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(The) Day I Became a God (TV).

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 1:24 am Reply with quote

(The) Day I Became a God (TV)

Genres: Drama, Fantasy

Plot Summary: Yota Narukami is a student focused only on his college entrance exams. During his last summer break of high school, he is approached by a girl named Hina who says she is the god of omniscience. She tells him that in thirty days, the world will end. At first Yota doesn't believe her, but after she demonstrates supernatural predictive abilities, he becomes convinced her power is genuine. Hina, meanwhile, decides for some reason to stay at his house, and they begin a tumultuous vacation facing the end of the world together.

Original anime by P.A. Works produced by Aniplex.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 2:16 am Reply with quote
Episode 1

Most of the reviewers seemed to have a negative reaction, but I actually liked this episode quite a bit. The banter seemed to work for me, and were not surprised that Key is connected, it does remind me of things like Kannon, Clannad and Angel Beats, I name those because they were some of my favourite anime. Although they are also attached to Little Busters and Charlotte, which either became big disappointments or too wrapped up in confusing elements. Whether this means the show is going to end up sad, I don't, it is likely, but at least the comedy in the first episode worked with me really effectively.

Just bits like how they were kicked out of the library, the fact that indeed three strikes means he is out, and still following Odin's advice to confess, it not seeming to be some special knowledge that him embarrassing himself would warm him up to her. It is ridiculous that for all the gods that this little girl claims to be she is apparently old, rather than old she is young, rather than a man she is female, and she certainly does not have Odin's signature single eye. My knowledge of Odin is that generally he gave his eye up for knowledge. But for now I will go on the side that the misfit is part of comedy to some aspect. Odin as a god of knowledge does work with her supposed omniscience, mixed with the parts that she is pretty wrong about.

I will look forward to more.
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Joined: 16 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 3:49 am Reply with quote
Episode 1

Haruhi Suzumiya is omnipotent without knowing, Sota is Omniscient without power.
Swap out characters, press play.

But I'm not calling her "Odin" as 1 There's already another series this season that has Odin 2 The series is called "The Day I became a God" and not "The Day I Became Odin" 3 Even as Sota claims she's Odin by telling Yota the type of things Odin can do, destructive magic is on the list and it's the easiest thing for her to do but she "won't" do it or does he not think to ask?

I did think the episode was funny even when it went into the dangerous "Look at how quirky I am!" waters of overreaction, especially regarding Yota. The series has potential but I'm not certain of the ticking plot timer that's set at 30 days. If I'm right that Sota knows but has no power then she would be looking for someone with "power"...

I'm always impressed with series that set up such things and then actually go through with them so what happens at 30 days?

What happens AFTER 30 days?
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:54 am Reply with quote
The Japanese loves them some Norse mythology, that's for sure. Anyway, cute show. I'll be checking out more.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:29 am Reply with quote
"The Allfather Can't Be This Cute"
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:56 am Reply with quote
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 1:25 pm Reply with quote
I also liked it well enough. The banter between the two leads was fun to watch.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 9:23 pm Reply with quote

Late for the party, but never mind.

You remember Ano Natsu de Matteru? That quintessential J.C. Staff show that was quite a sleeper hit back in 2012? This is that show, and PA Works is going to back to their old ways of producing anime back in earlier times (am I surprised that Nagi Yanagi did the ED? I actually anticipated it). So I know, this show is going to be a sleeper hit because it has all the right formula, and the nostalgia effect: nostalgia is lucrative business.

And I admit: this show does feel nostalgic. It harkens back to the the summer-based slice-of-life that PA Works shared with J.C. and even KyoAni: Ano Natsu, Nagi no Asukara, Hanasaku Iroha, True Tears, Charlotte (in a way?). But I will be honest: this is the kind of show I will not pay attention to the plot, simply because it's not really about the plot. The main takeaway is the overall experience of spending an unforgettable summer break. See, that's what's going to make this show sell: anime fans are a sucker for that.

Ms. Omnipresence—Odin? Pfft, no... I'll call her Index—prophesizes that the world is ending in 30 days. May be true, maybe not true. Maybe it doesn't even matter, because of the main takeaway: spend your summer as if it's your last one (see how it all works out?). I'm going to sit back and enjoy this. Derivative or not, I know this is the sleeper hit of the season.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 7:10 am Reply with quote
Episode 2

The movie references were hilarious, Armageddon, Rocky and Edward Scissor hands. The comedic timing and everything was just perfect, especially with how she kept pointing out that the man was indeed his father and questioning if he has work.

Our self proclaimed god has also possibly given the plot away in just being really observant, picking out the psychology books as an example.

Ending feels a little ominous. Considering what type of series this is, will it do something to his sister... considering what Angel Beats and Charlotte had, sister is super not safe. It is funny, which means going to sucker punch with sadness.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 9:02 am Reply with quote

The whole manzai thing is really getting tiring. It was already showing some signs since episode one.

But I admit, the movie parodies were hilarious. Kinda like Haruhi Suzumiya's first episode, because it makes you go "dafuq am i watching" on purpose. And it's also well done. Do it once: works best the first time. Do it twice: you didn't think it would try that again. But third time? Nah, too predictable. The show's self-aware about it, so they just cut to the chase. Smart move.

Index is annoying, but for me she's (barely) tolerable. At least there's some likability to her so it makes her character acceptable. The plot trajectory remains the same: it's going to be about having the best summer ever. I think there's going to be some plot twist, so that's interesting. And it feels really nostalgic because of one person: Jun Maeda. His writing portfolio: Kanon, Clannad, Rewrite, Little Busters!, Angel Beats!, Charlotte. Guy who popularized "nakiage" VNs (Clannad made me shed tears back in the day), with recurring themes of family, friends, summer, and loss. Pair that with signature PA Works polished animation you've seen in Nagi no Asukara and Hanasaku Iroha. Top it off with Nagi Yanagi for OP and ED.

Yeah, your sleeper hit of the season (year too?), right here.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 3:26 pm Reply with quote
ACxS wrote:
And it feels really nostalgic because of one person: Jun Maeda. His writing portfolio: Kanon, Clannad, Rewrite, Little Busters!, Angel Beats!, Charlotte.

Funny that in the list of Key/Maeda works that this show reminds me of the most, the one I've decided this hews closest to is...

Air. The gods of Earth, Time, the Sun and.... the girl's Sky. Air was the one that always pitched from silly comedy to serious death without a moment's notice.

Anyway, Episode 2, the Day She Came Home. It was funny... but...

"A relative's child came to us for help. How can we refuse?"
"To think this day would come."

Name dropping Odin just to be dropped, fine but naming a neophyte character in a RPG "Zeus" though? Fine, I'll play your game. Gaia, Kronos, Hyperion and Uranus. Titanic names to be sure.

So that should make Hina Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 5:32 pm Reply with quote
I can be bugged by the damnedest things. In this case, I feel mild stress over the fact that Dude is supposed to be studying for entrance exams, but Odin is taking up all his time. For years, my most common stress dream was the classic: I'm back in high school, I even recognize that I've already graduated yet I'm taking classes again. Naturally, I've missed a bunch and now I have to take exams without having learned the material. I guess maybe that's why this story element is nagging at me.

I enjoyed the reveal that, like, the sister was so happy about the filming, not like, because she thought the individual stories were, like, any good, but because she'd be able to edit it, like, altogether in an embarassing expose of how, like, her brother was trying to, like, win over his crush.
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Joined: 03 Aug 2019
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 4:22 am Reply with quote

Ah. Ahhhhhh. Ah, now I see where this show's going.

Notice how suddenly there's a dark subplot featuring some S-class hacker, who found some dirt on some physicist who's "also a software genius"? And then you start to wonder, what's this got to do with high school kids doing fun summer things? Do you see a connection here? Do you see where this is going?

Someone in another forum made his bet, and when I read, everything made sense and feel into place: spoiler[Odin is actually an AI. Her "omniscience"? Pure AI prediction (makes full sense; any undesirable outcome is attributed to "bad luck" i.e. factors not accounted into calculations). End of the world? Either an AI's logical conclusion (all AIs in RL predicts this), or some other plot twist (depends on Maeda has up his sleeve). The unnamed scientist the hacker looked up? Odin's dad (so that makes him... Borr?). Heck, that fish in the ED is Odin, isn't it?]

Now the show's starting to remind me of Charlotte (and Little Busters). Why? Because of the sinking feeling that shit's about to go down from the halfway point of the story. That happened in Charlotte, which we went "WTF's going on" and "that went south quick", and now I'm wondering if Maeda's learned his lesson. Both shows are only 1 cour long, so I can't blame him for introducing this subplot early; otherwise the plot development would be too rushed.

I see what you did there, Maeda. Mm-hmm.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 5:38 am Reply with quote
A person of interest being a physicist and computer programmer genius certainly gives credit to spoiler[the simulation] theory. Giving some explanation of what Hina can do.

I expected this episode might be sad after how last episode finished, but the whole ramen thing was hilarious in having Yota in a suit. And there is just something special about the banter of when he was trying to convince her, like saying that he is 40 years old and won a baby face contest, I wish that I could remember what parts it reminds me of the earlier works.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 4:31 am Reply with quote
But it's not prediction, it's memory. You can't predict the entire order of a horse race as there are too many variables but you can remember it. If it does turn out to be prediction, I'll be more disappointed in a Jun Maeda work than I usually end up being. Air, Kanon and... no, just those two excluded.

Episode 3 at least proved one thing: Maeda has realized that giving out names makes him lose power. If he we heard the new God's name, we would learn too much too early. A challenge? [cracks fingers]

Thumbcuffs, not handcuffs. By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes. But tricky, not wicked. Who has two thumbs and holds up the sky? This guy apparently.

Uh huh. My guess is the new guy is literally on the Map.

Mental note: A computer can only calculate for known variables bu it can't account for something like a color blind horse seeing a dark grey jersey on a jockey and making it less enthusiastic.
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