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Joined: 21 Apr 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 12:00 am Reply with quote
I've decided to distinguish between anime that I watched all the way through and those that I dropped like a messy dump.

Worst 5 Anime (That I've Completed)

  1. Air Movie / Angel Beats!
    Look, despite giving lower ratings to the anime below, I've gotta put these two at the top of this list because I actually remember the plot for both. And I'm combining them into one because they share things I dislike. Key adaptations just don't work for me (and if I played the original games they still wouldn't work). I spend most of the time rolling my eyes at all the melodramatic, overwrought bull-honky on screen. Perhaps the only thing I genuinely liked about Air was some of the mother/daughter moments, and the only thing I genuinely liked about Angel Beats! was that one goofy episode where everyone was going through those death traps and getting sacrificed. Otherwise, I care little for the characters and their super sad backstories, and every single ploy to get me to feel sympathetic or cry made me sigh.

  2. I''s
    Like my response to a lot of these will be, I remember jack diddly squat about the story. I looked at the description page on MAL, and I vaguely remember something about a guy on a bike? And maybe falling into a river at one point? Perhaps some biker dickweeds that decided to beat him up? I watched this on Hulu and I was so goddamned bored to hell the entire time. The description page describes a love triangle, and I often hate those, especially when the main character is so unworthy of such affections.

  3. MD Geist / MD Geist II: Death Force
    I remember fights and guts and gore, and maybe that's about all you need to remember about this pointless piece of nonsense. I'm assuming the name of the show is the name of the main character? Yeah, that about wraps up what I remember.

  4. Angel Sanctuary
    Look, old incomplete OVAs that abruptly end don't often fair well with me. Three take up spots on this list. One of the few I love to death is Please Save My Earth, and that's one that had a fascinating story that I ended up collecting the manga on. In comparison, Anal Sanctuary was a piece of poopoo. It's not even the sibling incest that turned me off (the "forbidden love" angle is actually what interested me to check out... "forbidden love" stories are a guilty pleasure). It's just... so unremarkable. And Setsuna is a nasty piece of work. I dislike having asswipes for main characters. And then it just leaves you hanging, like many OVAs in the day.

  5. Samurai X: The Motion Picture (Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan)
    I was so genuinely confused when I saw this on my MAL list. Was this Tsuioku-hen? Seisou-hen? Seisou-hen wasn't all that good, but it's still not so bad to be rated 3 out of 10. And Tsuioku-hen is definitely not that bad. I read the synopsis and, well... I don't remember anything. I started to wear out on the RuroKen anime before the end, and I know I watched this movie long after it started to wear out. The older I got, the more disgruntled I became that Kaoru was often relegated to the sidelines. I get why, but I don't dislike it any less. And what I figure is that the same old crap happened in this movie. Oh no, someone is out for revenge on Kenshin, he must go unwillingly fight said dude; oh look, Kaoru stays behind or goes but has no cool moments, while every other male fighter gets theirs. Whatever.

Worst 5 Anime (That I've Dropped)

  1. Chrono Crusade
    There's no way this wasn't going to be #1. I have a long history with this series. I got into the manga near the beginning of the 2000s, and it has since remained my favorite. I was excited when I heard that there was an anime and started buying ADV's releases as they came out. There are no words to describe how disappointed I was with the anime from the character designs to the voices to the episodic plot changes. But nothing blew my blew my brains out like Episode 7 (way to fudge up my favorite character, Rosette). I rage quit right then and refused to watch more. A decade later I finally decided to make a genuine effort to rewatch the show again and tried my best to stay as open-minded as possible - I created a thread in the Community forum tracking my progress. And I basically stopped watching around the same point (my response to episode 7 is basically the same). As much of a cancer this anime is on my sanity, I do intend to finish one day, just to say I finally did.

  2. No Game No Life
    I am surprised I watched through the first two episodes. I hated the brother and sister from the offset - cocky, obnoxious, unbearable shitheads. I'd watch if I was promised their humiliation and ultimate demise, but I knew this was a show about them winning in over-the-top ridiculous ways, and I'd rather pry my toenails off with a rusted butter knife than subject myself to that. Hard pass.

  3. Sword Art Online
    These next two are harder to pick, because I haven't really rage-quit any other series. I'm pretty good at picking out what I like and don't like, and I often read reviews or research a show before I start watching. With SAO, it's more about how let down I was after the first episode. I thought the first episode was really strong, and I already had some hopes and expectations as to what was going to happen. As I found out later on, basically none of them did. I stopped after two episodes after hearing that the following episodes were going to cover side arcs separate from the main one, and instead stuck to the reviews on ANN. I'm glad I did, because almost everything that followed was a huge disappointment and all downhill.

  4. Tsubasa Chronicle
    Another show where reality didn't hold up to expectations. I was excited to hear about another show that would feature Sakura and Syaoran (I was a big fan of CCS). However, Tsubasa had none of the charm that I loved about CCS, and I really dislike where the series took Sakura and Syaoran. I quickly gave up on this show and stuck to reading manga summaries. And the manga went to batshit insane places. I didn't like the characters at the end of the manga anymore than what I did at the beginning, but at least I can't say it was boring.

  5. Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Duel Monsters / InuYasha / Naruto / Ranma ½ / Pokemon / Dragon Ball Z / Bleach
    This one goes out to all of the long-running shounen/kids anime that I could never finish, because I grew tired of their formulas. I enjoyed them for varying amounts of time, but that rarely went longer than 26 episodes. I'm not the biggest fan of shounen tropes in the first place, and my favorite characters tend to be the ones that don't get as much focus or screen time. I have no desire to watch the rest just to get to few moments that interest me. I'd rather stick to fanfiction. I appreciate and got involved in the fandom and fanfiction for all of these series waaaay more than the canon.

Honorable mentions go out to comedy shows that I really didn't find all that funny but are popular with anime fans: Nichijou, Azumanga Daioh, Lucky Star, and Hayate the Combat Butler. I am usually not interested in shows that are primarily comedies in the first place, since that tends to contradict the character growth and dramatic story lines I prefer.
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Joined: 14 Oct 2021
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2021 11:19 am Reply with quote
1. Spirited Away- i've loved this movie ever since my friend gave it to me for my birthday. it's just so magical and wonderful and i just love it. this is also when i started watching more anime and more miyazaki movies.

2. Peacemaker- This show helped me understand japanese history better and made me become more interested in samurai shows and stuffs. it's also really good i've gotten a lot of my friends addicted to it.

3. Fullmetal Alchemist- I just like this show because it has a deeper meaning sort of and it also gave me a good grade on my medieval project because i was an alchemist, even though the alchemy in FMA is totally different from medieval alchemy LoL.

4. Azumanga Daioh- This show is just too funny and random and the characters are sorta like my friends and i crazy and insane. it's just too funny.

5. Dragonball Z- Some of this show is actually funny ok so don't murder me

Anime I Don't like:
Yugioh- I dunno i just don't like it really it repeats a lot too he always has to win

Inuyasha- The beginning was good then it got dragged out and boring
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Joined: 22 Apr 2023
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 2:43 pm Reply with quote
I'm so clueless about the deeper artistic inspirations and styles of anime that I realize my opinions are nothing more than that. I have no objective best and all my subjective thoughts are based on simple "what I enjoyed and might watch again" viewing. Or conversely what I hate and won't watch again. And these things aren't always consistent. I have several that I don't know if I should include because they are western (Invincible, Critical Role, Castlevania, etc.) so I'll leave them to the side

My top 10 (based on a not huge sampling)

1. Chivalry of a Failed Knight
2. Sword Art Online (seasons 1/2) -not Aliceization
3. Overlord (seasons 1& 2 but not 3)
4. Akami Go Kill
5. High School DxD (Season 1&2)
6. Claymore
7 Death Note (while L was around)
8. Chainsaw Man (really enjoyed this)
9. Spirited Away (My first Myazaki - saw it in the theaters)
10. Vampire Hunter D (one of my first Anime experiences)
11. Shakugan no Shana (can't even say why I just really liked it)
12. Kaze no Stigma (another that got me more interested in the genre. sad it ended the way it did and can't be revived)

Clearly, I have a preference for fantasy action (starting to develop some interest in slice of life). The Harem stuff is seldom that interesting but in most cases I prefer older characters who don't have as much cutesy focus, and the two things seem to fall together (open to suggestions)...that or watching one thing seems to generate a suggestion to watch the next so it's just been some kind flow?

Worst things (for me):

1. Characters who are 16+ acting like 8-12yr olds consistently to ensure that the romance angle is perpetually sabotaged. MC's who freak out publicly every time a girl looks at them. I get the point being that the MC is socially awkward. I get the tropes. But sometimes it's laid on way too thick. And I like seeing progression in romances (though it does need to take time or it ruins the show). Just find different reasons for the two MC to not hook up, it doesn't always have to be the "Freak out". Being innocent or sheltered doesn't have to mean being emotionally behind by 10 years.

2. Incest themes. I am not bothered by step-sibs who just moved in together at age 16 (heck I saw that happen with some cousins). I am grossed out when bio-sibs suddenly go full psycho stalker. I realize there's a cultural component here, but it seems like it's inserted for some reasons in many shows that I just can't process. Just not getting it and tend to avoid or at least fast forward through things that delve too deep into it (and yes it does crop up in a few on my top 10 list sadly for the shows).

3. Excessive Tsundere. For some reason I could deal with (even finding it endearing) to hear Shana yell "Shut up shut up shut up", It worked. And Koneko could get away with being meanie (is that a form of tsundere?) as well. But too often it's just shrill, punching, attacking, "To the moon" behavior that fails as slapstick comedy because it's overused. And punching someone is too often behavior that's way younger than the characters engaged in it. Just needs to be toned down in a lot of the stuff I've seen so far.

4. Bad dub voice choices. I'm pretty much restricted to dubs at this point because I have crappy eyes and end up watching in ways and times when I can't keep up with reading all the dialogue and still know what's happening on the screen. In this case I would say I hate characters whose voices don't match their age. I don't really like squeaky voices that are clearly adults trying to sound like teens but ending up soundling like toddlers. (oh and while I loved Princess Mononoke, having Billy Bob voice it was horribly distracting). - Also, I haven't been involved enough to know who the voice actors are, but some are also grossly overused to the point where it seems like the same character is following me from show to show because the voice is always the same. This is still true for shows and voices that I really like. Great example of this is Jad Saxton (just looked it up) who's voice is AMAZING as the cynical and critical sidekick in a lot of shows (just looked that up too). She brings real character to the characters she voices but now Koneko appears in just about every show. Glad she's getting work, but it does something to the dubs to always have one character be Jad. I suspect this is an issue with several other actors you could all name.

5. All forms of Scrappy-doo characters. Any time there is a set of adults (15+ for anime purposes) and some cute fluffy, whiney, bouncy addition comes in it annoys me. I don't want someone's little sister there, or the little dragon that looks like a puppy...and I was cringing when Kohaku went from beast to kitty...blah.

Anyway I'm sure these things will all change as I watch more in the coming year or so, but that's where I am setting my baseline. I really can't even say what genre I fall into but I'm starting to get a general sense of what I like...though I haven't seen a lot of many types of anime so may have whole areas yet to explore.
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The King Of Weebs

Joined: 21 Sep 2023
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 12:48 pm Reply with quote
I haven't watched any new anime for some time though so this list is going to be somewhat short

1. Spy X Family- The anime is just simply amazing, The ways that the show expresses the emotions of the characters are fascinating to me, and the way Endo portrays the characters and his art is beyond excellent

2. The Ancient Magus's Bride- TAMB was my first time watching my first anime without reading the manga was different since I usually have already gotten 4 volumes ahead in the manga, hell, I even thought that It was an anime original series before I watched the behind the scenes extras on my Blue Ray disk for the anime. But enough of that TAMB is one of the only anime that holds a very special place in my heart, The writing wasn't terrible, but there were some scenes that felt like the characters went out of character, but It perfectly made up for It by was still an enjoyable anime

3. Missions Of Love- While some of the two previous manga had an anime adapation, Missions Of Love is the only manga I read that never recived an anime adaptation, while those who know this manga shutter at the thought of remembering this manga, I think this manga is actually a pretty good manga for those who just want to read a good addictive romance manga, and while the manga is relatively short, the writing is espisally all right, the art is amazing and some panels look gorgeous and amazing, and while I depress over the fact that there is no anime adaptation, I still like the manga


Incest in hentai or harem anime- I just try to stay away from things like that, but even if the siblings are blood- related or not It's still creepy to me

Side characters that are beloved and popular with fans in an anime but the character themselves only appear in a handful of episodes- As long as the characters themselves have a personality and not a cardboard box then I'm good with It

The Sixth Ranger Trope- Again, it depends on the character's personality in the episode, but In most anime I don't really like this trope in most of the anime I watch, the only exception for this trope is Kaworu Nagisa in Neon Genesis Evangelion, even though he appeared in episode 24 his appearance in episode 24 is rewarding, I espiscally enjoyed his appearance in End Of Evangelion,

And that's about it, oh and I almost forgot, I hate NTR for life, anyways since this is my first post I'll probably update this post
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Joined: 06 Jun 2024
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2024 8:33 am Reply with quote
Obviously how much one enjoys something can be subjective, but for me there's no one right answer.

1. Is the English dub solid all around? A bad performance here or there is not a deal breaker, and sometimes VAs of all languages just take time to find their footing and fully settle into a role.

2. Are the characters interesting/entertaining? Self-explanatory.

3. What kind of show is it trying to be and when did it come out? This can help with my expectations going into a show. For instance is it a comedy, an action/adventure or a slice-of-life?

4. How well does it recover after a mediocre or bad episode? Almost all shows have bad episodes here and there, with some being their very first ones. Rarely will I write off a show after a bad first episode as more often than not it's the exception, not the norm, and it'd be unfair to write a show off entirely just because of one bad episode or two.

There's probably more that I'm not thinking of but that's the basic gist of it. With that said here's some I've enjoyed the most in no particular order:

1. Chivalry of a Failed Knight: A really solid show all-around with an interesting premise, a likable main cast and a solid enough supporting cast. Also, the main duo of Stella and Ikki after becoming a couple early on do their best to talk out their issues (even if they initially need a gentle push from their friends to do so) and respect each others boundaries, feelings and skills. They're not perfect but they have a good support group around them to help them when they mess up. Shout-out to the main duos VAs of Luci Christian and Clint Bickham as Stella & Ikki respectively, as they do a solid job as the characters.

2. Frieren: Rarely do shows talk about what happens after the final battle, and Frieren the show does a solid job discussing that. Mallorie Rodak also does a good job as Freiren, having a good mix of serious moments and goofy moments.

3. Bofuri: A fun show about a girl playing a fun game with her friends, who also just so happens to stumble into being a beast of a player while still remaining her lovable goofy self despite that. While Maple and Sally (VAs: Megan Shipman and Jad Saxton) are opposites when it comes to their approach to games they still have a healthy and wholesome friendship both in and out of game, which is always nice to see.

4. Akashic Records of Bastard Magical Instructor: An example I always think of when it comes to shows with a mediocre first episode but solid remaining ones. Glenn Radars (VA: Jessie James (Josh) Grelle) isn't the most likable person out there due to his lazy & sometimes overconfident demeanor personality, but he's not afraid to put in the work and get serious when the situation calls for it, such as teaching his students different ways to use magic (i.e. splitting up parts of the Thunder Sprite Shock spell changes how it behaves, such as curving right or lowering the output). Rachael Messer & Monica Rial as Sistine and Rumia respectively also give solid performances as well.

5. Trapped in a Dating Sim: Similar to Glenn Leon Bartfort (Jordan Dash Cruz) isn't the most likable MC out there, but dang if he isn't entertaining despite that. It helps that while he's arrogant and can be a bit mean spirited at times he is willing to admit when he messes up & tries to fix it, even if sometimes he goes too far in the other direction while doing so. I also really like his dynamic with Luxion (Jim Foronda), Olivia (Jad Saxton) and Angie (Kristen McGuire) and how the characters grow & develop over the course of the series.

6. My Dress-Up Darling: If you told me during my first watch that Wakana Gojo was Paul Dateh's first role I'd have a hard time believing you, as he gives a great performance as a socially awkward kid who's nonetheless earnest and passionate about his work. Amanda Lee's performance as the very sociable but sometimes over-eager Marin Kitagawa is no slouch either. Both characters have a healthy dynamic with one another, and while they are passionate about their interests (sewing & cosplay respectively) they'd never intentionally define them to the point where the other feels super uncomfortable or unwell, and do their best to apologize & make up for it if they do.

7. Sword Art Online: While I won't deny the series has some issues in its writing and plot progression, I feel like they can be overblown at times in what I feel is overall a solid & entertaining series. This is thanks in part to the voice actors giving solid performances such as Bryce Papenbrook (Kirito), Cherami Leigh (Asuna), Cassandra Lee Morris (Leafa), Yui (Stephanie Sheh), Eugeo (Brandon Winckler), Sinon (Michelle Ruff), Yuuki (Erica Mendez), Lizbeth (Sarah Anne Williams) and Alice (Kayli Mills). Despite multiple girls having romantic feelings for Kirito, it's obvious to everyone early on that Asuna is the only girl for him, and despite some teasing here and there they still remain good friends with each other.

8. Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-Kun!: A good mix of comedy and seriousness, with a solid voice cast as well. Special shout-out must be given to Stephen Fu, who does a good job as Alice Asmodeus in S3, replacing the late Billy Kametz who also gave a solid performance as him in S1-2. The voice change is obvious and notable, but considering this isn't the first time he's successfully taken on one of Billy's roles (Naofumi Iwatani in The Rising of the Shield Hero S2+) he was a solid choice for the role in my opinion.

9. 86: Another show with a solid premise and solid main cast, with special praise going to Billy Kametz and later Aleks Le as Shin and Seuzie Yeung as Lena.

10. Black Clover: Recap/filler episodes aside this is a show that hooked me from the end of E1 by the premise, visuals and of course the voice acting. The main duo of Asta (Dallas Reid) and Yuno (Micah Solusad) are both interesting and entertaining characters in their own right, with enough flaws to make them believable, as are the rest of the Black Bulls and some of the other characters as well.

11. DanMachi: I recently rewatched the whole series and really enjoyed it. While Hestia's (Luci Christian) jealousy-prone antics can get old at times as a whole she does her best to be a good and supportive goddess for her familia, especially for Bell Cranel (Bryson Baugus), who goes from an easily frightened rookie adventurer to a solid leader and combatant. Really the majority of characters are solid, including Lili (Hilary Haag), Welf (David Wald), Mikoto (Margaret Lewis), Ryu (Genevieve Simmons) and Haruhime (Allison Sumrall) and even some of the other gods including Hermes (Benjamin McLaughlin), Hephaistos (Stephanie Wittels), Miach (Mike Yager) and Takemikazuchi (Adam Gibbs). I was also really impressed with Labraska Washington as Jura Halmer in S4 when I recently rewatched it, really making him sound like the despicable villain he is.

12. Sacrificial Princess & The King of Beasts: A nice Beauty and the Beast sort of tale with solid character and a solid ending to boot. Emi Lo and Ray Hurd as the leads Sariphi and Leonhart respectively give excellent performances, and Sean Letourneau as Set really does a good job of being stern and condescending but also fair and understanding.

13. The Duke of Death & His Maid: For a show where all the characters are 3D CGI you'd think it'd be mediocre, but actually it gives the show a special charm that I think wouldn't work too well in 2D, and if nothing else you remember this show because of its unique visual style that no other anime that I know of does. The story itself is sad but also hopeful, thanks in part to the main duo of the Duke and Alice, also helped by the fact that their VAs Clifford Chapin & Kristen McGuire are engaged in real life, so there's a natural chemistry in their performances that you don't get too often.

As for least favorites or one's I found ok there's not that many honestly. Again in no particular order:

1. Now and Then, Here and There: It wasn't terrible by any means, and I can see why people like it so much, but for me I just found it ok.

2. Raven of the Inner Palace: I recently rewatched this, and while I did enjoy it it wasn't particularly amazing.

3. The Weakest Tamer: Another case of a mediocre first episode but stronger following ones. What makes this unique is I've actually read both the LNs and Manga before I saw the Anime and really enjoy them, and while the anime overall is good (especially after that bad first episode) I felt that it wasn't that good and could have been better than it ended up being. Maybe my feelings will change somewhat if I do end up rewatching it somewhere down the line but for now that's how I feel.

4. Fractale: Not a terrible show by any means, but I've seen better honestly.
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