get so caught up with going through the motions of work, that they never take a step back and wonder why they are so caught up with work. Makes you wonder what you work so hard for. It's a reminder of how Ko was lured into the freedom of the night, that liberating feeling when everyone else is asleep and you're all by yourself and can do whatever you want.

For the second part of the episode, I imagine it's another episode where Ko's attempt at falling in love with Nazuna (feels weird every time I say this) is developing. Rather than Ko trying to feel something positive from his relationship, he feels something negative instead: jealousy. Well, that is part and parcel of relationships, isn't it. At least, Nazuna is mature enough to recognize that Ko wouldn't like to see her messing around with other guys.

Props to the show for the choreography, especially with Shirakawa being tossed out the window and Ko nosediving into the pool. Those scenes were really well done.
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Joined: 19 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 7:25 pm Reply with quote
This show is amazingly, consistently good. I watched all six. I need more.


I love me a good vampire romance show with gorgeous scenery porn!! The ED song is infectious! Still not sold on the OP song (I don't like the refrain that much) but the verses and visuals are really cool and I've always liked when the Japanese lyrics appear in the frames in a stylish way. Only a tiny handful of anime openings do this and I'd like to see more. The first time I saw it done was in Saint October...yeah, anyone remember that? heh

So...I do not skip OPs like this ever lol

I was a bit off-put when I saw the leads have almost the exact same faces as the Dagashi leads but unlike those leads, these two REALLY WORK for me. Cool (I liked Dagashi as a candy and snacks show but not as a romance)

Some find the slice of life aspect boring with "nothing happening" however, I thrive on good character interaction with slow burns. You can throw the flashiest fight scene at me and I'll be like...."okay but can we have the mains just sit down and talk like people do?" It feels so much more real that way. No wonder slice of life is so appealing to me now.
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