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Joined: 18 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 12:17 pm Reply with quote
I have just watched Sky Crawlers. Quite fun, I think I might have to do some background reading on it though, I think I got the story, but I remember readign a discussion about it before where a lot of interesting stuff has been said about the background of the film.

Im still onto Erin, more than halfway through, it became quite a slow watch for me now, I really enjoy it but I am not very motivated to watch it at the moment, seeing how slow the pace of it got after a considerable speed-up around eps 18-21.
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 4:04 pm Reply with quote
Unicorn_Blade wrote:
...Im still onto Erin, more than halfway through, it became quite a slow watch for me now, I really enjoy it but I am not very motivated to watch it at the moment, seeing how slow the pace of it got after a considerable speed-up around eps 18-21.

By about episode 35 it's an effort to keep going. It picks up again by the late 30s and finishes up strongly.

(Princess Tutu has just been delivered by Australia Post. I'm off.)
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Hikikomori Safari

Joined: 12 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:48 pm Reply with quote
Got to watch some movies with my time off from work for holidays. I started with Samurai X: trust & betrayal. I've had it for over a year and never watched it because I attempted to go to the series first which was a big mistake. I really disliked the series and ended up dropping it around episode 11, I couldn't stand the Sub or dub voice actors among other things. It just wasn't for me. That being said, the OAV blew me away, I was not expecting something so well done. I can see why it's so highly rated, it really is a beautiful piece of work. I really enjoyed the story most of all, but the character development was very strong as well. Really glad I chose to come back to this.

Next was Ponyo on the cliff by the sea. A friend got this on blu-ray for Christmas and it was something I had missed before. I'm not a giant fan of Ghibli in general, just the "nothing is going to go wrong," feeling I get from most of their films. I guess it's more about the adventure with these kind of films. It was quite the spectacle I must say. The under water scenes were all so beautiful and felt vibrant and alive, shame they didn't have much screen time. The animation throughout was just superb. Overall it's one of the better Ghibli films I've seen.

Yesterday I watched Wings of Honneamise. Hard to believe this was made in 1987, really. The production values are amazing, it seems like it's at least 10 years ahead of it's time. I enjoyed it, but it felt kind of above average. I'm not sure what the overall message I was to take away from the film, if any. Maybe just a general statement about what mankind can accomplish despite our flaws. Don't think I'll rewatch it anytime soon.

Finally we get to Interstella 5555. I picked this up super cheap this week for $9. Probably the best $9 I've ever spent. This is fantastic in every way. I had originally put this on my list because of classicalzawa's top 10 post. I must say this one is certainly top 10 worthy. It's like watching the greatest AMV ever made. I'm amazed at what can be conveyed without any dialog whatsoever and how well they can sync the music and animation to create this masterpiece. I was really, really impressed by this. I don't think you even need to be a daft punk fan to enjoy what they've created.

As for series, I've started Master Keaton and am 10 episodes in. It's interesting and he's an enjoyable character. I'm not sure how it's going to keep my attention for another 29 episodes, but it's been able to so far.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:59 pm Reply with quote
Hikikomori Safari wrote:
Finally we get to Interstella 5555. I picked this up super cheap this week for $9. Probably the best $9 I've ever spent. This is fantastic in every way. I had originally put this on my list because of classicalzawa's top 10 post. I must say this one is certainly top 10 worthy. It's like watching the greatest AMV ever made. I'm amazed at what can be conveyed without any dialog whatsoever and how well they can sync the music and animation to create this masterpiece. I was really, really impressed by this. I don't think you even need to be a daft punk fan to enjoy what they've created.

Glad I encouraged someone to try this out! For me, there is simply no other anime quite like Interstella 5555, no one else has ever really taken an album and made an AMV style story to go to it. I'll admit, I wasn't a super big Daft Punk fan (not that I hate them either, I just had to yet to be wowed by them), but this certainly did it, now I enjoy them more. So not all experiments with new formats go well, but when they actually do, it's usually something amazing that words don't do justice to and all you can do is say "just watch it, you'll understand". I think I spent $15 on this, still worth it. But I have to store the DVD upside-down so it looks normal within my collection, minor complaint Razz
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shamisen the great

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 2:14 am Reply with quote
Finally watched the last volume of Gundam 00 second season. I absolutely loved it. The Gundam 00 series has surpassed 08th MS Team as my favorite Gundam series ever. I know a lot of people were disappointed with the second season, and I would agree that it is slightly weaker than the first; but in the end I feel the whole series was very strong. I eagerly await the movie.
I also watched the first season of Jubei-chan. It was decent but I thought it got too far away from the comedy at the end. The show was at its best when it didn't take itself seriously. I'm going to watch the second season, but I've heard it is more dramatic than the first season.
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 10:57 am Reply with quote
I've just finished Princess Tutu. You can tell by my post above what time I started.

Prior to watching Tutu I had been watching Clannad and had just finished the Fuko Ibuki arc. It's a well written, emotional story but now it seems trite, forced and unconvincing after viewing something as amazing as Tutu. Going back to finish Clannad is like drinking mineral water after champagne.
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Joined: 24 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 2:53 pm Reply with quote
Just finished Birdy the Mighty Decode. I was surprised at how complex the story has gotten throughout the season. I hope the second season is just as excellent as the first.

After many years, I'm now considering watching One Piece.
I'm an English dub only watcher so I'm not quite sure how many episodes they're behind. All I know is that FUNimation has had the series for nearly 4 years. So I'm guessing there are many episodes available for me to pick up.

Last edited by canderson on Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:50 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 21 Dec 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:32 pm Reply with quote
I'm currently watching Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds. I like it because suprisingly, dispite the card duels. You get to see each character's struggle against evil forces. And how they live their life.
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Joined: 30 May 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:11 pm Reply with quote
I managed to find a few more volumes of Urusei Yatsura TV. They're pretty hard to find nowadays, and I'm slowly trying to get as many as I can.

I truly think this is one of the "densest" anime comedies ever made. I don't think a frame goes by where there isn't a visual gag or joke, so I'm at a loss to explain how some people might consider this comedy as "dated". The pop culture references may date the show, yes, but its ra-tat-tat style of comedy is pretty ahead of its time. The comedy IS sometimes very esoteric, but that's not an issue of datedness, it's more the obscurity of some of its references (and some of the references do elude many Japanese viewers as well)

It's also more cynical than most sitcoms of that era, which brings it more in line with modern American shows like The Simpsons (post- 93), Family Guy and South Park. It may not be as bitterly sarcastic as those shows, but Urusei Yatsura IS surprisingly sarcastic for an anime (something most Western anime fans seem to think Japanese humour is incapable of at times). I mean, Ataru Moroboshi is basically an American sitcom lead with his totally irredeemable personality. Even School Rumble's Harima is basically a good guy, whereas Ataru would not be out of place when standing alongside Al Bundy or Peter Griffin.

In fact, the only modern anime "equivalent" to Urusei Yatsura that is available on DVD in North America might be School Rumble...but even then School Rumble sometimes slows down for an episode or two to focus on relationship "drama". In Urusei Yatsura's "dramatic" episodes, there's always an inherent sense of parody to them. School Rumble also shies away from political satire, while UY is bubbling with a lot of both subtle and unsubtle political jabs. Most current anime sitcoms, at their best, are shows like Ramen Fighter Miki, but they go for more of a pure slapstick comedy, whereas Urusei Yatsura tends to do whatever it feels like at any given time.

For fans who like to study the intricacies of Japanese sitcom
comedy--hell, sitcom comedy in general, UY offers A LOT of material to chew on. You could probably write an essay on 1 episode's worth of visual gags alone.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 5:06 pm Reply with quote
errinundra wrote:
I've just finished Princess Tutu. You can tell by my post above what time I started.

Hooray for single day marathons!
And mwahaha, we have another to join the cult of Princess Tutu! You may now watch the awesome AMV someone made for it that happens to be spoilerific.
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Player No. 3

Joined: 21 Jan 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:09 pm Reply with quote
This sounds weird, but I also finished Princess Tutu today after a week-long marathon. The ending was just...perfect. It was a big damn Earn Your Friggn' Happy Ending. And dammit, DID they. It's now become one of my favorites. (Not the mention that the music is great.)

Last edited by Player No. 3 on Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:49 pm; edited 2 times in total
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shamisen the great

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:48 pm Reply with quote
bravetailor wrote:
I managed to find a few more volumes of Urusei Yatsura TV. They're pretty hard to find nowadays, and I'm slowly trying to get as many as I can.
I don't know how many volumes you're missing but I got the entire series via rightstuf's bargain bundles. That was a while ago, but it looks like they are still offering them in the movie pack section of the store. It doesn't say how many are available though. Always glad to see another UY fan.
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The King of Harts

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:51 pm Reply with quote
@Player No. 3

Wait, wait, wait. How can you say spoiler[Duck stuck being a duck for the rest of her life after she's finally become human be a happy ending? And then there's the fact that Rue gets Mythos, not her, even though she probably loves him more.] That's an extremely sad ending in my book. I cried like a baby back bitch when I saw it (not as much as Luci Christian, though (check the "In the Booth Special" on the last disc)).
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Player No. 3

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:06 pm Reply with quote
@ KoH

The way I saw it, spoiler[Drosselmeyer puts Duck, Mythos, Rue, and Fakir through such emotional angst and torture. However, they all break free of the Grand Tragedy Drosselmeyer originally set up for them and fight for control of their own endings. It's not a complete happy ending, true, but knowing Duck will be with Fakir - someone who cares for her deeply makes up for her being stuck as a Duck. As for the Mythos-Rue-Duck love triangle, it was resolved the best it could. If Duck paired with Mythos, the ending would still have ended tragic as she would have disappeared into a speck of light, and Rue would fulfill her role as the princess without reciprocated love. ] Though, I certainly was crying at the ending. Especially at spoiler[Duck's final dance]. I will probably check out that special feature at the end, so thanks for that tip.

Last edited by Player No. 3 on Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lizbeth Karpusi

Joined: 04 Jan 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:13 pm Reply with quote
Most recently I've finished watching xxxHolic, I really liked it, great characters and a nice mixture of humor, drama, and magic so now I really want to watch xxxHolic: Kei, I hope they dub it soon

Also during the break I finished Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler, I really loved that series. If you haven't watched it its a must see! Can't wait until the dvd comes out I really want that and Big Windup for my birthday

Big Windup/ Ookiku Furikabutte is the third series I saw, if your a sports anime fan then you should see it! Very funny/cute and good baseball depiction

Currently I'm watching Durarara!! so far its great, lives up to my expectations considering its the same great people that brought us Baccano!

P.S. I watched Princess Tutu during the summer. It was a great series overall but I absolutely despised the ending
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