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(The) Ancient Magus' Bride (TV).

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Joined: 14 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 11:39 pm Reply with quote

Season 01: (The) Ancient Magus' Bride (TV)
Season 02 (1st half): (The) Ancient Magus' Bride (TV 2) (discussion starts here)
Season 02 (2nd half): (The) Ancient Magus' Bride (TV 3)

Source: Manga (ongoing @ 19 volumes, by Kore Yamazaki)

Demographic: Shounen

Animation Studio:
Season 01: Wit Studio
Season 02: Studio Kafka

Genre: drama, magic, mystery, romance

Themes: dark fantasy, mythology, superpowers

Plot Summary: Chise Hatori is 15-year-old orphan. She has no relatives, means, or hopes when a demonic sorcerer who can't become human buys her. He states that Chise will now be his apprentice and bride.

Air Date & Platform:
Season 01: October 7, 2017 (Saturday)
Available on: Crunchyroll

Season 02: (1st half) April 6, 2023 (Thursday)
Available on: Crunchyroll

Season 02 (2nd half): October 5, 2023 (Thursday)
Available on: Crunchyroll

Episode Count / Runtime:
Season 01: 24 episodes
Season 02 (1st half): 12 episodes
Season 02 (2nd half): 12 episodes

Total: 48 episodes


No, seriously, though... the animation was gorgeous, the adaptation was spot-on, some scenes were line-for-line, but without the lack of heart that other recent exact-to-manga adaptations have been *coughCrystalcough*. It was everything I'd wanted in an adaptation, and probably more. Cannot wait until October for the series to start properly!
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 1:02 pm Reply with quote
Opening and Ending were beautiful (they skipped those for the theatrical release), but I am annoyed that they're still using "sorcerer" instead of "alchemist." It's a pet peeve of mine when there's an established translation (that, even if not the most accurate, makes sense in-context), and it gets changed because another company didn't bother doing the research.
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Joined: 29 May 2014
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 1:34 pm Reply with quote
Time to see what the fuss is about with this series. Hyped up by others on this website and other places I visit, at first glance it seems like a cross between Natsume Yuujinchou and Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii.

If there's one thing I'm not sure about, it's giving the protagonist red hair and green hair yet designating her ethnicity as Japanese. She could easily have a Western European or North American name and still not look out of place. Maybe it's because of her peculiar nature necessitating an East Asian background to explain why she's ostracised for having supernatural sight.

Forgettable OP song in my opinion, the ED is more memorable and pleasing to the ear. As for the rest of the episode, the comic interludes featuring Elias with the pinkish eyes and classic Japanese comic animation are incongruous given the general mood and setting. Since it's based on an ongoing and very popular series, I suppose I should just accept it and see what else this series has to offer. Based on the trailer, there's going to be plenty of world building to come since Chise is a complete stranger to Elias' world in the same way as the uninitiated viewer is.
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Joined: 05 Jan 2017
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 4:02 pm Reply with quote
I just finished watching episode 1.
I thoroughly enjoyed it! A near 1:1 adaptation of the Manga's first chapter.
Now if this is near the pace the rest of this series runs, I'll be pleased to see this 2 cour series end around chapter 25/26.

@Harleyquin - Even with the Manga's near 40 Chapters, there's a lot to be seen. One of the reasons I enjoy the Manga is this slow build into the 'world' Chise has been brought into.

I'm definitely going to enjoy this series.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 11:51 pm Reply with quote
TymersRealm wrote:
I just finished watching episode 1.
I thoroughly enjoyed it! A near 1:1 adaptation of the Manga's first chapter.
Now if this is near the pace the rest of this series runs, I'll be pleased to see this 2 cour series end around chapter 25/26.

@Harleyquin - Even with the Manga's near 40 Chapters, there's a lot to be seen. One of the reasons I enjoy the Manga is this slow build into the 'world' Chise has been brought into.

I'm definitely going to enjoy this series.

I wouldn't be far off assuming the fanbase for this series being similar to Natsumi Yuujinchou then. Similar themes running through both titles and all. Big difference probably being the supernatural elements in this series being closer to what North American and Western Europe readers grew up with.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 1:47 am Reply with quote
I think that I remember saying in the OVA discussion that I have a particular fascination in classic faeries, and why I am part of the so looking forward to this camp. And I liked how this episode had the sort of strange acting faeries who seem friendly, and then establishes the danger of following them into the forest as they tried to abduct her to the faerie world. I actually recently got into a youtube channel that does readings of stories or accounts that are mysterious to creepy.

First episode was good, having seen the OVA and thus having an idea of what Chise has been through is some nice context for her character.
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Village Elder

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 10:43 am Reply with quote
Harleyquin wrote:
If there's one thing I'm not sure about, it's giving the protagonist red hair and green hair yet designating her ethnicity as Japanese. She could easily have a Western European or North American name and still not look out of place. Maybe it's because of her peculiar nature necessitating an East Asian background to explain why she's ostracized for having supernatural sight.

For what it is worth, the red hair and green eyes are present on the cover of the first manga volume and on the color pages inside. I expect she is shown as born and raised in Japan simply because the initial audience is Japanese.

spoiler[So far in both manga and anime there has been no discussion of her hair or eye color.] I suspect it was added to make her seem physically "other" to the people around her in Japan, much as Yoko in Twelve Kingdoms does. The author is building her world slowly and there may be an explanation in the future, or possibly not. I can think of at least three explanations but they would be speculation.

A minor point, Chise is not ostracized for having supernatural sight rather, like Natsume, it is because of the way the sight causes her to act. To the normal person her actions look rather crazy. Years ago, at the canteen at work, we had a person sitting alone at a four person table. He was carrying on a conversation with three other people that no one could see. You could tell as he would turn to each when he responded to what they "said". We knew who he was and he was obviously off his meds but it was still rather scary to see. If I had a classmate who consistently acted like that, I doubt I would want to associate with them either.

Last edited by Alan45 on Sun Oct 08, 2017 2:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 11:26 am Reply with quote
Alan45 wrote:

For what it is worth, the red hair and green eyes are present on the cover of the first manga volume and on the color pages inside. I expect she is shown as born and raised in Japan simply because the initial audience is Japanese.

spoiler[ So far in both manga and anime there has been no discussion of her hair or eye color. I suspect it was added to make her seem physically "other" to the people around her in Japan, much as Yoko in Twelve Kingdoms does. The author is building her world slowly and there may be an explanation in the future, or possibly not. I can think of at least three explanations but they would be speculation. ]

A minor point, Chise is not ostracized for having supernatural sight rather, like Natsume, it is because of the way the sight causes her to act. To the normal person her actions look rather crazy. Years ago, at the canteen at work, we had a person sitting alone at a four person table. He was carrying on a conversation with three other people that no one could see. You could tell as he would turn to each when he responded to what they "said". We knew who he was and he was obviously off his meds but it was still rather scary to see. If I had a classmate who consistently acted like that, I doubt I would want to associate with them either.

Much as I appreciate the background info from the source material, it's really in everyone's best interest that the above info is kept in spoiler brackets. The forum has its rules after all.

Very poor wording on my part, but yes I'm aware Hatori Chitose is mistreated for the same reason Natsume Takashi is in his series. It's always the reactions from those who don't have the sight that marks the exception out as one who is "not normal" and hence undeserving of sympathy or understanding.

Speaking of people who act like the example above, the world is a VERY big place and one would be surprised to learn that not every country and culture would have the same reaction to what you've described. Personally I would just ignore the person, but wouldn't have any issues interacting with such a person if I had to. As long as said person doesn't threaten my safety directly, there's little reason to treat that person as a pariah simply for something that's out of the ordinary.

Last edited by Harleyquin on Sun Oct 08, 2017 10:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 11:31 am Reply with quote
There's another aspect to what Alan was saying, which was somewhat explained in the episode.

Like Elias told Chise, neighbors will love her and want to help her. But their "help" isn't necessarily what she'd want. And since Sleigh Beggies draw neighbors to them, it often seems like there is misfortune around them. Chise is unique among Sleigh Beggies, because having the Site is rare, so she can actually see what is doing the actions causing the misfortune.

It's explained elsewhere (I forget where, so I'll spoiler-mark it) that spoiler[Chise's mother killed herself, because of the "misfortune" Chise brought (her father has yet to be mentioned)]. Then, due to her misfortune and "weirdness," she was bumped around from unwilling family member to unwilling family member, until eventually she was willing to kill herself to end everything, which is where the first episode started (note that while her attempted suicide is implied in the manga, that was actually new in the anime).
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 11:46 am Reply with quote
Sounds like a more extreme case of Natsume Takashi (in his case there are very few examples of the ones he sees actively bringing out misfortune to others around him). So the big difference is Hatori Chitose draws the aberrations to her by her presence alone. Just as well she's taken in by someone who knows how the phenomenon works and who can teach her to use it to her advantage rather than simply going with the flow.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 11:50 am Reply with quote
I've only watched episode one of the series, and I didn't see anything in Alan's comments that would constitute spoilage. In the brief flashbacks we see the reactions of the people around Chise. His comment that, "to the normal person her actions look rather crazy," seemed appropriate given what little I've seen of this story. Her misgivings about her power reminded me of Kotoura-san's distress about her mind-reading abilities.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 12:03 pm Reply with quote
yuna49 wrote:
I've only watched episode one of the series, and I didn't see anything in Alan's comments that would constitute spoilage. In the brief flashbacks we see the reactions of the people around Chise. His comment that, "to the normal person her actions look rather crazy," seemed appropriate given what little I've seen of this story. Her misgivings about her power reminded me of Kotoura-san's distress about her mind-reading abilities.

Second paragraph of the post.

Information from the manga needs to be placed in spoiler brackets and highlighted as such. Read the big sticky at the top of the forum for full details.
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Village Elder

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 2:47 pm Reply with quote
I have marked the sentence in question. However, I think you are being a bit extreme in considering it a spoiler. spoiler[I did not provide any information from the manga other than the fact that there is no information.]

By the way, since you quoted my entire post, you will have to add the spoiler brackets yourself.

Yes the world is a very big place, but her back story takes place in Japan which has very small tolerance for unusual behavior. The problem with someone acting irrationally in public is that you do not know what they are going to do. In the case I mentioned, no one said anything but no one was willing to go anywhere near him either.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 3:36 pm Reply with quote
The OVA also showed that the things she saw and apparently attracted, were commonly things incredibly creepy that a child would not want to go near, causing her to have habits of suddenly refusing to go to places like her bed, which would look like erratic behaviour.
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Joined: 29 May 2014
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 1:30 pm Reply with quote

More cast introduced with a little light shone on Chise's background. I suppose her mother showing her the poppy garden was long before she was driven to jump off a balcony in despair at her daughter.

There are other franchises around which differentiate between magic and sorcery. It seems Chise is apprenticed to learn the latter. Sorcery in question here seems to be some kind of summoning magic which binds the supernatural beings to one's will to effect some kind of reality-altering end. At least that's what I can tell from Angelica Bealy's explanation.

Father Callum seems a nice sort, but I'm curious why Elias kept his face veiled when they were indoors. Both parties have known each other time for some time so is it a reason of protocol or does Elias really detest Callum's guts enough to not show him his face?

Interested cliffhanger at the end. In addition to magic, it seems dragons still exist in the world of this series and they're also interested in Elias' new apprentice. Looks like an opportunity to introduce more cast members and to set up antagonists to the bone-headed sorcerer.
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