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![]() Posts: 11762 Location: Earth |
![]() My Stepmom's Daughter Is My Ex (TV). Genres: comedy, romance Themes: Plot Summary: Yume and Mizuto dated in middle school, but broke up upon graduating. Shortly after, they are shocked to discover that their parents are getting married, and they will become step-siblings. July 6, 2022 (Wednesdays; Crunchyroll) |
Posts: 3055 |
This selling point isn't original, it's been used before in less savoury circumstances. Regardless, this show airs at a primetime slot in Japan so it's limited in how far it wants to take the camera work and accidents. Considering its airtime, I'm reckoning the show is aiming for the laughs instead. There's plenty to be had, whether it's the petty attempts at deciding who's the senior sibling or the heroine's attempts to stick it to her new sibling any way she can. Although viewers have to set aside some of their misgivings on just how unlikely such a situation would occur in real life, these two new stepsiblings have to work with each other despite their turbulent pasts to keep their parents happy. Considering the pair used to date each other, they know surprisingly more about each other than a random pair of strangers thrust together in a similar situation. Despite their petty natures, they're both intelligent. Although he had the upper hand initially, viewers not cognizant of the source material would be surprised she was selected as the representative for the best entrance exam grades. The series is making it clear from episode one that the heroine's figure and looks are going to be a selling point as well. In Japanese they sometimes say women transform (女は化ける), which certainly applies to Irido Yume when comparing her secondary school appearance to her current high-school first year looks. Irido Mizuto more or less looks the same as he did during their previous relationship, so dealing with classmates who are using him as a stepping stone towards his hot stepsister is going to be a daily chore for him. What relationship these two have and how it develops is probably the other selling point of this series. They broke up, have been brought back together in the most unlikely of circumstances and now have to deal with their new familial relationship in public and in private. She's more assertive (albeit doing it out of character) which is the trigger for most of the comedy situations; but it's not something which is sustainable if viewers are to stay interested. It's quite clear despite the hostile facade they both have something inside them that's happy things have turned out like this, but the lack of emotional maturity leads to the current impasse. How they continue like this what with classmates who feature prominently in the ending animation is something to watch for, I guess. |
![]() Posts: 4031 |
I was really looking forward to seeing this yesterday, but Crunchyroll other ideas. It was showing up as being available on their schedule, but any attempts to watch it were met with a 404 error.
![]() Posts: 3715 |
They eventually got it up, at least from where I was watching.
After last season's great romcom lineup, I'll take what I can get this season, but it's not exactly blowing me away. |
Posts: 3055 |
I'm suddenly reminded of Mieruko when watching the first part of the episode. The animators clearly want the audience to ogle Yume's figure and looks given the chance, but then the focus on fanservice goes away and they go for the comedy plays for the rest of the episode. The two stepsiblings aren't getting along, but they're making friends with their classmates. Both of them are completely passive in this regard, but since the two new members feature prominently in the OP it looks like they're staying around for the rest of the adaptation. Yume probably has one more friend to make judging from the OP, but viewers won't know the specifics until the series progresses. Mizuto has just the one, even if he'd much prefer being a social outcast. I didn't realise one could pass physical examination tests by doing late-night strength training and crib sheets, but it certainly worked for Yume at a temporary cost to her health. As much as Mizuto does not look back at his time with Yume as a couple with fondness, he hasn't forgotten what she said last episode with regards to family and I'm thinking he's returning the favour. Minami Akatsuki is hard to read, which is probably the point. Outgoing, athletic and with a perceptiveness which puts both of the Irido siblings under the pump. She's the most likely of the new friends to discover the hidden past between these two, although at present she probably has no more than a sneaking suspicion all is not as it seems between the two stepsiblings. As for Kawanami Kogure, we'll have to see if he really is what he claims to be. He'll derive a lot of entertainment watching the two stepsiblings if he's very attentive, although the route he'll take to discover their secret (if it's going to be the case) is going to be very different from Minami Akatsuki. It would be funny if the two of them were to hook up though. Favourite part of the episode: Flashback scene when the two soon-to-be-stepsiblings meet for the first time. They translated it as "God is a Comedian", but 神様、てめえ.. has more of an accusatory connotation. I don't like the English translation at all as it misses the point, the original Japanese with its multiple nuances is funnier. |
Posts: 3055 |
The first part is a further glimpse into how perverted Irido Yume can be and how much her makeover hasn't changed her character in the slightest. Comedic and creepy at the same time, but since the focus is all on Yume we as viewers don't really see the equivalent in Irido Mizuto. It's highly likely both parties were equally guilty of doing unspeakable things to each other's innerwear, but the pact they have agreed to has been sealed and it looks like that's going to be the catalyst for further events in this series. If Irido Yume is a closet pervert, then her new friend is an example of like attracting like. I didn't realise Minami Akatsuki and Kawanami Kogure go way back, so for the latter to reveal what the former is really like when she's latched on to something fun is quite the surprise. One, the two of them are never going to go out with each other as the latter finds the former's clingy behaviour abusive and distasteful and Two, if the two of them work together to mess around with the Irido stepsiblings for the laughs it's going to be catastrophically successful. That's some disguise though, I couldn't see through it until she took off the wig and glasses. Assuming Kawanami isn't putting the two of them up for a date as a serious suggestion to shake off Minami permanently, then tongues will wag once the two stepsiblings go out on a "date" and are photographed doing so by the two friends. It might all be a ploy by Minami as a way of proving her hunch, but it's still too early to tell. First move loses, so I imagine Irido Yume is going to come up with something even more embarrassing for Irido Mizuto after being forced into the date without any context or explanation whatsoever. I suppose if Mizuto came clean and told Yume why the date was necessary, there would be no story or interpersonal relationship development so have to leave it at that. |
Posts: 3055 |
So the plan was to go to the aquarium for a date, and do whatever it took to convey the impression that the two of them only had eyes for each other so that the stalker would give up and back off. Ultimately I think that plan failed, but the date itself wasn't completely pointless. Viewers at least know that Irido Yume is truly a closet pervert with an overactive imagination, while Irido Mizuto is too languid to work himself up into putting in a modicum of effort towards accomplishing a task set to him. Although the two of them broke up, that memory of the very first date showed that the relationship they had wasn't a fleeting mirage. The two of them can get along, but there's too much pride and baggage between them now to repair that relationship. Plus, they have another relationship to maintain which is taking up most of their emotional and mental capacity for now. And I was also wrong about another thing. With that last confession, the relationship between Kawanami and Minami is made clearer. I'm too dense to figure out Kawanami was really talking about himself last week, which is why his advice on how to shake off Minami is given with so much self-confidence for an apparent stranger. That pairing certainly won't be reconnecting anytime soon, for the sake of someone's physical health and sanity. However, watching the two stepsiblings appears to be a new pet pastime for the two of them which is a potential catalyst for future developments. There is one other student who features in the OP but isn't introduced yet. I wonder what that will bring. |
Posts: 3055 |
I like this episode. Not only is it the first time viewers don't have to leer at Irido Yume from indecent angles, it actually throws in quite a lot of background exposition while keeping the pace brisk. Plenty of laughs as well, especially when the two sets of friends end up in their respective rooms. The initial bet on whoever was first to get caught for unseemly acts unbefitting that of siblings was to keep their respective parents happy by keeping the stress of worrying about their offspring as low as possible. Hence the Mother's Day present-buying was a nice touch, surprisingly the two of them could come to an agreement on the perfect gift which was received in an overwhelmingly positive fashion. Irido Mizuto's laid-back approach with regards to love hotels contrasts with Irido Yume's overtly hysterical reaction. Her mind really is filled with pink thoughts, which he must delight in making her squirm with every once in a while. However, that was the perfect excuse to put the spotlight back on the other pairing in this series, and boy did that throw a few surprises. Not only did Kawanami get hospitalised from Minami's excessive dotage, but he can't run away from her because their apartments are literally next door to each other. It's clear they did get along like a house on fire previously, but after the hospitalization their relationship resembles the Irido's (bickering siblings). The two erstwhile step-siblings aren't afraid to point this out, but with each interaction something has to happen since the stepsiblings are going to get found out eventually. That said, anyone who didn't laugh during the skit when the respective ladies were reacting to overly loud comments through thin walls must be suffering from a serious bout of depression. One of the best moments of the episode. For the first surprise, I didn't think the titular pair would go even further back than was initially portrayed. If Irido Mizuto is right about their new parents' relationship, then like it or not he has to find a way to improve his current bickering relationship with his stepsister, or else their parents will suffer which neither of them wish for. |
Posts: 3055 |
The final character featured in the OP animation makes her debut. It's an interesting turn of events as well, as the first half is more preoccupied with expanding on this week's episode title before the new character gives Irido Yume even more angst over her fraternal relationship. We already knew both of the stepsiblings were intelligent, after all one of them topped the entrance exam rankings. The other is very bookish but also intelligent in his own right, and he proves it by overcoming a self-imposed handicap. Interesting how competitive these two are, yet somehow managed to strike up a brief romantic relationship. Despite his disinterested demeanour, he does know where to strike with words when the opportunity and occasion call for it. Just as Irido Yume is about to give in to her "incestuous" urgings, along comes the final new character Higashina Isana. In Irido Mizuto's words she and him get along like a house of fire, but the relationship is strictly platonic and her final outburst at the close of the episode confirms it. It's actually the first time in the series Irido Mizuto has made a friend of his own volition, since Kawanami more or less imposed himself and the laconic Mizuto simply acquiesced. Despite the line being drawn in the sand regarding the nature of their friendship, it isn't stopping Minami from trying to play matchmaker and seeing what sparks fly from the endeavour. This series does mark a return to form as far as the unsavoury camera angles are concerned. Higashina's figure is the focus for much of the episode after her introduction, while I'm not too certain about her predilection for keeping her socks off and adopting a very careless poise while reading in her outfit. Not sure how she's going to feature going forward, but some will be pleased to see she rivals Irido Yume in the close-up stakes. |
Posts: 3055 |
Depending on the viewer's personality, this episode can be seen in several different ways. 1. A bunch of nosy parkers trying to matchmake, and failing miserably? 2. Forced imposition of personal values on someone else, with zero consideration of the other's values? 3. Matchmaking as a facade for outright bullying for the hell of it? Maybe there are other ways of seeing this episode, but that's what I got from the first watch. Make no mistake, this is entertaining. Watching Akatsuki do everything in her power to force a romantic relationship the same way she did herself years ago is cringe-worthy, but it gives the animators ample opportunities for unsavoury camera angles and actions which are borderline unacceptable for a prime-time television slot. The disconnect between how the nosy pair view a relationship which frankly they have no business in meddling in or changing, and how Higashira Isana values a comfortable relationship which she had never had up to this point underpins the entire episode. The confession at the end came out as expected, but the reason for the rejection is a curious one. Officially, the two of them have broken up and are now stepsiblings, yet for whatever reason he can't let go and move on, leaving his relationship with Yume purely that of foster family. Perhaps they'll explore why this is the case, since the two of them really have it in for each other with the needle yet are forced to keep up appearances. Irido Yume for her part was also projecting herself onto Higashira Isana, but in a different way from Akatsuki. Perhaps she thought if he did accept the confession that would allow her to move on as well, but his rejection is something she's taking quite hard since she was hearing it in secret. Irido Mizuto for his part keeps his usual poker face, so I can't tell based on the episode whether or not he suspected Higashira was being put upon by the two nosy parkers. If he did realise it (he's got high IQ after all), then the rejection reason might have been a deliberate one to indirectly warn off the two of them from repeating the stunt. |
Posts: 3055 |
Classic episode of two halves. The first half is the easy, leave one's brain at the doorstep and let the eyes and libido have their fill, skit. Fortunately the show isn't all about the first half, as it's the second half (particularly the last segment and dialogue between Higashina and Irido Yume) which is becoming the distinguishing feature of this franchise. Midway through, we get the usual monologue from the two stepsiblings regarding their previous romance. Only this time it's becoming clear that despite being romantically involved they have very different mindsets despite a shared interest in books. Arai Yume is more stereotypical in her tendency to fantasize towards the lewd end, but Irido Mizuto is more laconic but also aware of the established social conventions regarding invitations to particular members of the opposite gender to homes without guardians present. I'm inclined to think Yume's overactive imagination had a significant role to play in their eventual breakup as she'd be the first to misunderstand an intention, which is matched by Mizuto's laconic demeanour and reticence towards clear communication easily leading to misunderstanding. Higashina's role in all of this is also becoming clear, as she is becoming the foil to Yume in the present day. For the first time this season, Irido Mizuto is starting to regret his earlier romantic relationship (and I don't mean the usual sniping between the two or how much they gripe about each other in their monologues). He likes reading, and would treat Higashina exactly the same if she was the opposite gender. Just sitting in a room and reading quietly is something he derives great pleasure from, more so if someone is also in the room and has the same interest. Thinking about how he would have enjoyed his time reading with Yume had they not progressed their relationship beyond close friends is not a common line taken by shows of this type, and is something I appreciate as entertainment derived from interpersonal relationships which aren't shallow and easy to categorise. Had Yume never existed, he and Higashina would most likely be dating and best friends with each other given their similar wavelengths. Is Higashina meant to be the catalyst forcing the two stepsiblings to reappraise their current and past relationships in order to move on with their lives? |
![]() Posts: 15599 Location: Brisbane, Australia |
I haven't said much about the show. But I do like this Higashira, in the general idea of a character like this existing. But I hate having the other two girls trying to butt in and force her to try and seduce him, like they should get some say about how their relationship is gross. Even her having big boobs is a-okay, but the way it was used in this episode felt kind of gross, with the girl who has shown a number of Sapphic tendencies kept feeling her up, and kind of felt like lowkey needed to be embarrassed or something.
And the show did need to put in some romanticisation of being possessive. Maybe there is some point of showing stuff as not ideal, but a lot does feel like it is trying to make it at least feel cute. |
Posts: 3055 |
There had to be an episode like this somewhere down the line, and this week is it. How did a pair of students who were going out end up breaking up so bitterly? The episode lays it on thick with the melodrama, which will please those who get a kick out of stories like this. As for me, it's enough to conclude that both sides were at fault for the relationships fracturing like it did. Bringing it back to last week's episode, it's even more surprising Irido Mizuto didn't choose to drop all of the emotional baggage (which is a lot after watching this episode) and upgrade his relationship with Higashina. By the end of the breakup, both of them had been tortured so much at the relationship breakdown they were finally glad to end it officially even though it was broken beyond repair months before that. Neither of them remember anything about the experience positively, so if one side were to drop the baggage and move on wouldn't it be good for both of them to close the chapter for good? The strange twist of fate which brought them back together again as stepsiblings notwithstanding, both of them would have forgotten about each other several months down the line once contact was broken. Now that viewers have seen what past the two of them had which led to them bickering in the present day, what will the show throw at us for the remaining air-time? The chasm is too great to bridge, yet neither of them wants to let go and move on. One wonders why despite their prodigious intellects. |
Posts: 3055 |
Not much going on with this episode, so the animators go for the lewd camera angles to keep the viewers occupied. There's a reminder of what happened last week, but it's brief and everything returns to the original reason why the two of them made a bet on who's going to be punished if they act in an unsibling-like manner. Although they've been a family for over a school term plus summer holiday, it still feels like a 2x2 grouping rather than a nuclear family unit. Probably because the two offspring cannot refer to their new stepparents beyond the stock polite address rather than what they would call their respective natural parents. Said parents on the other hand are settled in their relationship, which is what both offspring are desperate to maintain. Even Arai senior notices how well Mizuto and Higashina get along with each other, so much so she even falls for the white lie that they're dating each other on the sly. Yume besides having her usual jealousy fit is still in denial that one side of the previous relationship has an opportunity to move forward, but her existence is the one thing which prevents the opportunity from being seized. That last monologue more or less sums up the complicated relationship she must now live with, which will only end with the parents' divorce, which neither offspring wants. If next week is the obligatory Summer family reunion in the countryside, then Yume will get another opportunity to flaunt her swimsuit frame. How the story progresses from there is unclear, since not much happened this week to provide momentum. |
Posts: 3055 |
For many Japanese families, the annual summer get-away is a fixture of their lives the same way the Christmas holiday is for those in that cultural sphere. For the new Iridos, it has double significance as they are meeting the in-laws extended family for the first time and first impressions count for a lot in order for the nuclear family relationship to endure. As far as our stepsibling ex-couple is concerned, one is completely indifferent to the occasion while the other has not forgotten the facade the pair have to maintain for the sake of their parents. It is the latter that the episode focuses on, as the previous week's lull is flipped on its head this week. Tanesato Madoka figured out what was really going on between the two stepsiblings in one episode compared to Minami over the course of the series. A little unfair and somewhat of a stretch, but people let their guard down during big family meetings so it's not impossible. Unsurprising for the nosy big sister cousin watching over her younger relative, Madoka is happy to push Yume along into sorting out her head and heart. Irido isn't happy with her for being such a busybody, but he played along regardless. Personally I don't like the "rewind time" trope being played at the end. When things change, the process is sometimes irreversible. As much as Yume regrets what happened to their relationship, they have another one to maintain now and reconciling the two is something neither party has properly engaged with throughout the series. Only one episode remaining, so how they spend their summer festival for the first time as stepsiblings is really going to be key to how the ending pans out. |
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