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The Best and Worst of Fall 2018, Nov 12-18

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Joined: 26 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 5:34 pm Reply with quote
Since it might be of passing interest to someone, I thought to mention I noticed how someone(s?) hated the episode of Yagate Kimi ni Naru quite a bit. Originally I noticed this when I read the episode review and then came back to check something a bit later, and the score had fallen rather quickly from 4.3 to 4.0. I thought this a little odd so about a day later (the scrore still remaining at 4.0) I decided to make a little experiment and pumped the score back up, but bothered only to 4.2. Unsurprisingly it had gone back down to 4.0 when I checked back a bit later. So about a day later I repeated the experiment and brought it back from 4.0, where it had remained, to 4.2 again. As expected, it was 4.0 when I next checked it. Just to give this person some extra work, I pumped the score to 4.2 again, but this apparently went unnoticed for a bit longer, until it inevitably went down to 4.0 again, where it remains.

Site devs probably can see these actions easily in the sql tables, looking at timestamp and IP columns (of course you do record those, right?), including mine by comparing with the IP this forum logs. I wouldn't be surprised if this happens with other shows as well, as manipulating the score is dead easy (and we all have seen those rollercoaster spikes during previous seasons).
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Joined: 06 Jul 2018
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 6:52 pm Reply with quote
Surprised to see Sword Art go down, I've rather enjoyed the last episodes.

Juliet made a jump, and well deserved in my eyes. I've seemed to have enjoyed this far more than most other people it seems, and same thing goes for Goblin Slayer, though that one is a bit of an odd-ball where the 1 minute "bird view" finish was just weird and felt like a budget decision. Seems like getting a 1 on the dice really powers up GS though. I also guess GS has a decent amount of "haters" just watching it to know what everyone else will be talking about this season as it is the most watched series this season, and probably the most dominant series for viewership for a long time/ever (at least on the Western scene). I don't think Juliet got any haters though, so why it has been so low is perplexing to me in a way, but sometimes taste just differ.

Bunny Girl is up there, and I totally agree with that. It's fun, pure and simple. Same goes with Zombieland Saga, though that one is swinging a lot for reasons I don't get. I feel it has been pretty stable as a show, so it kinda surprise me.

I finally managed to see a bit of Thunderbolt Fantasy. What a weird show. I'm not opposed to it, but it feels more like Team America than anime. I haven't managed to catch up to 6, but how this show manage to capture the nr. 1 spot is beyond me, but then again, I didn't think I'd like Team America either, so maybe it's just a presentation material you grow used to. The witch fight in the first episode was the most "unfitting" "Ohoho" I've ever heard and the mandatory "hand over face with open mouth" animation isn't present, though that WOULD be pretty hard to pull off from dolls who's mouths don't move after all.

Also picked up Gridman, it sure steps up after episode 1, love the battle music, I totally get why this is a top show this season now and I stand corrected. The CGI really turned me off in the start, but you get used to it, and it's hardly a large part of the show.

I can't for the life of me comprehend why Slime is so high, as I feel nothing about that show is refreshing. It's not bad, but even the art design and animation is sub par, maybe it's just my flavor, but it feels like one of the most lackluster isekai's we've had all year, and yes I am including Death March in that comparison.

Iroduku is probably the most pretty show of the Fall season, though I feel it's a bit boring. It's at least not something I think I'll watch weekly, but rather blast through at the end of the season (currently at episode 4 or so, and it's going too slow for me, so if I save up some then the flow would probably be better for me).

Jojo's is ok (is what it always is), though I feel the meme power fan base probably push it beyond what the quality justify.

Double Decker is ok, but I don't think I'll finish it beyond the first 4 episodes unless I got nothing better to do.

I need to get further with Fairly Tail, only managed to watch the first episode so far. Been stuck doing other things I guess. Like what I've seen so far.

I stopped at episode 2 for the Circus, and judging from the rating I'm not missing out.

I managed to get through 2 episodes of Release the Spyce, but the animation was just too bad. There are those times you just know the animators are underpaid/got too short time. Not as bad as She's my sister but not my little sister though, jeesh that show got a drop in quality after episode 1.

I'm assuming Bloom Into You is this seasons' Citrus, and Run With The Wind is Free!, but I'll try give both of them a couple of episodes, as I burned myself on the Gridman first impression and should be growing wiser by now.

Last edited by S0crates on Thu Nov 22, 2018 7:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 12 Nov 2018
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 7:13 pm Reply with quote
I expected Jojo to jump up to first place after this week's episode.... I guess I won't be doing the ''dance'' now.
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Joined: 23 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 7:37 pm Reply with quote
S0crates wrote:

Personally I find zombie land quality to widely swing because I have 0 interest in the idol aspect (especially not with the god awful CG dance), so episode that are heavier on this aspect tend to be quite boring for me (although the show is still excellent).

I think thunderbolt fantasy gets a major boost because it's a sequel and there's nothing inoffensive about it, so the only people watching it are the one who watched and liked S1 and so it has high score. Personally I dropped S1 at half point, once the novelty of the puppet wore off and just wasn't that interesting.

Not watching it but it seems like slime is going for "teh feel!" and it's working.

Agree on Irodoku, really pretty and well directed, but that's all it is. It just feel hollow.

I wish double decker would go harder on it's parody side, the basic story isn't interesting and neither are the character but a big part of the reason is because it's half trying to be a parody and half trying to be somewhat serious. If it committed to one side I think it'd be a lot more effective.

Yeah you're not missing much by skipping circus, apparently it's incredibly rushed so they decided to save time by cutting out the marionette part, the only things that make the show unique. Instead it just feel like your getting concentrated shonen cliche.

Nah bloom into you is very different from Citrus, it's not trashy for one and there hasn't been any rape yet. It's decent and I'd say it's worth picking up, main character isn't the usual vanilla audience stand in. It doesn't feel very ambitious though, wish it'd go further and explored it's idea more rather than just setup cliche.
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Joined: 24 Feb 2017
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 10:50 pm Reply with quote
S0crates wrote:
I've seemed to have enjoyed this far more than most other people it seems, and same thing goes for Goblin Slayer, though that one is a bit of an odd-ball where the 1 minute "bird view" finish was just weird and felt like a budget decision.

The bird eye thing was supposed to be the end credits roll, but for some reason a version with the bird eye clean of credits and the first ED attached at the end was sent out to all the streaming platforms.
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Joined: 04 Oct 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 10:56 pm Reply with quote
S0crates wrote:
I can't for the life of me comprehend why Slime is so high, as I feel nothing about that show is refreshing. It's not bad, but even the art design and animation is sub par, maybe it's just my flavor, but it feels like one of the most lackluster isekai's we've had all year, and yes I am including Death March in that comparison.

While you have a right to your opinion, Slime is where it is because users (and its episode reviewer) here - and other sites and critics - feel that it is refreshing. I thought the moment when the prime minister who was conspiring against the dwarf blacksmith realized he had betrayed his king’s expectations through his scheming was rather poignant and humanizing, as well as the scene where Rimuru shows Shizu how Japan recovered and prospered after WWII which had so affected her life and also spoiler[her passing in the most recent episode.] I never saw anything like that from Death March or Ragnarok, nor did I find either anywhere near as entertaining as Slime. I would also disagree about the art and animation.They’ve really gotten some great expressions from the titular slime, and don’t get me started on the OP and ED.
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Joined: 05 Apr 2015
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 1:31 am Reply with quote
meiam wrote:

I wish double decker would go harder on it's parody side, the basic story isn't interesting and neither are the character but a big part of the reason is because it's half trying to be a parody and half trying to be somewhat serious. If it committed to one side I think it'd be a lot more effective.

But it's not a parody. It's never been one, never intended to be one. It' light-hearted, self-aware and a bit self-referential when it comes to some tropes, but that doesn't make it a parody. (I remember the same complaint about Tiger & Bunny - which was never trying to be a parody either.)

And YMMV about the characters - they're not going to save the world anytime soon with their originality, but they're well-written, well-handled and I find them very fun to watch. Considering the kind of show this is I think that's enough.

Last edited by SHD on Fri Nov 23, 2018 1:47 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 30 May 2015
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 1:33 am Reply with quote
Tenebrae wrote:
Since it might be of passing interest to someone, I thought to mention I noticed how someone(s?) hated the episode of Yagate Kimi ni Naru quite a bit.

So what you're saying is you manipulated something's score and got out-manipulated by someone else. Neat.

Doesn't really matter in the overall if you don't have ratings for other shows since the Best and Worst compares ratings between shows, not just what has the best rating overall.
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ANN Reviewer

Joined: 14 Dec 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 3:39 am Reply with quote
Tenebrae wrote:
Since it might be of passing interest to someone, I thought to mention I noticed how someone(s?) hated the episode of Yagate Kimi ni Naru quite a bit. Originally I noticed this when I read the episode review and then came back to check something a bit later, and the score had fallen rather quickly from 4.3 to 4.0. I thought this a little odd so about a day later (the scrore still remaining at 4.0) I decided to make a little experiment and pumped the score back up, but bothered only to 4.2. Unsurprisingly it had gone back down to 4.0 when I checked back a bit later. So about a day later I repeated the experiment and brought it back from 4.0, where it had remained, to 4.2 again. As expected, it was 4.0 when I next checked it. Just to give this person some extra work, I pumped the score to 4.2 again, but this apparently went unnoticed for a bit longer, until it inevitably went down to 4.0 again, where it remains.

Site devs probably can see these actions easily in the sql tables, looking at timestamp and IP columns (of course you do record those, right?), including mine by comparing with the IP this forum logs. I wouldn't be surprised if this happens with other shows as well, as manipulating the score is dead easy (and we all have seen those rollercoaster spikes during previous seasons).

Yeah so I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you weren't fighting some shadow hacker who was dead set on keeping Bloom Into You's score right at 4.0, and instead the folks in charge were throwing out your obvious vote-stuffing.
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Joined: 04 Oct 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 8:28 am Reply with quote
^While I of course do not know if the folks in charge have or have not dealt with this person’s admitted manipulations, there do seem to be a number of inconsistencies that would seem to indicate that there is some manipulation going on that has not been thrown out by the powers that be. Despite Jojo moving to third in the weeklies, the apparent average rating for that episode is only 3.5, and the rating for the previous episode or two seem a bit low too at 3.9.Thunderbolt Fantasy has topped the weekly chart for the past two weeks, despite the apparent ratings for those episodes only being 3.8, though it wouldn’t be the first time it had been the target of such manipulations. Rascal has remained in the top 10 despite its apparent average rating being at 3.5 for the past few weeks. And I find it suspicious that Tokyo Ghoul has been pretty much the only show to get a rating above 4.2 the past week or so, despite it having never gone past 20th.
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Gina Szanboti

Joined: 03 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 8:54 am Reply with quote
S0crates wrote:
I'm assuming ... Run With The Wind is Free!,

They are nothing at all alike, outside the nearly all-male cast. Do watch it, it's excellent. Even Tsurune isn't Free, despite being from KyoAni.

I couldn't tell if you'd decided to drop Thunderbolt Fantasy or not, but if you're going to watch it, you should start with season one. Much of the humor in season 2 depends on knowing the returning characters and their histories, so viewers familiar with that (except for meiam) are rubbing their hands in glee anticipating who's going to outmaneuver whom and how.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 11:20 am Reply with quote
The lack of meaningful stakes for the Rimuru hold Slime back a bit, but I don't understand comparing it to Ragnarok or Death March. It's much more competently executed than those two, and has tried some legitimately interesting spins on standard tropes.

I've found myself falling out of love with this season on the whole. Still a fair number of pretty OK titles, but the only shows that I still find outright compelling week-to-week are probably Run with the Wind and sometimes Zombieland Saga, which is quite far from the bonanza of shows I had high expectations for at the outset.

EDIT: Oh, and of course Hinomaru Sumo! Truly the season of startlingly, unexpectedly, undeservedly good sports anime.
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Joined: 03 Dec 2017
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 2:09 pm Reply with quote
@Tenebrae If even you yourself admitted manipulating the scores - even if it was just for testing out your theory - there are scores of people who doesn't do that and getting away with it. All you need is voting while in incognito mode and repeat ad nauseam. Even I'm at fault sometimes, although it's by accident: I've probably forgotten I already voted from another device and the problem is done.

At this point, arguing for a scoring system that is that much ripe for abuse is worthless. I personally would be happier with a system that allows only registered users voting. Even better, you shouldn't be able to see the scores until you've already voted, so you won't be manipulated by how other people voted themselves. It can still be abused, by setting up multiple accounts, but it's still better than the current one.
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Joined: 01 Jun 2015
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 8:32 pm Reply with quote
zrnzle500 wrote:
And I find it suspicious that Tokyo Ghoul has been pretty much the only show to get a rating above 4.2 the past week or so, despite it having never gone past 20th.
Okay but spoiler[Kaneki and Touka had sex] so it deserves a 5.0 tbh
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Joined: 04 Oct 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 9:04 pm Reply with quote
^As much as I had been interested in seeing that relationship come together, that scene did nothing for me, at least as depicted in the anime (can't speak to how it was handled in the source). Even as someone who liked the first season of Re, this season has been a disappointment for me, aside from episode 17, and I fear it will only go downhill from here. It isn't the worst show that I'm watching this season, but I'm not sure there is anything else being reviewed here that I would put lower.
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