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100 Sleeping Princes and the Kingdom of Dreams: The Animation (TV)

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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 5:17 am Reply with quote

100 Sleeping Princes and the Kingdom of Dreams: The Animation (TV)

Source: Video Game (developed and published by GCrest)

Demographic: Shoujo

Animation Studio: Satelight

Genres: adventure, drama, fantasy

Themes: bishounen, dreams, male harem, royalty

Plot Summary: Plot Summary: In the dream world, dreams give people the power to live, but the world is threatened by dream-eating beings known as "Yumekui." In order to save the world, princes from all kingdoms must join their power. The butler Navi and Prince Avi of the knight kingdom Arstoria travel the world in order to save it.

Air Date & Platform:
July 5, 2018 (Thursday)
Available on: HIDIVE

Episode Count / Runtime: 12 episodes

Episode 1

Okay, this actually has me a little frustrated, specifically because it has actually grabbed my attention. I think that the mascot is cute, I kind of like the art, and I sort of have a soft spot for some of these as long as the guys are not assaulting the heroine. But this first episode makes a bunch of mistakes that feels like wasted potential.

First was a narration at the start for the setting, which can be just necessary, but then we find out that the heroine has no idea, and it gets explained again to her by the mascot, Navi, making the first time totally unnecessary, and a pain because it could have just been done this time.

I don't want to be too tough on the heroine out of the gate, she is the type which does not even have a name, which has you straying too close to Amnessia, whose heroine I consider infamous. But this does not quite match my concern, because so far I would describe her character as unfocussed, where in the first episode she is quick to want to go home, quick to kind of just accept things, left as quite the damsel in wanting saving, but also wanting to help. She is too many things, that it was tough to get an idea of her character, added on that she is apparently an otaku, which could be a great characteristic for an adult heroine, but it only lightly shown through rather in a couple lines, rather than something characteristic. There was a part where she apparently got a blister on her foot, and she just has to have the prince care for her, when it could have been the perfect time to show she is strong willed, but instead felt kind of condescending, and a way to do a transition because it did not come up again later in the episode where she was moving around a lot.

There was the part where she picked up an axe, likely to cut the manacles hat were on the princes, but it more came across as her being silly in getting over her head with the big axe. And no attention at all was placed on the manacles being broken, she gets told off, and the manacles entirely disappear, the halves are not even around the wrists of the princes. If they were rushed with time, they could have just taken the first time it spent telling us the setting at the beginning that I said was pointless, and used it to have the princes thank her for breaking the manacles, show that she can offer more that the magic power given upon her birth. Which I just want to do a bit more aside that prince Avi could have used any amount of unique personality, and Kiel could probably have used a bit more play up of his scoundrel side.

But again, I don't want to make it sound like I am just being negative, I am interested, I just hope that it will do better going forward.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 6:24 pm Reply with quote
DuskyPredator wrote:
First was a narration at the start for the setting, which can be just necessary, but then we find out that the heroine has no idea, and it gets explained again to her by the mascot, Navi, making the first time totally unnecessary, and a pain because it could have just been done this time.

Aside from the no name thing, this was my biggest complaint. It kinda seemed like they were padding the run time. The axe scene was another. At first I was surprised that they were having the heroine show some initiative. Nope, the princes just go Y U DO DIS?

Anyway, I'm wondering if the reason Kiel can't remember anything is because of a botched attempt at sealing him in the ring. Although, now that I think about it, his brief flashback scenes seemed like it was in the same locale as the ending scene with the big bad. I may go back and rewatch the flashback just to see.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 8:08 pm Reply with quote
It confuses me why it decided to do that, with the only explanation I can think of is that it wanted to make a point of saying she is not a Mary Sue, but there are better ways to do things than having the guy treat her like a child that should not have tried.

The bit with the axe does remind me of a scene from Yona of the Dawn. But that just makes me think of a series that did great at having heroine become strong but still a compelling character and the audience could feel it while she started out mostly useless at the start. Or really also the great cast of boys. I will try to not compare them.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 6:40 pm Reply with quote
Episode 2

Lots of derp and shoddy frames. Probably explains why the show kept doing close ups of characters' faces.

Heroine continues to be bland. At points, I couldn't help but picture her as a mannequin because she barely has any reaction to mostly everything except when the Poke... I mean princes are involved.

Speaking of newest prince, I'm guessing "Gary" and Hulk-esque guy are brothers? Makes sense with Gary's comment of how he felt jealous of how close Kiel and Avi were.

Also looks like Kiel does have something to with the bad guys.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2018 7:05 am Reply with quote
Heroine hurt her feet from walking in the previous episode, probably due to her shoes, but in episode 2 she can keep up with the fit princes running at full speed, while she caries the mascot.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 3:50 pm Reply with quote
Episode 3

So the plot butterfly from last episode seems to be the work of the Big Bad(s).

Princess showed some more personality this episode, I guess? She didn't seem that bothered at being Gilbert's prisoner. Now she can apparently run side by side with the princes. Her stamina training must be paying off! Smile

How did no one notice that the new queen was possessed by a dream eater? I mean, that ominous black aura is hard to miss.

I know I complain about this show, but I have to admit that it's still entertaining especially the banter between Avi and Kiel.
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 3:01 am Reply with quote
DuskyPredator wrote:
Heroine hurt her feet from walking in the previous episode, probably due to her shoes, but in episode 2 she can keep up with the fit princes running at full speed, while she caries the mascot.

You're overlooking the key point: she got Prince First Aid™. Never underestimate the healing magic of prince-applied bandages!

"I just want to taste...my brother's pancakes." That nearly killed me, especially since the Japanese pronunciation of "pancakey" makes it impossible to ever sound anything but ridiculously goofy.

My main question is why did she wait so long before casting out the Dream-eater? Seems like when confronted by possessed people, that'd be the first thing you'd do.

So I guess she won't necessarily be collecting princes along the way then. Just meet and greets and solving their issues before moving on with the core corps. Though I'm sure they'll all come rolling in for the big finale battle.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 4:24 am Reply with quote
Gina Szanboti wrote:
My main question is why did she wait so long before casting out the Dream-eater? Seems like when confronted by possessed people, that'd be the first thing you'd do.

And this is what I was going to complain about in this episode, I am trying to be positive, but this show is not making it easy. I was pretty much screaming at my computer for her to fricking do anything during the battle, but I guess she had to wait until the princes killed all the other people possessed by the queen (they were people, right), and after one of the princes was at risk of being possessed also. She could not do anything at all but hold the mascot character and pretty much do something after the battle was over.

I can't even be sure if the princess showed any actual personality, she did not seem to do anything when she was being forced to be a fake consort or something. Why did the Gilbert reveal his identity again? We got one thing, apparently she is good at menial tasks, and has absolutely no ability admin stuff, hugely impressed over the prince that kidnapped her was doing things like look trade or whatever it was, I guess traits well suited for an office lady or something. What are the mechanics of the game? I feel like if it was a game where you organize the boys or something, this would have been a failed.

Now, I can find corny stuff really funny, and some really close brothers can make me laugh, but I just did not care about what was going on. I think I must have missed what exactly the curse was that was affecting Gary, why he could not stay, and why the small band looking for a cure was required, rather than something the power of royalty could help with. I was sure that fake Gary (Gilbert) was also hated for ruling badly or something, which I feel like would just be eye rolling when starts acting like he cares about calling the people and hoping they are with others they care about, and with apparently being cheered when he simply says he will do good now. What did I miss?
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 10:33 am Reply with quote
DuskyPredator wrote:
What did I miss?

Ok, evil stepmother (Gilbert's mother) cursed Gary with Hulk Syndrome because she was mad that Gilbert would never be top prince as long as Gary was around. Then, or maybe because of that, she got possessed and started taxing the peasants so she could buy cool stuff. I guess Dreameaters like bling? Gilbert was unable to directly oppose her I guess (maybe something to do with her being Queen and he's just a prince, or he was afraid she'd go after Gary some more), but was trying to figure out ways to work behind her back to help the peons survive despite the tax burden.

Gilbert revealed his identity because she saw his golden eye anyway, though it's not like she'd know that was more of a giveaway than his hair color, which doesn't seem to bother anyone in the kingdom. Also, she'd seen Mommy vaping and muttering murder.

For some reason the Queen couldn't lift the curse after she got unpossessed (so maybe she got possessed before she cursed him? I don't think that's the story she told them though, so maybe she just got too weak from being possessed) so Gary's off to see the wizard or someone who can (I was surprised she didn't do her magic prayer bit - seems like she ought to be able to lift curses other than sleeping sickness), and I guess he wants company on his journey? It's dangerous to go alone!
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 3:20 pm Reply with quote
Gina Szanboti wrote:
For some reason the Queen couldn't lift the curse after she got unpossessed (so maybe she got possessed before she cursed him? I don't think that's the story she told them though, so maybe she just got too weak from being possessed)

I was under the impression that she cursed Gary after she got possessed. That's what I got from when Gilbert was explaining how peaceful life was with Gary until the curse.

DuskyPredator wrote:
I was pretty much screaming at my computer for her to fricking do anything during the battle, but I guess she had to wait until the princes killed all the other people possessed by the queen (they were people, right), and after one of the princes was at risk of being possessed also. She could not do anything at all but hold the mascot character and pretty much do something after the battle was over.

Honestly, they could just take Princess out and nothing would really change. It's like the writers finish the script and then go, "Shit! We forgot the fill in! Better add some stuff."
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 4:03 pm Reply with quote
phia_one wrote:
I was under the impression that she cursed Gary after she got possessed. That's what I got from when Gilbert was explaining how peaceful life was with Gary until the curse.

I guess I thought it was her being evil and cursing him that was the weakness that allowed her to become possessed. When she said it was all pointless, but still seemed post-possession to feel bitter about Gilbert's second banana status, it seemed like she was acting of her free will when she cursed him. I dunno, I guess if she did it after, she would've blamed the Dreameater for controlling her. But I think all it did was give her affluenza and make her raise taxes. Oh, and make her want to kill Gary instead of just letting him be cursed.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2018 5:00 am Reply with quote
Episode 4

So was that 4 or 5 princes that made up the crew of that ship. In my head, the white haired one looked just like Thoth, but I was imagining him with the voice of Barbossa. Looking a the logistics of the ship, which was huge00, there were maybe 4 normal crew members on the ship, but 7 princes, three may have been aquatic, 1 princess, 1 mascot character, 1 parrot, and 1 monkey.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2018 3:15 pm Reply with quote
Episode 4

Holy shit was Princess talkative this ep, which is a great thing! I almost thought I was watching a different show at first. She seemed much more engaged with everything than in the previous episodes.

Wasn't expecting to see so many princes this time which I'm not complaining since we got both Junichi Suwabe and Takahiro Sakurai.

Looks like I was right about Kiel being connected to the Big Bad.

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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2018 11:12 pm Reply with quote
Bloody Butterfly is coming... Cool

(you gotta be watching Chio-chan to get that)
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 1:08 pm Reply with quote
So wasn't part of the premise of this show that Princess Nobody had to wake up all of these princes sleeping in rings? Because there sure are an awful lot of wide-awake, not-trapped-in-rings princes running around.

Not that I'm complaining!
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