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(The) Promised Neverland (TV) (all seasons).

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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 6:08 am Reply with quote
Episode 12 (finale)

Interesting that with all the twists for about how an escape plan was done, they had one extra twist in store for the characters. It was mentioned earlier that in order to be become a house mother, they had to have a child, and a peak at Isabella’s memories of a song important to her, that she may have sung while carrying, was being repeated by Ray. He mentioned that he could remember things while in the womb, so he apparently revealed to Isabella that he was in fact her son. Just another addition to explain the strange connection between Isabella and Ray. That despite how much this was a mistake for her in how much she became a part of the system, a part of her must have been happy to see him get away, not to mention an addition when she thought Ray had committed suicide in the fire.

It did manage to stay pretty tense in whether the kids could get away, having the genius of the kids on display, but also times they were outplayed. I think pretty safe to say it was one of the top shows of this season, an interesting story with a cast of kids that makes you feel small like them, but also looking for a way out. Apparently a shounen anime that had a female main character with Emma, who fit the whole super positive and never leave anyone behind, but also questioned how feasible it could be, but also not get cynical about it. Made Emma positivity and free spirit kind of as awesome as the mind games of the boys. Was pretty sad that not all of them made it, Norman faced what was beyond the wall, and went back to be devoured, yet he also had a plan that could accomplish what Emma wanted. He was kind of sacrificed so the others could get away, but it didn’t quite feel emo like trying to be cool through it, since Emma rejected that idea.

Generally, the show was pretty fantastic, some masterclass effort in atmosphere, which I see as usually a struggle for anime to pull off. Especially compared to some of my feelings of a lot I watched recently, I can still say that it is one of the good ones. I give it a rating of Very good (8/10), don’t miss it. I wait for a possible continuation at some point if they will manage to pull off an even bigger escape.
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Joined: 14 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 6:01 pm Reply with quote
Few thoughts I have after the season finale (since S2 has been announced).

1) I'm not convinced Norman is actually dead. Something tells me he might not be.

2) Isabelle's number started with 7. The trio's with 6. Phil's 3... What are they counting down to?
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 2:19 pm Reply with quote
Season 2's first episode is up on Funimation and Hulu.

The new OP song is pretty good imo, just as catchier as the previous season's.

As expected, we see Ray's clever thinking at work already. The kids also realize the important book and Minerva's connection with it. Pretty crazy how they get chased by a huge monster already. I like how Emma tells the others to think it like a game of tag. The outside world is no joke. This season should be about survival and it's up to the kids to make the best of their circumstances.

Can't wait for more tbh. Season 2 also confirmed for 11 episodes today.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 6:38 am Reply with quote
I did not expect a high tech hologram thing in a pen, or the more fantasy element forest.
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Joined: 03 Aug 2019
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 7:21 am Reply with quote
S2, 1:

"How do we know the world outside these walls isn't as bad, if not worse, than the farm?"

Welp, they've having a crash course in freedom 101: there's always a price for it.

I will say, now that Emma, Ray and Norman are out of the farm, the show has a more Made in Abyss vibe to it (that was an amazing show, by the way). Exploring new lands, finding new monsters, danger lurking in every corner, and learning the unknown.

Emma, Ray and Norman are the epitomes of intelligence, but to be honest, among the three, Emma and Ray are the most befitting to lead the group. Emma is the epitome of optimism, Ray the pessimism. In the realm of exploring the unknown, optimism and pessimism are two fundamental traits: while pessimism (or skepticism) helps in making rational decisions and assess risks to ensure survival, optimism helps in being hopeful and assessing benefits to lead in salvation. Pessimism = "what if this thing's out to kill us?". Optimism = "what if it's not; it's actually out to save us?". Norman is someone I'd associate with empathy... still important, but I'd think Emma and Ray would be better in this situation. And no, I don't think he's dead; I'm sure he's alive.

William Minerva? Goddess of wisdom (and others)? Yeah, clearly an alias.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 7:40 am Reply with quote
There was an interesting video by Mother's Basement that put forward a very plausible theory that Phil, one of the kids they left behind, was smarter than all of them. Such that you could pick up likely clues that he already figured out what was happening and also about the Minerva books. Such that you could put into place small details such as specific places he was in that he had been listening into the older kids, and been acting in trying to throw Mama off of the scent.
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Joined: 03 Aug 2019
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 4:18 am Reply with quote
S2, 2:

So there are two worlds: the Human world and the Demon world. In the Demon world, ironically the Demons are the playing the role of humans, and the humans are... hmm, farm animals. So what's the deal with the Human world? If humans there are playing the humans, then the demons are... hmm, predators? Endangered species? What does the world work over there?

Feels like this is an episode of "what if humans and farm animals have their roles reversed". A change of perspective. Sonju and Mujika is proof that demons aren't that different from humans: they have religion, they have ideologies, and they also speak human language (if you never realized before). "Demons" is also just a label (if a farm animal has a label for us humans, it's probably something like that, I imagine).

Now I wonder how the two different worlds are exactly separated. There has to be a border somewhere; I just have this feeling it's not the typical kind we associate with national borders.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 5:20 am Reply with quote
S2, 3:

Oh wonderful. Sonju and Mujika are humanitarians (i.e. vegetarians but for humans), but they're not just humanitarians: they're paleo-humanitarians. It's a thing!

Since this show is basically "what if demons are the humans, and humans are the farm animals", it might as well tackle the peculiar thing about humans: are we meant to be meat eaters? To Sonju and Mujika, their faith—aka the Paleo diet—discourages farmed humans, but not wild humans. Wild ones are fine because they're... untainted? Doesn't matter. "God" says we can't have this, but He didn't say anything about having the other. How human: when we want something, we will find a way to rationalize it.

I knew the hideout is too good to be true. It screams "it's a trap!".
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 6:02 am Reply with quote
The idea does somewhat hit that if the smartest humans are the most delicious, then a place set up for the smartest of them to go could possibly be a trap.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 6:08 am Reply with quote
Smart =/= wise.

I don't necessarily blame the kids, of course. This is a whole new world, so they can't possibly know everything. Although I do think that if anyone in the group should feel like the hideout is too good to be true, it would be Ray.
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 9:14 pm Reply with quote
This show definitely keeps you on the edge of your seat for these kids!
After all, this show has already shown us very bad things can and will happen to children we've grown attached to.

I swear when the phone rang my stomach leapt into my throat... especially right after seeing the hidden room with HELP scrawled into the wall...!!! (I don't watch many horror shows, I get scared by them easily, so I realize I am probably jumpier about this show than others perhaps)

As I was looking over this hide-out the kids were directed to, I couldn't help but keep wondering WHO built this very elaborate hidden underground place, and for what purpose? It's filled with a huge library, fully stocked kitchen, place to grow their own vegetable, security system, etc, etc...
all in the middle of "demon" territory. This had to take quite a while to build, there is no way it wasn't noticed by the demons while they built it...was it indeed built by a human?...
or a very clever demon(s) wanting the smartest humans all to themselves?

I really enjoy this suspenseful show, I have a lot of questions, but I trust that the answers will come...whether they bring joy or nightmares...or both, I look forward to finding out.
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Joined: 03 Aug 2019
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 4:26 am Reply with quote
S2, 4:

Well, that shelter is short-lived.

Still doesn't (clearly) explain what the deal is with all the "HELP ME" markings. It could be that previous runways, desperate and terrified from running away from the farms, found the shelter at first without any food or resources but gradually built them up for future runways to use? Maybe... strange how the show just sweeps this under the rug.

Isabella is punished for her crimes of letting the kids get away, but gets a chance at correcting it. Shouldn't be a surprise that, like the kids, she's also a captive herself. Demons basically see humans as nothing more than fodder or expendable resources in the Demon World.

But I'm curious: what kind of arrangements do humans and demons exactly have in the Demon World? Because not only do we see demonic hunters here, but also human hunters serving in the Demon World. Makes me wonder how humans have adopted that kind of servitude towards demons... in fact, would the humans of the Human World want to accept such people in their own?
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 12:31 am Reply with quote
ACxS wrote:
S2, 4:

But I'm curious: what kind of arrangements do humans and demons exactly have in the Demon World? Because not only do we see demonic hunters here, but also human hunters serving in the Demon World. Makes me wonder how humans have adopted that kind of servitude towards demons... in fact, would the humans of the Human World want to accept such people in their own?

I liked how they went into showing what happened to Isabella since we've been focused on the escaped kids...She really has pretty much no choice either to make her life the best it can be given her circumstances, and thus the hunt for the children from her will begin.

I have to think that if any of these humans trapped in the demon world did ever make it to the human side again they would be accepted, I think they are all simply doing what they need to now just to self-preserve as best as they can. It's not like they chose this way of life. That's my guess anyway.

I was equally shocked though to see human hunters chasing the kids down though, I had the same questions...why would they do that?!? Do they KNOW they can't get away? Is it because they are more familiar with the demons than the children and knew it's this servitude to the demons or death? Is it just that the children are so much more exceptional that they perhaps will be able to make it out of the clutches of the demons where the soldiers couldn't? I'm honestly 50/50 on how this will end...
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Joined: 03 Aug 2019
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 5:55 am Reply with quote
ACxS wrote:
And no, I don't think he's dead; I'm sure he's alive.


So what exactly is going on? Can demons live as humanitarians (I'm just going to call it by this term) without consuming human meat? Because apparently Sonju and Mujika can, although they still crave for it. The two demons—I'll call them... Harry and Marv—believe that if only they have meat, their kids(?) wouldn't be so malnourished or "degenerated".

But why human meat? Craving doesn't equate to malnutrition, and human meat apparently seems more like a luxury than a necessity. And I'm not even sure if it's because the town is suffering from lack of food or anything. Is there something about human meat than a demon's physiology can't do without? What is this "degeneration"? Is it a fact about demon's physiology, or just Harry and Marv's belief?

On a separate note, when the episode opened up with a jar of human heads, I wasn't shocked. It's something sensible to see in a (demon's) market... but jeez, why do all the heads look the same??
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Joined: 03 Aug 2019
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:27 am Reply with quote

...really, a recap? After just 5 episodes?

See, I thought it would at least add some new perspective to everything that has transpired, from episode one until now. But no, it's really a vanilla recap. Just "here, this is what happened in season one AND (just) five episodes of season two." No additional details whatsoever.

I wanted to believe, from the odd episode number, that there's something more to it. No, there isn't. At the very most, it's just to remind you that Norman "died" but actually lived (which we were already reminded time and time again).
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