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Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon (TV) (all seasons).

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Tony K.

Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 8:55 pm Reply with quote

Main Series - InuYasha (TV)
Main Series End - InuYasha: The Final Act (TV)
Season 1 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon (TV)
Season 2 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon - The Second Act (TV 2)

Genres: adventure, fantasy
Themes: demons, historical, time travel, youkai

Plot Summary: The daughters of Sesshomaru and Inuyasha set out on a journey transcending time. In feudal Japan, half-demon twins Towa and Setsuna are separated from each other during a forest fire. While desperately searching for her younger sister, Towa wanders into a mysterious tunnel that sends her into present-day Japan, where she is found and raised by Kagome Higurashi's brother, Sota, and his family.

Ten years later, the tunnel that connects the two eras has reopened, allowing Towa to be reunited with Setsuna, who is now a Demon Slayer working for Kohaku. But to Towa's shock, Setsuna appears to have lost all memories of her older sister. Joined by Moroha, the daughter of Inuyasha and Kagome, the three young women travel between the two eras on an adventure to regain their missing past.

S1 - (Crunchyroll, FUNimation)
S2 - Oct. 2, 2021 (Saturdays; Crunchyroll, FUNimation)

I was going through my old bookmarks from a couple years ago when I was Iast indexing stuff to update/insert what still needed to be added, got to the letter I, then saw InuYasha, then thought, "hmm.. I don't remember seeing a page for the new spinoff anywhere in the first couple of pages," so here it is. And for future reference, I will list it with InuYasha.

I remember when IY was super big during its original run. And according to ANN's numbers, it's currently the 16th most seen anime title in the Encyclopedia. I watched all of IY the series, and, I think, 3 of the 4 movies, but I never watched Final Act, yet. So I'm not really sure how things ended or if they tie into YH directly.

But given that this is purely an anime spinoff, and not an adaptation of a Takashashi manga, I'm interested to see how it goes. I'm a little embarrassed to say I haven't read any of her manga, but I do hold the anime adaptations of Ramna and IY in fairly high regard (have yet to see Maison Ikkoku, which I really wanna' see at some point). There's just something about the material that, while a little episodic in nature, it still manages to keep me entertained and ready for more. At least that was the case for the two aforementioned titles. Granted, Ranma and IY are totally different in terms of story scope where one's a screwball comedy and the other an epic fantasy tale, but I think the characters are quirky/cool enough that they always kept my interest.

As for YH, I actually haven't watched it, yet. I've got a longer title in queue that a friend of mine recommended, and I'm trying to speed through it, first (Kingdom). After that, I'll watch Final Act, and then dive on into YH.

I did take a peek at the first episode, however, and it feels so weird to see IY and gang in widescreen HD. I'm so used to the iffy fullscreen SD quality of the Viz DVD's and old fansubs from back in the day. But Sunrise is usually pretty decent, so hopefully the art and animation will hold up if the series gets long, and I'm glad they, at least, brought Kaoru Wada back for the music. That guy's the master of Edo period anime scores, as far as I'm concerned.

EDIT: Spelling and grammar.

Last edited by Tony K. on Wed Oct 06, 2021 10:22 am; edited 6 times in total
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 3:07 am Reply with quote
Episodes 1 to 4

I am watching this show, and I am not familiar with any of the previous media, read no manga and not seen a single anime episode of InuYasha. Some parts have confused me a little bit so far, I am frankly a little happier when it is a bit more up front with who each character is, even if veterans would probably be more annoyed with it.

I am enjoying the characters, they seem fun in the sense that I know no more about these main characters as they seem to know about themselves, having them stand on their own merits.

Towa is my personal favourite so far, in the sense that I enjoy her androgynous character. I have just posted a comment in the other forum to be up front of my hopes for the character that I am totally going to be accused of forcing my own agenda onto a character. At this point I am kind of hoping that Towa is some form of queer, maybe even to my greater wish that they could be non-binary, it is not a common thing that we get explicitly in anime with characters. Usually such a characters are either never say a gender like some sort of mystery, play coy with identities where they pretty much go "actually I am my *birth sex*", or get weird about androgyny that wants to confuse. Although I understand to expect an answer that "she is just in a phase of a tomboy", and should just take at face value that the only reason she wears boys clothes (and a masculine haircut) is because it is easier to fight in.
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Joined: 03 Aug 2019
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 8:51 am Reply with quote
Oh we're actually discussing this show? Ok cool.

I actually watched the whole original series. All 167 episodes. And the final season. Plus the movies. I don't know what compelled me to do all that, but I did it. There.

There's nothing groundbreaking about this show, for better or worse. For better, because at least the nostalgic value is not tampered with, but I must say, the OP/ED isn't as good as the original (jeez, now that I think of it, the OPs/EDs in the original series were incredible). For worse, because you will get all the same schtick: Inuyasha's boorishness, Kagome's stubbornness, Sesshomaru's standoffishness, and so on.

The fights were always the same: good guy fights bad guy, bad guy was stronger, good guy gets even stronger, good guy wins, bad guys get way. Repeat. Really, that was it. Probably we will see the same this time round too.

But I must say, the chemistry between the three princesses are nice to watch. There's good balance between Moroha's lackadaisical attitude, Towa's protectiveness and Setsuna's distant demeanor.

The most amazing thing of all? Lady Kaede. Man, old timer's still kicking alive and well? Damn.

My only worry is, how long is this show going to be? I can't put up with another 167 episodes; that's torturous.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 12:34 am Reply with quote
Episode 24 (Season 1 finale)

That is quite a part to have at the end of a season, Setsuna killed that it might be about time to accept what happened from going into that fight, and then their biological father pops in to give the blade that was just broken that could possibly be used to revive her or something. I guess that might be a plot going into a second season, Towa was really only doing anything there because she wanted to help Setsuna.

Going by how this season turned out, I would say that I became a bit disappointed, not because any awareness of the original series that could build expectations, but after the first several episodes it felt like it started to fall into just episodic monsters. Towa was the character I was most interested in starting up, and it felt like she quickly ended up as the one with least interesting done with, the stuff with the pirate guy not doing any favours. What set Towa apart from her sister and cousin was her connection to the modern world, but it generally played no part other than have Towa be a fish out of water that needed things explained to her. The particularly interest part of her character was her gender presentation, that she wore a male uniform at an all girls school, but it generally played no part in the rest of the series. There was never any part about expectations of girls in the past setting.

I won't say that the other two received the best stuff either, like could have used a bit more. Moroha had bits like the thing with her master, and I kind of feel more mad than anything when finding out that her concern over money was because she was essentially sold into slavery. Someone was made to be responsible for her, and she sold Moroha for her own self. I think we were meant to see it as complicated because said master did it to save her life from the consequences of protecting Moroha, but I don't think that excuses that Moroha as a child lost her freedom. it is never even really brought up that the dealer who is a semi good guy is actually the type of person that would by someone from their guardian.

Setsuna probably got off the best, I liked the episode that revealed her past with the other half-demons. And I do like how her character rode a line of being so serious that she would not give into mushiness, but does actually care. We got some more of her with the violin, but I might have liked a bit say how she seemed comfortable to put on that dress in the modern time, which might be a level of femininity that contrasts something like Towa's character.

Anyway, my rating will be Decent (6/10), I didn't lose my time and I don't think was difficult to watch, I just wish that it did a bit more to be interesting. It fell back into a formulae that I was not expecting, although perhaps that was part of a plan if it was planned to have a longer run.
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Joined: 03 Aug 2019
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 2:50 am Reply with quote
24, final:


I watched this purely for its nostalgia value, but I will be upfront: I've never liked Inuyasha. It was extremely run-of-the-mill with the story and character development, particularly with the clichés. In fact, it's one of the original shows that coined many of the clichés we see in anime as a whole. The only thing good about it was the music, especially OP/ED. But with almost 200 episodes (including Final Act), and a couple of movies, I felt a huge relief when it finally ended... or so I thought.

This show is basically continuing the franchise, for better or worse. All the usual traces are there: the cartoonish villains who always scoot after a fight with their "we will meet again!" and our heroes be like "come back here!", the filler episodes, the character tropes (tsundere, bishies, whatever)... just about everything Inuyasha was known for.

But even more than that, the plot this time is even convoluted: I still don't have a clear idea what really happened to Kagome, Inuyasha and Rin. At least in the original series the plot was clear-cut so we were just in for the long ride. For this one, we're still trying to understand what really happened. So just like the three girls, we're pretty much clueless as to what really happened.

I'm not sure if I want to follow the second season. I lasted 24 episodes for this season, and if I want another two-cour installment, it must be because I have spare time to go into it. When Kirinmaru scattered the Rainbow Pearls, I thought "WOW, the show just literally extended the series by another 24 episodes right in front of us! Another jewel hunt, HERE WE GO AGAIN!!!". Urgh, how familiarly irritating.
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 9:22 pm Reply with quote
ACxS wrote:
24, final:

This show is basically continuing the franchise, for better or worse.

I think just for the worse was what you were looking for.

I did love InuYasha, I had fond memories of it. I can't saw this show killed my feelings for the original show, but it certainly didn't keep any of those same feelings intact. It trampled all over them. I am not excited that there is more, but at the same time, the overly-optimistic me hopes that they get new writers (directors? animators? story-lines?) and the show improves because I will keep watching and want it to be better. Thus far everything felt pretty pointless to put it nicely. 4.5/10 feels about right...maybe even generous.
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Joined: 03 Aug 2019
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 8:15 am Reply with quote
bonbonsrus wrote:

I think just for the worse was what you were looking for.

I did love InuYasha, I had fond memories of it. I can't saw this show killed my feelings for the original show, but it certainly didn't keep any of those same feelings intact. It trampled all over them. I am not excited that there is more, but at the same time, the overly-optimistic me hopes that they get new writers (directors? animators? story-lines?) and the show improves because I will keep watching and want it to be better. Thus far everything felt pretty pointless to put it nicely. 4.5/10 feels about right...maybe even generous.

I had fond memories of it too. It came out just when I discovered anime, so even though it was nothing special per se, it did come during my formative years.

Can't say I think they made it much worse than the original series, but I definitely can't say it made things easier.

P.S. I just like they're extending a show that would've been perfectly fine where it ended. Personally I have a thing for leaving things as they are if they signed off fine; I don't like seeing old titles being necro'ed, but that's just me. Usually when something like this happens, I would end up liking the old show even more, even if it wasn't that good.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 12:04 am Reply with quote
Season 2, Episode 24 (finale)

So, I guess that is the end, unless they do decide they want to do more, but with all the loose ends tied up I don't think that I would be any interested in coming back. But at least it tied things up. At this point I don't really care enough about the character relationships to feel drawn. Although I thought that Towa would feel drawn back to the modern world, that part of the series feels underdeveloped.

I just generally felt less interested in the show as it went on, that it lost some of its initial interest, especially as I think it started to lean into stuff that must have meant more to the prior series. And I still don't get what the point was of things like the scene it finished off of, where the monster thinks it smells their father, and then surprise it is actually them. Also, can't really stand the empathy this show seemed to have towards certain monsters, that I think are implied to have mercilessly killed many innocent people.

My rating is going to be Not really good (4/10).
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