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Beastars (TV).

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Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2019 11:14 am Reply with quote

Season 01: Beastars (TV)
Season 02: Beastars (TV 2) (discussion starts here)
Season 03 (1st half): Beastars (TV 3) (discussion starts here)

Source: Manga (completed @ 22 volumes by Paru Itagaki)

Demographic: Shounen

Animation Studio: Orange

Genres: action, drama, psychological, romance, slice of life

Themes: anthropomorphs, coming-of-age, crime, gangs, love polygon, school

Plot Summary: In a world of carnivores and herbivores, there is a lot of hope, love, and anxiety. Regoshi is a wolf who is a member of Cherryton Academy's drama club, and even though he's a wolf, he's very sensitive.

Air Date & Platform:
Season 01: October 08, 2019 (Tuesday)
Available on: Netflix

Season 02: January 05, 2021 (Tuesday)
Available on: Netflix

Season 03 (1st half): December 05, 2024 (Sunday)
Available on: Netflix

Season 03 (2nd half): Pending
Available on: Netflix

Episode Count / Runtime:
Season 01: 12 episodes
Season 02: 12 episodes
Season 03 (1st half): 12 episodes
Season 03 (2nd half): 12 episodes

Total: 35 episodes
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Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 7:58 am Reply with quote
First episode is off to a terrific start. In particular, the music and style of the show depicts the nature of the animal world. However at the same time, their personalities can also been seen as a blend between animalistic and human.

I think a major selling point of the show will be how Legoshi (a carnivore) will behave around herbivores and other species. Also cool to see Haru being adapted as she's a very important character from the manga. The CGI didn't bother me much at all for this show. In fact, I think it's fairly well done.

There's over 100+ chapters from the manga so there's plenty to adapt.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 12:51 am Reply with quote
I was interested in this from the first look at this from the poster, and so far it looks good. The mystery element makes me think might be trying to figure out who the murderer is, and the focus on what set Legoshi off, is whether someone is drugging carnivores, like some sort of Zootopia plot, where a herbivore is responsible for making.

Anyway, the themes so far about racism to other kinds of elitism for bullying. Certainly interested in the main characters, Legoshi and Haru.
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 2:05 am Reply with quote
Well that was different. Smile I think I like it.

I'm curious as to why the hippo sided with the carnivores when they split into groups. Also, I wonder if deer's penchant for killing and eating birds and small rodents will factor into this. >.>

Surely the wolf's name is Legosi (as per the subs)? シ can be written as shi or si, and it's clearly a reference to Bela Lugosi. But I think the only role he had as a werewolf was in The Wolf Man, as the gypsy who bit Lon Chaney Jr. They should've named him Chaney or Talbot. Very Happy

Really liking Haru.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 5:51 am Reply with quote
So what do carnivores usually eat in this world? Herbivores that are not their classmates? Or did they all (try to) turn vegetarian? And is killing a herbivore considered a crime or an accident or...? Because after the initial shock nobody seemed terribly interested in finding the culprit behind Tem's "murder" anymore and the show felt like just another Highschool drama with added furry content.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 7:04 am Reply with quote
Episode 2

Man, that OP is fantastic. Stop motion with a diverse picking of textures and real use of shadow. The jazz music too.

Was kind of wondering if the whole carnivore thing over something like aggressive sexuality, but the ending of the episode seemed to imply that Haru is actually very sexually active, that she seems quick to offer it for some relatively light labour. Guess that is why she is bullied, but also why apparently guys are afraid of her. Not really a turn I was expecting, that for a lack of other turns she is a slut, but that does sound harsh, because still interested in her character.

Kind of feels like some repeated themes of the term "wolf in sheep's clothing". Maybe in different context since our main wolf does not literally hide he is a wolf but tries to adopt a sheep like character. And Haru, well maybe she is a bunny and does what bunnies do, but not expected of her appearance.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 9:32 am Reply with quote
Gina Szanboti wrote:

Surely the wolf's name is Legosi (as per the subs)? シ can be written as shi or si, and it's clearly a reference to Bela Lugosi. But I think the only role he had as a werewolf was in The Wolf Man, as the gypsy who bit Lon Chaney Jr. They should've named him Chaney or Talbot. Very Happy

Ooh, that's a deep cut. That should be a reference to Island of Lost Souls, Lugosi was the Sayer of the Law, a literal Man Wolf, well a Beast made into a man. Made 8 years prior to the Wolf Man.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 10:49 am Reply with quote
DuskyPredator wrote:
Episode 2
Not really a turn I was expecting, that for a lack of other turns she is a slut, but that does sound harsh, because still interested in her character.

So what would you call her if she was a guy?

I guess most of the questions from my earlier comment have been answered, though i'm still wondering why nobody seems to care about who actually killed Tem.

But well, i'm certain curious where this will be going, so i'm in forthe time being.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 11:15 am Reply with quote
Merida wrote:
So what would you call her if she was a guy?

A man slut, probably, I think that was what I referred to Barney Stinson from HIMYM. I hold no double standard over any of the genders being very interested in sex with many different people. Neither do I believe in slut shaming. I am not exactly fully comfortable with the word with how it usually has negative connotations, so I would be happy to learn a word that does not sound so judgemental, and gender neutral sounding. I admit that I don't always have the best words.
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Joined: 21 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 12:57 pm Reply with quote
DuskyPredator wrote:
Merida wrote:
So what would you call her if she was a guy?

A man slut, probably, I think that was what I referred to Barney Stinson from HIMYM. I hold no double standard over any of the genders being very interested in sex with many different people. Neither do I believe in slut shaming. I am not exactly fully comfortable with the word with how it usually has negative connotations, so I would be happy to learn a word that does not sound so judgemental, and gender neutral sounding. I admit that I don't always have the best words.

Fair enough, thanks for the reasonable reply. Smile I would call her "sex-positive" if she actually enjoyed what she's doing, but somehow i got the feeling that's not really the case...but she's definitely a very interesting character and i'm looking forward to finding out more about her.
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:26 pm Reply with quote
In this case, I think "promiscuous' would be the least judgemental (though it can be interpreted as insulting by those so inclined), and it's gender neutral. Promiscuous doesn't necessarily imply enjoyment, nor right and wrong - it's just indiscriminate sexual activity without pay. "Slut" unequivocally holds that having multiple partners is bad.

Is the purple haze someone spreading hallucinogens around, or is just the depiction of mouth-watering scent in the air?
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 11:24 pm Reply with quote
Saying "promiscuous person", and or replacing person with gender would probably be the best then.

Gina Szanboti wrote:
Is the purple haze someone spreading hallucinogens around, or is just the depiction of mouth-watering scent in the air?

I was kind of wondering if something activated repressed instincts, such case could be for Haru too when she went into flight mode with her ears twitching before he jumped her. Maybe why she could claim that her memory is hazy of it.

I do actually have some candidates who could be the carnivore that attacked, my two current suspects being the dogs, the one with hair over his eyes, or the Labrador guy. Not much of evidence other than I think the silhouette we saw looked kind of similar.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 01, 2019 1:07 pm Reply with quote
The purple haze is almost certainly a representation of scent (Haru's scent as "seen" by Legosi, so attractive/appetizing), remember the way the diverse scents were visualized when Legosi was in front of the flower garden (including Haru's).

There's a lot of smart and impressive small touches like this to represent the quite surreal universe of Beastars (I like how they're using some rougher 2D drawings for this from time to time).

In general the direction in those few episodes is nothing short of phenomenal and do a lot to convey the same points and mood that the expressive drawings do in the manga. I'm impressed by the 3D animation and Orange shows that Houseki no Kuni was not just a lucky show.

I've already read a fair bit of the manga in the past so I can say that the characters are amazing (you don't have to love them all... but they sure are interesting).
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 02, 2019 8:03 am Reply with quote
Have to wonder about Louis' point of view. Earlier in the episode he was talking about how he did not like Legosi so much, like he was holding back like he pities him and the other herbivores. But perhaps had a change of heart when seeing the more stage stealing wanting tiger, more proud of his heritage, was partaking in "doping" by carrying a herbivore's blood, and Legosi getting angry about it.
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 06, 2019 6:57 pm Reply with quote
Jedai wrote:
The purple haze is almost certainly a representation of scent (Haru's scent as "seen" by Legosi, so attractive/appetizing), remember the way the diverse scents were visualized when Legosi was in front of the flower garden (including Haru's).

You're probably right, but he's been around herbivores' scents all day for (4?) years, including hers, so why did he suddenly get triggered out of nowhere? From that thinking, I figured the garden scents and such were basically acid flashbacks from the residue of the purple stuff still in his system. Smile Plus the hallucinations.

He seems like he's mostly been over it since then, until confronted with the scent of actual blood, but he first attacked Haru before he drew her blood.

Now, if the purple vapor was the scent of actual blood someone was doping the breeze with, then it makes sense to me. And the blood=drugs metaphor they've got going now still informs his flashback-like reaction in the garden too.

But since you've read the manga, no telling! Smile
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