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Angels of Death (TV).

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 5:04 am Reply with quote

Angels of Death (TV)

Genres: adventure, horror, mystery, psychological

Plot Summary: Most girls waking up without any memory and meeting a serial killer would panic, but not Ray. In fact, far from being her biggest problem, killer Zack might just prove a convenient resource when it comes to finding a way out of the building in which they're both trapped.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 8:37 pm Reply with quote
Episode 1

Hmm, it reminds me of an indy horror game that I might watch playthroughs of, while I am too chicken. And a quick google search, it looks like it is based on exactly what I was thinking. It looks like it is not leaving a good impression on the reviewers, after all it is over the top, with a setting that seems a bit too much, but I think I that am kind of up for it. The game genre this is based on, the horror adventure mostly Japanese games likely made in RPG maker, can be trippy outings where the environment is given a dark personality, can be kind of off-putting compared to normal stories. What often feels compelling is maybe a morbid sense of curiosity for its morbid fascination of horrible things.

It has my curiosity so far, and I will wait to see what it does with that. I am sure that there are plenty of anime based on horror games, that I have never watched, but I am not aware of something that has this specific indy feel. The funny thing is that although I am curious, I actually get full on disgusted and have no interest in torture porn or gory anime, especially with young kids, and although there was a bit in this episode, it is in a way different from what I tend to have a problem with.
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Joined: 19 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2018 10:03 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, I bought the first manga of this and it's a very faithful adaptation. It's one of those "This is interesting because you have no clue WTF is going on".

Danny is really creepy....it's good he doesn't have a lot of screentime. I predicted Zack to be even more amusing in the anime....no disappointment there.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2018 12:11 am Reply with quote
Episode 4

They seemed to make something clear that may have been hinted at before. Zack would always get Rachael to read everything, and the reason seems to be that Zack is illiterate, he does not even know his own name when it is written out. We already knew that Zack was totally messed up, a psycho, but the addition of this information seems to push that it may not entirely be his own fault, he was not even raised to be able to read. Rachel points out that his scythe really won't work on iron bars, and he does not seem to understand it in concept, yet when they came across bar later, he seemed to have internalized the lesson, with Rachel being confused why he did not try it again. Presumptions being an adult that knew quite enough about things, yet would be the kind to try what he was, would be likely to try on the next bars, but it was like Zack was learning it.

We saw that Zack was living in a city or something, where he was a serial killer, a liar as he called her. Trying to imagine how he survived while not being able to read anything. Putting forward in a guess that someone who raised him, lied to him and kept him in an environment where he knows very little about the world and education, and perhaps acts out against happy people due to jealousy. Rather than just a scary man forcing a little girl to do things for him, he may even be less mentally mature than Rachel is, which has me wonder if Rachel knows after reading his record.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 12:43 am Reply with quote
I think you hit the nail on the head there, Dusk.

I continue to be vastly entertained by this series. Even find myself rewinding the comedic bits which imo strangely work so well despite the dark themes. Honestly, I could spend the entire day watching Zack do stupid things while monotone Rachel flatly says "....I told you so." They're like a tsukkomi and boke duo Laughing

Annoying laugh lady is kinda annoying....but watching Zack scream during his electrocution as those dolls' glowing eyes scrutinized him was legitimately creepy and unsettling.

Which brings me to the conclusion (I mean, I thought of it a while back) that the Angels of Death isn't really meant to be "scary", it's meant to be creepy and mysterious...and slightly amusing. So if people criticize it as a poor horror anime....well, I don't think that's what its intention is anyway. You don't watch this to be scared; you watch it to try to figure out all the puzzles Rachael is challenged with and what awaits her and Zack at the end of it all. (I love how smart she is btw)
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2018 11:38 pm Reply with quote
Episode 5

Well we learned a bit about Zack. He was an orphan who was abused and neglected by foster parents, and treated like a tool, even forced to bury the body of another orphan died from the abuse and neglect. Being forced to re-enact the trauma of his past by instruction of Rachel, was really eating him up, and a source of why he gets so crazy.
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Joined: 19 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 10:08 am Reply with quote
Episode 06




Rachael committed her first murder. I cheered. Just cause that b*ch was annoying. In fact, I haven't liked any of their adversaries so far. I guess that's a good thing....since they're all gonna die.

Oh Zack. There you are having a friendly little chat with Ray, acting like everything is fine and then you go falling on the floor practically bleeding to death. TYPICAL MAN!!! Laughing

............get up, you idiot.

I'm not worried..........nope..........
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 11:06 am Reply with quote
They probably should have addressed him being shot.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 11:37 am Reply with quote
Hah I actually forgot about that. Laughing what with all the other carnage going on....

I really think it's because he stabbed himself though....I mean he didn't even bandage the wound up cause he's STOOOOOOOOOOOPID. Anime hyper
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:57 am Reply with quote
Episode 7

Seems like the series is really starting to lean on the fact that Rachel is a murderer. All the tests under the influence of the priest's gas seem to have Rachel way to easily do things like slashing painting with blood coming out (representing her family?), and being pretty quick to attack the zombie like prisoners.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 5:58 am Reply with quote
Those were definitely her parents.

This episode is the one that feels "the most like a game" for me. Just the way the sequence plays out. I loved the weird, constantly changing atmosphere. Though it feels there is no logical explanation for that....it's not like it matters that much. xD

......good God, Ray, you should have chained that boy down...how much freaking blood is he gonna lose without dying!? Shocked lol
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 12:52 am Reply with quote
Episode 16 (finale)

So, I am just going guess that the ending, where Zack magically came out of nowhere to save (kill her) was a dream. Granted that right up to then she was saying she was having trouble sleeping, just as her eyes were closing, and this after she learned that he had been sentenced to death. Zack is not really too bright of a person, or subtle, it just feels hard to believe he could have gotten out of prison, with his clothes, and his characteristic scythe that previously broke. It kind of feels like it was a fantasy of Rachel, and whether it coincided with her actually deciding to kill herself, I can't quite tell. In general, so much of the show feels like it questions its own reality, that piecing things from the real world in the last episode, seem like the best clue to figuring it out.

One thing is for clear is that both Rachel and Zack were sick, that they were both in desperate need of some counselling rather than I guess what lead down the rabbit hole. But even with what Rachel got in the end, it did feel like she was being misunderstood. If one had to go down the list of how everyone in this show seems to be misunderstood by others. And while I can say I was a fan for good portions of things, I do feel a bit disappointed by things in the end, that there is a slight awkwardness to adapting these types of stories, that I don't feel they got over in the end. I am sure the game is all about making you feel immersed in the craziness that Rachel no doubt has, but the anime felt a step too far apart for making us really feel what was in her head, despite how it did things like hallucinations and such. Tricks other than the standard of anime, may have been needed.

But it is alright, it has some memorable parts. I give a rating of Decent (6/10), I didn't lose my time.
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Joined: 19 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:54 pm Reply with quote

DuskyPredator wrote:
Episode 16 (finale)

So, I am just going guess that the ending, where Zack magically came out of nowhere to save (kill her) was a dream.

NOOOOPE!!! Cool (source material spoilers)

spoiler[The game ends openly. It is supposed to, so the audience can decide what really happened. The novel confirms they are alive and escape together because the police are still looking for them both when it ends (they can't find any evidence (no bodies). One little piece of game artwork confirms this as well; "nobody knows where they have gone."

*It is theorized that Grey is alive and helped Zack escape and gave him a new scythe. Actually I think Grey is God of this world which explains everything about the building, including the immortality of.....most of the characters lol

*They recover only ONE body in the burned building (likely Danny's)

*The blood on the window is just the ending shot from the game; IT IS ZACK'S BLOOD; NOT RACHAEL'S.

*Rachael did not commit suicide nor only dream that Zack came for her; everything that happened, really did happen. They jump slowly and float for maximum dramatic effect. Anime hyper There's no deeper meaning.]

also I love this; Zack you smart-ass little sh....Anime hyper

They're in love. End of story.

This show/series is my treasure. I haven't found something I love this much since Full Moon (2003) almost sixteen years.

Is it a show for EVERYONE? No, no, it isn't. But something about it just completely captivated me; Zack and Ray both stole my heart and since the series revolves around them, the show itself has mysteriously become an instant favorite for me.

Issac Foster somehow clawed his way into my 10 Favorite character list on MAL; this is no easy task; I assure you. I haven't changed that freaking list in years. I am not a fickle person.

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