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pointless rationalizations to make anime appear evil?

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Joined: 05 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 2:09 am Reply with quote
as many anime viewers have encountered there have been many ignorant people and or groups that try to rationalize misunderstandings in anime to try and make it look foul to try and ban it from the united states, list some of these ignorant or pointless rationalizations that just about make you want to groan, one such rationalization that I heard of was brought about from Bleach, more to be exact ichigo's bankai sword or to be exact the hilt guard, people try to call it a scwastica or a "reverse scwastica" in order to rationalize the groundless claim that the sword is a symbol of neo nazi ideals, sorry if this is in the wrong section
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 2:37 am Reply with quote
People will always invent these rationalizations for anything that appears popular yet outside the accepted "wholesome" mainstream...everything from Harry Potter to video games to heavy metal music to Teletubbies has been vilified at some point or another.
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Joined: 05 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 2:39 am Reply with quote
Zalis116 wrote:
People will always invent these rationalizations for anything that appears popular yet outside the accepted "wholesome" mainstream...everything from Harry Potter to video games to heavy metal music to Teletubbies has been vilified at some point or another.
true but I want to hear what others have seen, to disproove this "idiot" I noted that I searched through several reliable dictionary sites and didn't find an article for a "reverse scwastica"
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Joined: 15 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 3:00 am Reply with quote
There's several aspects to this topic.

Guessing you'r not living in Japan. There are always people who would not accept anime/manga for being foreign but mostly their lack of understanding. This sometimes transforms into direct criticism, so everything than could be viewd as negative is going to.

Cristians ,mostly Catholic(I'm catholic) are the ones responsible for the evil accusations. Atleast in countries were the Catholic church the far greater than any other religion.
Ex: Several years back I think...Pokemon was Viewd as evil. I'm guessing because It's strange, kids love it and murchandise is(was) overwelming the population(kids).
As we age so does time and soon this accusations will be no more.

I've directly witnest an individual view anime and because this individual didn't like it. They were pointing out all the flaws with some exageration. I think thats how most speculations are given birth. As long as people don't go into extremes things are fine, or at least normal. I'v heard of parents making kids burn their manga.Thats extreme!
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Joined: 05 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 3:05 am Reply with quote
abominaSion wrote:
There's several aspects to this topic.

Guessing you'r not living in Japan. There are always people who would not accept anime/manga for being foreign but mostly their lack of understanding. This sometimes transforms into direct criticism, so everything than could be viewd as negative is going to.

Cristians ,mostly Catholic(I'm catholic) are the ones responsible for the evil accusations. Atleast in countries were the Catholic church the far greater than any other religion.
Ex: Several years back I think...Pokemon was Viewd as evil. I'm guessing because It's strange, kids love it and murchandise is(was) overwelming the population(kids).
As we age so does time and soon this accusations will be no more.

I've directly witnest an individual view anime and because this individual didn't like it. They were pointing out all the flaws with some exageration. I think thats how most speculations are given birth. As long as people don't go into extremes things are fine, or at least normal. I'v heard of parents making kids burn their manga.Thats extreme!
one rather old but extream remark I remember from a different forum where an isolationist christan posted a petition to ban all anime for dark and evil topics, one line that kept repeating was that all japanese media was to be sent back to "the dark land of japan" the person thus began to list anime that was "supposedly" dark and evil, to anilize the ignorance of this person I found that the only anime listed that could have been viewed as bad was sailor moon due to sexual enuendos the other two animes the person listed was hamtaro for "mental distortion" hinting to a dislike of talking animals and hello kitty due to the whole incident with the erherm vibrator, and no I don't live in japan would like to visit atleast once but no I live near the centeral area of the united states
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Joined: 18 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 8:06 am Reply with quote
MagusGuardian wrote:
true but I want to hear what others have seen, to disproove this "idiot" I noted that I searched through several reliable dictionary sites and didn't find an article for a "reverse scwastica"

The fact that you aren't spelling the word right probably doesn't help. It's swastika.

The swastika is a symbol used in multiple Eastern religions, such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. Buddhism especially has had a large affect on Japan and thus is probably the reason why the sword definitely is shaped like a swastika. However it has nothing to do with Nazis.
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Joined: 12 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 8:09 am Reply with quote
MagusGuardian wrote:
as many anime viewers have encountered there have been many ignorant people and or groups that try to rationalize misunderstandings in anime to try and make it look foul to try and ban it from the united states, list some of these ignorant or pointless rationalizations that just about make you want to groan, one such rationalization that I heard of was brought about from Bleach, more to be exact ichigo's bankai sword or to be exact the hilt guard, people try to call it a scwastica or a "reverse scwastica" in order to rationalize the groundless claim that the sword is a symbol of neo nazi ideals, sorry if this is in the wrong section

Okay, I know anime gets plenty of unfair complains and criticisms, but keep it in perspective. If you just want to discuss those few idiot extremists thats fine. However, that is what they are. There is no huge movement to "ban anime". At worst there are a few idiots out there who have some delusional idea that anime is satan's work or something. For the most part though the main thing anime gets is either simply made fun of because it seems nerdy (and lets face it, it is.) Or also, people who think its weird because it seems strange to them.

I'm not sure to what extent, if at all, you were saying otherwise but either way I just wanted to point that out.

Zalis116 wrote:
People will always invent these rationalizations for anything that appears popular yet outside the accepted "wholesome" mainstream...everything from Harry Potter to video games to heavy metal music to Teletubbies has been vilified at some point or another.

You look at them and tell me they aren't evil. I oppose them simply on the grounds that they freak me right the f--- out.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 10:11 am Reply with quote
I've also heard said that what some people call a "reverse swastika" is actually a peace symbol in certain Native American cultures.

Really, MagusGuardian, these extremists complaints are no different - and no more effective, loud, or better-informed - than those which have tried to proclaim Dungeons and Dragons as inherently evil over the years. Unless it becomes a major public issue, I'd just ignore it, as there are always half-baked religious fanatics out there campaigning against something that the general public usually doesn't give a damn about.

And you really need to clean up your writing if you're going to be posting regularly, BTW. There are these wonderful things called punctuation marks that you could learn how to use. . . Rolling Eyes
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Joined: 17 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 10:14 am Reply with quote
I think part of the problem might be that for every Haibane Renmei or Kino's Journey, there seem to be 20 fanservice or ultraviolent titles on the shelves - and that's without adding anime with controversial religious imagery, the shounen-ai titles, lolicon and outright hentai. Your ultraconservatives aren't usually going to weed through all that, and a general skim through the shelves is probably all they need to freak them out.

That being said, as others have pointed out there are always going to be people who can't be reasoned with. Remember a few years ago when there was a conspiracy theory that Sesame Street's Bert and Ernie were a "plot" to make children comfortable with homosexuality?
Rolling Eyes
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Joined: 02 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 10:51 am Reply with quote
MagusGuardian wrote:
as many anime viewers have encountered there have been many ignorant people and or groups that try to rationalize misunderstandings in anime to try and make it look foul to try and ban it from the united states, list some of these ignorant or pointless rationalizations that just about make you want to groan, one such rationalization that I heard of was brought about from Bleach, more to be exact ichigo's bankai sword or to be exact the hilt guard, people try to call it a scwastica or a "reverse scwastica" in order to rationalize the groundless claim that the sword is a symbol of neo nazi ideals, sorry if this is in the wrong section

Haha Laughing that's weird because what I know about swastica (derived from Sanskrit "svastica") it means welfare. It's a symbol of prosperity and good fortune. I can't remember but I read it from somewhere, probably; oh yeah... I remember... I read it from the manga "Blade of the Immortal"... Swastika is a symbol widely used throughout the ancient world (Mesopotamian coinage, North/South America) and it was also used in Japan as a symbol of Buddhism since ancient times. What the Japanese Buddhists used, to be precise is the sauvastika (swastika in counter-clockwise direction) and it's called Manji (also a character from BOTI).

Last edited by .::Lain::. on Sat Dec 01, 2007 10:53 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 17 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 10:52 am Reply with quote
MagusGuardian wrote:
true but I want to hear what others have seen, to disproove this "idiot" I noted that I searched through several reliable dictionary sites and didn't find an article for a "reverse scwastica"

That's because it generally isn't called a 'reverse swastika'- in that version of the pattern is generally called a 'manji' and represents Harmony in Buddist/Hindu culture (it's a bit more complicated than that, but there's the short version.) Some believe Hilter actually adopted the symbol because of this meaning.

Besides all that, though- there's always a group out vilify something, no matter what it may be, and no matter how they have to do it. Rest assured, these things never make it far enough up the political food chain to even have a chance of affecting your ability to get anime in the US. It's not getting banned. Don't pay them much mind.
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Joined: 22 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 11:16 am Reply with quote
When I was younger, back when DBZ was still new on American TV, my friend and I were talking about the saiyans. His mom was hardcore Catholic and when she heard the word 'saiyans,' she was all like:

"You're not wathing anything with seances!"

For those of you who do not know what a seance is, it's a meeting in which a spiritualist attempts to communicate with the spirits of the dead.
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Joined: 01 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 11:18 am Reply with quote
abominaSion wrote:
There's several aspects to this topic.

Guessing you'r not living in Japan. There are always people who would not accept anime/manga for being foreign but mostly their lack of understanding. This sometimes transforms into direct criticism, so everything than could be viewd as negative is going to.

Cristians ,mostly Catholic(I'm catholic) are the ones responsible for the evil accusations. Atleast in countries were the Catholic church the far greater than any other religion.
Ex: Several years back I think...Pokemon was Viewd as evil. I'm guessing because It's strange, kids love it and murchandise is(was) overwelming the population(kids).
As we age so does time and soon this accusations will be no more.

I've directly witnest an individual view anime and because this individual didn't like it. They were pointing out all the flaws with some exageration. I think thats how most speculations are given birth. As long as people don't go into extremes things are fine, or at least normal. I'v heard of parents making kids burn their manga.Thats extreme!

I wouldn't say it's mostly Catholics. I'm Catholic, and only once have I ever personally heard a Catholic declare anime evil. My best friend's mother thinks so for...really odd reasons. But I've never heard any crap about it from my church or priest. I have, however, heard a lot of crap from Protestants. And very few countries are predominantly Catholic. The only ones I'm coming up with are France, Mexico, and Spain. England is Anglican/Protestant, Germany is Protestant/Presbeterian, etc. America is largely Protestant as well.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 11:29 am Reply with quote
Key wrote:
I've also heard said that what some people call a "reverse swastika" is actually a peace symbol in certain Native American cultures.

Just a quick history lesson; the swastika as used by the Nazis did not originate from them. In other words they didn't create it. The earliest accounts of it are supposedly traced back to Neolithic India.

Oh, and there's always people who unfairly discriminate against anime just as everything else. I doubt there's one thing on this planet that there aren't some people who unfairly discriminate against. People don't like or fear what they don't understand.
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:24 pm Reply with quote

It's not anime related but its pretty much the latest "everything that doesn't have God and Jesus skipping down a field of flowers is evil" crap that gets spewed out by the religious right. It's pretty much just goes to show that there is no possible way for something to escape random scrutiny as long as "news stations" like Fox have a big enough voice to try and stir up hysteria.
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