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Hanebad! (TV).

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Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 12:24 am Reply with quote

Hanebad! (TV)

Genres: drama, tournament
Themes: badminton, sports

Plot Summary: Nagisa Aragaki is the strict captain of the badminton club at Kitokomachi High School. After a crushing defeat in a tournament, Nagisa trains harder than ever; now fueled by her anger, torment, and fear that all her effort has been in vain. The arrival of two people at Kitokomachi change everything: Kentaro Tachibana and Hanesaki Ayano. Kentaro, who had been selected to participate in the Olympics in the past, becomes the new coach. Hanesaki is the daughter of Uchika Shindo, one of the legends of badminton in Japan. Ayano also happens to be the girl who merciless beat Nagisa in the tournament six months ago.
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Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 1:35 am Reply with quote
Episode 1

I noticed a question characters ask so far in the show is "why do I play badminton?" I guess this series is going explore the life journey of characters.

This episode was cool. It has solid animation and it didn't waste time to showcase what badminton is about.

There's competitive energy that can be felt easily in the story already. The OP song is also really stylistic so far. I think in terms of animation quality, the show gave me a solid impression. There's also potential from the main cast so far. The season will likely explore their own personal growth competitively and mentally.

There's actually a lot more characters that appeared so I really hope the anime will make room to give most of them some spotlight. Riko actually has my attention the most so far.

Oh and of course, I'm looking forward to Ayano's development.

The overall quality of the anime itself is definitely one of the better shows I've seen this year at the moment. Hope they can maintain that.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 4:37 am Reply with quote
Hmm, episode one had some surprisingly nice animation, although the question could be if it can keep it up. The production company does not seem to have much of a history with really nice animation like this, but it does feel like a bit of a promise. I assume the pressure is then on the art and animation directors. I also felt myself really started to really be drawn in by the drama focus. Especially helped when we get flashes of the badminton monster sort of thing, with the change in eyes.

I guess so far I am interested to see how this continues. If it can live up to what it has been setting up.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 9:02 pm Reply with quote
Episode 2

At least it looks like the coach made it through the captain's defences, to let her have some confidence and stop taking it out on others.
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Joined: 07 May 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 3:43 pm Reply with quote
Now we just need to find out why Ayano hates badminton. Judging by the one scene, I'm guessing that she may have been forced by her mother or other relative to play.
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Joined: 08 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 6:49 am Reply with quote
Episode 3

Probably going to drop this. The first 2 eps looked nice visually, but the drama is cranked to 11 and then mostly resolved too quickly. It makes it hard for me to take it seriously. Then the pink haired girl showed up and it was so ridiculous both her outfit and the whole backstory that I was rolling my eyes. The show maybe trying too hard with its drama, not letting it build slowly and I think sometimes forgetting to have fun. Really you could say that episode 3 could have been titled "remember to have fun", because that is what drew the characters to badminton in the first place, but it feels in short supply and pushed away because of the need for "drama!".

I've enjoyed other sport themed shows like Bamboo Blade or Chihayafuru and was hopping that this might be another show that focuses on a sport that doesn't normally get the spotlight or attention. Unfortunately, its not doing it for me. I may return if I hear some amazing things about it.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2018 6:25 pm Reply with quote
I am excited about this show which is saying a lot for one who does not usually get into sports anime. The first 3 episodes were intense emotionally and even with the end of the 3rd episode , with it's release of the tension I felt that the hook was cast and easy to bite on with Ayano's angst about her mother being dangled out there. Aragaki's back story should be interesting as well I get the feeling there is more to explore there.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 3:40 am Reply with quote
Episode 12

Wow, that was a tense episode. Haven't had a lot of discussion, but quite a bit of note has happened in the series, that leads to how the episode was tense. Pretty much, the competitiveness of sport has made Ayano the worst. The series started with her having to be coerced into the team to put her talent to use, but as time went on she got worse than Nagisa started, becoming mean spirited, attempting to boos her own ego by putting others down. The reason being her mother, who absolutely made bad choices by making Ayano think that losing Ayano would receive no affection, holding parenting hostage, and making it looks like she totally abandoned her daughter over not being good enough.

Ayano's mother clearly has her own view of what she did, thinking that she was having her daughter learn to play badminton for herself, but she totally screwed it up over her own personality. The first things she tried to talk to Ayano when she returned, was how her badminton game was, this after learning that her mother pretty much adopted another daughter overseas who was good at badminton, Conny. That all the worries she had for why her mother left, filled Ayano with anger, that she now wanted to win, just so she could then be the one to turn her back when her mother when she tried to take her back. Her mother admitted that she might seem like a bad mother, but it is totally selling it short, because she totally fails to know anything about her daughter, not recognising the friend Ayano has had for ages.

Although, some relief did seem to happen in the episode, when her team mates said that they would not abandon her, and have the exact same wishes that they could be playing, this after Ayano already snapped that they should go away. That they stayed was the best. Because it made Ayano suddenly stop being stuck in her head, and see a lot of people are cheering her on, she still has a team, and her opponent, Nagisa, is someone she should be having fun playing with. Rather than be overwhelmed by all her hang ups, she needs to see that people are there for her, she is not alone, regardless of what her mother made her feel.

So looking forward to see how it resolves next time.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2018 9:10 pm Reply with quote
Episode 13 (finale)

Well, everything ended up happy, Nagisa's endurance seemed to last just a bit longer after the back and forward game, and she won. But Ayano did not take it too badly, she turned down her mother's offer, and really looked like she gave her a kinder response than she deserved. Ayano has a much better time with her team, than when her mother is involved. The woman could learn to treat her like an actual daughter. Naisa's knee got pushed pretty far, and although it was apparently a bit damage, there was nothing permanent, and should heal. Ayano's prodding of Nagisa to play with her at the end, was not nearly as poisonous as it had been, mostly just her competitive side, and she was humorously nudged for trying to push things, because Ayano's not out of reach for a bit proper team interaction.

The series did do something interesting, in how for a sports anime it went quite a bit in how obsession of the sport can be unhealthy and damaging, and a balance is needed. Nagisa seemed to get her head around it earlier, but Aayano pretty much kept getting worse, before she got better. I wonder how it might look to go back to the scenes like when Connie was involved, and they all went out shopping. The bonding they did before Ayano went over the edge.

I don't think everything was as interesting in the show, or perhaps I was missing some of the context that became important in the end. I give a rating of Decent (6/10), worth seeing.
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