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Richard J.
Joined: 11 Aug 2006
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Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 1:06 am
Another excellent column! (I swear, the introductions alone make every one worth reading. Smarter than a 5th grader indeed!)
Looks like Flag and Conan are my only buys. I've that I rather enjoy Case Closed, even in large marathon doses, so I hope that this movie won't be the last thing released for the series. (Come on Funimation, don't pull a Kodocha, I know this one's selling better than that.)
To be honest, I wasn't interested in Flag at first because I largely watch anime to escape from political crap. I've gotten of sick of the embedded propaganda in damn near every western series I watch. (Even Spongebob has it for the love of god! Plus it has "smart people are evil" which really bugs me.)
The more I read about it, though, the more I feel like I should get it. I'm probably going to wait for a box set though.
On the shelf pics, I want those Strawberry Marshmallow figures. So cute!
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Joined: 11 Sep 2003
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Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 1:16 am
Richard J. wrote: | I largely watch anime to escape from political crap. |
That's strikes me as odd; haven't you noticed in anime how often Everything Is America's Fault?
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Joined: 06 Mar 2007
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Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 1:21 am
I already have too much coming down the pipeline. Heaven forbid I add anymore series to my list. Thankfully, for my wallet, I wasn't all that enamored with Flag (at least from the first few episodes). It may be that I need to sit down and watch it at the correct time instead of when I'm about to go to sleep. In any case, it will have to go on the back burner for right now. I'm willing to give the series another chance, just not at the moment.
That is quite a number of figures there. I just started bringing figures into my collection a little over a year ago, but between the DVDs, the manga, and the models, it's a little hard to get all the figures I want.
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 2:51 am
Richard J. wrote: | Another excellent column! (I swear, the introductions alone make every one worth reading. Smarter than a 5th grader indeed!) |
They even made a TV game show on that same concept titled "Are You Smarter Than a 10-Year-Old." here in the UK on Sky TV.
Quote: | To be honest, I wasn't interested in Flag at first because I largely watch anime to escape from political crap. I've gotten of sick of the embedded propaganda in damn near every western series I watch. (Even Spongebob has it for the love of god! Plus it has "smart people are evil" which really bugs me.)
That’s because it’s based on the theory that “knowledge is power, and power corrupts, so intelligence breeds evil”. Of course this is all erroneous jealous clap trap made up by the intellectually challenged who wasted their education by bunking off and playing video games and watching SpongeBob.
Fronzel wrote: |
Richard J. wrote: | I largely watch anime to escape from political crap. |
That's strikes me as odd; haven't you noticed in anime how often Everything Is America's Fault? |
Don't worry. When China becomes the new worlds super power, it'll be their fault instead, just like what happen to us when you became the super power 70 years ago.
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Joined: 02 Jan 2005
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Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 5:46 am
Mohawk52 wrote: | Don't worry. When China becomes the new worlds super power, it'll be their fault instead, just like what happen to us when you became the super power 70 years ago. |
I've been waiting for this to happen for a while. Honestly!
Xenosaga not shelf worthy? Hmm.. ok must take note of that thanks!
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Joined: 24 Aug 2006
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Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 7:33 am
Mohawk52 wrote: |
Richard J. wrote: | Another excellent column! (I swear, the introductions alone make every one worth reading. Smarter than a 5th grader indeed!) |
They even made a TV game show on that same concept titled "Are You Smarter Than a 10-Year-Old." here in the UK on Sky TV. |
The same show airs in the US, but the title mentions "Fifth Grader" instead of "10-Year-Old".
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MH Knights
Joined: 27 Feb 2002
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Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 8:08 am
I was interested in Flag but a lot of people said it was not that great. One of the big sticking points was that the mechs felt completely out of place for a series trying to be realistic.
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 8:55 am
Flag sounds like something I will have to check out.
I liked seeing some love thrown at Yugo the Negotiator, I always wondered why I never heard anyone talk about it, yet it was a very good show. Wonderful plot, animation, acting...seems to be a truely under-rated gem indeed.
I had seen Angel's Feather as well and was reading some of the comments thinking, "wow, you got more out of it than I did" until I realized, you actually didn't. The show sucks all the way around. Even wings can't save a show destined to wallow in mud.
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Joined: 08 Oct 2007
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Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 9:48 am
bonbonsrus wrote: | Flag sounds like something I will have to check out.
I liked seeing some love thrown at Yugo the Negotiator, I always wondered why I never heard anyone talk about it, yet it was a very good show. Wonderful plot, animation, acting...seems to be a truely under-rated gem indeed. |
I wanted to like Yugo a lot more than I did. I was hoping it would be something like Master Keaton but it didn't live up to my hopes.
It wasn't dreadful or anything - I don't regret having bought and watched all four volumes - but the lead character was such a blank slate I couldn't really care what happened to him. The fact that he seems to posess superhuman abilities to withstand torture and extremes of temperature and the fact that, with no explanation, he seemed to be a world authority on pretty much every language and every subject under the sun, coupled with his rather enigmatic nature, just made him a rather unlikely (and unlikable) character. He didn't have a single flaw or vulnerability.
Possibly the manga offers more background and presents a slightly more human Yugo? Here's hoping it gets translated some day so I can find out.
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Joined: 28 Nov 2006
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Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 10:47 am
I bought Yugo used from a going-out-o-biznass store, and really enjoyed it. The only problem is the first disc had a scratch RIGHT AT the major plot point twist!!!
Flag is getting a thumbs-up from me so far... but what exactly is a 'photo gage?'
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ANN Contributor
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Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 12:59 pm
Moomintroll wrote: |
It wasn't dreadful or anything - I don't regret having bought and watched all four volumes - but the lead character was such a blank slate I couldn't really care what happened to him. The fact that he seems to posess superhuman abilities to withstand torture and extremes of temperature and the fact that, with no explanation, he seemed to be a world authority on pretty much every language and every subject under the sun, coupled with his rather enigmatic nature, just made him a rather unlikely (and unlikable) character. He didn't have a single flaw or vulnerability. |
Hey, he's just like Jack Bauer. Granted, Jack has his emotional weaknesses, but come on-- that guy can go back to work an hour after being treated by bullet wounds!
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Redbeard 101
Oscar the Grouch
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Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 1:48 pm
I must say that's a lot of figures there in that collection. Makes mine simply look like childs play heh.
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Joined: 02 Jul 2007
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Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 2:53 pm
I'd love to watch the Case Closed movies, but FUNimation doesn't seem to have any interest in releasing the DVDs over here in Europe :[
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Joined: 08 Oct 2007
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Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 3:23 pm
SakechanBD wrote: |
 Hey, he's just like Jack Bauer. Granted, Jack has his emotional weaknesses, but come on-- that guy can go back to work an hour after being treated by bullet wounds! |
Aye, and Yugo was certainly less annoying, as fictional negotiatiors go, than Bruce Willis in Hostage. Now that was truly awful. As I said, I didn't think Yugo was bad - just not as good as it could have been.
CitizenGeek wrote: | I'd love to watch the Case Closed movies, but FUNimation doesn't seem to have any interest in releasing the DVDs over here in Europe |
In that case, given that the dollar is currently worth marginally less than the paper it's printed on, now would be a good time to import the R1 releases from the US. You should be able to find them all on for not very much.
Hell, you can pick up either of Funi's Lupin III movie boxed sets for £10 a piece. That's, what, five movies for €14...
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Joined: 14 Apr 2007
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Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 4:51 pm
Another wonderful column!!
I had a feeling Xenosaga would be bad...I never finished the rest of the games because I was turned off by the mass of cut scenes in the first game. I want to actually do some work in a video game, not watch 36 hours of cut scenes.
That figure collection was humbled mine. I want the swimsuit Saber...she's really happy.
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