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Joined: 29 May 2014
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PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2018 6:00 pm Reply with quote

Tsukiyama Shu may be a narcissist and picky about his food, but those qualities give him enough of a thick skin and lack of common sense to attempt to draw out the Kaneki from Sasaki Haise. He's right about the other ghouls knowing who he is, but they'd much prefer to keep the sleeping dog where it is. Perhaps something is going to come out of this if the trailer is any indication.

Hori's motivations are a mystery to me. Viewers get a brief glimpse into what drives her, but she doesn't seem to have anything going beyond her personal satisfaction and entertainment. If so, a gear spinning freely has the potential to do strange things inside a constructed stalemate.

The Quinx team is going to be underpowered for as long as the squad leader is stuck with his trauma and doesn't shift over to the Urie mindset on ghouls post-haste. I'm curious to see what the weapon is like since the researchers were so excited about how rare it is.

Amon Koutarou might well be key to the quest towards regaining someone's memories, but he's staying in the shadows and acting on his own accord for now. He doesn't seem to have a problem stepping on Aogiri toes by the looks of things. I wonder if he knows about what happened to his former colleague Takizawa?
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Joined: 31 May 2018
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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2018 5:48 pm Reply with quote
How has the season gone so far?
Well, 9 out of 12 episodes nearly done in season 3 and the end is not long, so has it actually lived up to our expectations. I for one have loved every moment of it from [/spoiler][/quote]"well become girls" to Haise/Kaneki beating clearing the park of white suits. It has lived up to its hype but can the producers deliver a thrilling finish in the final episode. Anyway enough talk on that let's get onto some awesome moments Arrow spoiler[ Haise Saski/Ken kenaki vs Saidou Takizawa the owl, honestly, it was epic and the best fight for me so far as after being obliterated Saski/Kenaki acknowledged young kaneki inside his mind and told hinami that he could not accept kaneki within him; then took out the owl and himself with both of them ripping through each other with their Kagune. The best bit was when Kanaki cracked his fingers and the old Tokyo ghoul "unravel" theme came on, ultimate fanboy moment. Moving on it was also good to see Kuki Urie vowing and pushing himself to become stronger than his Quinxs squad comrades and this seemed to give a sense of "Vegeta like personality on power" ( Dragonball super, Dragonball z Vegeta), as he wanted to surpass all the rivals and become the strongest ghoul investigator, and he kept on being jealous when seeing others stronger than him and so "like Vegeta" he constantly trains but still he is an awesome character with a slick attitude. ]

What do you think?
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Joined: 31 May 2018
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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2018 7:40 pm Reply with quote
I feel as though the introductions getting to know each character have been rushed and they have gotten the viewers to know the characters very quickly, but they have in a way managed to pull it off. This from the various fight scenes and a lot going off so your focus drifts quite quickly from one thing to another. Additionally, they may have done this as they may want to cram in more content from the manga and cover more of the story; as the previous 2 seasons, a lot of people did complain about how they only covered a very low number of chapters in them. It is a bit of a shame though that they only give us 12 episodes, and I'm still not sure on how they would deliver a killing finish for the end.

The character development and getting to know each of their individual personalities has actually been quite amazing and intriguing. Haise Saski's good nature does reflect Ken Kenaki's kindness before he was inflicted to torture the first or second season (can't exactly remember). I also like the idea of him having a parental role over the Quinx squad and not being just a mentor, he's had quite a build up of relationships with a lot of characters which is good to see.

[b]Harleyquin wrote
[/quote]The Nutcracker is good, that's an entire squad she finished off on her own despite having her Kagune identified. As noted, she probably needed time to set up her trap so might not be so strong in the open. Doesn't look like the CCG have spare men to send to the security room at present though.

I agree strongly with what Harleyquin wrote as the Nutcracker just changed up the way ghouls kill and it was a very good idea to add her to the anime as it mixes things up from just ordinary ghoul hunting humans for food.
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Joined: 29 May 2014
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 6:23 pm Reply with quote

That certainly went quickly. Shu's inability to act quickly has effectively cost his family everything now that their cover has been blown by the lovestruck serving maid. I've got to hand it to the elder Tsukiyama though, he's willing to put his neck on the chopping block to save both his son and the domestic household who serves directly under him.

Although Haise and company disguised themselves to try and get information, it turns out they didn't need to thanks to Aliza's desperation. If anything it just gives Haise more anxiety after seeing the reaction of random ghouls to his appearance when he has the eyepatch mask on.

If this is only one quarter long, there won't be much time left before some kind of conclusion is reached. Plenty of talk of how this adaptation is a rushed one elsewhere, but I get the feeling the franchise creator is not keen at all on having the animated works replicate the source material too closely and prefers a digest or alternative portrayal via animation so that interested viewers can head for the source material to get a better picture.
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Joined: 29 May 2014
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 6:22 pm Reply with quote

No lack of action this week. There's even time to throw in a few character background expositions, one or two surprises relating to combat and even a cameo from an old friend in next week's trailer. If anything, there are so many duels in this week's episode viewers don't have much time to take a breather.

I can't remember the ghoul ageing process, but Matsumae is actually older than Tsukiyama Shu yet doesn't look any different from the other members of Shu's personal household based on external appearances. Good job taking out the CCG's more infamous agents, but was Furuta the type of character who would casually use his subordinates as literal cannon fodder?

I can't remember the name of the Aoigiri 2nd-in-command with the insane regeneration, but it looks like he's finally met his match this week. If his job was to whittle down the CCG's combat potential he certainly pulled it off; I think it's just the Quinx squad that's still alive after the number of surprise attacks he pulled off. Congratulations to Shirazu for finally summoning the courage and determination to use his secret weapon.

The Aogiri must have some kind of secret for increasing a ghoul's regenerative capabilities; I'm quite sure I saw a head decapitated off its shoulders with one kick yet get reattached within seconds afterwards. Haise might have lost a forearm, but he's got more trouble ahead if next week's trailer is any indication.

Since this series is confirmed to last for two quarters rather than just one, it looks like next week might see the conclusion of the first quarter if the trailer and what I've read elsewhere are any indication.
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Joined: 29 May 2014
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 10:59 am Reply with quote

What a way to end the first half of this new adaptation. I don't really know if Takatsuki Sen was telling the truth when she said she wanted to mess around seeing Haise/Kaneki, Tsukiyama and Kanae butcher each other, but considering how strong she's supposed to be it seemed a little too easy for Kaneki in the end. Even if he's completely switched his mindset back to the post-Jason trauma-filled cannibal, he's not supposed to be in the same league as the infamous Owl. Regardless, he's no longer Mr. Nice Guy and it's going to show on his subordinates in the second half.

If you're going to leave this world, might as well do it in a literal blaze of glory. So the infinite regenerator does have a limit after all. Shirazu will get his reward posthumously, but it's not going to sustain his sister's hospital bills indefinitely so something needs to be done about it down the line.

I don't know what Hori had to give in return for securing Touka and Yumo's services in saving Tsukiyama, but father and son are somehow still alive and with their freedom.

The dialogue-free scenes in the credits hint at some interesting developments to come in the next instalment. The final post-credits scene is a big giveaway, but the process which leads to that point should be a good watch.

Like Overlord earlier this year, I don't think it's a bad idea for the adaptation to take one quarter off to buy time (and possibly assets) for the next airing. It's been a fun watch and there's more to come which should keep most if not all fans expectant for more.
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Joined: 29 May 2014
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 6:18 pm Reply with quote

Don't know what to think about TK's new OP. Doesn't have a catchy melody like the first half and it's hard to make out what's he's singing towards the end. The ED by Osterreich is better, but doesn't leave a deep impression.

Looks like a considerable amount of time has passed since the last episode. Takatsugi Sen didn't just survive the duel last episode, she even had her "coming out" session in full public view. She's in Cochlea now but her off-hand comment about the RC detectors indicates something is really rotten in the family which plays such a leading role in the CCG.

Before Shachi got fried (surprisingly quickly given how strong he was in route A), he seemed to figure out something about Arima. Not sure if viewers will find out what that was, but the big reveal from last episode is a lot closer than I thought it would be at this point in time.

Now that Kaneki Ken is in the driver's seat and he's made the decision to betray the CCG just to break out Fueguchi Hinami from certain execution, what will his erstwhile subordinates think about him once they hear the news? They're in Rushima Island at present fighting the Aogiri organisation so there will be a lag between them receiving the information.
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Joined: 29 May 2014
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 11:17 am Reply with quote

One big fight to the death in Cochlea. It's ridiculous to see Arima take on Yomo and the two siblings at the same time and not take so much as a scratch, yet to get a conclusion to the episode like that makes jaws drop from disbelief. Unfortunately based on next week's trailer viewers might not find out why Arima chose to do what he did, so that explanation might be further down the line.

Another surprise is Furuta. One would think getting impaled by Hinami's Kagune would be enough for the duplicitous snake, but he survives. Not only that, Eto gets beaten by his implants (I guess she's weak specifically to that particular type). Odd that he just dances away doing his own thing rather than finishing the job.

The rest of the episode deals with Yomo's beef with Arima, but it's doesn't have that big an impact when the rest of the episode is all about the action spectacle.

Most of Banjo's crew got pulverised, but surely some of them survived Furuta's nasty surprise and escaped?
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Joined: 29 May 2014
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 11:46 am Reply with quote

Massive disconnect between this week and last week. Viewers are reminded there's a war going on at the island between Aogiri Tree and the CCG expeditionary force, but this episode throws viewers straight into the action with zero buildup and almost no reminders of who the combatants are.

Mind, the action scenes between the ghouls, investigators and crazy outliers like Takizawa is as high quality as ever. Problem is, watching all of it unfold with zero context removes a lot of the enjoyment.

Even the dramatic reappearance of Amon Koutarou doesn't have the impact it should have when viewers are more than halfway through the episode and it's bloodbath after bloodbath at this point. If there was ever an action episode which went too far at the expense of telling a story, this is certainly a stereotypical specimen.

I suppose viewers who want more context might as well bite the bullet and refer to the source material at this point. Without background knowledge, I'd be surprised fans of the animated adaptation can make head or tail of what's going on this week without a prodigious memory, multiple rewatching of episodes gone by and/or considerable background spoilers beforehand.

This island arc continues on next week, so by the end of it I'm hoping to make some sense of what's happened in terms of casualties, grudges settled and character revelations (if any).
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 11:57 am Reply with quote

After last week's big revelation and another orgy of action scenes, finally an episode where viewers can get a breather and see some character development as the clean up from the big operation consumes most of this week's airtime. Animators even managed to squeeze in a short action scene featuring Kaneki and Naki, which in itself was more for the battles to come rather than for the action itself.

I have no idea why "Goat" is the name for the new organization, it sounds odd to me. I'm hoping it gets explained down the line. As hopeless as Kaneki's goal is at this time what with the CCG getting purged, the revelation of an underground human organization with similar goals to Kaneki is proof that it's not the pipe dream it's initially made out to be. The dialogue between Take and Yomo and the really powerful scene with Mado Akira and Hinami at the end rams that point home as well.

The trailer for this week reveals Furuta is making a big play now that he's finished off the Washu patriarch and is holding the reins. With the realignment of the two opposing factions, what's going to happen next?
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Joined: 29 May 2014
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 12:34 pm Reply with quote

From the viewpoint of the Ghoul survivors under Kaneki, spotlight now switches to the CCG under new management. The action set pieces turn out to be a twisted way to trick CCG veterans into butchering civilians coerced to fight with masks by the Pierrots.

It's been a while since the Quinx squad previously under Sasaki Haise got some time in the sun. Turns out Urie's father caught Amon's mentor and imprisoned him in Cochlea. The latter has never forgotten it, but with just his finger he was able to play Urie so well he lost control of his limiters. Fight scene between the previously inept Saeko and Urie was a decent spectacle, but what's happened to Mutsuki for her to go on board with Director Furuta's new scheme?

It looks like the spotlight swings back again to the Ghouls, but with the Oggai now hunting them down without mercy. I've heard rumours about this next story sequence, so I'm interested to see how it's portrayed in the next few weeks.
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Winnie Bear

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 5:54 pm Reply with quote
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2018 11:46 am Reply with quote

Everything in this episode feels sudden and rushed, but perhaps unsurprising since it's implied the passage of time has accelerated as the scenes are shown. The issue of marriage crops up for both sides because matters have to be settled this week as it appears from next episode onwards (based on the trailer) a point of no return is reached.

Kaneki has been keen on Touka for some time, but the latter finally decided to make her move after all that's happened over the last few weeks. She certainly got going quickly, so now Kaneki has every reason not to get himself killed.

Mutsuki has gone off the deep end with last week's realisation, but her former colleagues in the Quinx squad still have some semblance of human decency and are aware something is rotten within the CCG since Furuta took charge. I wonder if they'll carry out their threat to become terrorists if things continue. Juuzou isn't bothered either way, but he can sense bloodshed coming and has resigned himself to dealing with it as it comes.

What was that scene with Furuta and the cocoon? Also, a "dragon" to act as a last boss for the CCG? What are he and the pierrots up to?
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Winnie Bear

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 9:54 pm Reply with quote
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Joined: 29 May 2014
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 1:04 pm Reply with quote

Well, events certainly escalated quickly after last week's episode.

One of those episodes where there's so much action going on viewers start having trouble keeping track of things. The scene between senior Kuroiwa and Urie was a brief respite from the craziness and gave the latter some closure to his quest to surpass his father and the colleagues he always believed as traitors. What's surprising is Marude still being alive; I thought he was dead after discovering the Washu secret on the command ship. Too bad Furuta has ghoul regeneration powers and has done "something" to the silver-haired drones to get Kaneki into the way he is.

Speaking of Kaneki and company, plenty of fight scenes with the newly married couple losing theirs. Only the trio of Yomo, Shu and Nishiki got a win for the ghoul camp. I'd forgotten one of Kaneki's earlier codenames in the CCG was "Centipede", and he's now reminding absent-minded viewers of that particular aspect in the end. His friend Hide helped Marude and the other loyalist CCG members get the jump on Furuta, but at what cost with what looks like the whole of Tokyo plunged into darkness as Furuta's "final dragon boss" takes shape.

Where's it going to go from here? Not many episodes left to arrive at a conclusion.
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